It Will Always Be You (Starlight Walk Series #1) (3 page)

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“Yes, very
definitely!” she affirmed with a sudden mischievous smile over the edge of her
glass. “Thorne,” Regan said suddenly. “I came here to relax, to unwind for a
couple of weeks, to snap out of the rut I was in. I don’t know what is going to
happen tomorrow, but…”

“Yes?” he
prompted, sensing that there was more.

“Since Elsie and
Jenny seem to have hit it off so well…I was wondering, if you’re not involved,
could you and I spend a little time together? I really like you,” she admitted,
with such an easy honestly that it felt like a punch to his solar plexus.

That was not
what he’d been expecting.

He nodded.

“Good. Now, do
you have a Jacuzzi?” she asked playfully. “It was one of the things I was
looking forward to on this vacation, but our hotel doesn’t have one!”

He burst out
laughing. Of all the things people asked him for, with his wealth, position,
and show business connections, that was the very last thing he’d expected. He
nodded and beckoned. She trotted along behind him like an excited puppy.


Thorne knocked and
entered the bathroom to find Regan lying back in the large indoor spa,
completely covered by the bubbles. He sat on the edge of the tub and handed her
a plastic disposable cup filled with champagne.

“Hey, it’s not
pretty, but if you drop it, it won’t break so it won’t matter!”

When she’d asked
for a Jacuzzi, he knew she’d been thinking of a typical regular round Jacuzzi,
maybe downstairs where the building’s indoor pool was. With swimsuits. It had
completely escaped her attention that she didn’t have a swimsuit with her when
she’d suggested it, but not to Thorne, he’d simply laughed and told her she’d
have to use the spa in his bathroom.

“I’m in seventh
heaven!” she announced. Thorne grinned, with the jets bubbling and soothing all
her muscles she looked relaxed and happy. He watched her enjoyment. Her hair
piled on her top of her head with damp tendrils curling around her face, her
cheeks flushed a rosy pink. She was adorable.

“This is a dream
bathroom,” she sighed. “It’s at least four times the size of my own bathroom
back in Iowa.”

Thorne nodded,
looking around at the huge gleaming mirrors, giant tub, and large shower with
its massaging jets, he loved this room too. “It’s one of the best perks of
Central Towers.”

“Worth the price
of the apartment alone!” she affirmed.


“You don’t have
any champagne,” she said.

He just shook
his head, he didn’t drink much, besides this was her vacation not his, and
while he needed a very clear head for tomorrow, he wanted Regan relaxed and
well rested.

“I think I’m
going to enjoy the next two weeks, Regan,” he mused as he stroked the hair back
from her lovely face and brushed a few stray bubbles from her cheek. She leaned
naturally into his touch.


When Regan awoke
in Thorne’s guest room the next morning it was to the ringing of her cell
phone, not an alarm clock. Thorne had been the perfect gentleman last night,
he’d simply sat at the edge of the tub and chatted with her for a while, then
handed her a large spare bathrobe and left the room while she emerged from the
bubbling spa.

“Regan! Have you
seen the tabloids?” Elsie squealed into the phone.

“Elsie,” Regan
grumbled as she rubbed her offended ear, “I just woke up! What is it?” she
asked as she stretched and yawned, Elsie had always been a bit of a celebrity
gossip hound.

“Forget the
tabloids, turn on the TV. Jenny just called me from work—you’re all over the
TV, not to mention the internet and twitter!”

A spine tingling
eerie sensation crept through Regan’s body as she hurried into the empty living
room, reached for Thorne’s remote control, and switched on the TV.

“Oh my God!”
Whichever channel she tried, there she was. ‘The Golden Voice’ they were
calling her. Tears sprang to her eyes, overflowed, and quickly cascaded down
her cheeks. The door opened and Thorne strode in. She dropped the remote and
just ran into his arms. He held her close, wrapping her securely in his
embrace, murmuring softly as she wound herself around him, unsure if she was
crying because she was happy, or just totally freaked out.

Thorne led her
to the sofa, shushing her gently as he smiled reassuringly into her eyes. “I
went in early while you were sleeping, to test the waters, see how big this was
really going to get. I knew today was going to be eventful,” he chuckled,
nodding toward her image on screen and handing her the tissue box from the
coffee table.

