InvitingTheDevil (2 page)

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Authors: Gabriella Bradley

Tags: #Inviting the Devil,BDSM,Gabriella Bradley,sex,erotica,romance

BOOK: InvitingTheDevil
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“Beautiful. You’ll not only design for me, but you’ll model for me as well.”

He came around from behind his desk, walked toward me and lifted my chin with his long, tapered fingers. “You’re a beautiful woman, Ms. Fitzgerald. Welcome to my team. I’ll give my assistant the necessary instructions and will expect you here tomorrow morning at nine sharp. You’ll start with a crash course in modeling. Leave your portfolio with me. I’d like to study all of your drawings at my leisure.”

His fingers left a burning imprint on my face. Flustered, I buttoned my blouse, hiding my exposed breasts, and tucked it back into the skirt. I realized he must have seen every inch of my breasts and my very hard nipples. The crotch of my panties was soaked, my clit throbbed like crazy, my nether lips felt swollen and tingly hot. A stream of electricity coursed through my body, my heart beat like a drum. I retrieved my jacket from the chair and quickly slipped it on.

“I’ll see you tomorrow morning, Ms. Fitzgerald.”

Apparently, that was my cue to leave. “Thank you,” I muttered, my face blazing hot as I picked up my purse, whirled around and headed for the door.

“Oh, Ms. Fitzgerald?”

I turned and faced him again and wondered what was behind those dark eyes.

“Please wear comfortable clothes. Tights and a top will be the most suitable for your lessons, although I want you to wear the spiked heels. You need to learn to walk in them properly. You’re going to get the fastest course in modeling in history.”

I didn’t own any. I closed the door behind me.

The ogre gave me a stern look from behind her black horn-rimmed glasses. “Ms. Fitzgerald? There’s no need for you to return to your desk. You’re to be here at eight-thirty tomorrow morning. You’ll have to sign some paperwork.”

My God, the man works fast. He must have spoken to the woman as soon as the door closed behind me.

“Yes. All designers and models have to sign a one year contract.”

“I’ll be here.”

I returned to my desk, gathered the few personal belongings I’d left in the drawer, said goodbye to the other girls and headed for the elevator.

I could hardly believe what had just happened. Not only had Kalem liked my designs, but he wanted me on his design team. What was more terrifying, he wanted me to model.
Me? A model? Far out.
Then I thought about some of the outlandish outfits he designed and created. I’d never, in a million years, agree to parade in front of an audience wearing some flimsy, see-through gown, or a dress with half my tits showing, the fabric barely covering my nipples.

Before I went home, I decided to go shopping for some tights and tops first. I’d play along with the modeling gig for a bit. I could always refuse to wear something too risqué.
Refuse Kalem?
I was trying to kid myself. Why hadn’t I rejected the modeling part of my new job? To become a topnotch designer was my goal. All I had to do was say no to the man. Trouble was, he intimidated me.
So much, that I become unglued and a bumbling idiot.

I bought the tights and tops then hurried home. I kicked off the uncomfortable shoes, took off the jacket and stripped off the skirt and panties. Naked, I rifled through my dresser until I found some clean underwear and slipped them on. I made myself a cup of tea before calling Shannon. I was sure she’d be chomping at the bit for news on how the meeting with Kalem had gone.

“How did it go?”

“He wants to use my designs, girlfriend. Not only that, he wants me on his team of designers.”

“Wow. I bet that’s a nice raise in pay. You can get out of your shitty little apartment now.”

“Know something? I forgot to ask about the pay.”

“Don’t tell me your shy little mouse surfaced when you were in his office.”

“My God, Shannon, he turns me into a fumbling idiot. When he asked me to walk to the door and back—”

“Why, in God’s name, would he ask you to do that?”

“He wants me to model for him as well.” I carefully left out the part of having to undo the buttons on my blouse and pulling it out of my skirt.

“Cool! You accepted, of course?”

“I never said yes or no, just that I’ll meet him for lunch and I’ll be on time in the morning. The ogre said I have to sign a one year contract for both jobs.”

“You’re meeting him for lunch? Where?”

“At the bistro around the corner from the office.”

“What did you wear today? Not that prissy gray suit, I hope?”

“Yes. With my white silk blouse.” I heard Shannon’s deep sigh.

