Island of Dragons (12 page)

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Authors: Lindsey Owens

BOOK: Island of Dragons
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Chapter 40

“Go away?” Miley asked turning around.

“Who is he?!” Morgan blurt, trying not to screech too loudly.

“What?” Miley huffed facing her friend.

“You go
awol, telling me you’re going on a work trip and I come to visit once you get back and find a hunk like him in your house and another knocking on your door!”

Diesel chuckled. Miley turned around glaring. “He is nobody
,” she growled watching Diesel’s satisfying smirk fade. He had been dressed in an impressive pair of dark wash jeans that hung low on his hips and a black button up dress shirt, which made him look drool worthy. His bright violet eyes had been slightly washed out by the darkness of his shirt and his face held light stubble across his jaw.

Diesel stepped forward into the apartment fully and shut the door behind him with a smile on his lips. Extending his hand he said, “Hello, my name is Diesel McBride and you are?”

“Morgan…” Morgan muttered with a slight giggle as she grabbed his hand. She leaned toward Miley with bright eyes, “He’s so hot!” she said in a hushed whisper.

“He is not!” Miley hissed back at the same time as Orion growled.

“I am Miley’s best friend.” Morgan cooed. “Are you her new boy toy? It’s about time she got over Toby…” Morgan continued.

“MORGAN!” Miley scolded.

“He’s your soon to be ex!” Morgan snapped back. “So who is he?” she said pointing over Miley’s shoulder toward Diesel.

“I told you Morgan… He’s no…” Miley begun but Diesel interrupted.

“I’m her boyfriend.”

Orion chuckled and sat back down watching the cat fight before him.

“You are not!” Miley scolded turning toward Diesel angrily. With both hands, she reached up and pushed him away from Morgan. “In the other room NOW,” Miley hissed, “before you cause more damage!”

“What?” Diesel groaned but he let Miley push him
wherever she wanted to go.

“I have to take a shower and get ready to go. I have some plans
,” she said with one final shove. “If you’re going to be here then stay in here until I leave Then you can watch television or something until I get back as long as you don’t talk to Morgan, although, I would prefer if you left.”

“Miley,” Diesel protested as she shut the door behind her leaving him in her bedroom.

“So!” Morgan cooed stepping up to Miley as she stormed into the kitchen for a drink.

“It’s not what you think Mor,” Miley groaned.

“Oh come on Miles…, he’s cute.” Morgan chuckled. Orion growled and walked up to Morgan wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

“Who’s cute?” He questioned.

Morgan rolled her eyes. “Go on, it’s girl talk time.” Morgan giggled slapping Orion’s arm playfully as he grunted and walked toward the bedroom where Miley had stashed Diesel.

“Where do you think you are going?” Miley snapped walking after Orion.

“You know where I’m going.” He replied leaving her still fuming.

“Look Morgan. If you want to go out to dinner later, I need to get in a shower before we leave… please excuse me.”

“Fine! I’ll wait out here!” Morgan called back with a huff and reached in Miley’s fridge getting her own bottle of water. “Send the boys back out here would you?”

Miley stormed past Diesel and Orion with a pissed off expression across her face and straight into her bathroom. She closed the door and pulled off her clothes fiercely. When the water was warm enough Miley slid inside and sighed. This man was going to destroy everything.

The bathroom door creaked open and Miley stopped rubbing her hands over her hair “Morgan… I’ll be out in a minute you could not wait out there and watch a movie or something?”

“I’m not your bubbly blond friend.” Diesel spoke, his voice once again thick with a strange accent that she had noticed a few of the people on the island speaking with.

“GET OUT!” She cried as Diesel pressed a hand to the shower curtain.

She looked over at Diesel’s face on the other side of the shower curtain. She
did not expect him to be well… naked.

“Well love, I just wanted to see you with your hair down…” Diesel teased. He pushed his leg into the tub and slowly tantalizingly stepped inside.

“Get. Out. Now!” Miley screeched and before she could step out of the shower, Diesel’s hands pinned her to the wall.

“You look amazing with your hair down.” He smirked as his eyes roamed down Miley’s body.

He slid one hand down Miley’s body, while the other kept her from leaving. “Get out.” Miley huffed pathetically.

“You want me to leave?” Diesel asked with a grin.

“Yes?” Miley murmured. Her voice was filled with uncertainty.

“I don’t think you want me to leave…” Diesel purred as he leaned toward her and pressed his lips to hers.

Miley could not help it. The way their bodies merged together and the way their lips moved with one another was magical. She could feel herself loving this man. She could see a future with this man. Then it all came crashing down once again. “Miley?” Morgan’s voice called back toward Miley’s bedroom.