He leaned over
dropping a light comforting kiss on her lips as they watched the TV together,
while she clung to his hand feeling almost shell-shocked and repeatedly dabbing
her eyes. The stations were all running the same clip of her on Thorne’s show
in a seemingly endless loop. Finally, he rose to switch on the coffee pot.

“Your first day
as an international celebrity, Regan, you’re an overnight sensation.”


Regan sat close
as she sipped her coffee, she still smelled of lightly fragranced bubble bath
from the previous night, she looked soft, warm, and appealing. He pushed the
thought aside.

“We have to
talk,” he said matter-of-factly, now that she’d had a few moments to take it
all in.

Regan was
wearing one of his long white cotton shirts and nothing else. He studied her
carefully as she watched the TV coverage and her eyes grew rounder, he had
tossed every tabloid Jenny had picked up on her way into work this morning,
down on the coffee table. Regan was the headline on every single one. A couple
of them showed her and Elsie looking starry eyed beside him at the finale of
the show.

Lindstrom suddenly appeared on screen.

“Miss Lindstrom,
what did you think of the young lady who sang your most well-known song for
Lundquist Hour
yesterday?” a young reporter asked eagerly.

“Fabulous,” she
said simply, Rugly was sitting at her side with his typical buggy-eyed
constantly surprised expression.

“Would you like
to meet her now that you’re feeling better?”

“Of course,
imitation is the greatest form of flattery.”

Regan’s shocked
gaze met Thorne’s. “Loretta Lindstrom wants to meet me!” she breathed.

“She already
called the station, she wants to meet you this afternoon,” he said,
fortunately, Vance had been the one to take the call.

“What? I can’t!”

“Why not?”

“I’m terrified!”

At that Thorne’s
lips twitched and curved up into a smile at her wide eyed expression, “Of

She nodded. She
had cause to be. But he could hardly tell her that, and it was unlikely even
Loretta would be mean to the girl on their first meeting, particularly if it
was in front of an audience, and besides, he’d be right by her side as a
buffer. He just grinned and took the cup from Regan’s trembling fingers. “Go
try out my massaging shower, trust me, it will help.”


Jenny and Elsie
had shopped for some new clothes for Regan. Elsie knew her size and tastes, and
Jenny knew the business, and so with a few suggestions from Thorne, they’d
arrived at his apartment loaded with shopping bags. He stood back and laughed
as they ran into the room and all three women jumped up and down hugging each
other and squealing like excited teenagers.

The press knew
she was staying with Thorne, having already been to her hotel and finding her
gone. They were now camped out in front of his apartment building, waiting for
a glimpse of the new singing sensation.

Jenny and Elsie
sat side by side with Regan on the couch, watching the almost nonstop footage
being replayed of her performance on his show, as Thorne, on his cell phone
paced back and forth debating with Vance on their next step.

He walked over,
turned off the TV and sat down on the marble topped coffee table, facing the
three. “Regan, everyone wants you on their show, you can literally have your
pick,” he paused, looking into her wide anxious eyes. “I would like you to be
on mine this afternoon, but the choice is yours, you don’t owe me anything…”

“Thorne, you
said you’d help me!” she cried.

“I will, Regan, no
matter what, but…”

“Can I be on
your show then?”

“Of course!”

Vance laughed
when Thorne called him back, and they agreed to clear the show for the entire
hour. “Lucky dog, she’s a real cutie.”

“Yeah, she is,”
Thorne agreed, he was enjoying this more than he’d enjoyed his job in quite
some time, he suddenly realized. He would keep her with him for the next couple
of weeks since she’d made it clear that was what she wanted, and she’d be safe
in his gated building from the prying eyes of the press.

And now he had a
chance to really get to know the sweet girl from Iowa, with the golden voice.


Chapter Three


Regan, with her
hand tightly clasped in Thorne’s, boarded the elevator as they left his
apartment for the TV studio. They barely saw a thing when they exited the
building, just the rapid flashing lights of the hundreds of cameras, as the
paparazzi quickly surrounded them like a hoard of hungry hyenas as they hopped
into the limousine.

