Jaguars' Reward [Impulse 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (2 page)

BOOK: Jaguars' Reward [Impulse 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Too fucking right you are.”

Vadim took another brief glance at the sea, just to be sure no one had sneaked up on them. He then slapped Zayd’s butt as hard as he could with the flat of his hand. Zayd would have expected that, which explained why he groaned but didn’t flinch. Zayd adored being chastised—the harder the better—and Vadim was happy to oblige. He repeated the process, and then again, until Zayd’s ass showed angry red imprints made by Vadim’s hand. At that point Vadim bent his head and kissed the areas he’d just punished, swirling his tongue, sucking the firm flesh into his mouth, circling Zayd’s anus with the claw he again extended. Zayd pushed back against it, breathing heavily, purring even harder. Vadim reached one hand below his buddy and checked out the condition of his cock. He was unsurprised to find that it was rigid, thick as a tree trunk, reaching two-thirds of the way up his belly.

“Where’s that gift you promised me, lover?” Zayd asked breathlessly.

“Right here.”

Zayd angled his head to one side, trying to sneak a look.

“Uh-uh, no peeking.” Vadim shook a finger beneath Zayd’s nose before fixing a blindfold over his eyes.

“Hey, this is exciting.”

“That’s kinda the idea.”

Vadim reached for a tube of lube housed handily in the locker beside the sundeck. He squirted a generous amount over Zayd’s ass, rubbing it into his anus with slow, deliberate sweeps of his fingers. He then applied a little more to the gift, hoping it would rock his world. Only one way to find out if it would live up to the hype, Vadim thought, easing it into Zayd and switching it on.

“Is that what I think it is?” Zayd asked, sounding as excited as Vadim felt when squeezing the bulb that slowly inflated the balloon.

“Yep. You’ve been on at me for long enough to try it.”

“And you just happened to have it on board? How did you know I’d be in the mood?”

Vadim laughed. “Lucky guess.”

“Shit, it feels fucking wonderful.”

Vadim set it to a higher speed and gradually reduced the amount of inflation in the balloon.

“Aw, what happened?”

“Just making enough space for two.”

“You’re not gonna—”

Vadim grinned. “Yeah, I am. Why should you have all the fun?”

He leaned forward to bite Zayd’s ass, gave it another hard slap, and then edged the tip of his cock in right alongside the balloon. It was such a tight fit that he almost gave up, not wanting to do any permanent damage to Zayd.

“If you dare to pull out, I’ll withhold privileges for a month!”

Vadim laughed aloud. “No you won’t. You sulk if you have to go more than a day without being fucked.”

Zayd was panting hard. “Just fucking do it! It feels amazing.”

“Okay, I hear you.”

A wave rocked the boat hard. That surprised Vadim because it was a calm day. He glanced up, but there were still no other vessels anywhere near them. He shrugged, putting it down to the vagaries of the ocean. Impulse was a narrow spit of land, surrounded on all sides by water. Vadim’s boat was near the end point and the currents sometimes converged there. That would explain it. Satisfied nothing was amiss, Vadim pulled Zayd’s hips closer and eased his way a little deeper. Sensation fizzed through his bloodstream, blinding him to anything except the act of fucking Zayd as hard and deep as he could. They had screwed every which way imaginable during their years together, often in public places because they got an extra buzz out of the possibility of being seen, but this was definitely a new high.

“You okay?” Vadim asked.

“I’m fucking flying, man.”

Zayd clearly got fed up with waiting and pushed back hard the next time Vadim eased himself deeper. That was all it took for him to slip all the way in. He reached back for the squeeze bulb to inflate the balloon, which fought for the limited space left now that Vadim’s cock filled Zayd’s anus. The feeling was indescribable. Electronic pulsations caused Vadim’s cock to tingle and swell to an impossible size. His whole body was on fire as he rode Zayd’s ass, his swollen balls slapping hard against his buttocks with each sortie.

“Fuck it!”