“Get out now.” Miley breathed heavily. She was panting from their kiss and her lips were plump and slightly swollen. “and maybe I will spare your balls from being crushed with a hammer
,” she finished with as she shoved against Diesel’s well defined chest.

“Well fine then.” Diesel chuckled stepping away of the shower and wrapping a towel around his waist. “Maybe lock the door next time or well… maybe we can enjoy ourselves a bit longer.” The man was so irresistible, Miley
could not stand it. She sighed and pressed her hand onto the shower faucet. She had to get dressed before she ran out there and jumped him.

Miley finished her shower and stepping out it seemed strangely quiet. Diesel was nowhere in sight. Miley sighed happily maybe he had left; well that’s what she hoped for until she heard Morgan’s rapid voice going on about something.

Miley dressed quickly and stormed toward the sound of her friend speaking. She just knowing that it was Diesel she was talking too. “Yeah well… Miley’s one hard nut to crack,” she heard Morgan sigh before adding “it took Toby like a year just to get her to go out on a date with him and then he went and…”

“Morgan!” Miley screeched.

“Oh uh… Miles… we were just” She paused.

“Talking right,” Miley snorted. “I’m leaving
,” she huffed and continued past her friend and the men toward the door. She had pulled on a pair of boot cut designer jeans and a designer bright red tank top with a black leather coat over top. Her red stilettos slapped across the hard wood flooring as she walked.

“Miley, come on…” Morgan called after she pushed from the couch and took chase. Diesel and Orion stood slowly making their way behind the pair. “Hey…” Morgan pleaded, “We were just talking
,” she tried to reason with her friend but Miley was still angry.

“I don’t want you to talk to him… I want him to go away.” Miley hissed. “I don’t want you to talk to either of them.”

“I told you, my love. I am not going away.” Diesel said stepping up beside Miley and grasping her hand.

“Let go of me!” she scolded stepping away.

“Look. I am going to have a girl’s day with my friend here. If you want to talk with me later...” Miley snorted as she locked her house door. She was going to make sure that Diesel and Orion did not get back inside.

“Would you mind if I joined?” Diesel asked.

Morgan looked as if she wanted to say something but Miley beat her too it. “No you can’t!”

“Miley, be reasonable.” Morgan whispered which made Diesel’s disappointment fade slightly. “What about him…” Morgan nodded slightly toward Orion.

Miley grabbed her friend by the hand and stormed down the corridor to the elevator. “He’s not coming with us, neither of them are.” Miley finally said as they made their way to the doorman.

“Miss Tanner,” the doorman called joyously too happy for the time of the day.

Miley smiled and came up with a quick plan; leaning in she caught Howard in a hug before pulling him close and whispering to him, “these me that are following us… don’t let them back in the building. They have been following us and it’s creeping me out,” Miley whimpered slightly for effect and pulled away from the doorman.

His face turned into a sneer and he stepped in before Orion and Diesel. “Excuse me, do you mind if I speak with you both over here a moment?”

Diesel’s face faltered but he quickly covered it up with a straight, emotionless, and nearly scary looking one. “Miley.” Morgan shook her head before speaking up. “Howard, leave the man alone. He’s just a love sick puppy.” Morgan smiled.

Diesel turned toward the doorman and nodded stiffly before walking off with him toward the security office. Orion stood stone still struggling to on which direction to go.

“Miley say something!” Morgan hissed.

“Fine,” Miley huffed, “Howard let him be. Come on puppy
,” she commanded.

Diesel smiled genuinely, nodded to Howard, and then jogged back toward the girls as Orion breathed a sigh of relief then took up pace behind them. Morgan smirked and gripped tighter to her friend’s hand, “come on let’s go.”

Once inside a large cab, Morgan huffed over at her friend before scooting over letting Diesel and Orion inside. “What’s your deal Miley, this man is totally head over heels for you?” Morgan whispered to her friend.

Miley pinched the bridge of her nose and let out a slow breath. “I can’t…” Miley paused trying to think of what she would say about the strange first meeting. “He’s been nothing but a controlling dick.” Miley said in a hushed voice.

“And you started sleeping with him anyway?” Morgan asked confusedly. She too was whispering but Diesel cocked his head slightly at the sound of Miley’s screeching voice.

Neither of the girls knew that Diesel and Orion, could hear even their slightest whisper nor did they know that the screeching was like a knife stabbing into their brains; flat out too loud.

“I’m not sleeping with him!”

Diesel smiled. “That would be fun,” he smirked.

“Interesting,” Orion murmured.

Diesel growled.

“You broke into my apartment,” Miley yelled glaring at Orion. “And you,” she snorted turning her eyes toward Diesel, “I haven’t ever had sex with you!”

“I did not.”
Orion shrugged “You left the door open.”

Miley shook her head at the annoying man.

