Into the Storm (53 page)

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Authors: Melanie Moreland

BOOK: Into the Storm
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Hands were slapping my cheeks. My eyes flew open and I stared into Dr. Sue’s concerned, yet amused, eyes. I struggled to sit up, raising my hand to my aching head. “What happened?”

Dr. Sue smiled. “I think you found yourself a little overwhelmed, Joshua, and you held your breath too long. You passed out. Luckily, I stopped you from hitting the ground too hard.”

I stared at her. I passed out? Searching my memory, I heard her words. “Twins? Rabbit’s having twins?”

Behind Dr. Sue, Rabbit spoke. “
having twins, Joshua.”

I pushed myself up, Dr. Sue putting a hand on my arm to keep me steady. “Easy there, Joshua.” I paused to get my bearings then closed the space to Rabbit, who was sitting up on the exam table regarding me with anxious eyes. When I reached her, I wrapped my arms around her, breathing her in. “
,” I whispered adoringly into her hair. “

She laughed softly. “
, Joshua.” Her hand came up, cupping my face. “Are you okay?”

I nodded, but sat down beside her. Dr. Sue came over with a cup of water and watched as I drank it. “Your head glanced off the table a little, Joshua. Have Daniel check it before you go, okay?”

I nodded, my eyes focused on the paper in her hand. Smiling, she handed me the pictures from the ultrasound. “Everything is fine, Joshua. Lizzy is healthy. The babies are healthy. Your little family is doing fine.”

My hand greedily grasped the paper and I stared at the picture of our babies.


Two little rabbits.

I looked up. “Do we know what they are? Boy, girl?”

Dr. Sue shook her head. “Too soon, Joshua.” She turned to Rabbit. “Get dressed and I’ll meet you in the office to answer any questions and we’ll set you up with your next appointment.” She smiled widely. “I’ll clear a little extra time, because I know you’ll have questions, Joshua,” she laughed teasingly.

When she left, I turned and gathered Rabbit up in my arms again. “Twins, Rabbit. Two BG’s!” I whispered, excitement evident in my voice.

She pulled away and smiled; her happiness radiant. “Maybe two Jacks, or one of each, Daddy.”

I looked at her grinning. “Say that again.”

She cupped my face. “Daddy.”

I leaned in and kissed her deeply, my voice suddenly thick with emotion. “Thank you. I never thought I would ever father a child. And, now we’re having
.” My hand covered her stomach, softly stroking, and I raised my eyes to her in wonder.

Rabbit’s fingers tenderly stroked my face. “I think that puts to rest the doctor’s ‘probable’ theory, Joshua. I’d say your swimmers are doing just fine,” she chuckled and waggled her eyebrows at me.

I laughed. “So it would seem.” I rubbed my head. “The news caught me off guard though. I don’t think I’ve ever passed out before.”

Rabbit leaned up and kissed my bruised forehead lightly. “We’ll go and see Daniel.”

I groaned. “He is gonna laugh his ass off over this.”

Rabbit chuckled and snuggled her head onto my chest. “No, he won’t, Joshua. The news was a little ... shocking. I had no idea, either. It’s probably a good thing I was lying down at the time.” She sighed softly. “This is gonna be a huge adjustment.”

I laughed. “I have never looked forward to adjusting to something as much as I am this, Rabbit.” I stood up, looking at her, my mind racing. “We need to get two of everything. Good thing we hadn’t ordered stuff yet. Do we need two nurseries? Do babies share a room? You need more rest. And lots of smoothies. More meat. I think babies need protein. I need to get a list of things we need to avoid from Dr. Sue. And classes, there are classes we should take. I should probably get more books. I’m sure there are special books about twins. I’ll ask Dr. Sue. Should I carry you around? Maybe you shouldn’t be walking … and maybe ...” My rapid ramblings were cut short when Rabbit placed her hand over my mouth.

Relax, Joshua. Breathe. I can’t have you passing out again. One step at a time. But, most importantly, I am perfectly capable of walking. I don’t need you carrying me. Okay?”

Smiling, I kissed her soft palm, and stood up. I took in a deep breath and nodded. “Okay. Let’s get you dressed and go ask some questions. Then I am taking you home and making my little
a smoothie.” I grinned. “They like them. No arguing with me … Mommy.”

Rabbit’s brilliant smile said so much.

Okay, Daddy. No arguments today.”





Six weeks later, I pulled back onto the road leading to the gate and home. Today had been a trying day. Another session with Trina that I drove myself to, at the same time leaving Rabbit alone. I hated leaving her alone. The first time I tried, I never made it to my appointment. I had to turn around and go get her. Finally, after several attempts, I was able to make it all the way to the hospital, but only with Rabbit’s voice in my ear via the Bluetooth device I put in the truck. I was so distracted during our session; Trina gave up and sent me home. Since then, I had gotten better, but I still hated leaving Rabbit. Often she came in with me and walked around the shops in town. Eventually I was actually able to join her after and be comfortable, even to the point that we often ate a meal while we were in town, which was a huge step for me. But today, she was tired and just wanted to stay home and refused to let me cancel my appointment. I pulled up to the gates, frowning. Why were they open? Stepping on the gas, I tore up the driveway, relaxing a little when I saw the UPS truck. I pulled up and waved at Jay as he stepped back into the truck and drove away. Rabbit made her way over to my truck, smiling. “Hi,” she waved. “Did you bring the ice cream?”

