It's A Shame (8 page)

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Authors: C.E. Hansen

BOOK: It's A Shame
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It had been
over a week since the three of us had our girl’s lunch out and started receiving our ‘packages’ and I realized I hadn’t seen hide or hair of Michelle at all. I thought that was a tiny bit odd.  Most days we were practically joined at the hip. I made a mental note to myself to call her and ask what she’s been up to. 

Just then
I looked up, and all thoughts of Michelle were quickly pushed to the side, as I spotted Cole stepping out of the gleaming black Landaulet that had just pulled to the curb, holding his smartphone to his ear, looking every bit the hot Urbanite he was.

I gawked just like a silly schoolgirl as
the most beautiful man I’ve ever laid eyes on, and I’ve laid eyes on plenty, walked towards the elegant entry of the restaurant. I often have to pinch myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming, and this seemed to be as good a time as any.

To think
that he really chose to be with me, that he was mine, made me weak in the knees. At times it was all too much, what a whirlwind my life has been. I was feeling totally out of control…simply put, I was overwhelmed.

ended his call and dropped the phone back into his inside jacket pocket.

I watched as he opened the door and entered
the vestibule. When his eyes met mine, a slow, lazy, sexy-as-all-hell smile turned the corners of his lips.  Butterflies, and then some, exploded in my stomach as he crossed to where I stood.  I took notice of the small falter in his step. It was a constant reminder of what Jonathan had done, and I immediately felt guilty.  During the struggle with Jonathan, Cole had been cut several times. One particularly deep gash cut deep into his muscle, leaving him with a slight limp.

Each time I saw him walk, my heart swelled with what I can only describe as pain mixed with adoration and total unconditional love.  He saved me from
certain death and because of me he will carry that reminder with him forever. I still tremble at the memory.

It seems all the people I love the most have been scarred and damaged forever by Jonathan’s malevolence.  His plan to kill both my mother and
me had left
of us injured and was a painful realization I was forced to live with everyday. The guilt that it all happened because of me was, at best, horrible to bear but I thank whatever powers were ruling the stars that day it had ended the way it did. We were
still alive, and
was put away and locked up for the rest of his life.

When he reached me
, he pulled me to him and squeezed me, kissing my neck.

“Hello beautiful
.” I heard him inhale deeply. “Mmm, I’ve missed you today.” He pushed me back slightly and looked down into my face. “Waiting long?”

His voice had the power to send shivers up and down my spine
; the sound so corporeal my heart fluttered just hearing it.

“No, I just got here
,” I said, my voice every bit as shaky as I felt.

He leaned in and placed a searing kiss on my lips
and immediately my nether region began throbbing as heat rushed to my sex. 

“Your killing me
Ace.” I nuzzled into his neck immediately feeling a hunger, a definite craving for his body, his kiss leaving me with a ravenous appetite.  “Umm, I’m starving.” I kissed him just beneath his exquisitely sculpted chin, “For more than just food.  So let’s sit down before I do something that would get us both hot and bothered.” 

I suggestively lifted my brows.

“You won’t get any complaints from me,” he said, playfully laughing at my corny facial expression, than smiled that killer smile that nearly caused me to melt into a puddle at his feet.  He was so hot, so sexy, so damned fuckable – damn, I was amazed that even after all these weeks, after the hundreds of times we had earthshattering sex, each and every time he smiled the butterflies fluttered deep inside my belly, causing me to lose my breath.

grinned wickedly as I ran my hands from his biceps to his hands, admiring his perfect, muscular frame adorned in a beautiful gray flannel suit, fitted blue and white striped dress shirt topped off with a blue and green tie.  The green stripes, a perfect match to his stunningly gorgeous eyes.

squeezed my hands gently then lowered both of his hands to the small of my back. I instantly felt the current of electricity flow from the tips of his fingers through my entire body.  My sex pulsated in tempo with my raging heartbeat and I was instantly wet.

“Looking at you
, looking that edible, is making me very horny right now,” I purred as I bit his chin. I shuddered when I heard his sharp intake of air.  “Not to mention you smell…mmm…soooo….delicious.” I ran my tongue along the edge of his chin.             

,” his tone warned.

Then he looked over my shoulder. “Is there something I could help you with?” He
barked, the harshness in his voice sharp.

I turned my head
to see who he was talking to and saw a man, tall, about forty, dressed in a business suit, holding a smartphone in his hand, looking rather sheepish. He blushed and quickly turned away from us to walk towards the window where he stopped, presumably to look outside. I could feel the tension vibrating in Cole’s body as he continued glowering at the back of the man in the suit.

I was confused as to what just transpired between the two, but I knew that Cole rarely, if ever, wasted words. When he had something to say he said it, and when he didn’t, well, he just didn’t.

not to let a little testosterone ruin the passion and mood we had going on minutes ago, I ran my hands down his sides and wrapped my arms around his midsection. When I looked up into Cole’s face our eyes met and I saw a softening in his gaze. He seemingly shook off whatever transpired almost as fast as it came and I could feel the tension in his body ease.

Hey, are you okay?” I asked him. “What was that about?”

He glanced in the direction the man had gone and shook
his head as to say ‘not worth it’ then looked down and smiled, showing off his perfect teeth. I spontaneously ran my lips along his chiseled jaw, once again reveling in the smell of him.

