Jaguars' Reward [Impulse 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (14 page)

BOOK: Jaguars' Reward [Impulse 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“You feel it, too, don’t you, babe?”

“Yes.” She closed her eyes and sighed. “All my life I’ve only heard negative stuff about shifters. I can understand why, given that my grandmother didn’t know what she was getting into. I always knew they existed, and knew as well not to talk about them. I didn’t think I wanted to know anything about their lives, but the reality here in Impulse has certainly changed that view.”

He lifted one hand and gently tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. “I’m glad about that.”

“Me, too,” she said, dancing her fingers across his chest again, a mischievous smile playing about her lips. “I’ve always felt there was something missing in my life. I didn’t seem to want the things that my friends did. It was like I was marking time, waiting for something, but I didn’t know quite what. The moment I met you two, it made sense.”

He snatched her hand and kissed the tips of her fingers with aggressive passion. “Yep, but unfortunately we’re forbidden fruit.”

“If you believe that things happen for a reason, that can’t be true. There has to be a way round it.”

“Are you fatalistic?”

“I guess. I’ve heard people gushing on about it only taking a minute to fall in love. I always thought that was sentimental crap, but now I know differently. I also know I’ll do anything for love. I might not be able to mate with you guys, but I can do the next best thing.”

He smiled at her. “Is this where I’m supposed to ask what that is?”

“I’m so glad you asked me that.” She offered him a wide smile that failed to reach her eyes. “The answer is so obvious that I should have seen it before now. You don’t need to get involved with Wilson. He’s coming to the studio expecting a lesson with me. I’ll simply whip his ass and accidentally break a few bones while I’m at it. That’ll put him out of action for a while and give you guys a chance to regroup here in Impulse.”

She sat back on her heels, looking totally pleased with the suggestion, like she really imagined he’d go for it. His already-fractured heart suffered further damage because she was prepared to do something so unselfish for him. He couldn’t allow it, of course. Alpha shifters didn’t hide behind their women.

“You’re not supposed to deliberately injure opponents in karate,” he reminded her. “It’s against everything the sport stands for.”

“Not even when your opponent has arranged for you to be thrown off a boat and possibly left to die?”

“Well, those are exceptional circumstances, I’ll grant you that,” he said, sliding his hands behind his head to prevent them from doing what they were itching to do and wandering toward her breasts. “But I still think it will be frowned upon.”

“Who’s going to tell them?”

She really was serious about this. Vadim felt the full force of her determination and wondered how he was supposed to turn her down without it resulting in a fight?

“Thank you, angel,” he said. “That’s a generous offer, but I have to do this myself. Besides, it won’t be karate. Shifters actually shift when they go into battle. That’s how it works. It will be jaguar versus wolf.”

He wasn’t altogether surprised when she leapt from the bed and swirled to face him, magnificent in her naked ire.

“Do you realize just how fucking selfish you’re being?” she demanded. “There’s a guy out there breaking his heart at the thought of losing you, all because you have some stupid point to prove. He’s terrified of history repeating itself.”

Vadim leaned up on one elbow and shook his head. “I know that, but deep down Zayd understands.”

She snorted. “Keep telling yourself that.”

“I really don’t have any choice, Talia. I wish you’d believe that.”

“It doesn’t seem to matter what I believe.”

“Where is Zayd, by the way?”

“He’s gone out in a boat with one of your patrols.”

That figured. Zayd couldn’t bear to be indoors when he was upset. There was nothing Vadim could do to placate him right now, perhaps not ever, so he returned his attention to Talia. The anger appeared to have drained out of her and when she turned back to look at him, arms folded beneath her breasts, her expression was reflective.

“My grandmother was a bitter, emotionless woman, and she never had much time for me,” she said. “Like I told you before, any mention she made of shifters was negative. But once, not long before she died, she spoke to me about her husband. About how magnificent he was, about how much she adored him, about how she could walk into a crowded room and know immediately if he was in it or not without actually seeing him.”

“She was lucky to have felt that way, even for a short time.”

“That’s what I thought. She said a few hours with him was better than a lifetime with any other man.” Talia sighed. “She never did find anyone else and never stopped taking out her grievances on others. And her main beef was that shifters never seemed to stop wanting to fight one another.”

“Not through choice,” Vadim said softly. “It’s territorial.”

“What else are wars ever about?”

“You don’t understand how it is.”

“Don’t you dare keep falling back on that lame excuse!” Renewed anger ignited sparks in her fiery blue eyes. “I understand all too well that history will repeat itself in my family, just as much as it will for Zayd, if you go ahead with this death wish. Think about those who love you, Vadim, and stop being so fucking pigheaded.”

“Would you rather see half the males in Impulse killed or injured if we sit back and wait for the wolves to invade? We’re a family here. Don’t you feel the vibes? We care about one another and everything we do is for the good of the colony at large.”

“Yes, of course I know that. I felt it the moment we entered the Cat’s Whiskers.
There’s a sense of family that I’ve never experienced with my dysfunctional lot.” She shrugged, a little too casually. “Still, I guess you can’t miss what you’ve never had.”

“But now you yearn to experience something like it, don’t you, darlin’?”

“I’m an adult. I gave up believing in fairy stories a long time ago.”

Vadim’s heart went out to her. “Dreams can sometimes come true.”

“Hardly.” She shook her head, as though trying to dispel the heady atmosphere of sexual tension as their eyes locked. “Anyway, this isn’t about me. It’s about your stubborn insistence on risking your life for no good reason.”

“The welfare of Impulse is a pretty damned compelling reason as far as I’m concerned.”

“But you don’t have to put yourself in the line of fire.” Her eyes flashed a challenge. “Tell you what, I’ll fight you for it. If I win, we do it my way.”

Vadim laughed. “I don’t think so, sweetheart.”

