Into the Unknown (Werewolf Wars, #2) (26 page)

BOOK: Into the Unknown (Werewolf Wars, #2)
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Gene sighed and nodded. He could see where she was coming from. If he didn’t have things to motivate him and people to look after, he might feel the same. But being depressed wasn’t something he could allow himself to do. “Death is a part of life. An unfortunate part, but one we must deal with. You can’t spend the rest of your life wondering
what if
. You still need to live, Sarah. Don’t forget that.”

Sarah stared past him, her eyes glassy and vacant. Her bottom lip puckered and turned under as more tears slipped down her face.

“When my mom died, I found it best to take it one day at a time. That’s all you can do.” Gene stared at Sarah, unsure if she was even listening anymore. His cell phone chimed in his pocket, and he sighed standing up. “Think about what I said, Sarah. I’m always here if you need me.”


evon kissed Lark goodbye as she hopped out of his Civic. At just past noon, he was certain he would need to work well into the evening to get caught up on all of his duties. Settling into the cool leather seat, he made sure she was inside The Cookie Jar and waited for Marcus to give him the thumbs up before pulling away. No sooner had he merged onto the highway, than his cell phone began to vibrate. With a sigh, he picked it up. A growl escaped his lips, causing it to curl up as he read the caller ID.

“Hello,” he grumbled into the phone.

“Devon Harris,” Fernando Juarez breathed into the phone.

“Can I help you?” Devon asked tersely.

“That depends. I had a few men stationed near your area, and I haven’t been able to reach them,” Juarez said nonchalantly.

“Huh,” Devon replied, clutching the phone tighter.

“I bet you think you’re so suave, taking out my men,” Juarez chuckled. “I’ll let you in on a little secret: I have hundreds more. All of them are more than willing to put their lives on the line just to win my favor. Some may even be headed there now.”

“I’m not intimidated by your threats,” Devon retorted evenly.

“No, I suppose you are not, which makes you either very brave or very, very stupid.”

“Was there a reason for your call? I’m actually really busy trying to run my pack,” Devon said, flexing his free hand across the steering wheel. Rage bubbled just below the surface, and he sucked in long, even breaths, trying to keep it under wraps.

“Yes,” Juarez snapped, his fine composure faltering. He continued after a long moment. “Family is very important to me, Devon. Natalia’s mother robbed me and my son of my granddaughter’s youth—poisoned her mind with lies about us—”

“No, you did that yourself,” Devon growled. “In case you didn’t know, women don’t like to be treated as objects.”

“Don’t presume to know me,” Juarez snarled over the phone, his voice rasping through the earpiece. “My granddaughter would have known every kindness growing up. Love, family, honor. That’s all I’ve ever wanted to give her. I still want to give it to her. I am prepared to make you a deal. And, if I were you, I would think long and hard about it.”

“No,” Devon snapped, his hand drifting to the end call button.

“Hear me out,” Juarez bellowed.

Devon’s throat vibrated as he suppressed a snarl.

“I want Natalia, and my great grandson. That is all I want. There is no need for a war. War leads to death, and, if I’m not mistaken, you have already lost someone very close to you and Gene.” Juarez paused.

Devon inhaled sharply, gritting his teeth. Anger rolled through him at the other alpha’s cavalier attitude.

“Help me arrange the return of my family, and all will be forgiven with your and Gene’s packs. There doesn’t have to be any more death.”

“No! She doesn’t want to go with you,” Devon replied as he pulled down the gravel driveway leading to Gene’s ranch.

“I am offering you your freedom. To forgive Gene for his deception a few days ago. The freedom to live happily with your blonde,
human, vulnerable

Devon’s heart clenched tightly in his chest at the mention of Lark. Red blurred his vision, and he slammed on the brakes, throwing gravel up as he pulled his car to a halt inches from a round oak tree.

“I would hate for anything to happen to her,” Juarez continued. “Such a pretty face and, from what I’ve seen of her, a spitfire. Save her from a doomed life and hand over my granddaughter. A girl like her—with her willpower—would be fun for my grandsons to break.”

“Enough,” Devon bellowed.

“And what about your little sister. She is a gem. Emily may put up a little fight, but her light would diminish quickly.”


