Island of Dragons (13 page)

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Authors: Lindsey Owens

BOOK: Island of Dragons
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Chapter 42

Miley did not know what to do. She had tried her best to get the guy to leave her alone. She could not take another heartbreak from a too tempting hot guy. What if this guy turned into another Toby and found someone new. For some reason, Miley did not know if she could quite handle that.

She had to scurry away before she caught sight of the sexy man stripping his clothing for bed. She knew for sure, she
could not handle that! Miley had taken to her room and though she could not quite get to sleep. She had rolled around for hours. Eventually, Miley just grunted as she grabbed a blanket and stomped into the other room.

Diesel hadn’t been able to sleep as he had suspected. Around three a.m. he found his way to the kitchen to grab a drink trying to calm his restless body.

Yawning, Miley stumbled into the kitchen, her sight was fuzzy from sleep and she did not expect to see him standing there. Nope, definitely not. Without paying any attention what-so-ever Miley walked right into Diesel’s hard chest.

“Owf,” she grunted stumbling back. “Oh! Diesel, I’m ah…” she muttered.

Miley was going to say sorry for walking into the man’s chest but when her eyes finally became used to the light which Diesel snapped on and she found him standing before her looking more stunning than ever before. Her eyes trailed down his tight chest, to his strong abdominal muscles all the way down to…

“Ahem…” Diesel chuckled softly. “I sure don’t mind if you stare my love but I would prefer if you
did not look so …” he paused trying to find the right word. Not finding what he wanted he just simply shook his head, “sexy when you stared,” he smirked.

Miley’s eyes snapped up to Diesel’s violet ones. “I would never
,” she snorted side stepping him and grabbing a water bottle from the fridge.

“Oh, but you would.” Diesel smirked. “
Could not sleep?” He asked curiously.

“No.” Miley yawned, looking up at Diesel with her droopy brown eyes. Mesmerized, Diesel’s thoughts drifted off to what a mix of their eye colors would bring out in any future children. “I was going to put on a movie.”

“Oh. Do you mind if I joined you?” Diesel asked yawning slightly. He had been overly tired from the trip here and he has yet to have enough time with Miley to rejuvenate himself.

“Uh…” Miley said tentatively looking around the house and then nervously back up at Diesel, “if you stay on your side of the couch.”

Diesel’s laughter filled the small space of the kitchen and Miley smiled. She did not know exactly why but it was the most beautiful sound she had ever heard in her life. “I get to pick.” he chuckled as he raced across the room before Miley could move.

“Hey!” She cried out but only moved at a third of Diesel’s speed. Though, he had been tired the beast within Diesel would always be able to sustain more speed than the smaller human girl. “It’s my house!”

Diesel huffed. “But I am the guest.”

“And that’s not my fault your free to leave.” Miley shook her head. She
could not get past this stranger here in her home who felt more like a long lost friend.

Diesel really
did not care what movie they watched as long as Miley was happy. Instead, he just slumped his shoulders in fake defeat and wandered over to the couch. Miley quickly grabbed what movie she had obviously been already thinking off, popped it into the player, and made her way back over to the couch.

“That is my spot
,” she puffed slapping her hands on her hips and in the process accidently dropping the blanket which was covering her.

“Ah…” Diesel murmured. His eyes were stuck somewhere other than up at hers and his hands desperately wanted to reach out to her soft skin.

“Oh!” Miley jumped slightly grabbing frantically for the fallen blanket. She had forgotten that she had gone to bed in just a tiny pair of underwear and a camisole. Pulling the blanket back around her, she tried to avoid Diesel’s intense gaze.

“Sorry,” he muttered out quickly moving his eyes up to hers. “I
did not mean to stare. You’re just so beautiful.” Diesel breathed softly.

“Ah… no... I’m not.” Miley replied. She curled herself into the far side of the couch then pulled the blanket tightly around her.

Diesel raised an eyebrow. He had found a bit of information that Miley would never have released otherwise and he was going to use it to his advantage.

Though they were so far apart on opposite sides of the couch, both seemed to unconsciously move closer. Half way through the movie, Miley was curled up beside Diesel, her head curled against his chest and sleep had over taken her. Diesel though took a slight bit longer to fall asleep. He simply watched over Miley with a soft smile playing on his lips, twirling his fingers gingerly though her hair, which had fallen down from her messy pony tail; until his eyes slipped shut.

Chapter 43

“So, you took my advice?” Miley’s eyes shot open and she frantically tried to get away from the warm figure that was next to her. Finding a heavy warm lump wrapped around her she pushed at it, looking around for the source of the disturbance.

“Huh?” she mumbled.

