Into the Unknown (Werewolf Wars, #2) (15 page)

BOOK: Into the Unknown (Werewolf Wars, #2)
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Burying her face into his forearm, she cried. Cried for her mother, Antonio, herself, and Adrian. She focused intently on the blue and red airplane seats, trying to calm her body as she gasped to catch her breath. Gene’s hand ran through her hair soothingly, and she closed her eyes, enjoying the comfort his presence brought her.

Chapter Eleven

atalia jumped as the overhead speakers dinged and a voice spoke through the intercom. Blinking her eyes open, she looked around the plane. As she lifted her head, something soft fell onto her arm. She frowned. It was a white pillow. Sitting up further, she noticed the blue blanket draped over her body.

“I was just getting ready to wake you,” Gene said.

“I cannot believe I fell asleep,” she groaned, surprised as she turned her cramped neck from side to side. She rubbed her sore, tired eyes and blinked, stretching her stiff face. “We are at the airport?”

“We are at
airport,” Gene said.

“What do you mean?” She questioned with a frown.

Twisting in her seat, she looked out the window. Squinting her eyes, she peered into the dark night as lights came into view.

“They suspect something is wrong with one of the fuel tanks and are making an emergency landing,” Gene supplied.

“Are we going to crash?” Natalia squeaked as she bent down, grasping the seat belt holding Adrian’s carrier and tugged it.


“You do not know that,” she said, tugging on her restraint to make sure it was as tight as possible. Adrian cooed, his tiny hand grasping a rattle tightly as he waved it back and forth. Her eyes focused on the toy in his hand, realizing he hadn’t had it earlier.
Did Gene give him that?

“I suppose not, but I’d like to think we are going to be okay,” Gene said.

“I am never flying again,” Natalia muttered as she scanned the airplane. The other occupants of the plane chatted quietly as they sat restlessly in their seats. Realizing she may be overreacting, she asked, “Where are we?”

Gene ran a hand through his russet hair and met her eyes. “Oklahoma City.”

“That is where the McKinley’s are from,” Natalia whispered, her eyes widening.

“It’s a few hours from here, yes. That doesn’t necessarily mean anything. But the thought did cross my mind.”

“I do not think it is a coincidence, Gene. Juarez has a lot of men, and they are everywhere.” Twisting in her seat, she searched the plane more carefully.

“We are the only wolves on this flight. Do you have everything you need with us?” Gene asked.

“Everything of importance. The rest can be replaced,” she said quietly. Adrian may be uncomfortable without the pack and play, but she wasn’t going to risk his safety to retrieve it from the luggage claim.

“If this is a trap, then we should leave the airport immediately. We can hail a cab and have it take us someplace where we can obtain our own vehicle.”

“How did they know we were coming back today? I thought Devon was the only one to know?” Natalia asked, closing her eyes as her heart hammered violently in her chest.

“I believe he told Lark and Claire,” Gene replied, running his hand through his brown hair.

“I never did trust the fake alpha’s wife. She is—”

“Claire McKinley is on our side, Talia.” Gene interrupted as he narrowed his gaze at her.

She opened her mouth to argue, but he cut her off.

“She was as much a victim in all this as you. Emmett murdered her first husband, Devon’s father, and threatened to kill Devon. Hell, he nearly did. You’re a mother. You would do anything to protect Adrian wouldn’t you? Do not make judgments about people you don’t know!” Gene said harshly.

Natalia clamped her mouth shut and looked away, letting his words sink in.

“If it weren’t for Claire, we may never have rescued you, or Lark and Emily. She helped to set Emmett up,” Gene continued, his voice returning to normal. “Sometimes we have to do things we don’t like to protect the ones we love.”

“I did not know,” Natalia whispered.

Gene nodded and sighed.

“Do you think it was Lark?” Natalia questioned, frowning. Lark would never sell them out—she was sure of it. Lark Davies was one of the nicest, most sincere people she’d ever met.

“No. I’ve known Lark my entire life. There is no way.”

“I cannot believe this is not a trap,” Natalia said, shuddering.

She gasped as the plane came to a jerky landing. Gene pulled out his iPhone, powered it on, and quickly began typing in a message.

“We’ll get to the bottom of this. In the meantime, we need to blend in with the crowd when we get off.”

