It's A Shame (3 page)

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Authors: C.E. Hansen

BOOK: It's A Shame
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do that again, and I can’t be held responsible for what I do to you,” I stiffened as the sultry sound of his voice permeated my skin, coating me. I looked up and laughed at his words. “That sound…makes me hard.” I panted as I watched him grab himself. “Makes me want to fuck you again,” he whispered nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck. A pulsing tremor traveled the length of my body as he licked up to my chin. “You make me hot.”

“You make
hot.”  I ran my fingers down his jawbone tracing the outline of his face, my fingers running lightly over his chin, feeling his stubble. “That was so intense, it’s almost like a drug.” I took a much-needed breath. “When we fuck like that it leaves me…weak, trembling. Look at me?” I held up my arm, offering him the proof that I was literally shaking.

raised himself onto one elbow and faced me, his gaze penetrating the very core of me, and threw his leg over mine, imprisoning me.

“I like you trembling.”

deliberately ran his fingers up my side, circling my nipples, then leisurely down my stomach, tracing my bellybutton. I quivered as his fingertips grazed my skin, sending shocks coursing out over the surface.

“Good thing we have time before we have to go, I’m sure I look horrible.”
I pushed his leg off me as I sat up. I rubbed my chin and could feel the irritation on my face from his five o’clock shadow.

“You look perfect
to me.” He winked, “I think ‘just fucked’ looks good on you.” He shook his head. “I also think
look good on you.”

He rolled over and pick
ed his laptop off of the floor, pushing a button. Then closed it as he reclined back, folding his arms behind his head. He lay there against the plush headboard naked, looking absolutely beautiful, pure male confidence oozing out of every pore. 

I got up and
tugged my nightshirt back on then tossed my panties into the hamper.

“What time are we meeting these people?”  I asked.

“Eight.  Why do you ask like that?”

“Like what?”

“Like it’s the last thing you want to do.”

“Because it
the last thing I want to do.” I immediately regretted saying that.

“Grace.  You don’t have to come.”  He climbed out of bed
and followed me into the bathroom, where I stopped in front of the vanity. I looked into the mirror at our reflection seeing his eyes lock with mine. Raising his arms, he rested his hands on my shoulders.

“Ace…” I groaned,
leaning my head back against his chest. “You know I’m not good at
dinners.  I’m uncomfortable.”

his arms he encircling my waist and pulled my body up against his.  With his nose poking through my hair, I felt the tip rub against my neck and heard him inhale deeply.  Another tingling sensation traveled up my spine. 

“That tickles…
stop,” I moaned playfully.

“Nope.  I’m
going to keep doing this until you give in and say you’ll come to dinner with me.”  He nuzzled me again.

“I can’t believe you.  You are going to stand there and torture me until I give in
,” I giggled when he licked my ear. “Stop. You are actually making me very horny again.” 

I felt
his erection against my lower back as he trailed his hands up along my sides, his fingers skimming over my body, my skin rippling into goose bumps as the tips of his fingers danced across the surface of my skin. He cupped my breasts and began to gently knead the over sensitive area through the fabric of my nightshirt.  His eyes locked once again with mine in the mirror and the desire reflected there caused a pulling in my core that rapidly spread throughout my entire body. His fingers first stroked, than tugged at my hardened nipples. 

His eyes were
half closed and his face took on the expression I loved so much—awestruck—the same way I felt whenever I looked at him. Heat spread quickly through my groin and I could feel my breathing became labored, again.

, you’re killing me,” I turned around inside the circle of his arms to face him and looked down. “You can not be hard again, really?” I asked incredulously. 

He looked up, his eyes hooded with passion.  His mouth c
urved up in a seductive smile as he slowly nodded.

“Okay, okay
,” I acquiesced, “you win…but can we leave early?” 

He can get me to do anything,
say anything, using only his lips and hands.

Cole cover
ed my mouth with his as he grabbed me by my ass, lifting me up onto the counter, spreading my legs. Then, he effortlessly slid into my still slick sex.

