Into The Sunset: An Erotic Romance Anthology (29 page)

Read Into The Sunset: An Erotic Romance Anthology Online

Authors: Vivian Wood

Tags: #erotica ebooks, #werewolf and shifter, #erotica adult, #erotica paranormal romance, #erotica adult fiction, #erotica romace, #werewolf bdsm erotica, #werewolf erotic story, #erotic romance short stories, #cowboy anthology, #erotica alpha male, #erotica bdsm collection, #cowboy love stories, #erotica alpha male domination submission bdsm, #cowboy books, #werewolf alpha romance, #erotica adult books, #cowboy bdsm romance, #erotica antholgoies

BOOK: Into The Sunset: An Erotic Romance Anthology
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"Um, Mamacita, I love to kiss you," he

She moaned her response. He placed his hand
against the outside of her dress cupping her breast and rubbing her
nipple with his thumb.

"Does that feel good, Sexy Mama?"

"Uh huh!"

It felt so good to have someone touching her
there, it having been so long. The more he kissed her, the wetter
her panties got. Victor motioned for the attendant to lower them.
They continued kissing until the car stopped at the

They walked about 100 feet holding hands and
giggling until they found a gazebo secluded by shrubbery and
flowers. Victor took off his jacket and hung it over a rail. They
sat down on the front steps. She felt a little apprehension, but it
was manageable. She welcomed Victor's lips back and wrapped her
arms around his neck. He pulled her close, and she felt her breasts
smash against him.

"You drive me crazy, Mamacita! I want you so

"I want you, too, Victor!"

He unzipped her dress, and it fell in the
front her, exposing her black bra. He slowly rubbed his hands over
it, and then he unhooked it, pulled it off, and used it to tie her
hands together. That was the first time that had ever happened to
her, but it was electrifying laying there waiting to see what
happened next.

He laid her back and then lowered himself down
on the floor beside her. He gnawed on her lips with his, while his
hands massaged her large breasts.

"Your tatas are gorgeous!" he said.

"I love it when you talk to me! You are so

The more he squeezed her nipples, the tighter
her crotch felt. When he sucked them, he looked deep into her eyes
searching for her soul. She knew then that he had her

"Are you sure you want to do this?" he


"Would you tell me if you weren't


"Oh, Mami! I love you! Te amo!"

"Te amo! I love you, too!"

Victor unbuttoned his shirt and slipped it
off. "What do you want now, Mami? Tell me!" She squirmed, clenching
her thighs together.

"You, baby, I want to see the rest of

"You want to see my piroca, don’t

She nodded, "I want to your piroca inside me!"
He dropped his pants. It was mostly dark, but she could see his
perfect form. She yearned to have him touch her. He squatted down
and rubbed her smooth pussy with his fingers.

"Do you like this?"

She moaned.

"What do you want, Mami, tell me?"

"I want you to fuck me!"

"You want me to fuck you?" He encircled her
engorged clit with his thumb. Impulses rolled through

"Oh! Yes, baby, yes! You're gonna make me

He tapped her clit harder and faster and slid
his finger inside. She felt her body lose control.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!"

"Oh, yeah, that's good, Mamacita, come for

He crawled on top of her, "You want this?" he
whispered, shoving his cock deep inside her. He rotated his hips
attentively, never moving his gaze from her eyes except for when he
kissed her.

"Your body is smokin' Mami!" He started
rocking a little faster. "You like my hard piroca deep inside you,
don't you, Mami?"

"It feels so good." Her eyes rolled back as
she felt herself tightening up again. "You are making me come

"You like to come? Huh, Mami?"

"Here I come! Here I come!"

Her body tensed completely and released in
ecstasy as Victor came with her. They rested silently for a few
minutes, and then they got dressed.

"How are you, Toni?"

"I am good. So good."

He kissed the top of her head. "I am going to
marry you as soon as you let me," Victor said.

"Oh, really? Is that so?" He took her hand and
they walked back to the car. In the backseat, she snuggled up
against him. She did not want to go home without him, but she knew
she had to.





Snakes and Snow

At dinner on Sunday, Toni and Betty had lots
to talk about. Toni shared all the wonderful details of their date,
well, except for the secret parts. Betty liked the fact that he
took her to an amusement park and that they had ridden roller
coasters together for the first time.

"So romantic," Betty said.

"I know right?"

Toni shared with Betty what Victor had said
about his parents.

"Whoa, that's something special!"

"I love him, Betty. I want to be his soft
place to land," Toni admitted.

Betty smiled ear to ear.

"That's super, honey! You deserve

Toni was concerned about how this would affect
the kids. She asked for Betty's advice.

"What do I tell them?"

"Don't you be troubled. You have done a
remarkable job with those kids. They are kind and loving. Big John
would want you to give them a strong family. It might take some
time to adjust just because it's different, but they will be better
off with a happy mommy and a big-hearted new daddy in the long

"He told me he liked me because I am grateful
for what I have."

"That's because a lot of people are never
satisfied no matter how much they get. When that drunk killed John,
you could have crawled in a hole and died with him. A lot of people
do. However, you faced the challenges head on instead. Being
appreciative for what you still have is what saved you."

They hugged each other

"What would I do without you,

"Hopefully, you'll never have to

"He said me he was going to marry me as soon
as I let him. Is today too soon?"

They both laughed.