“Their lives are in your capable hands. Bring me my granddaughter, and you have my word that I will leave both your and Gene’s packs alone forever. I am a man of honor. My word is my bond. Without family, I have no meaning, and I commend you for your bravery in protecting yours. Family is sacred, and, because we both honor it, I hope you will understand the sincerity with which I offer you this deal,” Juarez said.

Devon felt the color drain from his face as he leaned his head against the headrest. Juarez’s words shook him. Not just the threats, but the honor in his words.

“I know this is a very difficult decision for you, Devon. Because I know this, I am willing to give you time to think on it. I will call you back tomorrow. Until then,” Juarez said.

Devon opened his mouth to respond, but the phone clicked. Taking the phone from his ear, he watched his shaking hand as he threw it against the plush seat. The phone bounced off the seat and fell to the floor with a soft thump. Running a hand over his face, he punched the steering wheel repeatedly with his other.


ene sighed and ran a hand over his face.

“He threatened Lark and Emily. We have to stop him. If we don’t and he gets them, he will make their lives hell. I’m going to put more men at the bakery when they are there. I could never ask Lark to give up her bakery,” Devon said as he paced back and forth in front of Gene’s desk.

The hairs on Gene’s neck bristled at Devon’s rage. The apprehension and distress of the situation crashed over him.

“We can increase security at The Cookie Jar immediately. Do you believe Juarez about the deal?” Gene questioned. He knew Devon wasn’t a rash person, but, still, people will do crazy things to protect the people they love.

“I do, actually. There was something about him—something about the way he said it. I think he truly just wants his family back together.” Devon stopped his frantic walk and ran a hand over his face. “I’d love to ensure Lark and Em’s safety, but at what cost? If Natalia doesn’t want to go, what kind of men would we be if we made her?”

“I couldn’t condemn her to that life either. I...” Gene started but stopped. What exactly was his relationship with Talia? It was more than just lust. He cared for her deeply, and was possibly falling in love with her.

“Are falling for her?” Devon finished for him as if he’d read his train of thought.

Gene frowned, nodding slowly. “How did you know?”

“Anyone with a heightened sense of smell knows, Gene. If you were going for subtle, you failed miserably,” Devon grunted quietly.

“You don’t like it?” Gene questioned, watching his cousin.

“I wouldn’t say that,” Devon started, taking a seat across from Gene. “I’m happy for you. It’s just that she has a kid. Not that you shouldn’t be with her because of that, but...” Devon stopped, shaking his head. “I know what it’s like to be the third wheel, if you will. Unless you’re positive that you can treat that boy like your own, you should end it now.”

Gene closed his eyes as he leaned forward, resting his elbows on the desk. Opening his eyes, he stared at Devon. His cousin had suffered greatly when his mother remarried; still carried the effects of it with him. It wasn’t something he talked about—ever.

“I care about both of them, and I would never alienate Adrian. I may not be his father by blood, but I feel a connection to Talia. To both of them. I would never pursue a relationship with her if I didn’t think I could love them both,” Gene explained sincerely.

“Good,” Devon said. His eyes fixated on the floor; he seemed to be in a daze.

“How’s Lark?” Gene asked, sensing that Devon needed to change his train of thought.

“She’s holding up. I think she’s dealing with everything by focusing her attention on Sarah,” Devon replied, glancing up.

“It helps to distract yourself,” Gene nodded solemnly.

“I’ve, uh, I’ve been thinking about moving things to the next level with her,” Devon said, lacing his hands together as he leaned forward onto the desk.

Gene smirked. “Moving to the next level? You do realize what that entails, right?”

Devon chuckled. “I do. I love her. I want to be with her for the rest of my life. I also want to protect her in every way possible, which is why I want to make a declaration for all to know that she is my alpha female—my mate. I want to ensure that she is treated as such. Lark is the most important person in my life, and I want our world to know it.”

Chapter Twenty

atalia rolled over in her bed. The room lit up briefly as lightening flashed outside her window. The rain was usually soothing, and helped to lull her to sleep. Not tonight. She hadn’t meant to overhear Gene and Devon’s discussion earlier. She’d been going to talk to Gene and had stumbled upon the partially opened door.

She was equally chilled to the bone at Juarez’s intent and warmed at Gene’s declaration. Sighing, she closed her eyes, allowing a tear to trickle down the side of her face.