They spoke the words at the same time and began to move even faster, in perfect sync with one another.

“Christ, Zayd, I can’t hold it!” Vadim screwed his eyes shut tight, loving the abrasive feel of the balloon rubbing against his sensitized cock. “I’m gonna come for you.”

“Me, too, lover. Let’s do it together.”

Groaning and swearing, Vadim shot his load deep inside Zayd’s ass. At the precise same time Zayd grabbed his own cock with one hand, threw his head back, and jerked off to a series of guttural moans. They collapsed together on their sides as soon as they were done, Vadim’s arms over Zayd’s waist as he withdrew and kissed his neck tenderly.

“Did I hurt you?” he asked, removing the blindfold.

Zayd grinned. “Just wait until I try that shit on you. You won’t believe it.”

“Anytime you’re ready.”

Zayd laughed, stretched like the feline he was, and yawned. “We got any food on this tub? I’m starved.”

“You always are after being fucked.” Vadim stood up and returned to the helm, not bothering with his shorts.

“It’s not my fault if I have appetites.”

Vadim grunted. “Is that what they’re calling it this week?”

“That boat you were worried about hasn’t come back then?” Zayd joined Vadim at the helm and scanned the open expanse of sea.

“No, it’s clearing out. I can see it hightailing out of here.” Vadim pointed to the horizon. “I guess they were just day-trippers after all.”

“Giron should have said something.”

“No need. Not if they’re leaving the area.”

“I suppose not. You can’t…say, what’s that in the water?”


Zayd pointed to their starboard bow. “Right there.”

“Probably just a log or something, but we’d best check it out. Those damned bears will try anything to get near Impulse.”

Vadim powered the boat in that direction. “Hell, it’s a body,” he said when they got closer. “What the fuck?”

Vadim was swamped with guilt. He had no idea how a body came to be floating in the ocean off the coast of Impulse, but if he and Zayd had been paying proper attention they might have gotten to it sooner. They weren’t supposed to be on duty, but Vadim and Zayd were head of security in Impulse, so technically they were always on call. If the person was dead, Vadim would never forgive himself.

“It’s not your fault,” Zayd said.

“Then whose is it?” Vadim flexed his jaw as he maneuvered the boat as close to the floating body as he dared, careful not to get anywhere near it with the propellers. “When it comes to security in this community, the buck stops with me.”

“That would be with
not just you, and we can’t be all things to all people.”

“Save it!” Vadim put the engines in idle and ceded his place at the helm to Zayd. “Hold her steady. I’ll go take a look.”

Vadim dove over the side and swam toward the body, covering the distance with speed and strength, hoping against hope that he wouldn’t encounter a corpse. What he actually found was a woman, floating on her back, eyes wide open and staring sightlessly at the clear blue sky.

And it was impossible to tell if she was breathing or not.

Chapter Two


Vadim grasped her beneath her armpits. The arrival of the boat had churned up the ocean and he made sure her head stayed clear of it. He then trod water until Zayd brought their craft alongside and cut the engines.

“Quick, let’s get her on board,” Zayd said.

Vadim pushed her from below and Zayd’s strong arms easily lifted her clear of the water. Vadim placed his hands on the transom and swung himself over it, landing in the cockpit where Zayd had placed the woman on the sun bed.

“Get us back to shore, fast as you can,” Vadim said curtly. “I don’t like the look of her. It’s probably too late, but—”

“Does she have a pulse?”

Vadim placed two fingers on her carotid artery, just below her jawbone.

“Nothing,” he said urgently. “I’ll try CPR. Get moving, Zayd!”


He turned the boat in a sweeping arc and pushed the throttles fully forward. The powerful engines roared into life and the boat skimmed across the calm sea at a steady twenty knots. Vadim placed two fingers beneath the woman’s chin and tilted her head back, opening her windpipe. He swept his index finger insider her mouth to make sure there were no obstructions and then used a finger and thumb to pinch her nose shut. Vadim breathed two slow breaths into the woman’s mouth and then checked for a response.