“Wear your blue pants and that sexy blue and white top. What was he wearing?”

I almost drooled as I pictured him in my mind. “Tight leather pants and a white poet shirt.”

“And I bet he looked sexy as hell.”

“He did.”

“Wear what I told you, let your hair hang loose and don’t go crazy with the hairspray. You’ve got such a lovely natural wave. I have to go. Work beckons. My boss is giving me dirty looks.”

Shannon worked as a secretary for a travel agency. She and I had grown up together and after we graduated, we moved to the city. We shared my shitty little apartment for a while, as she liked to call it. It was small, but it was the best and the most affordable we could find when we first arrived in New York. When Shannon had found a better job, she’d moved to her own place and at the same time, I began working for Ostarizo, so I could afford the rent on my own. Maybe now I could find a better apartment. Surely, the wages would be higher than what I had been making. Kalem had said he would buy some of my designs outright.
What do I charge for a drawing

I decided to shower and wash my hair before meeting him. Usually, I wore my hair tightly drawn back from my face, either in a ponytail, sometimes in a bun. My hair was springy, fluffy, with the occasional curly wisps escaping which I always plastered down with hairspray.

After drying my hair, I brushed it until stayed put. I reached for the hairspray, but stopped. Maybe I should listen to Shannon, for a change. I dressed and put on the light blue designer pants I hadn’t worn since Jake. I had to search for the blue and white blouse. The outfit brought back some bad memories, but right then I was too excited and nervous about going out for lunch with Kalem to worry about the past.

I stood before the full-length mirror and examined my reflection. I still felt plain, mousy, but the outfit did make me look sexier and complimented my figure. A touch of lipstick and I was done. The bus ride to the office took half an hour. If I left then, I’d be fifteen minutes early. Was it a good idea to be early, or would it be better to meet him right at noon? He wasn’t a man to toy with. I decided to catch the next bus.

Traffic was heavy and the bus arrived near my office building ten minutes late. I hurried to the front entrance. Of course, he wasn’t there yet. Should I have expected otherwise? He was the master in this situation. For all I knew, he could have forgotten about his impulsive invitation.

He kept me waiting fifteen minutes.

“Nicely on time, Ms. Fitzgerald. I like that.”

“I’ve been…” I clamped my teeth together.


“I only just arrived myself.” There, that would take the satisfaction out of him at having me wait.

“Did you now?”

I saw his eyebrows rise and knew he’d caught me in the lie. He’d probably phoned down to the reception desk in the lobby and asked if I was there.
Damn it, girl. Watch what you say to this man. He doesn’t miss a thing.

“I hope you don’t mind me choosing the bistro nearby. I only have an hour,” he said as he started down the steps.

“I go there myself sometimes. I love their spaghetti,” I said, wondering if he’d even heard me.

I hurried alongside him trying to keep up with his long strides. I was not a short woman but he towered over me and I had to walk really fast.

When we arrived a few moments later, the restaurant owner greeted Kalem personally. “Nice to see you, Signor Ostarizo. Your table is ready.” He merely shot me a nod of acknowledgment. Kalem headed for a small table in the far corner of the bistro. It was quite a private table. The owner pulled a chair out for me. I sat and so did Kalem.

“The usual, please, Antonio.”

“Si, Signor.”

“You come here often, I gather,” I said, trying to start a conversation.

“I do.”

I was rather perturbed I hadn’t been asked what I would like to eat. I guess I’d have to make do with Kalem’s usual, whatever that was. Antonio didn’t give us menus. He returned quickly with a flask of red wine and two glasses.

Kalem swirled the wine and tasted it. “Good, as always, Antonio.”

Antonio filled their glasses. I wasn’t a wine drinker during the day, but I sipped it, hoping it would calm my nerves. My favorite was their spaghetti with meat sauce. It was to die for and about the only meal, I’d ever ordered there. Antonio returned quickly with fresh baked bread and butter. It smelled heavenly.

Kalem took a slice of bread and buttered it, then handed it to me. “Have you ever had their bread?”

“Garlic bread. Spaghetti is my favorite dish.”

“Ah. Well, today you’ll appreciate my culinary taste. So how do you feel about your new career?”

“Which one?”

He laughed, a low throaty laugh that vibrated through every inch of me and settled in my crotch. Thank God, I’d remembered to put a panty liner in my panties.