I can never be happy or safe as long as Juarez is searching for me.

Natalia sniffled and wiped at her face with the back of her hand. Frustrated, she sat up peering over the edge of Adrian’s bed. He slept contently with his left fist on his mouth, and the other hand over his head. His blue sleeper fit him snugly.

She shoved off the bed, grabbed the monitor, and crept out of the room, careful not to disturb Adrian. Natalia padded down the hall and gripped the banister as she walked downstairs. The house was quiet, and a quick look at the clock on the mantel told her it was after eleven.

Natalia walked to the kitchen, her throat parched, but stopped when she saw light peeking out from the office down the hallway.


She shouldn’t go down the hall; she knew that. But before she could think better of it, she drifted down the corridor toward the door. Knocking lightly on the doorframe, she craned her neck so she could look in.

Gene looked up from the computer screen, a half smile on his face.


“Hi,” she said quietly.

“Come in. Everything okay?” Gene asked, reclining in his desk chair.

“Just could not sleep,” Natalia said, shutting the door behind her. She set the monitor down on the desk and pulled one of the chairs around, taking a seat next to him. “You?”

“I didn’t get much done this morning. I have to make up for it sometime,” Gene replied, shrugging as he wrapped an around her.

Leaning into his embrace, she rested her cheek on his shoulder. “Are the sandbags holding?”

“For now. Although, if the rain doesn’t let up soon, I fear we could have more problems. Thank you for your help earlier,” Gene said, his hand running down her long braid.

“This is my home for the time being. You have done more than enough to help me. I wanted to help you too,” Natalia said, looking at her fingers.

“You know,” Gene said, grasping her hands in his. He shifted so he could look at her. “This could be your home permanently, if you wanted.”

Natalia’s lips parted, and she sucked in a breath at the vulnerability in his eyes. She wanted to tell him she would stay. That this ranch had become home to her, but Juarez’s threat still nagged at her. Once she admitted it—once she felt safe—she feared it would all crumble down. Unable to form words, she leaned in connecting her lips with his.

Gene’s hands lifted to cup her face as his lips moved against hers. His tongue darted out, grazing her lips and sucking her bottom lip. Natalia shifted, lifting herself up and straddling him as she deepened the kiss. Arching into him, she groaned as his hands trailed up the inside of her shirt. She could get used to this: the safety that Gene provided, and the soft caress of his lips. He cared for her and Adrian. Getting lost in the sensations, she tugged his shirt over his head, wanting to show him what she could not say.

Gingerly, she placed kisses down his neck, over his shoulders, toward his chest. Gene’s head tipped back with a groan. Smiling, she ground against him. The rails of the chair pinned her thighs down, bringing them closer together. His fingers slid up her shirt, pulling it up and yanking it over her head. Both of his hands gripped her breasts, his thumbs rolling over her sensitive nipples.

She gasped as Gene lifted her and set her on the desk. Using his leg, he nudged her knees apart and slid in between them. His already erect length throbbed against her thigh, and she moaned at the contact. Heat seeped through her core as she slid her fingers along the waistline of his jeans. Flicking the button open, she slipped her hand down inside of his jeans and grasped his length.

“Talia,” he grunted.

Wrapping his hand around her arm, he removed it and stepped back. She inhaled, watching as he shoved his jeans down and stepped out of them. Lifting her bottom off the desk, she slid her cotton pajama bottoms down, letting them fall in a heap on the floor.

Gene captured her lips as he wrapped his arms around her. His tongue slipped into her mouth, tracing along her teeth. His member prodded her core, and she rocked forward, hissing as the tip rubbed against her sensitive clit.

Slowly, he pushed into her. Hands on her hips, he set a steady pace, his lips and tongue mimicking his thrusts. Natalia grasped his bottom, groaning as she felt his muscles work beneath her fingertips. Her nipples brushed against his chest, and she cried out as her body tensed, peaked, and then fell over the edge. Her vision blurred as Gene rode her out, intensifying her orgasm. He thrust in once, twice, and then followed her over the edge, growling her name.

Panting, Gene kissed her gently as he slid out of her. He pushed her sweaty, matted hair back from her face and pressed his forehead against hers.

BOOK: Into the Unknown (Werewolf Wars, #2)
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