Island of Dragons (17 page)

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Authors: Lindsey Owens

BOOK: Island of Dragons
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Chapter 54

Miley looked around, the house was semi quiet, different from the day before. “Oh, hi dad,” Miley said as she spotted her father in the kitchen reading the newspaper.

“Morning darling,” Roger smiled. “Where is Diesel, I wanted to talk with him.”

“Oh, uh…” Miley blushed as she looked back toward where she had walked from, “he’s taking a shower.”

“Well when he’s finished, I want to chat with him,” Roger told her. “Oh, dear, your mother’s expecting you back at the house. She was hoping you could help direct the event coordinators around.”

“Oh okay. I guess I’ll go and tell Diesel a moment…” Miley murmured.

“Tell me what love?” Diesel purred as he wrapped his arm around Miley’s shoulder and pulled her closer to him. She blushed.

“She was just going to say, that I wanted to have a chat with you and Miley’s mother is expecting her back at our home.” Roger said casually. “Get a move on
dear; you don’t want to make your mother wonder where you are.”

Miley looked at Diesel, searching his eyes for any sign that he was nervous about the chat with her father, but she could see nothing. There was no sign of fear in his eyes, no nervousness,
and no worry. He leaned down and kissed Miley gently on the cheek, “Don’t want to keep her waiting. I’ll see you in a little while.”

Miley nodded and Diesel turned her around in his arms, tapping her on the butt to hurry her along. She squeaked which made both men chuckle.

“So, what is it you wanted to speak to me about?” Diesel asked.

“I was wondering if you would allow me to take you out to get you something nice to wear to the party.” Roger smiled.

Diesel eyed the man curiously. Roger sat with his legs crossed, the newspaper he was reading was flopped over, and he was wearing a pristine black Armani suit. The man looked as if he was made of money as simple as that. Diesel cocked an eyebrow and was about to question when Roger spoke up quickly, “I mean no disrespect, I swear. I only mean to make peace. You did come here without luggage am I correct.”

Diesel nodded “You are very correct, sir.”

“So shall we?” Roger asked.

Shrugging Diesel nodded slightly, “Why not.”

“Great!” Roger beamed as he stood up and walked toward the door, “let’s go.”

Diesel followed instep casually behind Roger. As they walked out behind the
house, Diesel noticed for the first time a black Corvette convertible. “Nice car,” Diesel grinned.

“Oh, you like it?” Roger asked as he climbed inside and began to put the top down. “My wife doesn’t think it’s good enough for me,” Roger scoffed, “but I love it.”

“Women,” Diesel laughed.

“I know!” Roger chuckled.

The two men enjoyed the ride talking about the things they could never understand about women. “I never understood how women can go from happy to crying in moments,” Roger muttered.

“I may not have been around as long as you have sir,” Diesel said slowly, “but I gave up on understanding a woman’s mind years ago.”

Roger laughed. “Well it looks like we’re here my boy.” He parked the car and stepped out still laughing as they both walked toward the building.

Chapter 55

“Hello Miley,
” Samantha muttered.

“Mother,” Miley replied. “What needs to be done?”

“Listen Miley,” Samantha said stepping closer to Miley. She held her hand out and reached to pat her daughter on the arm.

“Mother!” Becca called out. She had just walked in the door and abruptly interrupted, stomping on Samantha’s courage instantly.

“Oh Rebecca darling,” Samantha said stepping around Miley, “I’m in here dear!”

Miley sighed looking back toward the couch as she slumped down. Her pink and white dress poofed up on its way to settle down. Samantha turned back around “Miley that is not very appropriate,” She scoffed. “Why don’t you go help the staff in the kitchen.”

Miley muttered under her breath but did not bother to say much out loud. Rebecca had always been the favorite. Samantha and Rebecca laughed to themselves as Miley continued out of the room.

“Morning everyone!” Miley called as she walked in the large kitchen.

All of the staff looked up greeting her with bright smiles “your mother…” one woman scoffed pulling out a chair for Miley at the far side of the kitchen “doesn’t she realize you’re dressed up for the party.”

“It’s alright June,
” Miley groaned as she sat down. She pulled her chair up to the edge of the counter before grabbing a knife and a potato.

“You don’ have to do that,” another one of the staff complained.

“Oh hush,” Miley shrugged. “It’ll get done faster if I help.”

“What if your mother comes in here?” June said. June was the older woman
, which Miley had helped in the kitchen a lot during her years.

Smiling with a bit of an evil glint in her eyes Miley said, “You know better than that woman. My mother wouldn’t be caught dead...”

“Your mother wouldn’t be caught dead what?” Roger chuckled as he walked in followed by Diesel.

Miley blushed. “Don’t leave me hanging Miley,
” Roger laughed as he walked toward her and grabbed a potato.

“Oh no you don’t,” the old woman scolded yanking the potato from Roger’s hands, “not you too.
It is hard enough keeping Miley here from getting in trouble with Miss Samantha. I don’t need a scolding from her about you getting that suit dirty.”

Roger shrugged. “Why don’t we head in the other room and watch a movie why Diesel gets dressed.”

