Into the Unknown (Werewolf Wars, #2) (29 page)

BOOK: Into the Unknown (Werewolf Wars, #2)
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She sat with her hands clasped, gazing downward. Her long brown hair was pulled up, and her face flushed. Reaching out, he took her hand in his, stroking the pad of his thumb over the back of her hand. Her warm slender fingers wrapped around his, and she sighed. Natalia briefly met his gaze before averting her eyes back to her hands.

“You remember how to do the partial shift?” Gene asked, breaking the silence that had stretched on for far too long. She’d done it before, but tension and stress could make you forget even the simplest of things.


“I can come closer if you want—”

“No,” Natalia cut him off. “They would smell you. It must be only me. Thank you.”

Gene frowned. “For?”

“Everything. You showed me who we can be. What we can be. You let me in and showed me that I could trust again. I do not know where I would be if I had not met you,” Natalia said quietly.

“You sound like you’re saying goodbye, and this isn’t it. This is going to work. You’re strong, smart, and determined, Talia. I have every confidence that you can do this,” Gene said adamantly.

Gene pulled to a stop at the rendezvous point and looked in his rearview mirror as the ranch’s vehicle pulled in behind them.

“Here’s a cell phone. Mine, Devon’s, and Lark’s numbers are programmed into it. Don’t do anything risky. If you can’t finish, then signal for help and we’ll be right there. You have enough time to circle around at least once. Get the lay of the roads—”

Natalia leaned in, cutting him off as she pressed her soft lips to his. Gene grasped the back of her neck, pulling her closer, needing to feel her. Her tongue swirled and glided with his. Her honeyed skin ignited him, and he wanted nothing more than to turn the car around and take her home—to

Natalia pulled back, opening the car door. “I just thought you should know,” she started as she hopped out. “I think I may be starting to fall in love with you.” She slammed the passenger door shut and walked around to meet him at the driver’s side.

Stunned, he climbed out, ready to reply when Harold, one of his enforcers approached.

“James and Dean drove around and didn’t see any traces of anyone yet. Everyone else is setting up at their locations,” Harold replied, tipping his head toward Natalia.

“Thank you,” Gene replied.

“It’s best you get going, though, if you want to have a chance to drive around. I’m sure Juarez will show up early too,” Harold said, glancing at Natalia.

“Yes, thank you. I will see you soon.” Avoiding Gene’s gaze, Natalia slipped past him and into the front seat of the Jeep.

The car lurched and slowly rolled forward. Gene watched as she pulled out onto the road and drove out of sight. He needed to see her again and tell her how he felt. He wasn’t falling in love; he was in love with her. This was only the beginning for them.

Chapter Twenty-two


atalia pulled the Jeep to a stop. Looking around, she slowly slid out of the vehicle. Her heart thumped painfully in her chest, and she wiped her sweaty palms on her jeans. She’d driven around the area for the past fifteen minutes and felt she knew the layout well enough. The location was remote but it only took two turns to get back into the tiny village nearby.

The old farmhouse was tattered and worn. Most of the green paint was chipped, leaving the wood planks looking bare. One of the shudders hung upside down from the window, and two of the other panes were cracked. The grass was tall—almost to her shoulders. It would be easy to get lost in there, she noted.

Wrapping her arms around herself, she walked around the abandoned home. The breeze blew, filling the air with the scent of wheat and grass. The screen door of the house squeaked and clanged shut. She spun around toward it, her pulse racing in her ears. The door continued to clatter against the house, but she still didn’t see anyone.

Gene’s men had taken up posts on all roads that led out of the town. Something dinged, and Natalia jumped, her eyes flitting all over the yard. It took her a long moment to realize it was the phone Gene had handed her. Tugging it from her pocket, she looked at the text message.

Just got word they’re on their way. Be careful. – Gene

Nausea rolled over her, and Natalia doubled over, trying not to vomit. Her stomach twisted painfully as she became overwhelmingly hot. The nape of her neck and her forehead felt sticky. She rubbed her hand across her slick skin.

Keep it together!

Closing her eyes, she inhaled sharply. After several long, steady breaths, she opened her eyes and stood upright. Car tires crunched beneath the gravel drive as a Hummer approached. Her breath caught, heart lurching into her throat as she saw the man behind the wheel.

