Island of Dragons (11 page)

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Authors: Lindsey Owens

BOOK: Island of Dragons
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Chapter 36

It took some encouraging but Orion let Miley walk away from him to use the bathroom, getting the breather she desperately needed.

After a little while of getting her breather, Miley returned to her room to find Orion gone. When she walked out of the bedroom, she found him scrounging in the fridge in the kitchen. “You have anything here too eat?” he asked lifting his head out the fridge and looking at her.

“No.” Miley said slowly. “But I’m starving too.” It had been late afternoon when she had awoken and now it was past
dinnertime. Food had been pushed onto the back burner for a while.

“Are you ever going to leave?” Miley asked.

“Not till he gets here.” Orion shrugged. “It was hard finding you.”

“Fine,” Miley grunted. She stomped from the room, being followed by Orion. “I’m going to get something to eat.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa….” Orion huffed out, rapidly making it across the room to block the apartment door. “Where do you think you’re going?”

“If I am ever going to get something to eat… I have to go and get it. I haven’t been home in a while.” Miley reminded him.

“I’m not letting you go,” Orion protested, “do you have any idea how hard it was to find you?”

“Grrr…” Miley huffed as she turned around, “No I have no idea, I’ve live here for a long time, I could easily find myself. Why would you have been looking for me so hard for anyway?”

“Can’t you just order something, isn’t that what city people do?” Orion groaned.

Miley sighed. She could definitely order in
, but generally, she just went down to get what she wanted. “Fine,” she said finally, “I’ll call,” she walked over into the kitchen and pulled out a menu. “This is the place I’m ordering from, what do you want?”

Orion mulled it over and when Miley returned from her room with her cell phone, he had chosen what looked good. She made the call and then went to the fridge for a drink.

The pair decided to sit down in the living room while they waited. Miley stared nervously ahead over her at the television that was not turned on; while Orion stared at Miley making sure she did not disappear before his eyes.

“Why are you staring at me?” Miley finally questioned him.

“I’m sorry, it’s just that it was hard finding you and Diesel had men searching for you in many different areas of the city…” he dragged out.

“He had men all over looking for me?” Miley asked surprised.

“Don’t look so surprised,” Orion chuckled softly “Once a dragon finds a woman he wants for himself, they never let her go.”

Miley’s heart warmed at the thought of having a man who would never stray or betray her. “I don’t remember him much…
,” she said slowly.

“You will soon. The effects will
wear off by the time he gets here I’m sure.” Orion said even if it was not entirely true, he hoped she would.

After an awkward dinner, Miley offered up some blankets and a pillow to Orion. “I would rather sleep in the same room as you,” he told her.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Miley answered.

Orion smiled “It wasn’t a request, it was more of
an ‘it’s gonna happen type deal.’ It’s my head if something happens to you between now and when Diesel arrives.”

Miley shifted anxiously from foot to foot and looked around the apartment, thinking of what to do. Then the idea popped into her head. Turning on her heals she sprinted through down the hall.

A chuckle erupted from Orion’s chest, deep and full of humor. Before Miley could question, strong arms wrapped around her waist, pulled her to a stop, and spun her around, so she was pinned to the wall.

“Ah playful are we?” Orion questioned huskily into Miley’s ear.

She gasped and looked down at her feet to afraid to meet the beautiful man’s eyes. “I could play all day darling but you will tire eventually.” He whispered.

“Please,” Miley shuttered slightly as a plan formed in her mind, “I just want a moment…”

Orion pulled back from her, looking into her eyes and searching them. It was as if he could see into her soul. “Go ahead,” he finally told her releasing her completely as he stepped back. “But be quick.”

Miley nodded then backed away quickly. Once inside her room, she locked the bedroom door then whipped around and grabbed at a chair to shove under the door handle.

As the scrape and clunk of the wooden chair pressed up under the door, a swift hard knock made her screech. “What was that noise, Miley?” Orion called.

“Sorry. I just bumped into something…” Miley’s voice shook slightly as she lied.

“Open the door.” Orion growled, it was a scary noise and Miley was definitely not doing as he asked.

“Uh… no.”

“Open the door!” He yelled as his fist pounded against the wood.

