Into the Unknown (Werewolf Wars, #2) (20 page)

BOOK: Into the Unknown (Werewolf Wars, #2)
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“What about him?” Gene asked.

“He will always be there. I’ve learned that the link between parent and child is exceptionally strong for our kind. He is not your son,” Natalia said, pulling back. “And I won’t have him treated as an invalid.”

Gene grasped her arm, tugging her back to him. Her chest collided with his, and she gasped at the intensity in his eyes.

“Have I given you any reason to think I would treat him poorly?”

Natalia licked her lips as her pulse roared in her ears. “No. that doesn’t mean—”

“I would never treat him any differently than a child of my own. As for us—whatever this is between us—my desire for you has only intensified after last night. Tell me I’m not alone,” Gene said, lowering his mouth toward hers.

“You are not,” Natalia whispered, meeting his lips. The kiss started slow and sensual. But she soon parted her lips, and his tongue darted out to greet hers. Suddenly she felt the fire ignite.

Moaning into his mouth, the she-wolf wrapped her arms around him as his hands ran through her hair. Gene backed her up until her back hit the wall. His hands dipped down to her thigh, lifting her leg and tucking it around his hip. Natalia gasped as his mouth left hers, kissing down her neck. He pushed the strap of her black tank top aside and placed open mouthed kisses on her shoulder.

Gene pulled away as a loud knock sounded on the door. Growling, he pulled himself away and locked his gaze with hers.

“Hey Gene,” Preston called. “Devon’s on the phone.”

“I have to take this,” Gene said, pressing one last kiss to her lips.

“I know,” Natalia said, watching as he walked to the door.

She sighed as the door clicked shut behind Gene. Leaning her head against the wall, she slid down to the floor and let out a long breath. Questions filled her head. What was it about him that she couldn’t resist? Why did she feel such a pull to him?


ark hoisted a trash bag from the receptacle by the doors, sighing as she tied it up. It was the last Saturday of the month, and she always did extra cleaning to keep The Cookie Jar in immaculate shape. But with all the extra time she was spending on this endeavor, it was getting late fast. Lifting the bag off the floor Lark walked toward the back door. As she passed by Emily, she said, “I’m just running this out real fast.”

Emily nodded as she continued to wipe down the glass cases. Marcus stopped sweeping, looking up at Lark.

“Do you want me to get that?”

“No, I’m good,” the blonde said as she lugged the hefty bag down the rest of the hall and out into the back alley. Tossing the bag into the dumpster, she brushed her hands off on the back of her jeans. Her cell phone chimed, and she quickly pulled it out. Frowning at the unknown number, her fingers hovered over the ignore button. After a long few seconds, she shifted her hand and answered.


“Lark, please don’t hang up.”

Lark frowned and spun around in a circle, ensuring she was alone. The blonde took a step back toward the door she left ajar and whispered into the phone, “Daniel?”

“I need to talk to you, Lark. It’s about Gene and Natalia,” Daniel said quickly.

“What about them?” Lark asked, pausing with her hand on the door.

“Juarez is onto them. I caught up with two of his men in Houston and got them to talk. He’s planning an attack, Lark,” Daniel yelled frantically into the phone.

“Then why are you calling
?” Lark asked, panic rising in her chest.

“Because I doubt Devon would listen to me. You have to tell me where they are. I’m in Houston, but I don’t know which hotel they’re in.”

“Daniel...” she trailed off. Uncertainty rolled over her, and she clasped the door tighter as she rolled her bottom lip between her teeth.

“I want to help them, Lark. Even if you tell Dev right now, no one can make it here in time. I want to help,” Daniel pleaded.

“Juarez’s men are in the area. I know he has more than the two I took out.”

Lark played with one of the stray curls that had fallen from her ponytail. “I want to believe you, Daniel. I do, but—”

“Then please, Lark. Tell me, then call my brother. I’ve tried to reach Gene, but I can’t get through. I only want to help. Please let me help before it’s too late,” Daniel said, the urgency in his voice growing with each second.

Lark closed her eyes, and made her decision. “They’re staying at a bed and breakfast called LuAnn’s Inn outside of the city limits. So help me Daniel, if anything happens to them, and I find out it’s because of you—”

“I’m not the enemy, Lark. Call Devon now!” Daniel barked into the phone before the line clicked.