That was the first time Miley had noticed the long suit bag draped over Diesel’s arm. He smiled down at her. “I hope you’ll like it.”

“I’m sure
you’ll look as handsome as ever,” Miley said quietly.

Roger slapped Diesel on the shoulder, “I told you.”

“Told him what?” Miley asked as Roger began to walk away. “Hey! What did you tell him, Dad!”

Diesel laughed grabbing Miley’s hand and tugging her after her father. “Come on love, you’ll be alright.”

When Roger finally came to a stop, he turned back toward them. “This is a guest room, you can change in here. We’ll be right down the hall at the end.”

“Very well,” Diesel nodded. Roger walked away and before Miley could
protest, Diesel pushed the door open and pulled Miley inside.

Quickly he turned around and pressed her up against the wall. “I’ve missed you.” Diesel purred as he pressed his lips to her.

Instantly Miley’s arms snapped up on their own accord and around his neck gripping him tightly. She moaned. Diesel’s hands rubbed her bare legs and slowly roamed up beneath her dress.

She could no longer resist how much she wanted him. Diesel was a good man and she knew he would never hurt her. Miley wanted him at that moment more than
she has ever wanted a man. She did not want him to let her go.

Suddenly, as quickly as he had pushed her against the wall he pulled back leaving her breathless. “Did I do something wrong?” she breathed.

Diesel smiled. “No love.”

Dropping to his knee, Diesel pulled out a small box from his pocket. “I wanted to do this the right way. I already got your father’s permission and now I’m going to ask you,” h
e looked up at her grinning ear-to-ear as he continued.

“Miley, ever since the first day I met you, I knew I was doomed to love you. Your smile could warm the heart of the coldest heart and your laughter is as light and beautiful as that of angels. I love you and I will never ever hurt you like the unmentionable man did to you. Would you d
o me the honor of marring me?” he asked, grasping Miley’s hand he slid an amazing white gold diamond solitaire ring onto her finger.

Chapter 56

Miley could barely breathe let alone speak as she walked on weak wobbly legs toward the media room. Roger turned to look at her from his recliner chair smiling. “So, you took quite some time.”

“Yeah,” Miley said letting out a breath.

She had left the room so Diesel could change. Slumping onto the couch beside her
father, she stared down at her hand. “I thought that was the perfect one for you,” Roger said quietly.

“You helped him chose?” Miley asked.

“Well not really, I just confirmed Diesel’s thoughts. It’s a very stunning ring. I’m sure your mother’s going to have a heart-attack and your sister!” Roger laughed. “Oh well we’ll just let her find out for herself, I think it’s going to be one heck of a dinner party!”

Miley smiled.

“She said YES!” Diesel boomed as he walked into the room. He walked up to Miley bending down and pulled Miley to a standing position before sitting down and tugging her onto his lap.

“I knew she would,
” Roger shrugged.

“Dad?” Miley questioned. How could he of known she would say yes? Miley was still catching up with reality.

“Oh don’t dad, me. Miley you should have seen the look on your face. You could barely keep yourself from touching the man all dinner last night. I know how you are darling, and I know whether you were about to admit it or not, he stole your heart.”

Miley shook her head with a slight smile and laid her head down against Diesel’s chest simply listening to his heart beat as they waited for the dinner guests to arrive.

Chapter 57

It had been a whole movie and a half since they had settled down in the media center then doorbell rang. “I’ll get it,” Miley said standing up. “The staff are all busy, I’m sure,” she continued as she made her way out and down the hall.

Miley popped her head into the kitchen as she passed calling “I’ve got it,” just so the staff
would not get more overwhelmed.

As she passed the living room
, she spotted her mother and Becca still chatting and laughing, completely uncaring that there was someone at the door. She scoffed.

When Miley finally reached the door, she yanked it open smiling “Welcome,” then gasped at whom she saw.

“Hello to you too,” Orion replied.

“How did you find me?” Miley grunted.

“Diesel’s here,” Orion shrugged.

“And…” Miley dragged out.

Orion chuckled darkly, “you’ve got so much to learn.”

Miley frowned, “What’s that
supposed to mean?”

“We’re linked. Diesel and I…” Orion shrugged as Miley’s face scrunched up in confusion. “It’s a difficult and confusing process. I’m sure he’ll link with you once you’re married. I’m sure he
wouldn’t want to lose you again,” Orion smiled then added. “Can I come in?”

“Ah… yeah,” Miley said stepping back and allowing Orion inside. Other guests had begun to arrive in the driveway and Miley grunted. “Do you mind stopping by the kitchen on our way…”

“Of course not,” Orion shrugged.

Miley lead the way, stopping at the kitchen to alert the staff of the other pending guests to arrive at the door, then continued on to the media room. “Orion
,” Diesel smiled standing up. He stepped forward and held out his hand to sake with Orion.

Miley watched in curiosity as the two men stayed with linked hands for longer than she would have assumed. When they pulled apart they both seemed different… more relaxed with a slightly ‘brighter’ complexion.

That was strange; she thought, and immediately noted to ask about it later. “Roger this is my brother, Orion,” Diesel smiled. “I hope you don’t mind, I had invited him to celebrate with us,” he said looking over at Miley; she knew he did not want her to protest.