“No!” Miley screamed back as she scrambled across the room to look out her window. There had to be a way out of there and sure
enough, the fire escape was going to be her way to safety.

did not know this man and she wanted to get to Morgan… get to someone she was familiar with some place where this Orion or the man he had called, Diesel would not find her.

“Open this door Miley,” Orion said slowly. Miley could tell he most likely had his teeth clenched in anger or frustration. “Or I’ll break it down.”

Miley scrambled out the window and onto the fire escape as fast yet as quiet as she could. As she raced down the sharp metal dug into the pads of her feet and she winced. However, within no time she was safely on the cool cement ground and running toward the building’s front door.

By the
time, she had made it around the building to the front door she could hear the most inhuman growl slash roar coming from the back of the building. It was angry or annoyed and downright ticked off. Worst of all it came from the man who must have just broken into her bedroom and was now glaring out the window for her.

Chapter 37

Miley slid her key to Morgan’s apartment into the lock and twisted it quickly. She had raced up the staircase instead of using the elevator knowing that if Orion
were to come down he would less likely look for her on them. Now, she stood one floor up in the hallway that lead to Morgan’s apartment fumbling with the key and looking around her worriedly, anyone spotting her would think suspiciously of her.

When she was safely inside, she locked all three of the locks securely on Morgan’s door then slid down it and let out a heavy breath.

“Who’s there?” Morgan called into the darkness.

“Shhh… it’s just me Morg,” Miley whisper yelled, knowing that her friend would be armed with a baseball bat at the least.

Morgan flicked on the light, yawning and rubbed her tired eyes. “Miley?” Morgan replied. “What happen with the man you had in your room?”

“Ah… it’s a long story. Can I hide here for the night?” Miley’s voice was hushed and hurried.

“Sure.” Morgan replied lightly. “We haven’t had a sleep over in forever! Let’s watch a movie.”

“Great.” Miley beamed pushing herself off the floor to walk over to the couch.

The two girls settled onto the couch and decided to watch a movie to settle them down before going to bed, even though Morgan had been sleeping prior.

It wasn’t long until Morgan and Miley had fallen asleep curled up beside each other on the living room couch. The movie hadn’t even been on for more than fifteen minutes. A loud banging made both girls shoot up from the couch screeching. “What was that?!” Morgan cried.

“Open up Miley! I know you’re in there!” Orion’s voice boomed through the door.

“That’s the guy isn’t it…
?” Morgan hissed.

“Shh… I’m not here.” Miley whispered as she raced through the apartment to hide in Morgan’s bedroom.

Morgan groaned. She knew she needed to answer the door or the neighbors would be calling the police on her for the noise disturbance. Morgan let out a breath and rolled her eyes as she reached beside the couch and took a tight grip on her baseball bat.

“Quiet you’ll wake the neighbors, I’m coming…” Morgan called back to Orion’s yelling.

Morgan unlocked the two standard locks on her door but left the hefty chain lock in place as she slowly opened the door. “Who the heck do you think you are… pounding on my door in the middle of the night…?” Morgan began but soon lost her voice as she came face to face with the most handsome man she had ever met.

Why Miley had hid this man from her or why she was hiding from the gorgeous creature was beyond her and she knew she should have questioned it earlier.

“I know she’s in here. I need to speak with Miley right now.” Orion said stepping closer to the door.

Morgan gawked and her mouth opened and closed like a fish as she struggled to find the words to say. “I’m armed…” She muttered.

Orion rose an eyebrow and began to smirk, “Oh really.”

“You better leave… she’s not here.” Morgan argued.

Orion’s grin grew bigger on his delicious looking lips and Morgan knew instantly she was going to lose the battle. He reached forward and pressed a hand to the door. “I’ll give you one last chance to let me in…,” he said slowly.

“I can’t do that…” Morgan swallowed down a hard lump in her throat as she tried to shove the door closed.

“Move, I don’t want you to get hurt.”

Before Morgan could do much to reach Orion shoved the door just slightly causing the chain to snap and when he had enough room he laced an arm around Morgan’s waist and twirled her away from the door allowing himself enough room to get inside.

Pressing Morgan toward the wall he leaned down over her and breathed her in. “Now aren’t you just adorable.” He grinned.