Heart pounding in her chest, Lark stared at the phone as the white light faded and went black. She dialed Devon’s number with a shaky finger, pressing her cell to her ear as she paced back and forth in the alley.

Chapter Fifteen


atalia stifled a yawn as she finished changing Adrian’s diaper. She glanced at the alarm clock 9 o’clock. She sighed. The green numbers on the readout seemed to be smiling at her—taunting her. She was more than ready to go to bed. A year ago, she would’ve laughed at herself for going to bed at such an early hour. It had been thirty minutes since Gene had left her room to talk to Devon, and she was beginning to wonder if he was coming back. Sleep tugged at the back of her eyes, and it was all she could do to keep them open.

Adrian blinked up at her, his mouth opening wide as he, too, yawned. Smiling, she picked him up and placed him back in bed.

After tucking him in, she walked to the bathroom, groaning as the white light momentarily blinded her. The she-wolf grabbed a paper cup from the counter and flicked on the faucet, filling the glass to the brim.

Natalia paused, her drink halfway to her lips when something thumped and crashed to the floor in the front room. Throwing the bathroom door open, she fixated on Adrian, who slept peacefully in his bed. She tilted her head to the side and listened. Her heart clenched tightly as she heard a loud growl. With trembling fingers, she opened her bedroom door and peaked out.

Vincent was pinned to the floor by two men, and Preston was fighting three others. Gene came barreling out of his room, lunging at one of guys who had Vincent. Her eyes widened and pulse roared as she spotted Malakai sprinting toward her door.

She shoved the door shut, screaming as it splintered and bumped back open, throwing her to the floor. Kicking her leg, she flailed as she tried to get to her feet. Malakai’s calloused hand encompassed her wrist, yanking her to him. Natalia balled her fist and thrust it into his nose. He gasped and reeled back. The she-wolf then raised her knee and kicked out, hitting his manhood. Cupping himself, the enemy wolf fell to the floor.

Red blurred her vision as she grabbed his hair and slammed his face into her knee. Pain exploded in her leg, but she ignored it as she punched him again. She shrieked as someone grabbed her from behind, clamping a sweaty palm over her mouth. They dragged her back toward the front door of the cabin. Malakai stood up and grasped her legs tightly, causing her to whimper in pain.

“Go,” Malakai snarled as they carried her. “Grab her hands. Keep them against her so she can’t shift them without injuring herself.”

Natalia bucked, arching her back and twisting as she struggled to free herself in vain. The man grasped her hands, jamming them against her ribs. Her eyes searched frantically for Gene as they drew near the open door. She sobbed when she saw him cornered by three other men. He threw punches and dodged out of their way, but as soon as he knocked one back, another sprang forward.

“Gene!” she called out.

His eyes flicked to hers as he jammed his fist into one of the men’s noses. Blood spurted out across his hand, but he paid this no mind as he began to run toward her. He didn’t get far, however, before he was tackled to the ground by another man. Gasping, she watched as the man delivered a deafening blow to Gene’s side. He grunted, curling in on himself.

“No!” Natalia cried out.

“Stop screaming, you’ll wake people up,” Malakai snapped, squeezing her ankles harder.

Natalia bit her lip to keep from crying out in pain. His grip grew so tight that she was certain her legs might snap.

“Leave them alone,” she panted.

“I’m going to enjoy watching them die,” Malakai hissed as he grinned at her through bloodied teeth. Cool air hit her as they dragged her into the starry night.

Natalia thrashed in their arms, ignoring the pain that shot through her body. A sickening crack sounded behind her, and she flinched as she fell to the ground, her head landing on the other man’s belly. Malakai dropped her legs and she twisted, gawking at the odd angle of the man’s neck.

A blur of blue whizzed by her, slamming Malakai into the side of the cabin. Her savior shoved something into her brother’s shoulder, causing his struggles to cease. Malakai’s eyes widened as he sank to the ground. Natalia’s eyes flicked to her rescuer, and her mouth popped open. It was Daniel.

She hesitated for a moment before she finally took his hand, allowing him to help her to her feet. He reached behind his back pulling something out and holding it out to her.

“Here, take these.” He placed two syringes in her hand and kept two for himself. “It’s a tranquilizer. Use these to take out the biggest ones. It doesn’t matter where you hit—just hit them,” he explained.