The phone rang. Betty answered it and handed
it to Toni.


"Hello, Mamacita. How are you?"

"I am wonderful. How are you?"

"I had an excellent time last

"Oh, me, too!"

"You gave me precious gift. Muchas gracias
thank you very much."

"You're welcome. I'm glad you liked

"Oh, Mami, I loved it!"

"So did I." She looked around and was glad to
see both children outside so they could not hear her.

"Let me ask you something."


"If you are uncomfortable with it, you tell
me, okay"


"You promise?"


"I would like to take you and the kids to the
zoo next Saturday."

She was not surprised. She had kind of figured
this was coming before too long.

"That will be fun. Yes."

"Are you sure, Mami?"

"Yes, I am. I hope they love you as much as I

"Oh, Mami, those words from you are music to
my ears. Te amo. I love you, too.

"Te amo," she repeated.

"Can you be ready by nine?

"Sound good."

"See you then."

"Goodbye, my love."


She waited until Thursday to tell the kids.
She wanted them to have time to anticipate the zoo visit, but she
did not want them overly excited all week long. That would drive
her nuts.

Her roses from Victor sitting in her line of
sight, she sat with them, eating dinner. She told them things were
getting serious between her and Victor. Fiona was thrilled, but
Little Johnny did not care much for all that mushy

"Are you really pleased about it, Fiona, do
you think you will like it if I marry him?"

"Oh, Mommy, yes! Look how happy you are

"If you marry him, will he be my daddy?"
Little Johnny spoke up.

"Yes, he will. Does that sound like a good

"Yep! I need a daddy."

"Well, on Saturday morning, he has invited us
all to go to the zoo. Does that sound fun?"

"The zoo? Yes, please, please, please," Little
Johnny said.

"I think it is a super idea," Fiona

Toni was satisfied with the way the
conversation had gone. She was no longer worried that the kids
would object. Here goes nothing!


On Saturday morning, the limo arrived at nine.
Victor knocked on the door. Little Johnny answered the door. Victor
extended his hand for a handshake, and Little Johnny shook

"Good morning, sir, and how are you this fine

"I am fine on this fine day," Little Johnny

Toni walked in drying her hands with a dish
towel. She wore jeans and a green blouse.

"Hello, Mamacita, you look

"Thank you. You look cute in

She walked over to him and gave him a
welcoming hug. Then Fiona came out from the bedroom.

"Hello, Princesita, you are as beautiful as
your dear mother."

They walked out together and climbed into the
backseat of the car. Little Johnny talked up a storm while everyone
listened to him and laughed at the silly things he said. It was an
amusing ride to the airport. As they approached the plane, Little
Johnny had a question.

"Are we going to ride the

Everyone smiled at his enthusiasm.

"Would you like that?" Victor

Little Johnny nodded. The doors opened, and
then they walked up the steps and into the plane. As Victor got
everyone buckled in, Little Johnny's eyes grew big as saucers. When
they took off, Toni watched her kids' faces to make sure they were
having fun and were not too scared.

They were in the air for a little over an
hour. They watched out the windows and talked about everything they
saw and how tiny the houses were.

"Where are we going?" Fiona asked.

"New York City, Princesita," Victor

"Whoa! Really? I have always wanted to go
there. Thank you!'

"You're welcome. They have the one of the best
zoos in the whole country."

When they landed, a black SUV was there to
pick them up. They got inside and enjoyed all the new and exciting
things they saw on the way to the zoo. Toni sat with Victor's arm
around her, and she felt right at home by his side with her
children. She trusted him with her heart, her babies, and her

Inside the Bronx zoo, they visited the jungle
animals, the gorillas, and the birds. They kids were awed and
amazed time after time all day long. Little Johnny got to climb in
a bird's nest at the Children's Zoo. His favorite part was the
Madagascar animals. Fiona fell in love with the snow

They ate lunch at the Dancing Crane Cafe. They
sat outside to eat and had a great conversation.

"What do you think, Mamacita? Are you having a
good time?"

"Yes, Victor, I am having a terrific

"Me, too," Little Johnny said.

"I love the animals," Fiona said.

The kids talked about all the different
animals. Just when they would finish talking about one, they would
remember another and start over. Victor leaned over and whispered
in Toni's ear.

"I'm going to marry you as soon as you let me,
Mami." She grinned and hid the exhilaration he created with his
breath on her neck.

In the afternoon, they fed the penguins and
rode a camel. They headed back to the car when it was time to go.
They had fit as many activities into one zoo visit as was humanly
possible. Little Johnny fell asleep on the way back through the
city, but Fiona was still wide eyed and taking everything

Back on the plane, they enjoyed a smorgasbord
of good food and talked about all the cool stuff they had
encountered that day. Toni watched Victor interact with the kids so
naturally and genuinely. He showed them the pictures he had taken
on his phone of them with the animals, and they laughed together.
She was sure he would be a good father to them and also to their
future children. As the plane landed, she was sad that their day
was coming to an end.

The limo ride back to her house was much less
exciting than it had been that morning. Little Johnny played with
the toy snakes he got in the gift shop while Fiona petted her
stuffed snow leopard. Toni sat close enough to Victor that she felt
the warmth from his body. Oh, how she wished they were

When they got home, Victor walked them to the
door. Little Johnny threw his arms around his legs hugging

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