“Shit, nothing.”

“Keep trying,” Zayd said from behind the wheel.

Vadim tore open her shirt and found the spot where ribs met breastbone. Sitting on his knees, he tried steady hand compressions, pausing to give another two breaths directly into her mouth after the first fifteen.

“Come on, lady, come on! I refuse to let you die on my watch.”

But the woman remained cold and unresponsive. He had no idea how long she’d been in the water, but, in spite of Zayd’s protestations, he felt responsible for the fact that she’d ended up there.

“Damn it!”

He repeated another fifteen compressions and breathed into her mouth again, more in hope than expectation.

“Hell, I got her back!” he cried triumphantly when she coughed and then spewed a mouthful of seawater all over his face.

She opened her eyes, amazing deep blue eyes, and looked directly at him. With either a groan or a curse, she closed them again and appeared to pass out. But at least she was breathing on her own now. The temperature was in the nineties, but she was shivering. Vadim found a blanket and wrapped it tightly around her.

“Well done, buddy!”

Zayd headed the boat toward the dock attached to their town house on Impulse, stepping back into his shorts as he did so.

“Send a pheromone to Mikael,” Vadim said, pulling his shorts back on as well. “She needs medical help.”

“Already done.”

Vadim sat beside the woman, unwilling to leave her alone even though she was incapable of going anywhere under her own steam right now. He still felt responsible for her accident—if that was what it had been. Now that she was breathing again, he also felt highly suspicious of her sudden appearance, albeit rather unorthodoxly contrived. Their enemies were getting more desperate by the day, but every ruse they’d tried to get a pawhold on Impulse so far had failed. The woman’s near drowning right in the area of their patrol boat was either a coincidence, or their foes were frantic enough to risk her life to achieve their ends. Even if she’d gotten ashore, precisely what one woman was supposed to do against an entire colony of feline shifters, Vadim hadn’t yet figured out. All he knew was that he didn’t like the unexpected and things didn’t get a whole lot more unexpected than this.

Vadim looked at her face, compelled in spite of everything by what he saw. There was something about her that transcended his suspicions and drew him in. She was dripping wet, but even so he could see that she was a real looker. She was tall—probably five ten—and slender like a reed. That didn’t mean she lacked curves in all the right places, though. Vadim had just administered CPR so was in a position to know that everything was right where it was supposed to be. Evenly tanned skin blended with an abundance of long black hair and an engaging face with a smooth forehead, high cheekbones, and a small, turned-up nose dusted with freckles.

And then, of course, there were those eyes. A man could get sucked right into the depths of those magnetic eyes if he wasn’t careful.

“Wonder who she is,” Zayd said as he edged the boat against the dock.

“Hell, if I know.” Vadim shrugged. “But she has to have been on that boat. Nothing else has been anywhere near us all morning. I knew there was something—”

“You think she’s been sent here to undermine us?” Zayd shook his head. “Come on, buddy. I know our enemies are getting desperate, but that’s going too far. How could they have known that we’d pick her up in time?”

“They knew we’d have them in our sights. They hung about for a while to make sure of that. They must have seen me watching through the binoculars, so they went round the corner for a while.”

“That doesn’t make any sense, either. If we didn’t see her fall in, she still could have drowned before we’d gotten to her. And even though it looks like she’ll pull through, what can one cute little gal do against an entire colony?”

“That,” Vadim said, rubbing his chin, “is what I’d like to know. But I’ll tell you one thing, unless our lady friend here has a damned good reason for being in the ocean, then it has to be a ruse of some kind. I just don’t believe in coincidences like that.”

“Yeah, I hear you.”

Vadim rolled his eyes. “At last he agrees with me.”

“Don’t get used to it.” Zayd threw the lines round the bollards on the dock and cut the engines. “It’s a one-off.”

“I’d better get her inside.” Vadim scooped the woman into his arms, leaving the blanket draped around her. “She won’t be able to breathe the Impulse air now that we’re on land.”

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