Island of Dragons (16 page)

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Authors: Lindsey Owens

BOOK: Island of Dragons
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Chapter 50

It had only been moments before thundering footfalls erupted around the house. Not long before the house filled with voices as everyone focused their attention on Diesel. Miley had made her way to the cupboards pulling out plates and setting them on the counter. “Do you mind if I help?” Diesel asked coming up behind her.

” Miley surrendered.

“And who might you be?” a woman’s annoyed voice asked.

“This is Diesel, mother,” Becca cooed. “He came to see Miley,” she dragged out the words and Diesel could instantly feel the annoyance and jealousy radiating off Becca.

“Get ready for all hell to break loose,” Miley whispered from the side of Diesel.

“What?” Miley’s mother’s face scrunched into confusion before she screamed, “ROGER!”

Diesel tried his best not to flinch to cover his ears as multiple people came into the room and looked at the woman in confusion.

“Miley, who is he!”

“I am her fianc
e,” Diesel butted in before Miley could speak.

That was the moment when all ciaos broke. Some people burst out laughing while others gasped in shock and Miley curled herself into Diesel’s side trying to become invisible.

“Good man!” someone barked in laughter, while another shrieked ‘how could you.’

Miley’s mother grit her teeth, sucked in a sharp angry breath, and pointed toward the doorway. “Miley,” she said very slowly, “please bring your friend into the sitting room. We need to have a family talk.”

“I…” Diesel began to protest, but Miley found her words.

,” she blurt out. “He stays, right here.”

a,” Miley’s mother gasped.

other, he’s staying for a while,” Miley shrugged and sat down at the table.

There was stunned silence for a few moments while everyone watched Miley’s mother stew in anger. Soon a man entered the room and everyone began to pick at the utensils near their plates or chat amongst themselves quietly.

“Well hello,” the man smiled. “I am Roger. Who must you be?” he said walking up to Diesel with an out stretched hand.

“Diesel McBride,” Diesel s
miled genuinely, “Miley’s fiance.”

“Ha,” Roger laughed. “Good man,” he chuckled while patting Diesel on the shoulder. “I thought she would never settle down…” He then turned his gaze toward Miley’s mother, “Well Samantha, what do ya think about that? I thought you invited Winston to the gathering just so you could get him and Miley together.”

Roger was smiling, but nearly everyone stared without words, watching how Samantha would react to everything. “I can’t believe this!” Miley screamed. “Another man mother really!”

“Well, someone has to find you the right man. Your grandfather would be rolling
in his grave if he saw you now,” Samantha screeched before stomping away.

Roger smiled. “Well everyone, let’s eat. I’m sure she
’ll come back when she’s hungry,” Roger chuckled.

Diesel hugged Miley beside him. He loved
the simplicity of touching her skin. She needed comforting and he wasn’t going to let the moment be passed up.

“So Mister McBride, why don’t you tell us about yourself?” Roger asked as he scooped the first scoops of food onto his plate.

Chapter 51

Diesel had been more than happy to speak with Miley’s father. The man had been very welcoming and enjoyable, yet he could sense the uneasiness that came from everyone as soon as Miley’s mother returned. Roger asked no more questions and everyone seemed to quiet down.

One child decided it was time to break the ice, and spoke up. “You’re familiar,” she said looking up at him with curiosity. Diesel smiled down at her. The girl was young, probably around six years old. She was the very same girl
, which he had talked to in the trees.

“Well what is your name beautiful?” He asked.

“Sami,” the girl beamed. “I am eight.”

“Wow. I would never have guessed.” Diesel chuckled, “would you like some more meat lovely?”

“Yes please,” the girl squared her shoulders and proudly pronounced.

Diesel nodded and reached for the chicken tongs, his hand hovered over the meat as the girl spoke again. “That’s Moose. Momma said it was time to eat her so… we had to cook her. Chickens can’t be eaten unless their cooked.”

Diesel’s face paled, as he turned back to the little girl horrified.

“Just ignore it,
” Miley giggled from beside him. “Sami please stop grossing out the guest, go sit at the children’s table,” Miley scolded softly.

Sami frowned, stood up, and took her plate from Diesel before walking away from the table. Diesel relaxed back into the chair some as the girl left. How could a little child, be so blunt, he wondered. Thank goodness Miley was there to relieve him from the situation because he wasn’t sure what he would have said if he had to stand there and chat with the little blond girl who he had thought would have been so completely innocent.