Morgan blushed. She had been only in a short pair of shorts and a tank top. Now this man was looking at her as if she was the only water in a desert, and he was beyond thirsty.

“Thanks…” Morgan muttered shyly.

“Are you going to tell me where she is or do I need to search her out?” Orion questioned.

Morgan tried her best not to rat out her friend but within moments her arm raised on it’s own accord and she pointed toward the bedroom where Miley had hidden.

“Thanks. I’ll be back for you in a few moments,” he grinned gently releasing her.

Morgan watched unmoving as the gorgeous mysterious man, which had been in Miley’s room with her doing who knows what with her, walked across her home.

Chapter 38

The door to Morgan’s bedroom swung open and Miley came out of the bathroom yawning. “Morgan, can we just…” she began
, but quickly shut up by the man standing before her.

“You really think that running around the building can deter a dragon’s nose?” Orion questioned.

Miley huffed and backed away from him as she spoke. “What did you do with Morgan?”

“That cute girl out there…” he asked amused, “she’s fine.”

“Morgan!” Miley screamed.

“She said yelling would wake the neighbors” Orion told her. “Do I need to cuff you to something… or?”

Letting the question hang in the air, Orion stepped toward Miley quickly collecting her wrist in his big palm. She shook her head no and pinched her eyes shut anxiously. “Please don’t hurt me… please don’t hurt Morgan.” Her voice was nearly a whisper but Orion heard the words clearly.

He sighed, taking pity on the woman; he released her wrist and shook his head. “You may have annoyed me but trust me darling, I
could not ‘hurt’ you if I wanted to live.”

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me, I’m loyal to you. Your new mate is my alpha. I am loyal to him and so I am loyal to you.” Orion told her. “But I won’t let you run off, he’ll be here soon and then you’ll be free of me…” Orion said before adding “somewhat.”

Orion nodded his head toward the door “let’s go get your friend.”

“Yeah… she’s probably worried.” Miley said quickly scurring around Orion and toward the door.

“Oh thank goodness,” Morgan breathed as she snapped out of her confusion and rushed toward Miley wrapping her arms tightly around her.

“Ladies… it’s late, why don’t we head to bed?” Orion cleared his throat.

“Is he staying here?” Morgan whispered causing Orion to smirk and Miley to flush.

She nodded shyly “yeah I guess so.”

“Well uh Mister…” Morgan began.

“Orion,” Miley muttered at the same time as Orion himself spoke his name.

“What an amazing name.” Morgan beamed. “You can have the couch.”

Orion smirked even more than his normal one and shook his head “I’ll be sleeping wherever she is. I’ll take the floor if I need too.”

Chapter 39

The girls slept side by side on Morgan’s bed while Orion slept uncomfortably on the floor in the same room. When Miley
awoke, she was relieved to think it was all just a horrible dream. She could smell the delicious scent of a home cooked breakfast as she sat up and padded across the floor.

“I had the strangest dream
,” she began as she walked out to the kitchen and could not believe her eyes.

“Oh you’re up!” Morgan squeaked out in surprise. She was sitting on the counter with Orion between her legs. He pulled away only slightly and turned toward Miley with a grin.

“Morning,” he grinned, “I was just getting to know your friend here…”

“Sure you were.” Miley muttered skeptically.

“Miley it’s not what you think…” Morgan tried to defend herself but Miley rose an eyebrow at her.

“Well, I’m going to go home and change.” Miley groaned walking toward the door.

Orion looked toward Morgan and then back at Miley, struggling with a heavy decision to make. Then he quickly bolted toward the door. “Hey, I told you I have to stay with you until he gets here. It’s not…”

“Well you seem a little occupied.” Miley shrugged. “Anyway, I’m a big
girl; I can take care of myself.”

She yanked the door open and
did not even wait for Orion to catch up. He was at a loss of what exactly to do. Stay with the girl, which he now has chosen as his mate or chase after his alpha’s mate who is his responsibility.

Whipping around, Orion ran back toward the kitchen. “I need you to come up to Miley’s apartment. I got to go after her…
,” he said quickly before adding a drawn out “please.”