There were only two of them, neither were Juarez.

Stepping back, she looked back at her jeep. Even if she could jump back in, she was fairly certain their vehicle could outrun hers, and they were blocking the driveway.

“Natalia,” Luis greeted, arms outstretched as if he were expecting her to run into them. He climbed out and walked toward her.

Her throat parched, she opened her mouth but nothing came out. It wasn’t supposed to be her father and brother. The loss of Malakai and Luis would be a hit to the Gulf packs, but it needed to be Fernando who she killed.

“Where...where is Fernando?” she questioned, looking between the two men who were all too similar in looks.

“He sends his regards,” Luis started. “He had every intention of coming, but something came up in New Orleans at the last moment, and he couldn’t leave.”

“No, we had a deal,” she said, shaking her head.

“Sorry, Sweetie, you’re stuck with me. You’re my daughter; you have nothing to fear from me or your brother.”

“I do not trust you,” she hissed, stepping back until her back collided with the tire on the back of the Jeep. Terrified, she crossed her arms over herself.

“What are you going to do? Go running back to the Harrises” Malakai laughed.

“Fernando will still honor your deal even if he couldn’t be here today,” Luis assured, holding his hands up as he approached. “Come home with us, Natalia. Things will be different. You’ll see. Your grandpa and I only want to get to know you—for us to be a family.”

Natalia’s vision blurred as rage flooded through her. These men had
her family. Clenching her jaw, she winced as her fingernails lengthened and jutted into her tender skin.

“What is happening in New Orleans that he cannot come?” Natalia asked through gritted teeth.

“The pack that has given us so much grief for so many years is collapsing. We’re about to gain another territory,” Luis smirked.

Daniel and Vincent are there.

She had to warn Gene. Careful to keep her transformed paws hidden beneath her arms, she moved along the side of the Jeep, hoping to draw them to her.

“And I suppose you plan to take their women as prisoner,” Natalia snapped.

Luis shook his head, and Malakai rolled his eyes as he shoved his hands in the pockets of his jeans.

“Natalia, come home with us. Things will be different—better.” Luis reached out a hand to her again.

Natalia stared at his hand. The same hand that had grabbed her months ago. Back then it had been stained crimson with her mother’s blood. She gasped as her nails sunk further into the tender flesh of her underarms.

Luis took several steps forward, quickly closing the distance between them. Reaching out, he wrapped his hand around her forearm. At this, Natalia panicked and lashed out with her hand, hitting him across his cheek.

Blood spurted out, splattering against her face and arm. Enraged, she lunged at her so-called father, shoving him away.

“Dad,” Malakai cried out, running forward.

Luis’ eyes flashed gold as his hand shot out, grabbing her wrist and twisting it. Natalia gasped as her bones popped and pain exploded in her arm. Heat scorched up her arm causing her to scream. Malakai took her out of Luis’ fisted hands and shoved her into the side of the car.

Her back hit the metal with a thump, and the air whooshed out of her lungs. Malakai’s fingers squeezed her shoulders tightly.

“How dare you disrespect our father,” Malakai sneered, tightening his grip on her.

Luis coughed as he ran his hand down his face. Blood gushed from the slash marks on his cheek, coating his neck and the green t-shirt he wore.

“Get her in the car,” Luis growled as he looked at his red-stained hand.

Malakai’s nails dug into her skin as he yanked her toward him. Rage bubbled up inside her, and she kicked her right foot out connecting with his shin. He grimaced, his hold loosening for a moment. Her hands were still transformed, so she used it to her advantage. The she-wolf swung at Malakai, managing to catch him across the shoulder blade.

I will not be a prisoner again!

Luis darted toward her, tackling Natalia to the ground. Her vision blurred. The she-wolf grunted in pain as she writhed beneath him trying to get free.

“I would hate to have to rescind our offer, Natalia. If you wish to protect the Harrises, I suggest you stop now!” Luis snapped, lifting her shoulders and slamming her back onto the ground.

Natalia groaned as her vision darkened and everything went black.

Blinking her eyes open, she felt her body swaying back and forth. She flinched and bucked, realizing that Malakai and Luis were dragging her toward their vehicle. Horrified that she had blacked out momentarily, she squirmed, twisting and turning every limb.

