Ivormantis (20 page)

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Authors: Alice Brown,Lady V

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Erotic, #Paranormal

BOOK: Ivormantis
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Hot Tea, honey, lemon, and

A heaping helping of Fireball Whiskey

**Guaranteed to burn anything out which ails you.


The Drunken Dessert:


Cup of hot chocolate with a healthy dose of Fireball Whiskey.


The Ultimate French Toast Shot:



Butterscotch Liqueur

Bailey’s Irish Cream


Mix. Shake. Shoot. Repeat. (If you dare!)


If this is your breakfast, expect your bedtime to be around noon!




Wheadirskon bread: This is a sweet bread made from the Wheadirs grain grown only on Dragonose. The grain is naturally sweet and each loaf is two-three times the normal loaf of bread on earth.


Duebeask: Similar to earth’s deer, but the size of a small car.


Pheasgon: Similar to earth’s foul, but grows to be the size of a canoe.


Boarskon: Similar to earth’s boar, but will grow to be about the size of a Rhino


Agaton: This is a vegetable that resembles a bell pepper but is the size of a pineapple. Has a sweet, grainy taste to it.


Books by Alice Brown


Published with JK Publishing


Vampires Among Us


A Special Gift – Book Two


Texas Ranger Vampires


Up in Flames


Up in Smoke – Coming Soon


Dragons of Dragonose

Co-authored with Lady V




Fire Ice




My Beloved


My Beloved Werewolf


With other Publishers


Vampires Among Us – Book One


The Music Box


We would love to hear from you!


Website: Alice - http://AuthorAliceBrown.com

Email: Alice - [email protected]

Facebook: Alice - http://www.facebook.com/authoralicebrown1


Books by Lady V


Dragons of Dragonose

Co-authored with Alice Brown




Fire Ice




My Beloved


My Beloved Werewolf


We would love to hear from you!


Website: Lady V - http://AuthorLadyV.com

Email: Lady V - [email protected]

Facebook: Lady V - http://www.facebook.com/LadyVampWolf


Excerpt from Sapphamire

Dragons of Dragonose Book One

By Alice Brown and Lady V


He quickly did up his tie and headed downstairs to his waiting date, Amberlynn. He glanced around, but Natasha was nowhere to be seen. He stopped one of the guards walking past and quietly inquired as to the whereabouts of his new assistant. They quickly informed him that she had been pulled away temporarily and had sent a message down that she would join him in just a few minutes. Groaning inwardly, he offered his arm to his date before entering the room. All the elders stood as he and his date entered the formal dining room. “Please, be seated and enjoy the great food at Dragonmire Castle!” He walked around to the head of the table, seated his date on his left side, and took his own seat.

He was proud of his home. When he had decided about eight years ago to access Earth through one of the portals on his home world, Dragonose, he came with the belief that finding his mate would be a rather easy job. Then again, he had come under the assumption that only humans resided on this planet. Now, he knew both assumptions were incorrect. The king had granted his request to leave, only requesting that Blain keep the knowledge of the Iceland portal away from all others. That was an easy promise to make his king. Since then, he only got called upon by his king when the Raptorians grew bored and decided to start a fight. The king would then send out an emergency distress call to each and every one of his dragons, expecting them to return home immediately to help defend their world.

“Ms. Clayton, where is she?” Councilwoman Kristin, who was a pixie, inquired in an almost frightened voice from the other end of the table.

“She was pulled away to tend to some business before joining us tonight. She shall be along shortly.” He certainly hoped so, anyway. It would look so much better for her if she were sitting next to him.

“Does she please you?” another council member questioned.

“I’d rather wait to discuss the business involving Ms. Clayton, at least until she is in attendance to hear it for herself,” Blain replied with a bit of a sting to his words, then he picked up the small glass sitting at the top of his plate, swallowing the liquid, and enjoying the burn. His guests watching him, quickly followed, all except the vampire in attendance. She had her own goblet of fresh blood sitting at her plate. He heard several “ohs” and “ahs” as his guests enjoyed their pre-dinner treat.

“Delicious!” Councilwoman Hazellette, who was a witch, exclaimed in delight as she ran her tongue across her lower lip. “What is this drink called, Blain?”

He couldn’t hold back his smirk or his chuckle. His guests were not going to see the humor in his answer as he did. “Dragon Piss.”

Total silence descended upon the room for about ten seconds before the double doors were flung open, and a beautiful redhead sauntered into the room. She was wearing a black evening gown that glittered in the light; it was a one shoulder strap ensemble, and he immediately spotted the slit that ran all the way up the side to her hip. She walked up to him with such a regal air that he knew she was the envy of the females in attendance—his own date included.

“My apologies for being late, sir,” she stated when she reached his side. He immediately jumped up to pull her chair out for her.

It was a good thing he didn’t need to speak at that moment, because he suddenly found that his tongue wasn't working as he gazed down at her in awe. He had only thought her beautiful when they met earlier today. But now? Now she was absolutely stunning. She put his date and her short red cocktail dress to shame.

“May we proceed now?” Councilwoman Hazellette snapped out.

Yep, let the envy begin, ladies.

“Yes, Councilwoman Hazellette, I apologize if I was the reason for any hold up,” Natasha quickly replied, seeming to know already that Blain was without words at the moment. He suddenly didn’t give two cents about this dinner. And he certainly didn’t give two cents about this Council harping on his mate. All he wanted was for everyone to get the hell out of his castle so he could spend some time getting to know her.

“You…” he started, but his little mate was quick to cut him off as she leaned in close to him and whispered in his ear.

“Please forgive me for being so late, but there was a very important phone call I had to take.”