I leaned back
against the mirror, feeling its refreshing coolness, and looked down watching his hardened cock slide in and out of me. That got me hot, seeing him rock his hips back and forth slowly, a lazy smile playing on his lips.

speaking a word, he raised his hand and brushed my tears away, kissing my cheeks where they had been.

I can’t believe how lucky I am.” He whispered against my neck. “Look at you…you’re so beautiful. I love feeling you from the inside. You own me…baby.” He breathed as he flexed his hips, in and out, over and over.

When will this magic carpet ride stop? Where will we get off?
I had a nagging worry this relationship had become too intense. It consumed me, consumed every waking moment. It was like this was the first time I was in love. No one had ever made me feel like this, so desperate, like I couldn’t exist without him, breathe without him. I both loved and hated the way it made me feel.

I wrapped both my legs
around his middle, feeling the tight muscles of his ass rub against my calves. I put my arms around his neck and held onto his shoulders.  The crisp hair on his chest rubbed against my swollen breasts and my sensitive nipples tingled.

It started small, but built in strength
quickly. And after a small whimper, I bit down on his shoulder, yelling his name into his sweat-coated skin as another orgasm shook me to the core.

Cole grabbed my hips
, thrusting deep inside me, like he couldn’t get deep enough. Once, twice and he came. His cock pulsing inside me, sending shivers throughout my body. He continued rocking his hips in and out of me, extending his pleasure and mine, when another orgasm reverberated throughout my weakened body. He moaned his satisfaction and I lost my soul.

I was exhausted, m
y energy depleted and I knew if my arms weren’t wrapped around his neck, I would surely have fallen into a heap on the floor.  He did that to me.

Chapter 3



Dinner wasn’t anywhere near as bad as I had imagined it would be.  Mr. and Mrs. Cornwell were lovely people and quite entertaining, and I found I was enjoying myself immensely. I turned several times during the course of the evening to look at Cole, totally mesmerized by his handsome face. His intelligent green eyes burned with the confidence of a man who was in total control of his world. This man, this beautiful man, whose life was torn, crushed and burned to the ground, had risen from the ashes like a phoenix spreading his wings.

was blown away by the immense pride I felt for him. He faced the world on his own and grew stronger. I totally admired how he was tireless in his need to champion any child unable to stand on it’s own. The charities he founded provided for children without homes, family, and most heartbreakingly, without hope.  His goal was to make their lives better anyway he could. 

He knew
first hand the pain of having everything you loved taken from you, and he would do anything to spare another child that agony. His foundations did wonderful things; built housing for families with no place to live. Fed and clothed those without means. However, Cole never wanted any of the recognition that came with the hard work.  All of his charitable work was done through his various enterprises and administered anonymously.

He smiled
at something Mr. Cornwell said and watching the corners of his mouth turn up nearly caused me to fall off my chair. It was the most genuine, heartfelt smile I’d ever seen, instantly causing my heart to ache. You knew whenever Cole looked at you, and smiled, there was no ego, no narcissism. I was in awe of his masculine perfection, and equally amazed he was undaunted by it. His was the most sincere, uncorrupted heart I’ve ever known. As I sat there staring at him like some lovesick teen, I beamed inwardly at my unbelievable great fortune.

Art Cornwell was
a big tall man with sharp brown eyes and gregarious smile. His wife Millie, a slender elegant woman, medium height, with striking silver hair and piercing blue eyes, was kind, gentle, and had an easy smile.  In spite of the color of her hair she looked remarkably young; her skin was flawless.

both divulged stories about raising their two boys, Richard and Mark. Art bragged of their sporting achievements; Millie told stories of the precocious hijinks they were notorious for back home. The two of them both complemented each other beautifully, finishing each other’s sentences, laughing at one another’s stories…I found myself somewhat envious, wondering if I’d ever be lucky enough to have a marriage like theirs someday.

It was clear
they were very much in love, even after all their years of marriage. I smiled inwardly catching them gazing at one another several times throughout dinner. Their humor was contagious and the stories they told had both Cole and me laughing raucously. 