Burning hot pain slid across her thigh as warm sticky heat gushed onto the surface. She shrieked out in pain, kicking her legs frantically. Pulse pounding in her ears, she howled as she fell, colliding with the gravel. Rocks jabbed into her back and head painfully.

Luis pitched forward onto the ground next to her, and Natalia gasped. The she-wolf scrambled away from him, but ended up rolling right into Malakai’s swinging leg. His boot connected with her gut, knocking the breath from her. She clutched her middle as she struggled to her feet, gulping in as much air as possible. She needed to escape.

Malakai kneeled down next to Luis, who was bleeding profusely from his abdomen. Rolling to her belly, Natalia attempted to stand but fell onto her knees. Glancing at her feet, she frowned. Instead of sneakers, she had paws.

Did I shift without realizing?

Closing her eyes, she willed her feet and hands to return to normal. She winced, cringing as her bones popped and aligned unevenly in her injured arm. Her hands shook violently as she stood and stumbled toward the Jeep. All the while, Malakai was bent over Luis, whose face had become ghastly pale. Panting, Natalia climbed into the car, thrusting the key into the ignition and turning it over.

Malakai turned, quickly jumping to his feet. Slamming her door shut, she locked the car. Natalia gripped the shifter and floored the gas, throwing rocks up as she sped down the driveway. She swerved the car, hopping over the grassy terrain as she zigzagged around the Hummer.

The sun shone brightly into the car, blinding her as she skidded onto the road. The back end slipped out, causing the car to fishtail, but she quickly righted it. With her good hand locked on the steering wheel, Natalia blinked back tears as her vision began to cloud. Looking down, she sobbed at the dark red stains on her jeans. Blood pooled on the seat, and she gasped, forcing in shallow breaths.

Groaning, she tried her best to focus on the road, squinting through the haze of her vision. But try as she might, darkness pulled at her, and she felt herself slipping. Slumping forward, she fell into unconsciousness. Somewhere, there was a horn blaring, but the darkness eventually swallowed that too.


ene stamped his foot down harder on the accelerator as he sped down the deserted country road. They’d been able to see the whole ordeal from their vantage point, and had left the moment Natalia had passed out. The location was several minutes away by car. He needed to get to Natalia.

His stomach rolled, clenching tightly with worry as he gripped the steering wheel. She was hurt severely. He didn’t know how he knew it, but he could feel it. Panic flooded him.

The alpha narrowed his eyes and grunted as he saw smoke filtering up from the trees. Grasping the steering wheel tighter, he maneuvered the car toward the billowing smoke.

The car tires squealed as he pulled to an abrupt halt. The Jeep’s front end was wrapped around a tree, making access on the driver’s side impossible. The car horn blared incessantly. Throwing the vehicle in park, he jumped out, dashing to the Jeep.

“Natalia,” he cried as he yanked the passenger door open.

The metallic scent of blood flooded his senses, causing his heart to lurch into his throat. Natalia was bent forward over the steering wheel, unmoving. Swallowing, he climbed in and reached across the seat to unbuckle her.

“It’s all crushed in over here,” Harold called as he pulled the back door open.

Cradling Natalia’s head, Gene lifted her, gently dragging her over the gearshift as he guided her out of the car. When he finally cleared her out of the ruined vehicle, he clutched her to his chest and carried her to the waiting car.

Harold opened the backdoor and Gene shifted Natalia in his arms as he positioned himself in the back resting her head in his lap.

“Call the others. Tell them to make sure we are not followed and get back to the ranch as safely and quickly as possible!” Gene commanded as he assessed Natalia.

Blood covered her thigh and specks of red were splattered across her face. A deep gash ran across her hairline and blood dribbled out of her nose. Another scent mingled with her coppery-floral-salt mix, and he realized that all the blood wasn’t hers. She had drawn blood from both Malakai and Luis.

“I just spoke to Jesse and Erik, there is a Hummer on their tail, Gene,” Harold stated.

“Tell them to be careful but to let it follow them until we get out of here. How long until we reach the ranch?” Gene asked.

“Twenty minutes if we can keep up this pace, but we have to go through a few towns.”

BOOK: Into the Unknown (Werewolf Wars, #2)
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