He kissed her forehead and turned around racing out into the hall to catch up with Miley. Luckily, she had nothing on his speed nor did she bother to run as he raced down the hall and found her standing casually before the elevator doors.

As the doors opened and Miley stepped inside, Orion did as well. She pressed the button to her floor and then turned to glare at him. “What is with you and my friend?” She questioned.

“Don’t look at me like that.” Orion rolled his eyes.

“You had her straddling you as you pinned her to the countertop.” Miley snapped.

“What I do…” Orion began.

“Is my business too, when it includes my best friend,” Miley interrupted. “And I don’t think you should be dragging her into your mess of a life.”

“Mess,” Orion laughed. “You remember.”

“I don’t know what you are talking about.” Miley rolled her eyes and looked away as the elevator door opened.

Stepping out and walking quickly,
did not get her out of the situation though; Orion laughed and quickly caught pace with her. “You do!” He beamed. “Diesel’s going to be so glad to hear that!”

“Listen here mister.” Miley whipped around and pointedly jabbed a finger toward Orion as he dug into his pocket to begin calling Diesel. “You will not be telling him no such thing.”

Orion’s lip pulled into something that represented confusion as he cocked his head to the side and began to speak “and why not?” He questioned.

“What if I don’t want this life, huh? Have you ever thought about that?” Miley hissed.

“You can’t be serious!” he choked.

“Well maybe I am.” Miley shrugged pushing a key into her door’s lock. “I’m going inside and you… are going to leave. Stay away from Morgan.”

“That’s not quite how it’s going to work.” Orion huffed as he gently pushed Miley inside and stepped in behind her. With lightning like speed, he spun her around and pinned her to the wall. “I am going to take your friend back home with me, and you can’t stop me. You on the other hand are going to behave for just another day until Diesel’s flight gets in, then I’m going to turn you over to him.”

Miley squirmed and tried her best to move but she knew she stood no chance against the man’s strength.

“Let me go!” Miley snarled.

“Don’t cause me any more problems.”

He pushed up from the wall and walked across the room to slump down on the couch. Orion could tell Miley was contemplating an escape but was slightly afraid to act on it. He let her walk out of the room and into her bedroom alone.

Think fast, Miley reached for her cell phone and dialed Morgan’s number. Whispering into the phone when Morgan answered Miley practically begged
her friend to get out of the building and hide somewhere.

“Miley.” Morgan sighed. “Why is it you were hiding this man from me? He’s so …” Morgan sighed.

“No Morgan listen, please,” Miley begged. “I have to get away from him and you do too. He’s …” Miley thought what kind of words would help her to convince her friend when the word “dangerous,” finally blurt out of her mouth.

“Dangerous?” Morgan laughed.

“If you don’t go Morgan…” Miley whined, “I can’t help what will happen but I am going to leave.”

“You do what you have to do Miles. I’ll be over in a
bit; we’ll go get dinner later.” With that, Morgan hung up the phone.

“Miley?” Orion called from the other room causing Miley to turn toward the noise and glare.

“Leave me alone!” Miley snapped.

Orion chuckled.

Soon there was a knocking on Miley’s door and she eagerly ran toward the opposite side of the house trying to answer the door before Orion could get up.

“I’ll answer that.” Orion said standing up.

“Nope, thanks.” Miley said quickly.

She yanked the door open and Morgan smiled back at her as she pushed herself inside. “Hey Miles.”

“I asked you to…” Miley muttered.

“I know Miles. Run…” Morgan groaned, “I just
did not listen,” she beamed as she looked away. “Hey Orion.”

“Hey darling,” he grinned. Standing up he walked toward Morgan with open arms and Miley watched dumb founded as Morgan wrapped herself into Orion’s arms.

It had only been one night in her apartment and they had not even said much to each other. Let alone talk! Now the two were lovey dovey?

“Gah!” Miley snorted then stomped across the apartment. She flopped herself on to the free couch and flicked on the television.

“I’ll get it!” Miley stretched standing up the movie she had chosen had been too boring and the company wasn’t good company when the two began to start smooching.

“Well hello.” The man on the other side of the door grinned pressing the door open. Miley turned her head around and found Orion was rising to his feet with a satisfied grin.

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