Mr. Cornwell,
a wealthy financier, who also ran,
Tomorrow’s Hope
, one of Cole’s charitable organizations, was partnering with Cole on the next two property acquisitions in the City; an office building, and a vacated building they planned to convert from a warehouse into loft styled condominiums near Houston Street.

Since moving his company
from Denver, Cole had been working tirelessly acquiring properties, increasing his holdings as well as his personal wealth. Growing up the way he did left a hole in him, a void. I think in some way, he believed that money would solidify his presence, help him to carve out a place for himself; something no one could ever take from him. I was totally astounded by how incredibly driven he was.

Money was not something I gave a lot of thought to
. I had more than I needed and if given the choice, I would much rather have Cole home with me. But seeing he got where he was by being
he was, told me all I need to know…he was master and commander of his domain and I had no intention of rocking the boat. Besides, what’s sexier than a man who knows what he wants…
and gets it

After dinner we
walked outside into the cool spring night air while we waited for our cars to pull up. We made tentative plans to get together again, and said our goodbyes. On the drive back to the apartment, Cole pulled me onto his lap and wrapped his arms around me, burying his nose in my hair again. I quickly made a mental note to write down the name of this shampoo.

breathing against my neck elicited a shiver. Gliding his hand up the inside of my dress he pushed my legs apart, softly caressing my inner thighs. My eyes widened and I immediately turned my head and looked at the rear view mirror. A deep rumble began low in his chest and I turned to look at him.  A roguish smile played on his lips as he chuckled.  The sound was warm, and sexy as hell.

“Don’t worry. He can’t see
,” he whispered against my ear, his lips sending an electrical charge throughout my entire body setting me on fire. “There is no way in hell I’m sharing you with anyone else. I activated the privacy shield.”

His fingers pushed aside the
crotch of my silk panties and his thumb began moving in small circles. 

“This is mine
,” he whispered as he massaged my clit. 

I lowered my head to press a kiss to his throat,
and felt his pulse quicken beneath my lips.  I loved the taste of him, the earthy smell that was his own. Feeling the throbbing against my lips as his gliding finger circled my clit was so deliciously erotic, so hot I could feel the heat rise from my neck to my face. I began pumping my hips, thrusting my body upwards towards his fingers.  He gradually pushed them inside, gently stirring. 

y restraint dissolved as his other hand lowered my zipper leaving a heated trail in its wake. He pulled the front of my dress down exposing my silk bra, which barely contained my swollen breasts. He lifted one heavy breast out of its restraint and began rolling his fingers over my already hardened nipple, then followed suit with the other breast.  His head lowered and alternated between biting and sucking each taut peak, and my body trembled spastically.

tilted my head to the side, resting it on his chest, immediately feeling his heartbeat, as well as his uneven breathing.  I smiled as I lightly tongued the shell of his ear before slowly dipping the tip inside. He growled; a low animalistic sound emanated from his chest. As my tongue flicked at the entrance to his ear, his fingers became more insistent. His breathing was irregular and I knew his control was as lacking as my own.

were both desperately seeking a release. My body was strung tight; every flick of his finger, every lick of his tongue pushed me closer to the proverbial edge. I couldn’t stop and I didn’t want to. I was at the point where I didn’t care if anyone were watching. I pumped my hips back and forth, faster and faster.  I could feel his cock harden against my backside as my gyrating movements masturbated him. 

He was fucking me with his fingers, his tongue lashing across my
oversensitive nipples. My pulse pounded wildly in my temples, my heart raced in my chest. I seriously thought I would combust then and there. I wantonly spread my legs wider, rocking, circling. 

Then I felt it
. It started way down low, deep inside and spread out across my belly like a fire. I buried my head in his chest effectively silencing my scream as an orgasm swept over me, the tingling pleasure flooding my senses, incapacitating me. 