She canted her head and shot him a defiant smile. “What’s wrong? Afraid you might lose?”

Vadim was more concerned about fighting her here, when they were in his bedroom and both in the nude. He was absolutely sure that if he had her naked body pinned beneath him, he’d never resist her. Problem was, he’d never been able to resist a challenge, either. Besides, he had a feeling she wouldn’t let this thing go.

“I’m afraid of many things, but—”

“If you’re so worried about your precious reputation and the way people view you here in Impulse,” she said sweetly, “it’s only fair to warn you that if you turn me down, I’ll let everyone here know it.”

“You wouldn’t!”

She placed her hands on her adorable naked hips and sent him a sultry smile. “Try me.”

Vadim sighed. “This is
not a good idea,” he said, leaving the bed in one feline bound, no arm use necessary to spring lithely to his feet. “Sure you want to do it?”

She adopted a fighting stance. “Bring it on, buster.”

Vadim faced her, a slow smile lifting the corners of his mouth as they circled one another, each weighing up the chances of making an early strike.

“Do we have to do this immediately?” he asked. “I’ve never fought with a hard-on before. It gives you an unfair advantage.”

She glanced down at his cock. “If it remains that rigid it’ll give
the advantage. It could take a girl’s eye out.”

Vadim moved quickly to avoid her side kick. “I’ve never thought of using it for that purpose before.”

Her eyes locked onto his. It would be so easy for him to read her thoughts and anticipate her next move. “Don’t you dare!”

“You knew what I was thinking?” Vadim hoisted a brow. “You must be more shifter than you think.”

“It was written all over your face.”

Vadim sensed a moment’s inattention and delivered a roundhouse kick. Or would have except she anticipated it and grabbed his leg, using hikite to pull him toward her. Damn, she was good! He struck out at her throat, relying on the speed of his reflexes to regain the upper hand. She swore and released him.

“Ready to concede, big boy?” she taunted.

“I’m ready to put you over my knee and spank that cute butt.”

“That’ll work, too.”

Vadim had to end this, and end it now. She was getting to him big-time. His cock was still standing to rigid attention and he was totally turned on by what they were doing. He saw his chance and lifted one foot into a crescent kick. Before she had time to figure out what was happening, he stopped the upward arc and the attacking foot came down on her from above, landing her on the floor, with him pinning her body down.
Great, just great!
This was exactly the position he’d planned not to end up in.

Or had he?

She was red in the face and breathing heavily, her eyes smoldering with desire.

“I win,” he said, his lips mere inches from hers.

“You got lucky.”

Shit, this was bad news! His cock throbbed painfully, pressed against her thigh. Her tits rubbed against his chest, the large nipples solid peaks that cried out to be sucked. A thousand and one thoughts flitted through Vadim’s brain as the moment seemed to stretch into eternity. Only one of those thoughts persisted. He’d already used a ton of energy fighting her instead of resting, greatly reducing his chances of beating Wilson. If he was going to die, he sure as hell wasn’t going to go to his grave without experiencing sex with a woman.

His woman—his mate.

The one lying beneath him now with passion and need reflected in her expression. Hell, he’d die happy if only he could sink his throbbing cock into her sweet pussy. He lowered his head, making the inexorable decision that had never really been in doubt since he woke up and found her sitting naked on his bed. He claimed her lips in a hard, drugging kiss that marked the beginning of the end for them both. He could hear her pulse pounding and her breath hitch as her arms circled his neck and she kissed him back. He inhaled her unique scent, caressed her face, and stroked her hair as he deepened the kiss, grinding his aching cock against her pelvis as wild sensations whipped through his bloodstream, working him into an even greater state of awareness. As preparations for battle went, this one took some beating.

He broke the kiss and took her hand, pulling her easily to her feet.

“Come on,” he said.

“Where?” she asked dazedly.

“The bed. I need you.”

“No, you can’t. I didn’t mean for it to go that far.” She shook her head. “I really thought I could beat you just then. The last thing I intended was to drain your power.”

“It won’t make any difference.”

“You don’t know that.”

“Nor do you. Come on. You started this. What else did you think would happen when I woke up and found you sitting naked on my bed?”

“I don’t want to make things more difficult for you.”

“Too late for that.” He lifted her into his arms and carried her the short distance. “Besides, how can anything that feels so right possibly be wrong?”

“We’re not thinking rationally,” she protested halfheartedly as he deposited her on the bed.

“I’m done with thinking. It’s time to start feeling.”

He said nothing more, but merely sat on the side of the bed, watching her closely.

“Yes.” She lifted her arms and pulled him down beside her with a wanton sigh. “This whole crazy situation is beyond my understanding, but I’m too weak to do what I should.”

“Then lie back and let me do the

She laughed. “You have such a way with words.”

“Baby, I have a way with quite a few of my body parts, too.”

“I already know about your wicked tongue.”

“Hmm, about that.”

Vadim reached into Zayd’s drawer of toys, found a silk scarf, and used it to tie Talia’s hands to the bedhead. He then found a blindfold and used that on her, too.

“I don’t want you to be able to touch or see. That way your ability to feel will be enhanced. You happy with that?”


Vadim, feeling like a condemned man enjoying his last meal, licked his way down Talia’s neck, lapping at the hollow at the base of her neck before trailing hot kisses across her collarbone, down to her breasts. His tongue lathed, his lips sucked, and when he reached a solid nipple, his teeth came into play. So far he’d only touched her with his mouth, and that was the way he intended for it to stay for the foreseeable future. She made cute, needy little moaning noises and writhed against the restraints as he continued to agitate her passions. Her legs fell open, giving him an up-close view of the pink lips of her pussy and of her shaved pubis. Vadim drank in the sight, all the more precious because he might not ever see it again.

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