Island of Dragons

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Authors: Lindsey Owens

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Island of Dragons
Lindsey Owens
Dream Big Publishing (2014)

Forget about Vampires and Werewolves! Dragons are here!

Miley is still young, but she is somewhat successful. She is about to give up on her workplace and search for something better. Since she was cheated on, Miley does not trust any man. Her boss is a sexist pig and she's had enough, until he offers the chance of a lifetime, to go photograph an exotic island that has never been explored before.

The island is mysterious, exotic and gorgeous. Part of the Galapagos Islands, the land is amazing. But this place may be far more than Miley could have expected. It seems to be filled with unexpected creatures and men who vie for her affection when she wants nothing more than to do her job and get home. Will they begin to wear her down? Will they let her go home back to the city and a life she was not that fond of anyway?

Find out what happens when the alpha finds out who actually sent her to photograph and will a war between two clans soon follow?

Island of Dragons

Lindsey Owens


Dream Big Publishing

Byron Center, MI

This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real locales are used factiously. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Dream Big Publishing

A publication of Dream Big Publishing

Byron Center MI

Copyright 2014 by Lindsey Owens

All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in

whole or in part in any form.

Dream Big Publishing is a registered trademark of

Dream Big Publishing.

Text of this book is set in
Garamond text size 13.

Manufactured in the United States of America

All rights reserved.

Miley is still young, but she is somewhat successful. She is about to give up on her workplace and search for something better. Since she was cheated on, Miley does not trust any man. Her boss is a sexist pig and she's had enough, until he offers the chance of a lifetime, to go photograph an exotic island that has never been explored before.

The island is mysterious, exotic and gorgeous. Part of the Galapagos Islands
, the land is amazing. But this place may be far more than Miley could have expected. It seems to be filled with unexpected creatures and men who vie for her affection when she wants nothing more than to do her job and get home. Will they begin to wear her down? Will they let her go home back to the city and a life she was not that fond of anyway?

Find out what happens when the alpha finds out who actually sent her to photograph and will a war between two clans soon follow?

[1. Dragons – Fantasy Fiction 2. Romance ]

Lindsey Owens

Copyright 2014 by Lindsey Owens

All rights reserved.



To all those who have supported me. My family, my friends, and my wattpad readers. Thank you everyone.

Chapter 1

“Miley!” Charles called. Miley stopped mid step, her long brunette hair swishing over her shoulders. She was through with Siegel Images. After six months of disappointment, she was bored here. Everything was the same, bare land two miles from the city or a vacant lot five inches from their building; she hasn’t had the opportunity to find something interesting. This was far from what she had been offered originally and even farther from what she had hoped
for out of her experience.

“What is it, Charles
?” Miley groaned. She tipped her head back slightly letting out a sigh as she pinched the bridge of her nose. She turned around and pushed her hands down the length of her pristine multi-colored dress and looked confidently up into his cold eyes.

Charles was far from her type of man. He was stiff and boring, not to mention a complete dork. His dark hair was combed to the side and thick glasses adorned his thin pointed nose. Miley had yet to figure out why he was such a sexist pig and prick; she was sure he really
could not get any woman to look his way. Charles tugged nervously at his grey suit and cleared his throat.

“I can’t do this without you,” his voice betrayed
stiffened cold form, he was defeated. Could he really be turning a new leaf? Would he try to become a nicer boss? Would he let her do the job she was hired to do? The thought flashed in her mind for a moment, and her features lit up slightly. “Uh…” he said. “You know I can’t let a woman do any more than you already do.”

“That’s exactly why I am leaving!” Miley shouted with fervor. “You’re so sexist.”

“I’m not sexist, Miley; it’s just a fact that men are better at dealing with our type of clients,” he tried to reason.

“I’m done.” Miley shook her head while backing down the hall as she sneered at him. She wasn’t going to let Charles push her back with condescension into the position she was fighting to get out of.

“Wait!” he begged, rubbing his hand through his hair and looking down at his feet. Miley could tell her leaving was raking Charles’s thoughts. “What if I give you a place to check out…” he asked looking up at her. “Would you stay…? A raise maybe?”

This was Miley’s chance. She knew Charles knew better than to let her go. Finding someone with her experience and background was unlikely. He would be looking for months, maybe even longer to find someone who was as unique as she was, and he knew it. Loser. He should not have been such a prick and hit on her at every chance. Ha!

“Why?” Miley said. She just had to do it… she had to know what his reason was.

Charles shrugged. “I just don’t think a man can pull it off.”

Miley rolled her eyes. “I am not going to use sex appeal.” Miley grunted.

“That’s not it…” Charles said almost too quickly.

She had caught it though and raised an eyebrow at him. “Uh… I … Okay… Fine,” Charles puffed. “They have turned down nearly twenty men for the contract. I just thought…”

“What kind of place?” she asked coolly. Miley was calm and relaxed; she could easily walk off this job and get another within a short period of time. Heck, she had even thought of starting her own freelance photography and digital images company. She had plans for her life and they were not just to sit and waste away.

Miley had been considering leaving since she broke it off with Toby. It seemed like paperwork was all she did lately for Charles and his cronies.