, desperate for his own release pumped his hips underneath me as my body continued to move rhythmically, gliding over his cock.  His head rolled back against the seat and a soft moan escaped his mouth as he shuddered, a look of euphoria slowly spread across his features.

When my breathing
slowed a little, I lifted my head and was shocked to see that we had come to a complete stop in front of the apartment building. When, I don’t know. I instantly looked to the front realizing Ray had exited the vehicle and was standing outside, with his back to the Landaulet. I turned six shades of crimson. 
How did he know not to open the door?

peered at me and smiled rakishly. He wasn’t fazed at all, wasn’t the tiniest bit uncomfortable. He assisted me in getting my dress back on, and zipped me up as I yanked it down at the hem. After he adjusted himself he slowly climbed out of the car and walked around to open my door. His suit jacket strategically draped over his arm, covering the front of his pants. As he helped me out, our eyes met and the intensity in his gaze sent a shiver down my spine. With his other hand on the small of my back, guided me inside. 

“Miss Preston, Mr. Grayson
,” Joe said as he opened the door.  “Goodnight.”

, Joe.  You too.” I smiled at him.

“Joe.” Cole cleared his throat and nodded
he followed me through the door.

Our regular doorman, Tony, had
recently suffered major heart attack, shocking everyone. He was the last person you’d ever think would have heart problems. He was a dye in the wool health nut that worked out regularly. No one, not even his physician, saw that one coming.

Joe, who was our part
time doorman, along with Pat our doorman in-training, were trying to fill shoes that neither of them had any hope in hell of doing. I missed Tony and his ‘no holes barred’ personality, always the consummate professional who never put up with any crap from anyone.







rode the elevator up in silence, my eyes trained on the floor.  When we walked in to the apartment I kicked my shoes off my feet and bent down to pick them up. I flexed my toes as I stood in the foyer. My shoes, gorgeous nude suede open-toed, platform sling-backs, dangled from my hooked finger. 

glanced over to find Cole staring at me, an odd look on his face.  Seems the hot car sex wasn’t enough to hold him over. In two strides he crossed to where I stood and swept me up in his arms carrying me towards my bedroom. My shoes fell noisily to the floor.

“Soon, we will be in
place,” he whispered while, nibbling on my ear.

“Stop talking…and fuck me
,” I groaned.

He inhaled sharpl
y. “I do love it when you talk dirty...”His chuckle had me swooning.

do this…” I trailed off, my intention clear.  “I. Want. You…” my breath coming in pants against his neck. The smell of his skin was totally intoxicating, and I was getting drunk just breathing him in. 

A primal growl
resounded in his chest as he dropped me onto the bed tumbling on top of me. He rolled to the side, kicking his pants off. His breath was hot on my neck, stirring my blood. He reached up and pulled my zipper down pulling my dress over my head revealing stockings and garters, which earned me a slow hiss through his clenched teeth.  The heat in his fingers left a trail as he unhooked my bra, releasing my breasts.  I lay there panting wearing just my panties, garters and stockings.

Jesus, Grace…you kill me,” he said.

“Just do me…”
Our earlier tryst in the back of the Landaulet momentarily forgotten, there was just the here and now.

had just pulled my lace top stockings down my legs, and was making me totally wild, sensually encircling my bellybutton with his tongue, when the doorbell rang.

“Seriously?” I questioned looking up, my breathing labored.  I wrapped my legs around his midsection, holding him in place.  “Don’t go
,” I pouted overdramatically.

“I’ll be right back.”  The irritation
sharp in his voice.

Pulling his pants
back on he stepped into the hallway, obviously frustrated at having been interrupted.

“Cole…” my voice faded.

“Just stay there,” he said as he spun around, his tone commanding.

I’ll answer the door, you stay here

I was met with a snarl
and an imposing scowl, and decided to stay put.

I heard his footsteps fade as his bare feet padded down the long hallway.  Several moments later I heard distant angry
mumbling, followed by silence then more footsteps.  I looked up to see Cole’s shadow looming the doorway, his silhouette outlined by the overhead light in the hallway.

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