Island of Dragons (7 page)

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Authors: Lindsey Owens

BOOK: Island of Dragons
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Chapter 21

Cain and Nick walked with Miley, she did not bother protesting, which they were grateful for. Cain understood human woman, as much as he could at least. His mate was a human sacrifice from the main island years ago.

He rather liked humans, his mate was caring, loving, and playful; the only quality she
did not share with the dragons was the ability to shift into one. He had grown accustom to it over the years and even had a saddle type device fashioned for her so he could safely carry her around during flight.

Nick on the other hand was wary of the human. He only held tightly to her earlier because he was told to. She was so frail and small he was afraid he would break her. There had been stories…

The trio finally came to the back door of the alpha’s house and opened it to the beauty of the back yard.

“Right this way.” Cain said holding his hand out.

Miley stepped through followed closely behind by Cain and Nick. They walked down the stone path, which lead to a small cabin.

It was made with logs from the surrounding area, flowers and vines grew on it as if it was part of the natural scenery. Walking up on the porch Cain sighed, “This is where you will be staying.”

“What have I done wrong?” Miley whimpered.

“Inside.” Nick snapped. He wasn’t afraid to yell at the woman. She may have been a woman but she was a human one.

Cain’s head snapped over to Nick and he watched as the small woman nervously scooted though the door and away from Nick. “I heard you have a camp with some things…”

“Yes.” Miley squeaked.

“I’ll be sure to send someone to pack it up and bring it here. I’m sure you would like a change of clothing?” Cain said. He may have been a stern enforcer but he was still a man standing before a beautiful woman.

“Please.” Miley whimpered.

Nick slammed the door. He stood on the small wooden deck glaring at his fellow guard. “What is wrong with you?” Nick hissed.

“What is wrong with you?” Cain replied.

“You are befriending a human?” Nick growled.

“Pish,” Cain snorted. “I am being civil, she is scared…”

“HUMAN!” Nick growled.

“And…” Cain drawled. Nick took a menacing step forward. Cain raised an eyebrow curiously. “Seriously, you going to threaten me like that?”

“What part of human aren’t you worried about…?” Nick snapped, he wouldn’t fight Cain, he wouldn’t win anyway.

“You’re scared of her?” Cain chuckled; he eyed the man before him then added, “you are…”

“No!” Nick blurt out rubbing his hand through his hair and looking away.

“She’s just a human Nick. Have you forgotten that I am mated to a human woman?” Cain questioned.

“A tamed one,” Nick snorted.

“Tame? Yeah right… like you can tame a woman.” Cain chuckled. “That woman in there” Cain pointed back toward the cabin, “Is more frail and vulnerable than you can imagine. She’s terrified right now, far from home, and alone on an island where she’s only mostly saw men. She probably
did not even know this island had people on it!” Cain yelled. He stepped from the deck. “I am going to ask Max to go out and pack up her things. I’ll be back in a few minutes. Don’t do anything stupid.”

Nick rolled his eyes, him do something stupid, ha! He looked around the small deck, spotting a swing on the far side, brought himself over to it and sat down.

“This is so stupid. Why do I have to sit here and babysit a human?” Nick snarled to himself after what seemed like an hour.

“Why would those two bring a dangerous human to our village? Now… I’m stuck watching her. What if she goes crazy and torches the place?” He hissed. Nick had been brewing in his anger the entire time that Cain was gone.

Miley walked around the small cabin, scared, hungry, and alone. There was a small kitchen and since she was locked inside she figured nobody would care or notice if she found something to eat.

Gingerly she padded over to the cupboards. On the counter sat a bowl of fruit, mostly strange looking ones, but some which she knew she would like. Strangely enough, when she pulled the cupboards open she found similar items that would be at a normal home, not a cabin in the middle of nowhere.

There were boxes of cereal and crackers, chips and granola bars. Nothing needed to be cooked and she was glad for that since she wasn’t sure how she would cook without a stove, though strangely enough there was a small fridge.

Miley pulled down a granola bar and bag of chips. Though it wasn’t the healthiest of meals, she was hungry and
did not quite care. Four cupboards later, Miley had discovered the bowls and the cups.

She pulled down what she needed and then dumped some contents of chips into her bowl. Looking into the small fridge, Miley found a bottle of juice, which would suit her fancy and put the cup back away.

With everything she wanted in her hands she wound her way around the kitchen and into the small living room. She could hear the two men fighting outside the door but was too afraid to go back out there and ask why. After she finished her granola bar it had become silent.

She slowly ate her chips, listening for the existence of anyone outside. It had been nearly an hour when she could no longer hear either of the men outside. Knowing if she was going to have a chance to escape it would only be a small one… Miley quickly ran off to the kitchen grabbed another drink and raced to the door.

Yanking it open she was surprised when she did not find a man standing before it. Her feet could not move quickly enough as she shut the door behind her and raced to the edge of the deck.

“What do you think you are doing?” The voice of one of the men asked.

Miley froze. Whipping around to the sound, she smiled innocently at the man. “Uh…” She paused. “I was just bringing you a drink… thought you might be thirsty…” She said cautiously.

The man had stood and was now only a mere feet from her. His head was cocked slightly to the right listening to her.

“Oh, well thank you.” He said surprised.

“You’re welcome.” Miley smiled. “You are… Nick or …” She began but he quickly interrupted.

“Nick.” He said.

“Oh well, here you go Nick
,” she said sweetly holding the unopened bottle of juice up to him.

“Thanks.” He said accepting the bottle.

“Do you mind if I sit with you…” Miley paused “it’s boring inside… alone.”

Nick looked around anxiously, and then shrugged his shoulders, “Sure.”