Natalia fidgeted in her seat as the plane rolled to a stop. Forcing even breaths in and out of her lungs, she gazed around the cramped jet. The occupants bristled, some standing up and gathering their belongings as others grumbled about their predicament.

She shivered as Gene stood and opened the overhead compartment. He pulled out Adrian’s diaper bag and their two carry-on bags. Handing Adrian’s stuff to her, he took their two roll always. Gene then stacked one atop the other, and waited in the aisle. Natalia stood, unclasping Adrian’s carrier from the plane seat.

Chimes dinged above them, and Natalia looked around as the pilot announced that they could begin to disembark. Gene took a step back and motioned for her to go before him.

Grasping Adrian’s carrier tightly, she lifted him up and squeezed out from between the seats into the just-as-narrow walkway. Gritting her teeth, she walked toward the exit. Her hands became sweaty, and she felt heat scorch her face as fear crept in.

Adrian giggled in his carrier, waving the rattle around. He was completely oblivious to the situation they were in.
Perhaps I should have stayed in New York,
Natalia thought.

“Keep walking,” Gene urged, falling into step beside her as they exited the plane and walked briskly down the bridge.

The airport was quiet compared to the one they’d left in New York. Whether it was the late hour or something else, she could not be sure. The twenty or so people who had filed through the gate before them quickly dispersed, heading towards the baggage claim.

“This way,” Gene said as his eyes darted around the large blue-carpeted room.

Inhaling sharply, Natalia recognized the distinct woodsy scent of other wolves.

“Over there,” Natalia whispered, nodding toward two pillars

“I see.” Gene placed his free hand on the small of her back. “Don’t stop walking. Stay with the crowd.”

“There is no crowd,” she hissed.

“There were a few dozen people on our flight. The airport is dead, but they won’t do anything with witnesses nearby. We just need to make it to the taxis.”

Gene increased his pace to a brisk walk, and Natalia broke into a light jog to keep up. His hand guided her along beside him. Cradling Adrian with both hands, she clutched his carrier tighter, determined to keep her baby safe.

Warm air fluttered toward them, and she let out a long sigh as the mixture of grass and trees entered her senses. They were almost there.

“Fuck,” Gene mumbled.

Natalia turned to him, having never heard him speak like that. Gasping, she halted as two more wolves, both around their age, entered through the sliding door that should have been their freedom. The wolves were burly, and one bore a long claw-like scar down the side of his face.

“No,” Natalia gasped. Her pulse spiked, and it roared in her ears.

“Let’s not make a scene,” the scarred wolf said as he cut them off.

The second wolf stepped out from behind the scarred one. Natalia flinched, gritting her teeth. Her heart accelerated in her chest, and she bit her lip to keep from crying out.

The wolf’s familiar brown eyes met hers, his smile widening as he tilted his head to her in greeting. She hadn’t seen her brother, Malakai, since he’d helped to brutally slaughter her mother and Antonio.

Natalia spun around, prepared to bolt.

“Everyone just calm down,” Malakai said, holding his hands up. He smiled, baring perfectly white teeth as he came closer.

Gene’s hand wound around her waist, pulling her into his firm side. He dropped their bags to the ground with a thump.

“Move aside,” Gene growled.

“I’m sorry—we can’t do that. Fernando Juarez is quite distraught that he hasn’t met his grandson yet. I have orders to bring my sister and nephew in. She is the property of the Gulf Packs. I suggest you hand her over, or there
be quite the scene,” Malakai said as he balled his hands into fists. His teeth glistened dangerously, and his eyes flashed gold.

“Women are not possessions under pack law,” Gene stated. “Natalia
is a member of
pack by
choice. You will allow us to leave, or you will be breaking yet another pack rule by drawing attention to our nature in a public place.” Gene held out his hand, indicating toward the two couples watching them from a waiting area.

The scarred man chuckled. “You really think we’re worried about them?” He leaned toward them, his voice a low throaty whisper. “It would be nothing to make them disappear.”

“We can do this the easy way, or the hard way. The choice is yours.” Malakai snickered as he focused on Natalia. “I’m sure you remember the last time we did things the hard way, Natalia.”