“I spot this hot guy in your house and when we go out you swear up and down you’re not sleeping with him and what happens… I come to make sure you look good for your meeting with Toby and find you curled up with him? I can’t even look at you.” Morgan’s face was stern but her eyes filled with something that was more along the lines of laughter. She had tried hard not to laugh when she caught her friend curled up against the hot man whom she had yet to know much about. She was not really mad just amused.

“What?” Miley grunted as she pushed the lump away from her. She struggled from the couch and ended up getting tangled in the blanket and toppling over.

“Well,” Morgan mused. “I haven’t caught you like that with a man in forever,” she smirked.

did not do anything!” Miley screeched racing into her room. Diesel missing Miley by his side yawned and stretched as he slowly stood up.

“Well hello…” Morgan smiled
broadly, as her eyes trailed down Diesel’s taught abs to his black boxer clad bottom.

Diesel’s eyes widened and he turned to look at Morgan. Covering himself with the blanket he bowed his head and made his way down the hall. He tapped softly on Miley’s bedroom door.


“Go away
,” she cried.

“Awe, come on beautiful…” Diesel whined.

“Fine!” Miley grunted and opened the bedroom door “what do you want Diesel… to make my life more embarrassing?”

“We did nothing wrong, Miley,” he said softly as he pushed against the door.

“Just go away,” she sobbed softly.

“Come here princess.” Diesel replied as he spread his hands out wide.

Miley shook her head but slowly leaned into him anyway. She felt comforted by his presence but she did not say anything. Diesel’s callused fingers stroked gently across Miley’s back, while his other hand entwined in her hair. “You should wear your hair down sometime,” he said softly as he tugged at it.

“Why do you keep chasing me?” she said softly.

“I told you, I want you. You’re beautiful and feisty. You’re a tease. I’m head-over-heels for you.” Diesel said smoothing his hand down her cheek and tipping her head up to him.

“But why me?” Miley murmured. “I’m broken. You don’t want a woman like me
,” she cried softly.

“Again… You’re beautiful and amazing. I would be beyond honored even just to get a kiss from you.”

“You would want to kiss me?” Miley muttered.

Diesel nodded.

“You are not human, are you?” Miley stated.

“I am all the man you would ever need and so much more.” Diesel’s words were husky and again that strange accent loomed between them.

Miley moaned slightly as Diesel pressed his body into hers.

He slowly gripped onto Miley’s hips and pulled her in closer. She had yet to dress and he wanted to claim her right then. He was struggling to contain the
beast, which desperately was trying to get off his chain.

It was strange and foreign for him to not shift on a daily basis but since he had been here in New York, he had to keep himself in check. The land here was too occupied by humans and it would be too easy to let it slip.

Not being able to contain himself any more Diesel leaned down and pressed his lips to Miley’s. Stunned for a moment she stumbled backward, but Diesel gripped tighter to her hips continuing to follow her back toward the wall without breaking their kiss.

Soon Miley’s lips began to move with him and a soft moan escaped her lips. He grunted in approval as Miley’s fingers found their way to his hair. He pulled back slightly and kissed his way down to her jaw and back up.

The door suddenly burst open and the spell was broken causing Miley to frantically push Diesel away. “Oh uh… I figured… um let me know when you need my help.” Morgan mumbled as she slowly shut the door.

“Crap,” Miley groaned.

“Miley.” Diesel began but she was already pushing him away.

“Go get dressed
,” she stated simply.

Diesel nodded his head and made his way to the guest room.

Morgan had returned later after Miley was ready. She had picked out something super sexy in a ‘make him want me back’ type way for Miley’s meeting. “Ooo…” Morgan screeched this is the perfect dress.”

“I can’t wear that!” Miley complained. It was totally not a strictly ‘I mean business’ type dress it was more of a ‘come and get me… I’m crazy desperate’ type dress, Miley thought.

“Oh yes you can and I am going to tell you why… that boy toy you have in the other room is going to go with you as your buffer.” Morgan told her firmly wiggling the tiny black dress back and forth.

“No Morgan… he can’t.” Miley whined.

“He’s crazy for you. He is going to have you… eventually I just know it.” Morgan giggled.

“Exactly, why he can’t go. Look at that dress. He’s going to …”

Morgan cut in holding her finger up to Miley’s lips. “He’s going to struggle not to jump you right in front of Toby and Toby would never even consider trying something… with that hunk beside you,” Morgan assured. “Now get dressed.”

Miley sighed. Morgan did know best when it came to this type thing, or at least better than Miley did. Grabbing the dress Miley groaned as she made her way to the bathroom once again. At first she had tried to pull the dress on with the underwear she had been wearing but neither the bra nor the underwear was going to work.

“Ah come on!” Miley groaned as she wrapped a towel around her body and stomped back into her bedroom.

“What’s the problem now?” Morgan huffed.

“Nothing,” Miley snorted as she dug through her closet drawers. Finally, finding a sufficient pair of underwear and close enough matching strapless bra she patted her way back into the bathroom.