Miley smiled and walked over to the swing which Nick had occupied. She curled herself up and turned to stare at him. What was it about these men that was so different than other men?

“So…” Miley said cautiously.

“Why are you here?” Nick asked cutting to the chase.

Miley looked away, she was considering not talking to this man. He was one of the guards that had brought her after all and he was a big and burly scary man… but she was scared. She wanted to go home, well that was a lie. She
did not want to go home, this place was too beautiful.

“Work” was all she said. It was a slight whisper and Nick wasn’t even sure she had said anything.

“Hmmm.” He replied. “What do you do?” He continued.

Miley clamped her mouth shut and looked around at the scenery. What had she done wrong in her life to be held prisoner for doing who knew what?

“What did I do?” She finally snapped back at him.

Taken aback Nick sucked in a breath. He was about to speak when Cain walked back up. “Well…” Cain smirked. “What do we have here?”

“Uh Cain…” Nick muttered. “It’s not like it looks.”

Cain chuckled; he knew the guard was trying to get answers even if he was using the charm that he really
did not possess. “Sure you were. Now,” Cain said stepping up to the deck. “Miley, you need to get back inside. Dinner will be here shortly and we don’t want anyone to have a conniption about you being out and about…” Cain said gently holding out a hand to her.

Miley nodded and silently stood up on her own. She
did not accept the man’s hand, instead she shyly ducked her head and continued inside.

Chapter 22

Sure enough, dinner did come shortly later. It was a yummy dinner of fish and rice, which Miley could get use to. Cain had carried it inside and set it on the small table.

Max and Derek arrived with Miley’s luggage and placed everything that she did not need in a storage room, such as her tent and sleeping bag. She thanked them both for the care they had taken when packing her things.

Cain stood watch as Miley interacted with both the boys and as soon as they were gone he told her there was a bedroom in the back for when she decided she was tired and if she truly needed anything outside.

What she did not expect though when she went into the bedroom to change, was the gorgeous view. Miley really did not bother to move the curtains in the living room but she was sure it would have the same sight.

The bedroom was beautiful
, but it made her nervous. Miley noticed just how truly open the home was. The room was completely open, sheer curtains swished in the breeze. The view was a lagoon and the only thing separating her from it was large glass French doors and windows finishing off one whole wall. An entire wall made out of glass. Miley was sure she had left behind the ocean but it was water none the less.

Miley’s eyes explored the cream walls and beautiful paintings lining them. The floor was wood with beautiful exotic coloring to it and the bed… Well the bed hung suspended from thick woven ropes at the edge of the room overlooking the water.

Miley noticed a flowing waterfall at the far side and a sharp mountain cliff surrounding it. The cliff was covered in a soft green moss, which must have been from all the mist floating in the air.

Without looking around
anymore, Miley turned around and began to strip her clothing. The spring dress, which she had been given, and now wearing was excessively cold for the night. It was about time she changed.

Piece by piece her clothing dropped to the floor. When she was standing there
naked, looking for more clothing to put on a sound alerted her she was no longer alone. A rumbling purr flowed around her; Miley yelped and yanked the blanket from the bed, wrapping it around herself. “AH!” She screamed as she turned around and found two men ogling her suggestively raising their eyebrows at her on the other side of the glass window.

“Miley?” Max and Cain came bursting in. Nick had taken off to home, for the night and would return to guard her in the morning.

Miley whipped around as Max and Cain entered the room and screamed at them too. “What’s …” Max began as he approached her slowly.

His eyes flit up and he noticed the two guards at the window grinning from ear to ear, turning his attention back down to Miley he noticed what was covering her. Smiling slightly he said “Are you naked?”

“Max!” Cain snapped.

“What?” Max asked turning his head back to Cain. “Look at those idiots and they are supposed to be guarding her not eye raping her.”

Cain’s head snapped over to the window and he growled. “Take her out of here,” he hissed.

Since Miley was an unmated female, even though human, on the island it
did not give any of the males a chance to peep for her arrival. Cain had trusted the two men out there to be good guards and make sure that Miley did not sneak out. NOT… ogle her as she changed and slept.

Cain stomped forward and through the sheer curtains onto the deck. “What do you think you are doing?” He hissed.

“Just watching as she changed. We weren’t harming anyone,” one of the men muttered.

“This …” Cain growled
. “Is not acceptable. You two go to the front of the house. Guard the front door! Idiots,” Cain hissed.

He turned around and stomped through the bedroom. After he had made his way out of the
bedroom, he was even more shocked by the way, that Max was acting.

Miley whimpered as she held the blanket firmly around her body. Max purred in satisfaction, had pressed his arms against the wall beside Miley’s head pinning her in place. His eyes were roaming her, he slowly lifted one hand and began to meander it beneath the blanket when Cain saw him. “Max!” he screamed snapping Max out of his mood.

Max’s eyes snapped shut and he slowly opened them. Looking down slightly at Miley, he muttered his apologies. He had been in the right mind only moments before and was intent on being the guard, which he was but when he got her alone and something snapped inside him.

t out of here and go get Diesel,” Cain snarled.

“What about you?” Max questioned.

“I’m a mated male. She’s fine with me,” Cain sighed. He turned his gaze to Miley and frowned. “I’m sorry. It’s been a while since we had such a beautiful woman who is ah…” he paused, could he say mated and have her not question him… “Available,” he decided.

“How do you know I’m available…?” She questioned with a pointed glare.


did not know what else to say so he just wandered around the room for a moment, waiting for Diesel to show. Not long after Max had left he returned with Diesel at his side fuming angrily.

“What is going on out here?” He huffed as he stepped into the cabin. Miley’s nakedness beneath the blanket took him off guard and he stiffed, purring in satisfaction before Cain cleared his throat disapprovingly.

“We have a problem.”

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