Thorne knew this
was only the beginning. Regan’s world was about to change forever.

For her first
appearance after the media blitz, they wanted everything fresh and impromptu,
no big rehearsals, nothing scripted—just Regan doing what she had done so well
yesterday once more, keeping things as natural as possible.

Thorne watched
in awe, as first Regan talked quietly with his musical director, and then only
moments later, he introduced her and she stood before his audience, her eyes
closed, appearing to shut out everything but the sound of the music, just as
she had done the day before, and simply let her voice flow over them like pure
sweet honey. There was something stirring about the notes that she hit, she
evoked emotion singing the same songs that left him cold when sung by others.
He didn’t understand it at all. Was this, he wondered, the way some folks felt
when they listened to Loretta?

The show was
going out live again today, and Regan was finishing up her second song when all
hell broke loose. His producer was yelling in his ear piece. Loretta Lindstrom
had arrived. Cameras followed her progress from the back of the building as she
stepped from her limousine with Rugly and walked onto the set. Just like that!
His set! She didn’t await permission or an introduction. He quickly turned a
grimace into a welcoming smile for the cameras and walked over to meet her.
Loretta’s cool gaze settled on him for a mere instant, and then with a warm
smile she held out both hands to Regan, who hurried forward, eyes shining at
the generous greeting. The crowd loved it. His ratings would skyrocket,
unfortunately, so would his blood pressure if he had to be around the Lindstrom
woman for long.

Later, seated on
his couch, her head resting back against the soft cushions, Regan looked
absolutely exhausted. The day had been nonstop from beginning to end. Jenny and
Elsie had both gone back to Jenny’s place, and all Regan’s things were now here
at his apartment. She’d be staying here for at least the next two weeks. There
was no way either Regan or Elsie could stay at the hotel and finish their
holiday now; they’d be hounded day and night by the press. It was one hell of a
story, but she was here, and they were finally alone.

He didn’t want
to push his luck, or take advantage, but she’d been clinging to him on and off
all day. He stood watching her as she raised her feet and lay down on his
couch, eyes closed, with a lovely contented smile curving her lips. And he just
couldn’t resist her a moment longer. He feathered a light kiss across her lips,
hoping to be invited for more. He wasn’t disappointed. Her blue eyes fluttered
open and looked directly into his, as she slipped her arms around his neck.


Regan looked
into Thorne’s bold blue eyes and smiled. How many times had she sat, alone on
her couch at home watching his show, focusing on the curve of his lips, the
soothing notes of his voice, and allowed her imagination to run wild? And now
here she was in his arms. His lips were firm and he quickly took control of
their kiss. Bold and sensual, he grazed his teeth over her lower lip then tugged
it gently into his mouth, running his tongue over it, then recaptured her lips
and deepened their kiss again. It had been an incredible day, and Regan for
once was letting go of her always tightly held self-control. She threw herself
wholeheartedly into the moment, kissing his gorgeous mouth and slowly sliding
her lips along the line of his jaw. She wanted to leave him in no doubt of what
she wanted here. Thorne made to lift her in his arms, but Regan shook her head,
she wanted him here and now. With a playful laugh she tugged him down onto the
couch with her, reveling in the feel of his hard body on hers in the confined
space. He had no chance to protest. She slid her hands over the strong cords of
his neck and cupped his face, then kissed him again, her tongue dancing with
his, entwining herself around him.

“Regan, you’re
sure this is what you want?” he whispered softly, between kisses. At that
moment his thumb brushed across one of her thrusting nipples and she arched
into him.

“Oh, I’m more
than sure, Thorne.” She captured his mouth again and gasped as his hand slid
beneath her cotton blouse, brushing aside the fabric of her bra and cupping a
breast fully in his palm, she shuddered, feeling the heat pool between her
thighs. She stroked both hands down his back and pulled him closer, pushing
aside the fabric of his shirt to caress his bare flesh, feeling the hard ridge
of his erection against her belly. Regan wrapped her legs around him, bringing
his heat into contact with her softness, separated only by the thin fabric of
their clothes, he moved against her and she sucked in a deep breath. She’d been
in a heightened state for more than twenty-four hours, her nerve endings were
aflame. Afraid she was going to come just from this small amount of friction, her
breath whooshed past her lips on a sigh. Noting her reaction, Thorne moved
against her, his hard still clothed ridge nudging just the right tender points.
Dazed, Regan’s control fractured and she came apart.