“Okay…” Morgan said slowly. “Well…” she paused and looked over to Diesel then back at Miley before whispering, “You should.”

Diesel and Orion both chuckled and Miley nearly died of embarrassment. Even the cab driver nearly choked on his own air at Morgan’s words. “Well, thank you Morgan.” Diesel flit his eyes to Morgan with a grin. “I have been trying to get her attention for a while now.”

Chapter 41

The entire girls’ day, Morgan was trying to get Miley to at least consider giving Diesel a chance and Miley adamantly claimed it would never happen. Diesel tagged along and kept his mouth quiet for the most part. While Orion hung on Morgan’s every word doing anything he could to touch her skin.

Both enjoyed watching the two girls get pampered. Diesel had brought them out to lunch and enjoyed watching as Miley received massages. He fought his beast, shoving him back down, wishing he was the one whose hands were rubbing Miley.

After Miley and Morgan had finished their day, the girls hugged. “Diesel, you’re such a sweet guy.” Morgan cooed hugging him as well. “I really hope you can convince Miley to give you a chance.”

She turned toward Orion whom was now glaring over at Diesel. “Mind walking me home?” A smile grew on Orion’s lips as he gripped Morgan’s hand and together they began to walk away.

Miley snorted. “Bye, Morgan. See you later.”

“Enjoy yourselves.” Morgan smirked as she walked down the hall to her o
wn apartment. “I know we will.” Morgan was something else; she wore Miley out just listening to her ramble.

Miley turned to Diesel. He had followed the girls up and now Miley was unsure of how to get rid of him.

“Give me a chance.” Diesel plead as he gently placed a hand on Miley’s arm, “please.”

It was getting late and Miley was getting tired. She slumped against wall. Sighing she knew what she had to do. “Do you have a place to stay?” she asked.

“No. I hadn’t planned this whole trip out. I had men searching the city for you. Orion was suppose to bring you back…” he began, “but you insisted…” Diesel’s words hung and he stared at her pleadingly.

Miley sighed then pushed the key into her door and turned it. The apartment was dim from the fading light outside.

Pushing the door and stepping inside she turned and stared at the man who seemed a little beat. “Come on,” she sighed, “you can stay here for now.”

Diesel smiled softly and stepped into the apartment. “You hungry?” She asked.

Diesel’s shoulders slumped and his head hung low, looking up at her through his lashes he nodded, “yeah… sure.”

“I’ll call for pizza,” Miley said turning around and walking into the kitchen.

“It’ll be here in about twenty minutes.” Miley called out when she turned around she squeaked. “Oh!”

Diesel stood hovering just behind her. “Do I really bother you?” he asked slowly.

“I can’t do this.” Miley said with a slight whimper pushing gently on Diesel’s chest.

“Why?” Diesel questioned.

“Please… I can’t…” Miley looked away, she could not look up into his defeated beautiful eyes. A single tear trickled down her cheek.

Diesel sighed and pushed from his position backing away slightly. “What has he done to you?” He murmured.

Miley turned to look up at Diesel through her thick lashes. Diesel did not seem to be looking for an answer because he began again “I’ll change your opinion.”

“Please leave.” Miley whispered. She had changed so quickly.

“Miley.” Diesel said slowly stepping in her direction. In her hand Diesel assumed was what most human called a cell phone. He sighed.

Miley looked up anxiously. “Get out of my house Diesel.”

“Hand me the phone love.” Diesel said.

“No.” Miley replied tightening her grip ever so slightly.

“Front desk, how may I help you...” the person on the other side of the phone line asked.

“I …” Miley began.

Diesel could tell the closer he got the more confused Miley became. “Hand over the phone, Miley.” He said slowly. Miley took a step back watching Diesel as his predatory stare bore into her. She knew this man was different, she could remember the strange things to do with dragons and Diesel being one of them.

He lived on an island filled with strange happenings. He had those tantalizingly beautiful violet eyes and his touch sparked a fire within her. Miley still hadn’t fully understood if she was dreaming up everything that had happened on the island or not. Everything was swirling within her, even though she knew whole heartedly that everything was real.

Diesel is a dragon. A beautiful massive creature with bright violet eyes and she had been kidnapped by another which had shipped her back here and asked for her to send in all the photos she had not actually taken of the dragons in exchange for a large sum of money.

“Don’t take another step…” Miley warned.

“Ma’am, are you alright?” the person on the phone asked more nervously this time.

Diesel knew this was a losing game. If he wanted to stop her call then he had to take quick action. Miley wasn’t distracted but he
could not take the chance.

Bending his knees slightly Diesel launched himself toward Miley and grabbed the phone straight from her hand before she could comprehend saying another word into it.

“I’m sorry wrong number.” Diesel said into the phone as he clicked it shut.

