Jaguars' Reward [Impulse 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

BOOK: Jaguars' Reward [Impulse 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Impulse 3

Jaguars' Reward

When Vadim Fyre and Zayd Kunda save a woman from drowning off the coast of Impulse, they expect just a little gratitude for saving her life. Instead, driven by instincts she’s unable to control, Talia Regan tries to kill them both.

Convinced Talia has been sent by their enemies to infiltrate Impulse, the entire colony is on its guard against attack. But for Vadim and Zayd it’s a defining moment in that Talia’s the mate they’d almost given up on finding. Unfortunately Talia not only has shifter blood herself, disqualifying her as a suitable mate, but has also been taught to hate everything to do with shifters.

Driven by their overwhelming feelings for Talia, Vadim and Zayd risk the security of the entire colony in their quest to possess a woman who can never be theirs…can she?

Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Shape-shifter

49,587 words



Impulse 3






Zara Chase










Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting




Copyright © 2013 by Zara Chase

E-book ISBN:


First E-book Publication: March 2013


Cover design by Les Byerley

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Jaguars’ Reward
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Amanda Hilton, Publisher


Impulse 3



Copyright © 2013






Chapter One


“What the fuck?” Vadim scowled at a boat drifting close to the Impulse shoreline. “That tub’s been wafting about in our waters for way too long.”

“They’re not

“It has no business here.”

“Relax, man.” Zayd opened one eye, squinted up at Vadim, and then closed it again. “This is supposed to be our downtime. The other patrols will have it covered.”

“Yeah, perhaps, but I still don’t like it.”

Zayd opened both eyes this time and rolled them at Vadim. “What made me think you’d switch off so we could have a quiet day to ourselves?”

“Can’t help it. It’s an occupational hazard.” Vadim shrugged an apology. “Pass me the binoculars, buddy. I wanna see if I can read her name.”

Zayd sighed but knew better than to argue. He handed over the glasses, lay back down, and closed his eyes again. “You’re worrying about nothing. They’re probably just fishing. No law against that.”

“There would be if I had any say.” Vadim scowled. “Shit, they’re turned the wrong way and I can’t see the transom.”

“I keep telling you, they’re fishing.”

“Without trailing any fishing lines?”

Zayd pushed himself up from the sun bed where he’d been working on his all-over tan and finally showed some interest. “Are they anchored?”

“Nope, just drifting.”

“Perhaps they’re having a picnic, or swimming. No law against that, either.”

“On a Monday morning?”

Zayd laughed. “Not everyone works nine ’til five.”

“Even so, there’s something off about it. I just know there is. We never get much action on the water this early in the week.”

“Chill, man! Just because we made one mistake and let that kid out of Impulse with a snow dome, you’ve been beating yourself up ever since.”

“That’s because it was my fault.”

“Bullshit! Besides, Mikael and Philo wouldn’t have found their mate if it hadn’t been for that, so you ought to pat yourself on the back.” Zayd returned to his prone position, fisted his erection, and grinned up at Vadim. “Better yet, if you come here, I’ll see if I can help you relax.”

It was Vadim’s turn to roll his eyes. “Don’t you ever think about anything else?”

“Not when it’s this hot.” Zayd flashed an unrepentant smile, all white teeth and flashing golden eyes. “The sun makes me as randy as a freaking domestic cat.”

Vadim’s frown gave way to a reluctant grin. “Well, that sounds kind of desperate.”

“It is, and I know precisely where I’m gonna put my cock the moment you get your sweet ass down here on this sun bed.”

“Yeah, well…” Vadim cast another glance at the motor cruiser still drifting off the coast of Impulse, nearing the point where the Gulf met the Intracoastal. “They’re going round the corner.”

“They’re probably heading for one of the bars farther down the waterway.”

“Well, just so long as they clear Impulse I don’t give a shit where they’re going.”

Zayd yawned. “Giron and Jud should have ’em in their sights now.”

“Good point.” Vadim radioed the two beta jaguars patrolling the Intracoastal. “A forty-foot sports cruiser coming your way,” he told them. “Keep a close eye out.”

“Will do,” Giron said. “We’ve got a visual on them already.”

Vadim raised the binoculars to his eyes and swept the horizon. There were no other vessels in sight. “Well,” he said, “I guess they can’t do much harm on the Intracoastal.”

“Not as much harm as I’m gonna do to you if you don’t stop dithering.”

“Anyone ever told you you’re insatiable?” Vadim set the engines to idle and, without bothering with the steps, made the six-foot leap from the upper deck. He landed gracefully in the cockpit with a soft thud, threw off his shorts, and straddled Zayd’s body. Holding him between his taut thighs, he bent his head and captured his lips in a drugging kiss.

“I guess we are off duty,” he said when he came up for air, nipping playfully at Zayd’s lower lip.

“Think of this as an act of mercy, if it assuages that conscience of yours. Part of our job is rescuing people who get in difficulties on the sea.”

“I don’t think that covers the sort of difficulty you’re having right now,” Vadim said, flicking a finger against Zayd’s solid cock.

“Well, it sure as hell should.”

“Mind if I switch the recorder on?”

“Fuck no,” Zayd replied. “I love watching what you do to me after the event, especially when it leads to an action replay.”

“Yeah, well, this time I’ve got something a little different for you.”

“You have?” Zayd’s eyes lit up with anticipation. “What’s that then?”

Vadim didn’t answer. Instead he did another quick scan of the horizon. Still nothing moving out there, and even the fastest boat couldn’t get anywhere near their position for at least ten minutes. Besides, they’d hear its engines when it was still way off. Zayd was right. They’d been working solidly for weeks, never took time off, and deserved some recreation.

Decision made, he reached for the controls to the video camera and set it in motion. He then extended a claw, increased the pressure of his thighs against his lover’s sides, and scraped one of Zayd’s nipples. His actions produced a whole series of needy mewing noises that Vadim loved hearing from him. Not big on passivity, Zayd returned the favor by grabbing Vadim’s sac and squeezing hard.

“You just love it when I play with your balls, don’t you, buddy?”

“I like it better when you suck ’em.”

“Well, that can be arranged.”

Zayd slithered down the bed until his tongue was within range of Vadim’s genitalia. Then he set to work doing what he did best, lathing, rasping, and nipping until Vadim’s cock was rock solid—thick, cut, and pulsating. Blood pounded through his ears as the sensations intensified and the anxieties he’d been living with these past few months faded beneath the skilled deployment of Zayd’s long jaguar tongue. It flicked across his crus, lingered on the bulb of his cock, and then buried itself in its ventral groove. Vadim’s entire body rocked as Zayd brought the rest of his mouth into play, sucking harder, biting, squeezing his balls so skillfully that Vadim thought he might lose control and shoot his load before they’d even gotten started.

He reached behind Zayd, slipped his hand between him and the bed, and buried his fingers in the firm globes of Zayd’s ass.

“Get on your knees, big boy. I got a gift for you.”

“Yeah, I’ve got it right here in my hand,” Zayd replied, squeezing Vadim’s cock until a drop of pre-cum oozed from its head.

“Do as you’re told.” Vadim shot his lover a challenging smile. “If you dare.”

Zayd laughed aloud. “Now you’re talkin’!” He rolled over onto his knees, stuck his ass in the air, and wiggled it at Vadim. “I’m all yours, master.”

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