With a curt nod, Natalia limped after her savior, her leg spasming as they raced back into the cabin. Daniel had already administered one dose successfully when she entered the living area. Lifting the needle, she lunged forward, thrusting the shot square into the back of one of the men. She pushed down on the end and injected the medicine, causing the man to fall to the ground. Triumphant, she scanned the room, reaching for the other needle as one of the men stalked toward her.

The she-wolf snarled, and gritted her teeth as she let rage overtake her. These men had murdered her mother and Antonio. They had threatened her son—could have murdered him too. Tightening her grip on the needle, she growled as her jawbone snapped and transformed. The man dove toward her, and, with a squeal, she jabbed the needle into his shoulder. He clasped his arm at the painful injection and slumped to his knees.

Gene grabbed the lampshade and swung, connecting with the wolf’s temple. The base shattered to pieces, falling to the floor; the glass splinters crunched beneath his feet as he jumped toward the other man, allowing his fists to rain down. Gene’s eyes drifted to the door as the man fell unconscious. His heart stopped and relief flooded him when he saw Natalia. He saw the anger flicker in her eyes, her jawbone jutting as her teeth and eyes partially shifted. She attacked without fear; her motherly instincts took over as she fought to protect her son.

Focusing on the fight before him, Gene tackled the wolf closest to him in an attempt to enter the bedroom where Adrian was screaming. Shoving the wolf into the wall, he twisted his arm behind his back until he heard a crack. Gene grabbed the other man’s hair—briefly yanking his opponent’s head back—and shoved it into the wall with every ounce of brute force he could muster. One hit was all it took. He threw the now-limp man to the ground.

The fighting died down around them until only two of their enemies remained. Vincent tackled one to the ground, while Preston went at the other. Gene raced forward, his eyes widening as the man’s claws came into view.

“Preston,” he cried out as the man swiped his claws across his brother’s neck. Blood spurted out, and Preston crumpled to the floor. Gene sprang forward and grabbed his enemy from behind. He drove his knee up into the wolf’s sternum without mercy. The man’s back broke with a loud sickening crack. Dropping the man unceremoniously to the floor, he fell on the ground next to Preston.

“Don’t move,” he whispered, placing his hands on his brother’s neck in an attempt to staunch the bleeding.

Preston gurgled as his mouth opened and closed, but no words came out. His hand lifted, wavering back and forth. Gene grasped his hand in his.

“It’s going to be okay, stay with me,” he said, squeezing his hand tighter; the blood made his grip slippery.

“Here,” Natalia said, dropping down beside him with white towels in her hand. Gene moved his hand so she could place the towels on Preston’s throat.

Preston gasped and Gene gripped his hand tighter. “Stay with me, Preston,” he snarled, laying his forehead down on his brother’s. Preston wheezed as Natalia continued to press the blood-soaked towels against his throat. “It’s going to be okay.”

Hot tears pricked Gene’s eyes. He blinked them away furiously. He sniffled as Preston inhaled one last breath. Preston’s hand went limp in his and the alpha bolted up opening his eyes.

Preston’s mouth hung open; his eyes stared vacantly at the ceiling. “No,” Gene growled. He dropped Preston’s hand and moved to his little brother’s chest to perform CPR. “It’s going to be okay,” he murmured over and over again.

“Gene, he’s gone,” Natalia whispered. She lifted her red hand and gently ran it over Preston’s face, closing his eyes. “I’m so, so sorry.”

Gene shook his head, never once ceasing his compressions. “No,” he snapped.

He looked up as Daniel placed a heavy hand on his shoulder. “We have to go, Gene. They won’t be down for long.”

“I’m not leaving him,” Gene said. Lifting his hands from Preston’s chest, he looked down at his brother’s pale face. With shaky hands, Gene hoisted up Preston’s dead weight, wrapping his arms around the lifeless wolf. It wasn’t until a tear dropped down onto Preston’s face that Gene realized he was crying. He breathed deeply and let out a snarl, causing Natalia to jump back. Burying his face in Preston’s hair, he squeezed his brother tighter as Adrian’s cries filled the silent room.

Natalia wiped the back of her hand across her face as her heart broke. She hadn’t really known Preston, but she knew what Gene was feeling. Her hand shook as she slowly stood up. Walking absently toward the bedroom, she looked down at her blood-covered hands; the scene was suddenly all too familiar. She walked into her room on shaky feet, casting a sideways glance at Adrian. She headed to the sink and turned the water on, desperate to scrub Preston’s blood from her hands.

BOOK: Into the Unknown (Werewolf Wars, #2)
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