Thorne hadn’t
done anything like this since high school. He just couldn’t wait to get inside
her. Regan was still quivering from her sudden climax, when, with a few swift
adjustments he moved aside their clothing and thrust into her heated core. She
arched her back, and began moving beneath him, her hands cupping his buttocks
and urging him on, it was unrestrained, fast, and absolutely the most
gratifying sex he’d had in ages. Not normally a vocal lover, he cried out his
release, and was thrilled to hear an echoing sound from Regan as she too climaxed
once again.

Breathing hard
as they both slowly returned to reality, he shifted his weight to lie beside
her and smoothed back the hair from her flushed cheeks. She captured his hand
in hers and kissed his palm softly, a tender and oddly erotic sensation, one
that he wasn’t used to experiencing from such a simple gesture. He was
unusually aware of her, the heated damp warmth of her mouth, her soft feminine
curves pressed against him. He groaned as he felt himself growing hard again at
the thought of where he’d like to feel those lips.

“I really
think,” Regan said softly, her hands caressing his nearly bare chest and
sliding up to stroke her thumbs caressingly over his high solid cheek bones,
“That you should share that bubble bath with me tonight.”

Thorne laughed
and rolled off the couch tugging her to her feet.


Regan could
scarcely believe that twenty-four hours ago she’d been seated here relaxing in
this very tub, alone, and now Thorndike Lundquist was right here behind her,
washing her hair for her!

They had soaped,
washed, and caressed each other, then touched, teased and tasted every tiny
curve and crevice. Regan would never forget his laughter, which had quickly
turned to moans of pleasure when she dove under the water and suckled him
intimately, for as long as she could hold her breath.

“Feeling a
little more relaxed now?” Thorne asked, as Regan leaned back in the tub and
closed her eyes for a minute.

She nodded, her
lips curving into a soft smile, but then her eyes flew open when his hand slid
caressingly over her thigh, “Thorne?”

“Regan?” he
countered, as he slipped his fingers between her feminine folds to tease her
tantalizing close to completion. She groaned in frustration when he halted his
expert ministrations.

He rose from the
tub, holding out a towel for her as she stepped out, her nerve endings aflame
and still quivering with need for him to finish what he had begun. But
agonizingly slowly, he took the time to fully admire her figure by tracing
gentle fingertips almost reverently over every sensitized curve. Drawing her
close, he kissed her deeply, she loved the feel of his fresh scented naked body
against hers, the heat of his mouth, the intimate fencing of their tongues, yet
while she ached for completion, she didn’t want it to be over too soon either.
He encouraged her to turn around and place her hands on each side of the full
length mirror, then stepping behind her he caressed her full pink tipped
breasts. She closed her eyes.

“No, don’t close
your eyes, Regan, watch us, see how we move together,” he said.

Regan looked in
the mirror loving the contrast of his darker more tanned skin against her paler
tones, his large hands holding her breasts, cupping them as his thumbs worked
their whisper soft magic across the tips of her nipples, she could see them
thrusting out, see her own body’s reaction to this powerfully built man. He
nudged her thighs apart a little further and held his hands over her hips,
guiding his shaft into her waiting heat. She pushed back against him. “Eyes open,
Regan,” he reminded her. She stared into the mirror, watching the rhythmic
pumping of his strong body into her own from behind, his angle of penetration
deep, and the muscles of his torso rippling as he moved, his taut thighs
bumping against her with each thrust. She felt her climax building, he slipped
a hand around the front of her thigh, skimming across her belly and into her
softness, touching in rhythm with his movements, and she came in a burst of
earth shattering color and light. Thorne cried out behind her and sank against
her, steadying them both with a strong arm braced against the wall as they each
recaptured their breath. Then he turned her, pulled her into his embrace and
kissed her softly and tenderly.

Regan knew she
wanted to stay here forever in this moment.

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