“O” Morgan’s lips curled up in a slight grin and she laughed quietly watching her friend leave.

Morgan slipped from the room quickly rushing down the hall to find Diesel and Orion talking amongst together. She was going to inform Diesel that he was going to be going with Miley. “Diesel,” Morgan called.

Orion growled and she looked over at him curiously.

“Oh… Hey uh… Megan was it?” Diesel asked his eyebrows furrowing as he looked up from Orion to Morgan.

“Uh… no it’s Morgan, but that’s irrelevant right now. I need you to get something oh… wait nope you look super sexy.” Orion’s gaze snapped over at Diesel as he growled. “Good
,” she clapped her hands together and turned to go back to Miley’s room.

“Hey what’s going on?” Diesel asked confused as stood and followed her.

“Oh… I just came to tell you that you’re going with Miley to make her jealous ex.” Morgan said as if it was nothing, waving her hand dismissively before walking away.

Diesel shrugged. He would have to ask Miley about it later but currently he just would finish cleaning up the living room and talking to Orion while they waited. The television was one of the many an amazing invention they talked about investing in. Nothing like they had on the island.

Morgan returned to the room just as Miley was coming out. She could not help but smile devilishly. “Oh he’s going to go crazy!” Morgan squealed.

“Yeah, maybe,” Miley shrugged as she turned herself around in the full length bedroom mirror.

“I mean your man out there…” Morgan giggled as she pushed her friend down in a chair to do her hair. “Now sit we still have an hour before you have to leave…”

Miley groaned. She wasn’t quite sure she wanted Diesel to go ‘crazy’ over her. Yet, she was satisfied and partially confident that Toby’s jaw would drop. She tried to rest while Morgan did her hair, but she kept wiggling in her place anxious to get up and find out what Diesel and Orion was doing in the other room.

“Hold still,” Morgan snapped.

“But I don’t want them out there by themselves.” Miley complained.

“Fine!” Morgan huffed flinging the brush down and stomping from the room. Moments later she came back with Diesel and Orion in tow. “Sit,” she demanded.

Diesel looked back at her not wanting to listen to the command. Who was she to demand anything of him? Then his eyes traveled across the room to a semi shocked beautiful Miley and he nearly fell onto the bed.

“Wow.” He breathed.

“Yeah now just wait until I’m done with her.” Morgan replied grabbing the brush and shoving it through Miley’s hair.

Orion on the other hand had happily agreed to obey Morgan’s demands. He sat down beside Diesel offering a gentle slap on the back.

Twenty minutes later, Miley’s hair was pulled up into a swooping braid across the top of her head. Small strands cascaded out of the braid refusing to abide by Morgan’s strict placement. Morgan stepped away allowing Diesel to have a full view as Miley stood up and patted across the room. “You look…” Diesel mouthed the air just barely escaping his lips as he spoke.

“Do I look good?” Miley swirled around.

Diesel found Miley’s beauty mesmerizing and she made it hard for him to breath. He wanted nothing more than to ravage her. His eyes scrolled down her, from the tips of her chocolate colored hair past her semi-bare shoulders and down the length of her dress. He smiled approvingly.

“Yep, he definitely likes it.” Orion nodded.

Morgan gave Miley a slight push. “Do not and I repeat, do not, mess up that hair until you get home.”

Morgan grabbed hold of Orion’s hand and began to drag him out of the room before Miley could really take her eyes away from Diesel. He had been studying her dress or at least the body beneath the tiny black dress and it made her blush. “So what do you think… will it make Toby feel jealous?” Miley asked cautiously.

“Who’s Toby?” Diesel nearly growled as his body lunged up and he playfully pinned Miley to the wall.

Miley’s cheeks flamed and she looked up at him through her dark lashes. “He’s my ex. Ah… I have to meet him to discuss a few things…” Miley said nervously.

“And I’m coming…” Diesel let the words say what he really meant. It wasn’t really a question but a statement one that he was hoping she wouldn’t try and disobey. He just
could not let her out of his sight looking so sexy. He pulled back slightly looking down at the small black dress again. It had large slits along Miley’s right side showing off her tanned silky skin in multiple spots, almost looking like there was nothing beneath, and if there was she did a good job at hiding it. He growled slightly as he let his fingers roam over the bare skin of her hip.

“Yeah… that’s what I heard,” Miley said slowly. She was finding it terribly hard to concentrate with this man so … all over her.

“You look … words can’t describe what I think about you right now.” Diesel said in a low rumble of satisfaction.

“Thanks,” Miley smiled softly before ducking beneath Diesel’s out stretched arm and making her way down the hall. She had been extremely nervous about seeing Toby again, but maybe with Diesel by her side, things would be alright. She was beginning to like his presence.

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