“This is a very special client. One I was going to give to Peter but…” Charles wavered slightly. “Look, Peter turned it down. He said there is no way he would be interested in traveling to such a remote place to take picture of rocks and trees. I’m desperate here.” Charles sighed, his shoulders slumped, and he leaned back against the wall for support.

“Ah… the truth finally comes out.” Miley laughed.

“I’ll double your pay, cut the hours if you wish… and I’ll try my best to let you choose first dibs on assignments if you would like as well. I just need you to stay,” Charles begged.

“Let me see the file.” Miley groaned for effect, but she had to give him some credit. He was offering to double her pay, which was awesome. Not like, she needed it. She worked for entertainment, really. Though she wasn’t quite sure she could believe the man on the fairness and first dibs part, but… double the pay… she might have to give it a shot.

Miley held out her hand, waiting for Charles to pass over the file he had held tightly in his grip. Charles grinned, stretching out his hand and quickly moving forward toward her. “It’s,” he began.

“Just. Let. Me. Look,” Miley drawled snatching the file from his grasp.

“I will be in my office,” she told him. She hadn’t cleared it out yet. She had just told him she was quitting this morning. Therefore, Miley turned and sauntered her butt down the hallway toward the horribly small office. “I’ll have to demand a new office too…” Miley smirked as she muttered to herself. She had Charles right where she wanted him; groveling and desperate.

She flicked on the light and then closed the door; walking around to the back of her desk, she curled herself into her office chair. Sitting up slightly to push herself toward the desk, she reached out and opened the file.



The pictures of the island were gorgeous, tropical, and unique. The problem was that there weren’t many of them, just two. Miley was actually quite surprised when she looked at it. Most of the normal clients would have been bragging about such beauty.

There wasn’t much in the file, simply contact information for the magazine company and what type of photos they were searching for, also directions on how to get to the island. It seemed that there was hidden beauty on this remote island, and the magazine wanted to uncover it.

The magazine company stated that they knew Miley would be the right person for the job. They had looked through her portfolio multiple times. Miley had begun to make a name for herself without the help of Siegel Images. She had become known to get the inside scoop and to discover things that other photographers had missed.

Miley felt that she had to go and explore the place. The rarity of anyone ever exploring the island made it just so tempting. This was a newly discovered unexplored island, what opportunities were waiting for her? Thinking about this made her wonder what they were really looking for.

Notes in the file had mentioned that the magazine company requested images of said island, of stone structures, rare animals, and unique features. The magazine was known for bringing new discoveries to people all over the world through their magazine.

Opening her computer and email… Miley began to type frantically.

Dear Geography Decoded Magazine,

I am the elusive photographer, Miley Tanner from Siegel Images. I would love the opportunity to travel and explore the island in question. To add to the contract, I would like to propose full photo and digital rights, royalties at seventy percent. If these terms are agreeable, I could leave out later this week.


Miley Tanner

The email was sent. Miley folded the laptop back closed and waited.

She sighed. Why
could not she get something more descriptive? She pushed her chair back as she closed the file, snatching it up, and stored it in the top drawer of her filing cabinet before leaving. Charles could wait until after lunch for her reply. She wanted to wait and see if the magazine company would reply. She did not want to call.

Outside, the streets were busy. New York had always been busy, let alone at lunchtime. Miley walked up to her favorite vender and smiled. “Hey, Walt, what’s on the menu today?”

Walt smiled brightly “Well, I have bbq, soup, and I know you probably don’t want those so… just for my favorite client grilled chicken salad.”

“Awe… thanks. I knew I can always count on you for the best lunches,” Miley gushed. She had been getting her lunches from Walt a few days a week for years now. He was such a wonderful old man. He seemed a lot like a grandfather to her.

“So, how did quitting the job go?” he asked with a slight chuckle. Miley had been complaining for a while now and seriously threatening to leave for the last week.

“I think Charles just offered me a
n opportunity I could not refuse,” she shrugged.

“Really now?” Walt raised an eyebrow and smirked.

“NO, you sick old man… not like that,” she blushed.

“Well, I just figured you’re such a beautiful woman and he’s been trying to get your attention ever since you started…” Walt suggested.

“I am not crazy enough to smooze with Charles,” Miley shuddered.

“It might be a great offer for a young woman like you…” Walt chuckled.

“Anyways,” Miley laughed. “He offered double pay, an all-inclusive trip to an exotic island, which has never been explored, and I am going to get that corner office away from him,” she smiled proudly.

“Good girl,
” Walt smiled. “I knew you’d do it. Now get back there and tell Charles whose boss,” Walt encouraged.

Miley grasped the salad
, then handed Walt his money before she turned around and to walk back toward the office.

She stopped for a moment. “Walt… if I am not around for a while, don’t get worried. I might be going on that trip soon,” She told him before rushing back and offering a tight hug. “Bye, gramps
,” she snickered before trotting away, her stilettos clicking as she left.

As Miley went into her office to eat her delicious
salad, she noticed a very angry looking Peter stomping down the hall. ‘I wonder what got into him,’ she thought.

After eating, Miley ditched her container in the trash. She pulled the computer toward her and lifted up the computer’s top. Surprisingly, there was a message from the magazine

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