Miley’s eyes were wide and she stared at the man before her. She began to open her mouth but Diesel spoke. “Please don’t scream.” He asked.

He could tell by Miley’s eyes she was beginning to panic. They darted around the room, she turned on her heal and raced toward her room. Diesel took a few quick strides grabbing Miley by the waist and pulling her to a stop before twisting her around to face him. “Please quit doing that.” He said softly.

“Let me go!” Miley yelled pushing away from Diesel.

“Calm down. I’m not going to hurt you… I just…” Diesel began. With his senses on high alert Diesel learned quickly when it came to this girl, so when her knee came up to knee him in the groin, Diesel caught it with his hand.

“Hey… Don’t you realize how much that would hurt?” He growled softly amusement clearly on his face as Miley was caught off guard.

His fingers slowly traced over the thin jean material. “Fine!” She huffed.

“And if you ever wish to have children… then I would highly suggest against it.” Diesel’s lips were pulled into a smirk and Miley’s mouth opened wide.

“Excuse me?!” she gaped at him.

“You heard me, sweetheart. You will miss those items if you ever want to have children… me well, I would like as many as you would let me have.”

Miley scowled “What do you want Diesel? I am not interested in having children with you. I am not interested in going back to your ‘island’ with you either.”

Diesel frowned “Can we work on that?”

“Let go of me and stay back. I guess we can talk then,” she sighed.

“Thank you.” Diesel grinned. Deep down inside he was giddy. Talking was good.

“Did you bring my things?” She asked.

“Uh…” Diesel answered.

“You left them?” she frowned.

“Well, I wasn’t quite worried about clothing when I had my clan out searching for you and we had a war going on.” He shrugged.

“Oh,” Miley replied stepping further away from the tall gorgeous man before her.

“Love, I
did not take a plane.” Diesel’s lips curled up into a smirk. There was so much that she did not know about him yet.

“What do you mean,” Miley frowned. “How did you get here then?”

“You don’t know?” Diesel asked.

“Know what?” Miley asked sitting down on the couch curling a blanket around her as she pretended she was clueless.

“Love… what do you remember about the island?” Diesel asked curiously. The island had mysterious properties and had the ability to hide the secrets from visitors minds but he had a feeling that it had chosen Miley remembered everything.

Miley wiggled and then looked up at Diesel with those smothering violet eyes once again. “I remember everything.” Miley stated “I won’t tell. Is that why you came here?”

“Love…” Diesel smiled softly. “I am exactly like those creatures you saw. I am their alpha. Their leader. I am the strongest and biggest dragon within miles of our home. You have to realize that. I am crazy for you.” Diesel said stepping around the couch and sitting down beside Miley. He hung his head holding it up with the palms of his hands and his elbows on his knees.

He looked sad. Miley
could not help but feel the urge to sooth him. “I’m sorry,” she said quietly.

A buzz interrupted her words and Miley stood up. “Pizza’s here
,” she beamed.

“Meat lovers, coke, and breadsticks” The man said holding out the food to Miley.

“Yeah, thanks,” she said handing the delivery man the money and closing the door. “Come on Diesel, food’s here.”

Diesel stood and made his way to the kitchen. Accepting the food from Miley he made his way slowly over to the table. “How about we watch a movie?” Miley asked walking up beside him with a smile.

“Sure.” Diesel replied as he followed Miley.

After their dinner was done, Miley had put the food away. Diesel walked up behind her gently placing a hand on her arm. “Can I show you now?” he asked quietly.

“Not now.” Miley yawned. “I’m tired. I want to get some sleep. I have an appointment tomorrow.” Diesel could tell earlier that Morgan was tiring. He sighed, teaching Miley more about himself and the new life he wanted her in would have to come tomorrow.

“Sure.” Diesel sighed.

His voice was soft and thick with that same strange accent from before. For some reason it seemed to come and go as he spoke to different people. Sighing Miley nodded her head.

“You can sleep in the guest room,” she groaned. Miley had been meaning to get another roommate but had yet to find one acceptable enough.

That wasn’t what Diesel really was hoping for but he would accept it. Miley showed Diesel down the hall to the guest room. Pushing the door open, Miley rolled her eyes. “Here you go. I better not find you in my room again,” she hissed the last part angrily.

Diesel could tell earlier that day that Miley wasn’t quite mad about his appearance in her room in fact she seemed quite interested. Her heartbeat had speed up ever so slightly and he could smell the lust pouring out of her like sweat.

As he squeezed past Miley, he grinned and leaned closer to her. Miley shied away slightly and ducked her head sucking in a breath. Diesel sucked in a deep breath and closed his eyes, purring slightly, “mmm, too bad. I bet we could have a good time.”

That was where he had left her. Miley’s face had turned a bright red heat flushing her and she scurried away as Diesel began to strip down to just boxers.

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