“I’ve always wanted to become a top designer. I’m not sure about the modeling.”

“Why not? You have the perfect figure for it. Your breasts aren’t too large, your derriere is rounded but perfect, you have a small waist and very shapely legs and arms.”

He hadn’t studied me too much? Good grief. I felt naked suddenly.

“Cat got your tongue?”

“Thank you. I guess.”

“You’re not used to compliments, are you?”

“Not really.”

“You’re very beautiful. The bone structure of your face is exquisite and now that your hair is loose, it brings out your real beauty. We need to add some color to it, some highlights. And you need some lessons in makeup. Are you wearing contacts?”


“Your eyes are an unusual color. They remind me of a tropical ocean, the Caribbean. Cerulean blue. Very unique.”

“I’ve never really taken notice. I thought they were just plain blue.”

“I’ve made up my mind. I plan to make you famous.”

“As a designer?”

“As a model. You can design clothes in your spare time.”

“Frankly, I don’t think I’m model material. That aspect of the fashion industry has never entered my mind.”

“Let me be the judge of that. Enjoy your journey to fame. Before you realize it, your face and body will grace the covers of all the magazines.”

I basked in his words, glowed under his scrutiny. Did he see something in me the mirror didn’t show? “I’m too realistic. I know I’m mousy. Men aren’t waiting on my doorstep to date me. My phone doesn’t ring off the hook. I don’t see how you can realistically turn the ugly duckling into a swan.”

“You’re too cruel to yourself. You just haven’t learned how to bring out the best of you. I’m going to help you with that.”

“I was always too focused on a career to bother with all the girlie stuff. My best friend would totally agree with you. More than once, she’s told me all the things you just said.”

“So you’ll sign the contracts? Give it at least one year. If, after that year, I haven’t made good on my promise, you can walk away from modeling and concentrate on fashion design instead.”

While he spoke, he’d reached across the table and placed his hand on mine. His touch was electrifying, his eyes piercing as if he was trying to read my mind, my heart, my soul. Yet he was completely mystifying. What did I know about Kalem except what the tabloids told me? And most of that was probably bullshit. The paparazzi had a habit of digging up dirt, true or not, and publishing it. I’d also seen photos of him entering some questionable clubs. I didn’t care. It had nothing to do with my new job and the possible modeling career. The man turned me on like crazy. He was insanely handsome, but I wasn’t about to mix business with pleasure. My need was great, I wanted him, did I ever want him. At the same time, I was determined to keep him at arm’s length.


“Huh?” He squeezed my hand and his foot touched my leg, the toe of his shoe stroking my calf gently. As if tazered, I tucked my feet under the chair.

“Your thoughts. I lost you for a minute.”

I didn’t know what to say. His hand stayed on mine until our food came.

Antonio served us personally. Kalem received special treatment in the bistro. “Pepper, Senorita?” he asked.

I nodded. “Yes, please.” I used the saltshaker liberally.

“Salt is bad for you. It causes you to retain fluid and is not good for the heart and arteries.”

“I like salt and pepper.”

“I see that. I’d like you to cut back on the salt. Use a substitute if you must. As a model, you need to keep your weight even.”

“My weight hasn’t changed in years. I don’t see why it would now.” I couldn’t believe how flippant I was with my answers. The two glasses of wine had settled my nerves. The ruby liquid had also made me slightly giddy. I gazed at my plate. “What is it?”

“Zuppa Toscana. Taste it. It’s delicious.”

I took a small bite. He was right. It was scrumptious and I dug in.

“I love the way you eat. I’m used to women eating daintily, tiny bites, ending up leaving most of their food. You eat like you’re enjoying your meal.”

Mm, what else does he love about me?
Was he coming on to me or just trying to draw me out of my shell? I looked up and nodded. His eyes were expressionless. “I enjoy my food.”

“Would you like dessert?”

“No thanks. I’m not much for sweets.”

“Good. I would have had to leave you alone to eat it. I have a meeting in ten minutes.”

His foot touched my leg again and rubbed up and down my calf.
Damn, you’ll get my pants dirty. Stop it. No, keep doing it.
I hadn’t drunk the third glass of wine. There was no accounting how I might have behaved if I had. I sipped water instead while I finished off the last of my Zuppa Toscana.

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