“What was it that y
ou were saying?” He asked nuzzling his nose to my neck.

“You mean how I think you smell
de-li-cious?” I whispered staccato against his ear, my breath fanning his cheek. I couldn’t help my silly grin.

He lifted
my chin up with his long fingers and held me in place as his eyes fixed on mine. The heat from the tips of his fingers warmed my blood. “If you keep talking like that, I will take you into the back right now and fuck you till we both can’t stand up.” The fire that burned behind those eyes told me he wasn’t kidding. His voice was low, raspy…dripping sex. 

He had a seductively low voice to begin
with, but combine that with his more than healthy hormone level and you have a recipe sure to start the motor of any woman with a pulse…I was not immune.

do not even start me if you are not able to finish me,” I whispered playfully, while inside my whole body was heating up sending sparks shooting outward to my extremities. I could feel myself beginning to pant.

I heard
, as well as felt, a rumbling sound deep in his chest.

I’ve been thinking about you all day…” I nibbled at his chin again, pushing it, testing his limits. “I want you so bad right now, I hope I can make it through dinner,” I looked at him through my lashes, my voice soft and husky.

Reaching down
between us, he adjusted himself, and lifting both eyebrows, glared at me, his eyes smoldering, his jaw set. There wasn’t a doubt as to what was going on inside that gorgeous head.

He placed his hand at the small of my back
drawing me closer to him, pushing his pelvis into me and I instantly felt his erection against my lower belly.  The gentle pressure of his splayed hand coupled with its warmth sent tingles of anticipation coursing through me.  I raised my head and searched his face, noticing the slight curve playing on his lips; proof he knew exactly what his touch did to me.

purposefully getting me started, aren’t you?”

“You made the first move.”

“What move?” I questioned my eyes imploring, “Are you playing games with me?” I asked looking up through my lashes.

“I don’t play games
,” he parried, his voice rough. He locked eyes with mine momentarily and heat surged through my veins again.

“You are
.  You’re trying to get a rise out of me,” I said answering my own question.

“Right now, I’m thinking of how to get a rise into you.”
He pulled me against his groin again, emphasizing his point.

Oooh...You’re exasperating!” I exclaimed, flustered.

“You’re beautiful.”

“You’re forgiven.” I leaned in and raised myself onto my toes planting a light kiss on his full lips.

“Good evening Mr. Grayson, Miss Preston,
your table is ready, if you would follow me please.”

I jumped
and turned abruptly, so focused on the sexual tension and our sidestepping tête-à-tête, I didn’t see Hillary, the hostess at Jean-Georges, standing there, wine list and menus in hand.

,” I said, a tad loud.  “Sorry…” I hoped my face wasn’t as flushed as it felt.

She smiled knowingly
and turned to guide us to our table.

steered me in front of him, and we followed Hillary to the table. Had she approached us a few seconds later, we would most definitely not be following in her wake now. I was just about to make him an offer he simply would not have been able to refuse.  I mentally pushed my shameless thoughts aside, saving my voracious appetite for later.

When she stopped,
I looked up from the floor and happily noticed she was sitting us at our ‘regular’ table, which was somewhat secluded, away from other diners, in the far corner of the restaurant next to the window with a lovely view of Central Park. 

“I’ll have your waiter bring
a bottle of still water. In the meantime may I offer you a cocktail?” Hillary smiled brightly, her brilliant white teeth a stunning contrast to her olive skin.

a willowy, petite, exotic beauty, with a short dark asymmetrical bob longer in the front, shorter in the back, was quite attractive.  Her small heart-shaped face a perfect canvas for her warm dark brown sloe-eyes and full lips.   She was gracious, with a very warm, outgoing personality, who remained always the consummate professional.

Cole looked
to me.

Do you have the Raspberry Lychee Bellini today, Hillary?” I asked

Of course, for you…always. May I get you one?” she asked politely.

I love that…it tastes like
!” I exclaimed.

“Very good,
” she said smiling and then turned to Cole. “And for you, Mr. Grayson?” she asked.

Blanton’s neat.” 

“Very well.”

As she walked away, I felt the sexual tension I’d been holding onto begin to subside, just not fast enough for comforts sake.

A few minutes later our waiter brought us our drinks and poured us each a glass of the bottled water, setting the bottle
down on the silver coaster. I lifted the champagne flute to my mouth savoring the taste of the tropical fruit, and tart berries mixed with the chilled bubbles of the Italian Prosecco.

Cole lifted the bourbon to his lips, sipped briefly and set his glass down. I
opened my menu, turning my attention to the food choices.

“What are you in the mood for?”  I asked as I perused the menu

When he didn’t answer,
I looked up to find him glowering at me, an intense burning in his eyes, provocative smile playing on his lips.

He leaned in close and whispered
, “You really need to ask me that?”

When he saw me shift in my seat
uncomfortably, his lips slowly curled at the corners and I nearly fell off my chair, my pulse flickering out of control.

“Ace…” I trailed
, trying hard to regain my composure.

He leaned in and pulled
the menu down, exposing my face.

,” he admonished, “you need to stop this. It’s driving me crazy.”

voice was so sultry I could have slid off the seat as he reached out and ran his thumb along my bottom lip, gently tugging it from the clenches of my teeth.

licked the path left by his finger, his heated touch sending shivers through my body.

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