I laughed, holding up the bag. “Tell the bunnies Daddy got it. Go get the bowls, Rabbit. I’ll go park the truck and be right there.”

I pulled forward into the barn and got out, glancing over at the fully restored Escort that had arrived yesterday. I hadn’t shown it to Rabbit yet, since she hadn’t been feeling well and had been rather emotional. I was waiting until the right time, when she felt a little calmer, but I knew she’d love it. The car held a sentimental value to her and I wanted her to be able to keep it. I stood looking at it for a minute, smiling as I imagined her reaction when she saw it. Leaning over, I grabbed the ice cream. This was one of Rabbit’s major constant cravings and I literally couldn’t keep enough on hand. Last week it had been Banana Fudge. This week was Black Cherry. Just as I grabbed the bag, I heard Bear start barking. The deep, angry growls were loud and ferocious, alerting me to danger. Then I heard Rabbit’s terrified cry and my blood ran cold. I dropped the bag and ran as fast as I could. I rounded the corner and stumbled at the sight before me.

A car I didn’t recognize.

Bear, aggressive in his stance and growling deeply, pacing in front of an obviously pregnant, frightened Rabbit.

Two men, not moving, by the car.

One of them—Brian James.



Chapter Forty-Three


What the fuck was that bastard doing here?

I ran to Rabbit’s side and pulled her shaking form protectively against me. Instinctively, one hand went to her already rounded stomach. “Are you all right? Did he touch you?” I asked anxiously, my voice quiet, while keeping my eyes on the two men in front of me. “Steady, Bear, stay,” I added lowly.

No. He hasn’t moved.” Her voice was panicked. “Why is he here? Oh God, Joshua, don’t let him … the babies …” her hand gripped the top of mine on her stomach as her voice trailed off into tears and I pulled her even closer.

He’s not getting near you, Rabbit,” I promised.

You’re pregnant, Elizabeth.” Brian’s voice was snide. “That was fast.”

You shut your fucking mouth, James. Don’t you dare talk down to her,” I roared, glaring at him, not surprised to see him lower his eyes immediately.

Such a typical bully. Fucking coward.

How the fuck did you get in here?”

We came in as the truck was leaving.”

Then fucking find your way out in the same fashion. Get off my property.”

They didn’t move. I stepped in front of Rabbit protectively, but they still didn’t budge. I moved forward, Bear matching my steps. “Get off my property,

I hissed. I could feel my fists clenching, and I knew it would only take the smallest provocation from either of them and I would start swinging. Happily.

Behind me, Rabbit spoke. “Joshua! Please … don’t touch him. No violence.

she begged and the fear in her voice stopped my thoughts. I backed up slightly, but let Bear stay where he was. They were both fearful of him, judging by the rapid eye movements as they glanced between him and me. They had no way of knowing he would never attack unless I commanded him to do so, and probably, the worst he would do was knock them to the ground and growl down at them. But I let them remain fearful and ordered him to stay as I returned to Rabbit’s side, digging in my pocket for my cell phone.

Are you a complete idiot, James? You’re breaking your restraining order just by being here,” I snarled. “I’m calling the police.”

I was shocked when he simply nodded. “I expected you to. I assume it will take them ten or fifteen minutes to get here. That’s enough time.”

Reaching behind me, I gently pushed Rabbit backwards. I spoke calmly to her. “Go inside the house. Lock the door. Call Adam, Rabbit.”

James stepped forward. “No.”

I felt Rabbit push herself into my back in terror. Her shaking had increased and I could feel her hands pressing tightly against my sides. This stress wasn’t good for her or the babies.

I shook my head furiously at him. “You have no say in what she does or doesn’t do anymore, James. Get the fuck off my property

Bear stood, growling low in his throat, waiting for me to give the signal for him to move.

Brian raised his hands is supplication. “I’m not here to hurt Elizabeth. Or tell her what to do. All I’m asking for is a chance to talk to her.”

She doesn’t want to talk to you. She doesn’t want you to be here. You’re not
to be here. Leave.” I hit speed dial for Adam and listened as it started to ring.

The man beside Brian held up his hand. “Please. Let him speak. He isn’t asking to be alone with Elizabeth. Just a chance to say something. Then we’ll leave.”

Adam’s voicemail picked up. “Brian James is here,” I hissed into the phone and hung up.

What do you have to say that is so important that you’re willing to risk going to jail for? Or are you so fucking stupid you didn’t think about that, James?” I growled.

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