“Of course not!” Roger beamed. “This is going to be entertaining.”

Chapter 58

The dinner now was in full swing. Guests had arrive, nearly one hundred of them. They were mostly business associates, but a few ‘friends of the family’ lingered around as well.

Miley now knew exactly why her mother had demanded she come back home by lying through her
teeth; they had to keep up appearances. Samantha was too proud to say ‘my daughter left for New York because she did not want to be married to Toby.’ Instead, she had invited Toby and hoped Miley would come alone and ‘make appearances.’

With a loud whistle and a clinking of glass, Roger stood. “What are you doing?” Samantha hissed.

Roger ignored his dramatic wife and began to speak. “Friends and colleagues, may I have your attention please. I have some wonderful news to tell you all!”

“Oh my god!” Miley moaned, ducking her head as she blushed fiercely. Diesel chuckled and gripped Miley’s hand giving her a bit of comfort.

“I hope you all have enjoyed the delicious dinner that was prepared by our wonderful staff and catering service.” Everyone around the room clapped.

“As we are coming to a close tonight,” Roger continued. “I would like to extend open arms to the guests that have had way too much to drink and a driver for those too pro
ud to admit they drank too much,” laughter erupted, Roger smiled but continued.

“As you all have noticed…” Roger’s eyes flit over toward Miley and Diesel then back to the crowd, “I know most of you have spoken with Diesel. Please stand, Diesel, Miley you too darling.” Roger waved his hand toward them smiling like crazy.

Miley stood slowly, her legs were wobbly and she was extremely thankful that Diesel wrapped a supportive arm around her waist. “I would like to formally introduce the engagement of my daughter Miley to this great man, Diesel.”

The room erupted in clapping and cheering
, followed by screeching from Rebecca and Samantha. Both woman huffed angrily as they pushed from the table. “Thank you all for coming. I’m sorry for my wife’s abrupt departure, but I hope you all can understand. Goodnight and I’ll be looking forward to hearing from you at a later date,” Roger beamed.

He turned toward Miley and Diesel, “I’m sorry darling, if you would like to come with
, you may, but I really need to go after your mother. We should really have a family meeting as soon as the guests are gone.”

Miley nodded but stayed in her place. “I’ll make sure everyone gets out safely
,” she promised.

I wouldn’t expect anything more,” Roger nodded walking away.

Miley, Diesel, and Orion helped the guests get everything settled and even helped a few of the staff stack the dishes onto the trolley. As the last guest of the guests were leaving, Samantha’s loud
, angry voice could be heard, making Diesel snap his head in that direction.

“Go ahead. I’ll
make sure everything’s handled,” Orion assured them as he continued to help people.

“Samantha you’re being unreasonable!” Roger nearly screamed.

“Roger, I am not being unreasonable. What could that man possibly come from? I have never heard of his family name. He’s poor.”

Diesel’s furry was boiling
now. What did money have to do with love? He gripped tightly to Miley’s hand accidently making her whimper, before he let off some of his pressure. “Sorry,” he muttered.

, he’s a good man. I spent a while with him and he’s very kind,” Roger said less harshly than before.

“Roger, I don’t care if he’s kind. How is he going to be able to care for her if he’s poor,” Samantha screamed.

Diesel let go of Miley’s hand. Anger reached the max and Diesel roared as he burst into the room. He was going to show Samantha exactly whom she was dealing with.

“Who do you think you are?” h
e growled.

“Who am I? Who are you to be talking to me like that? I am Samantha Tanner
, the wife of the mayor of Blue Harbor and…” Diesel cut her off holding up his hand to stop her from speaking.

“Yes ma’am, I have heard all about your husband’s job, from him actually. And yes
, I have heard you are from one of the wealthiest families in the state, of course, from your husband as well. But frankly, I really don’t give a flying rat’s ass.” His words were blunt and caused Samantha to gasp as she held her hand to her heart.

“Roger! See what I mean!” Samantha whined. “He’s so uncivil!”

“Enough!” Diesel growled annoyed, his anger was in check, but just by the slightest of strings. He was shaking with rage at the moment, “I am going to marry your daughter. I don’t quite care if you are in her life or not after we leave this awful place. And truthfully, I have way more money to support anything Miley may ever want or need, therefore, no I’m not after her inheritance and I don’t care if she ever sees a dime.”

Diesel huffed. Miley stepped up beside him, gripping his shaking shoulder firmly. “I extend an open invitation, for any of the family that Miley may
choose to invite, to come to our wedding via my personal jet,” he was more than happy to invite them on the jet, even though he had never actually used it, more of a show piece than anything. “But I am going to tell you right now… if you dare open your mouth to complain or make Miley upset, one more time…” Diesel grunted, looked over at Miley then back to Samantha before continuing, “then that invitation to visit, will be cancelled and never renewed.”

that, Diesel turned on his heels clutching Miley’s hand and towing her along behind him. Stopping for a moment, he let out his last words, “Thank you Roger for the pleasant time, but WE are leaving; if Miley so chooses then she will send an invention when the time comes.”

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