The remainder of dinner went well. Diesel answered the questions that Miley’s family asked with skilled ease. It was a regularly practiced thing for the men on his island whom traveled to prepare for questions.

“Miley you should tell your friend he needs to leave, you don’t even know him. He cannot go to the get together tomorrow.” Miley’s mother, Samantha glared. “I am going to have to say no on your inheritance and cut you out of the will as well if you don’t send him away.”

“Oh Samantha, just hush up woman. This is a wonderful man.” Roger winked in Miley’s direction.

“Look at him, Roger
,” she hissed. “He’s not anything like us, he’s so beneath her. What will the party guests think?”

“Isn’t it bad enough that you had to lie to your daughter to get her here?” Roger snorted.

Diesel sighed. He now understood a little why Miley had been so upset and left in a rush. “Yes. I do hear what you are saying Samantha, I am definitely not much like you. I am much stronger than the tiny man, which Miley was pretty much forced into marrying before. I would never put a woman down, or treat her the way that Toby treated her. I would most certainly never sleep around if I had a woman, especially, one as perfect as Miley. And I am definitely not after her for money.”

“Yeah, I’m so gone to believe a man who looks like he went shopping at a thrift store and forgot to wash after working in the fields,” Samantha huffed.

Diesel snorted and looked down at himself. “I may not be dressed to please you and I may be in quite a need of a bath since I have been in a hurry lately, but I most certainly can tell you I am not who you think I am.”

Samantha was about to respond when Miley let out a frustrated breath and shoved her chair backward as she stood up. “That’s e
nough for tonight. I believe we will be retiring for the night,” she grabbed hold of Diesel’s arm and yanked him up with her.

“Diesel is going to share a room with you right?” Becca asked coming around a corner.

“Becca,” Miley snorted. “Don’t push it.”

“Miley. He’s hot. I’m just saying if you’re not interested …” Miley cut Becca’s ranting off with a finger to her lips.

“Listen. He’ll have a place to sleep don’t worry,” Miley scowled walking away.

Becca rolled her eyes and continued on her way. Miley snatched up Diesel’s hand and dragged him down the hall and up the long stairway to the upstairs. Once safely inside the room
she would be sleeping in, Miley closed the door and let out a soft breath.

“So… are you staying the night?” Miley asked softly.

“Yes,” Diesel smirked as he approached her slowly. “I shall and I am going to be staying with you.”

“You won’t
be spending the night in my bed,” Miley rolled her eyes.

Diesel gripped her hips and Miley let out a small screech. “Love… I’ll stay where ever you stay even if I need to take the floor.”

“But…” Miley muttered.

“Love, you won’t and neither will I be able to sleep without each other near. Tomorrow
, we’ll take a walk and we will make sure you remember every bit of the island clearly. I will also explain everything that you did not learn,” Diesel said.

“That would be nice
,” Miley sighed, “Because you’re really starting to grow on me,” she muttered under her breath.

Miley was having the hardest time with everything. She desperately wanted to be in Diesel’s strong arms
, yet she was nervous about her past experiences. Then when it came to her family, well everything was a mess.

“I am going to take a shower…” Miley said softly.

Diesel smirked, “Mind if I join?”

Miley’s eyes widened and her mouth hung as she floundered with the words to say.

His smirk grew into a full-blown smile. Stepping closer to Miley with a devilish glint in his eye, he promised her everything without saying anything. He gently lifted Miley up until her feet did not touch the floor any longer.

Her arms flew up around his neck and her legs around his hips. Diesel pushed Miley against the wall and pressed his lips down upon hers. Moments later
, only pulling away slightly, his words ragged and husky he said, “I am going to pleasure you…”

Chapter 52

Though Miley and Diesel had a passionate time in the shower
, when they returned to the bedroom, everything was once again tense. He could sense Miley’s rising anxiety and he regretted not letting himself get carried away.

“I will not make love to you until you’re ready,” he told her. “We have still things to discuss before we do that.”

“Like what?” Miley asked him curiously, as her hands ran up and down his naked water soaked body. He was so stunning that she could not help but want him.

“Just let me pleasure you tonight and tomorrow may be different.” He promised as he pushed her back against the shower wall.

Miley’s body had been so responsive to his loving touches. Wrapping an around Miley’s tiny thigh while the other he traced up and down Miley stomach Diesel gently had traced his tongue along her body.

He had held back his dragon with the strongest of mental chains he could use. He could feel the pressure getting to him
, but he wouldn’t make love to her until she knew everything.