“Ah…of course,” he stuttered out, gracing her with a smile. He was getting ready to tell the battle-ax of a witch that she needed to show his mate respect, and that would not have gone over very well at this point.

Leaning back in her seat, Natasha graced him with a gentle smile. His heart did a quick leap into his throat before plummeting down to his groin.
Oh, good God, was she perfect.
One of the elders broke into his deep thoughts as they repeated the earlier question.

“So then, are we to believe Natasha pleases you, and can handle whatever you throw her way?”

Natasha sat silently, but fuming inside. How dared they? This was a paid position, but then again, they had choreographed her numerous forced matings, thinking that it would surely bring on her powers, all the while knowing these “potential” mates were little more than animals.

“Yes, yes, I believe Natasha will fit right into her new position with no problems,” Blain answered with a cold bite in his tone. He still didn’t understand why they seemed so interested in her working for him. Why did they feel it was their business to know how he felt about her? '
Does she please us? Only every damn fucking moment we get to spend looking at her!'
his dragon broke through his thoughts.

“Has Ms. Clayton informed you of the chance of danger you are entering into with signing her contract?”

He watched out of the corner of his eyes as Natasha carefully sat her fork down, but refused to look at him as she awaited his response. He could easily read her body language and knew she feared he might have changed his mind in the past hour. She knew all too well what a simple change of his mind would mean to her. Unfortunately, she had no clue how determined he was never to let her out of his sights.

“Yes, she has. And I’m more than willing to risk my chances at having her here,” he said strongly.

“If you sign the contract, there is no going back. She will be your responsibility, and yours alone. With that in mind, are you still willing to sign?”

“Yes, the damn contract is already signed!” Blain gave his most irate expression to each and every one of the Council members, silently warning them he would kick every one of their high asses out the door if one more word were to be said negatively about Natasha. They were way out of line, and sooner or later they were going to be put in their place. And he had a gut feeling when that time came about, he would be right there, handing their asses to them. There was no way he was going to forget tonight. He would never forget how they basically treated her as if she were an animal. How they belittled her right in front of him.

,” his dragon promised. “
Soon we can take her, mate her, and then we will have all rights to protect her!”

For once, he agreed with his dragon completely.


Excerpt from A Special Gift

Vampires Among Us Book Two

By Alice Brown


Everything looked deserted when they pulled up in the driveway, but Marshall had an eerie feeling that the house was more dangerous than it appeared. “Keep your eyes and ears open, guys. I’ve got a bad feeling about this,” he warned his teammates.

Kevin came across the earpiece immediately. “What’s going on, Marshall?”

“I’m not sure; it’s just a feeling I have. I think we are being watched.” He chuckled lightly. “Hell, we haven’t even made it to the front door yet.”

The three men hopped out of the truck and started up the sidewalk toward the house. Kevin came back on the earpiece to state that backup was on its way, just in case it was needed.

“Thanks,” Marshall replied as he reached for the door handle and opened the door. The team fanned out to scan the room, and saw an old, torn up couch with a couple of punks sitting on it. Another punk, evidently the leader of this little gang of misfits, was sitting in a torn up recliner with a sawed-off, double-barreled shotgun pointed at the ceiling.

“Who the hell are you?” the man with the gun demanded.

“What’s it to you?” Tom replied, obviously not in the mood to deal with these lowlifes, but rather wanting to get packed up and out of there. The one with the gun casually stood and walked over to the team, acting as if it was his home and he had every right to be there.

“I don’t know who you three are, but you are on our turf now, dude!” He snorted and spat on the floor. “Now, I believe I asked you first.” The man with the gun suddenly jammed the shotgun under Tom’s chin. As if to emphasize that he was the boss, he continued, “Who the hell are you, and what are you doing here?”

The team really wasn’t worried about these three misfits; there was no chance they knew they were picking a fight with three vampires. Tom was patiently waiting for Marshall, who was in charge of the mission, to issue the order that they could kill these idiots.

One second Tom was standing beside the guy with a gun jammed up under his chin, the next second he watched with disbelieving eyes as the barrel of the shotgun was bent, making the gun harmless. It was then that Marshall knew who their backup was.

“What the fu…?” The leader stared at his gun as if it had suddenly grown legs. He took a step back and threw the gun over to the other side of the room. A calculating look in his eyes, he addressed Tom, “So, do we have a magician in the group?” He was trying to regain some control over the situation.
Yeah, this guy must have done some magic to make that gun turn at such an odd angle; that is the only reasonable explanation.

Marshall sighed loudly, out of patience. He was here to get a job done, and that’s what his team was going to do. Moving so fast that the leader never even saw him move, Marshall wrapped his hand around the guy’s throat and lifted him off the floor, leaving him dangling a few inches.

“I assume you were expecting Enrico,” Marshall stated, listening to the man gasp as he tried to breathe.

One of the punks still sitting on the couch spoke up. “Yeah, man, he owes a lot of money. What, did he send you ‘cause he’s too chicken to come himself?”

“Enrico is in jail,” Tom answered the guy sitting on the couch.

“Where’s the girl?” choked the man Marshall was holding off the floor.

Marshall’s temper flared. He squeezed the man’s neck a little harder to let him know he meant business. Marshall would have already given the order to kill all three of these punks, except the paperwork was such a headache. The council demanded full documentation whenever a human was killed during an assignment, and this would be three times the usual amount, and they just weren’t worth the work.

Marshall glared at the gasping man before answering his question. “Safe, and that’s all you need to know.” Then, furious because he had the audacity to ask about the little girl at all, Marshall followed up by tossing him across the room. He landed in a heap between his buddies on the couch.

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