Natalia shuddered as memories flooded her. She could not let Adrian fall into their hands. She needed to protect her son, no matter the cost.

“I’m sure you want to protect your pack, Gene. Keep them safe and out of this war. Allow us to take my wayward sister and her son home, and your pack will be forgotten. Your two packs can live in peace, and no harm will ever come to your women. In exchange for Natalia, you will be exempt from our advances. I assure you, you will not get a better deal,” Malakai said, tilting his head at Gene.

Natalia growled as she turned to Gene. She could see the indecision on his face.

“I don’t want a fight,” Gene said quietly. “Allow me to help you escort her to your car.”

“What?” Natalia cried out, wrenching herself away from him. The action jostled Adrian, causing his bottom lip to pucker. Loud wails soon echoed throughout the room.

Gene’s strong hands landed on her shoulders, gripping them tightly, but not to the point of pain.

His eyes narrowed into tiny slits as they bored into hers. “It’s for the best, Talia. I did
I’d help get you home. I
break a promise.”

Her mouth popped open. A scream bubbled up her throat. His hands left her shoulders, and someone’s arm wrapped around her waist. Horrified, she watched through misting eyes as Gene gripped the handle of the baby carrier and took it from her.

She struggled against the thick arms that encircled her waist as she was lifted from the carpet and dragged to the door. A shriek escaped her lips, causing the few people who were occupying the terminal to look her way. To her dismay, no one did anything as she was escorted toward the side doors of the parking garage.

Refusing to give up, Natalia struggled against the man as they entered the darkened cement lot. The diaper bag that still hung from her arm thumped against her side as she fought for freedom. Her captor’s feet scuffled against the cement as he temporarily lost his footing.

Natalia bucked in her kidnapper’s arms, desperately trying to free herself and use his misstep to her advantage. Jerking her head backwards, she struck his face, causing him to grunt in pain. Instead of releasing her, his grip tightened. Swinging her legs violently, she refused to let this be the end.

Don’t ever stop fighting! You have to get Adrian and run.

Closing her eyes, she focused on the wolf inside her. Picturing her hands as claws, she cried out as the bones popped in her hands.

“A little help here,” the man holding her cried out as her claws dug into his flesh.

Snarling, Natalia swiped her hand across his arm, forcing him to drop her. Pain jolted through her knees as they scraped against the harsh concrete. The diaper bag that had been hanging from her arm scuttled across the ground, spilling its contents. Ignoring the throbbing pain, she spun, swiping her clawed hand down the man’s middle. Blood oozed out from beneath his flannel, and she gasped, both horrified and awed at what she’d done.

Something struck her from behind, clouding her vision with blackness as the ground threatened to swallow her up. Landing on her elbow, she blinked rapidly in an effort to stay conscious. A man rolled her over and straddled her, raising a knife up.

“You idiot,” Malakai sneered, snatching the man’s wrist and yanking him to his feet. “We’re to bring her in alive.”


ene popped the pacifier into Adrian’s mouth, thankfully quieting the little boy’s cries. He scanned the parking garage for an older model car and hurried to a tan sedan. He made sure that Natalia was still putting up a strong fight before racing to the car, which was forty feet away. Fortunately, her assailants were too preoccupied with her to realize what he was doing. Quietly, he opened the door and placed Adrian securely in the back seat. Gene took one last look at the small child, then scanned the garage for enemies. Once he was sure that Adrian would be safe, he closed the door and sprinted back toward Natalia. He had no idea if she’d gotten his message or not, but he’d used the temporary distraction to hide Adrian so he would be safe during the fight.

Flying across the concrete, Gene watched as Natalia’s brother punched one of his own men. The knife that the man had been holding clanged against the floor. The third man wrestled with Natalia as the fourth leaned against a maroon car, blood spurting from a deep wound in his chest.

Natalia swiped her partially-shifted, clawed hands at the man, missing him by mere inches. Gene slowed his run to a tiptoe, quickly picking the knife up from the ground. Malakai and the other wolf quickly turned from their fight to face him.

“Here I thought we were on the same side?” Malakai asked eyes flicking to the silver blade.

“If you really think you can intimidate me, you’re sadly mistaken,” Gene spat.

BOOK: Into the Unknown (Werewolf Wars, #2)
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