“I guess you may take the bed since you’re the guest.” Miley frowned. “I’ll take the chair.”

Diesel raised an eyebrow at Miley then looked to the chair. “Love?” He questioned.

“Don’t worry,
” Miley groaned as she pulled her legs up into her lap trying to get comfortable.

Miley had twisted and turned for what seemed like way too long and Diesel
could not take it anymore. Shoving the covers back from the bed, he pushed himself up, and patted over to the chair where Miley had attempted to sleep.

“That’s enough
,” Diesel said softly as he tucked his arms around her back and under her thighs.

“Diesel,” Miley whined tiredly.

“Why can’t we just lay in the same bed? I want you by my side. I want to get some sleep, just as much as I know you need to,” he argued. Diesel was sure that their time in the shower had made Miley feel wanted yet he could also tell that is what made her shy away. Setting her down in the bed and covering her up, he walked around to the other side of the bed and climbing beneath the covers.

“I know you won’t,
” Miley mumbled softly as she curled herself into the covers and closed her eyes, falling asleep almost instantly with the delicious scent of Diesel on the pillows.

Chapter 53

“Did you enjoy yourself last night?” Diesel’s smirking face looked down at Miley, who was curled into his chest trying desperately to stay sleeping.

“Shh… sleeping,” she yawned.

“And you’re so not interested in me…” Diesel chuckled.

“Isn’t that obvious from last night?” Miley questioned. She was all over him, she remembered, but he had only let himself touch her without letting her pleasure him. It had frustrated her.

“Soon,” Diesel whispered gently wrapping an arm around her.

Miley sighed, “Fine, now will you please let me go.”

“Will you stay?” Diesel asked. He was stuck between being a jerk that followed her around and being a sweet loving man. Miley
was not quite sure, which he was, but she did not know for sure if she really wanted to find out.

Miley squirmed trying to get out of Diesel’s grip, “I promise my love, I am nothing like the low life you were married too.” He leaned down and gently kissed Miley’s lips.

“Did you not hear my mother last night?”

“I did and I clearly heard you as well.” Diesel also
did not mention he had heard every bit even the bits that Miley’s human ears could not hear when they walked away.

“Samantha, I like him.” Roger had said.

“But Roggie, what if he’s only after her for our money,” Samantha’s voice was whiny and Diesel could hear the discomfort within it.

“Someday, you will have to let Miley grow on her own. She’s not like Rebecca. She’s an independent woman and Rebecca well…” there was a pause before Roger began again. “Though we are bringing the guests over to our home tomorrow for the party, I think you should tell Miley, you’re sorry for everything. I will ask Diesel if he’s interested in going shopping for something new for the reunion. I think you girls need some time.”

“Roger,” Samantha’s voice was stern and hurt sounding. “I am not sorry. I do not want her to marry him. I want her to marry Toby or Winston or maybe even Patrick. Roger… she took the man to her bed.”

“I’ve had enough. Miley’s a grown woman, who I am sure
has had her share of fun time. I don’t care if you feel it’s necessary for Miley to marry who you like or not. I’m not losing my daughter over your petty difference in opinion. So you will tell her you’re sorry for everything, beginning with the hurtful words you said to her over the phone.”

That had been the last of the conversation before two had settled down for the night.

“Why don’t you take a shower...?” Miley said, breaking Diesel from his thoughts.

Diesel was pleased with this. He quickly sat up and pushed from the bed. Miley was left
to stare at his half-naked torso. She blushed and quickly turned her head away.

“Stare all you like love… b
ut remember I will stare too,” he smirked. The scent of Miley’s desire was such a sweet smell which had spiked almost instantly. He liked the effect he had on her. “Remember, we will be going for a walk later so we can… talk.”

Diesel then turned and walked across the room leaving Miley dumbfounded. She had forgotten about Diesel’s ‘talk’ and was hoping he had as well
,but nope. It seemed as if she wouldn’t get away from him that easily.

“Want to come with me?” h
e asked shocking Miley.

“Uh… no thank you, maybe another time” Miley muttered.

Diesel smiled “I’ll remember that.”

Miley let out a breath of relief as Diesel disappeared into the bathroom. Quickly, she scurried across the bedroom and pulled on new undergarments. As she was about to pull on a dress, Diesel poked his head back out of the bathroom.

“Love, I’ll be down in a minute. Oh, by the way… I like …” Miley gasped and yanked her dress down over her.

“I’ll be downstairs
,” she was out the door and down the hall in a flash.

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