Jared (37 page)

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Authors: Teresa Gabelman

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban

BOOK: Jared
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“No.” She shook her head. “I want to help.
You know how I feel about them. I’m sorry I followed you, but I heard you talking on the phone. I’m
sorry.” Pam bowed her head.

Kenny smiled. “You are full of surprises aren’t you?” He let go of her hair.

Pam? What are you doing?

Nicole’s eyes were full of confusion
. When
Pam wouldn’t even look her way, Nicole started fighting, clawing her way to Pam. “You bitch!
How could you?!

Laughing Kenny leaned down kissing Pam on the cheek. “There might be hope for you yet.”
He turned toward everyone else, tossing rope to Travis.

Tie her down. G
et in position. We don’t have much

Chad Ev
ans walked to
with chains in his gloved hand,
evil grin spread
across his face. “I have waited
a long time for this day.” He reared back his hand smacking her hard across the face.

Nicole glared up at him. “Yeah, me to
.” Nicole spat. “You should have died a long time ago. This is going to be a treat.”

“You were always a stupid bitch.” Chad picked up his leg and kicked her in the ribs. “I’ve waited a long time to do that too.”

Levi watched activity in the room
and felt nervous energy
rack his body
If this didn’t work the
arriors would
everyone in this room.
This plan had been in motion for a long time. He looked over at Tessa and smiled. Her and her brother almost put a kink in the mission, now they would pay and pay dearly.


Chapter 3

“You know this is a trap.” Damon
looked away from the bar to look at
Jared remembering the Chad Evans episode they went through months before with Nicole.

Jared nodded, his gaze shifting to Adam. “Can you get a read on anyone?”

“No…nothing.” Adam shook his head, his eyes still assessing the bar. The tension around the
arriors was thick.

Otis who had stood in the background came forward. “Let me go in first.” He looked at Jared. “They don’t know my involvement to this point. Then you can at least know what you’re walking into.”

“Might work.”
Damon looked to Duncan and Jared. Damon’s tension came out in his voice. His mate was in there and he was trying to cont
rol the instinct of storming in,
getting everyone killed in the process.

“Keep your mind completely open.” Adam finally took his eyes off the bar to look down at the sheriff.

“Without being obvious give us a count on how many we’re dealing with and where Nicole and
are located.” Duncan ordered since Jared and Damon were both fighting the urge to run head first into the building
without thought to anything but Nicole and Tessa

.” Otis took a step, but Adam stopped him.

“Don’t fuck this up Sheriff.” Otis turned to look at Adam, something flashed in his eyes, but was gone
just as quickly
. Without a word he turned and headed across the street to the bar.

Duncan ordered everyone to where they needed to be when t
hey got word to enter the bar. Once in
place they watched Otis enter, the door closing behind him.

“You trust him?” Sid nodded to where the sheriff disappeared.

“Don’t really have a choice.” Jared replied glancing at Adam. “You trust him?”

Adam gave Jared a half grin. “I’ve never trusted the bastard so why would I start now. I say we take the advantage back and go now.”

“You’re going to make one hell of a
arrior.” Sid smacked him on the back.
“Remember aim for the hearts of the
s.” He raised his gun.

“And guard yours.” Duncan ordered the
s standing with them.

“Let’s go!” The
arriors along with everyone else descended on the bar.


“It’s show time boys and girls!” Kenny shouted when Otis came through the door. “Control his thoughts.” He
Brad who came up beside him.

Otis looked around and spotted Tessa tied down to the pool table her lower half covered only in flimsy blue underwear.
was chained to a low beam by her wrists, her eyes shooting hatred at him.

“What the hell are you doing?” Otis turned to Kenny.

supposed to
be given to me after I got the
arriors here.”

“Change of plans Sheriff.” Kenny smirked. “Sorry.”

glanced around;
everyone’s eyes were on him. Finally his eyes met Tessa’s tear stained battered face.
“You son of a bitch!

is hand instinctively went to his gun.

Big mistake sheriff.” Kenny frowned at his gun hand. “And yes
I am a son of a bitch, a real bitch.
Now are you in or out?

Before Otis could answer all hell broke loose as
arriors and
s came in from every opening of the bar.

“Now!” Kenny screamed. “Now!!!”

Tessa tried to scream a warning, but it was lost in the chaos of
cursing, orders and bodies hitting the floor.

Jared slid in on his side, his gun taking out two
s. His eyes quickly scanned the room and when he saw Tessa tied to the pool table he went berserk. His roar of rage actually stilled the room for a split second.

“Shoot him goddammit!” Kenny ordered pointing at Jared who was making his way to Tessa shooting and killing anything in his path.

Jared saw nothing but Tessa spread out on the pool table in nothing but a shirt and underwear. Rope held her immobile. Her face was swollen and bruised, but her eyes
still had
fight and
he urged him to free her. Fighting his way to her he saw the terror flash in her eyes a second before he heard a shotgun blast
. The devastating
impact on his body was instant taking him to his knees. Something fell over him as he fell forward
the last thing he saw was Tessa fighting to free herself her eyes never leaving his.

until she couldn’t fight anymore. Her eyes were glued on Jared who lay motionless on the floor.
There was no blood. Three
s quickly picked him up chaining him in a chair facing
her. Relief
swarmed her when she saw him jerk from the silver chains. He was alive
…thank God he was alive.
Her eyes left him to see Damon, Sid and Duncan
being put
in the same position as Ja
red. Her eyes found her brother
Adam, Jeff, Dillon, Steve and Jill were all surrounded by
with shotguns aimed at their hearts.

“Wake them.” Kenny ordered
stomping around nervously
. “Get them alert.”

“My pleasure.” Chad Evans walked up to Damon
who was placed
next to
and backhanded him across the face. Damon came alert his black eyes zeroed in on Chad. Having Damon
attention he ran
a large knife
up Nicole’s stomach to her breast
and back down nicking her bare stomach
. “This is going to be the last thing you see before you die
carving your mate in tiny pieces

Mark my words. You will not
this bar alive
.” Damon’s growl was filled with more confidence than a man chained to a chair should have.

“Chad cut the shit.” Kenny sighed. “You’ll have you
chance at revenge soon.”

Jared had been smacked awake, his eyes on Tessa, but his senses alert to everything else.
His first thought was that he was shot, but he didn’t feel any damage.
“Let the women go.” Jared’s voice was strong. “You got what you want.”

Kenny chuckled. “Well now

not exactly. You
arriors have really pissed a lot of people off, me included. Not only have you pissed me off, but you have seriously put a strain on my financial

“Get the fuck away from her!” Jared
eyes tracked th
asshole from the fairgrounds
as he
his way to Tessa, his hand rubbing up and down her leg.

Kenny looked over his shoulder. “Travis
is mighty anxious to have a go at her. She was taken for him, but she escaped before he could make her his
.” Kenny looked back a
Jared and grinned. “Let me explain to the heroic pain in the ass
arriors why they are in the position they’re
in now. Then
my friend
you may proceed.”

“Hurry up!” Travis frowned running his finger aroun
Tessa’s panties. “I’ve been waiting long enough.”

Jared struggled against the chai
s ignoring the pain the silver inflicted. “Motherfucker…” Jared stopped when the
smacked Tessa across the face.

The more you fight, the more I inflict pain on her.
” Travis laughed then frowned in the next second. “You wouldn’t want that now would you?”

“As I was saying…” Kenny looked around the room making
contact with every warrior. “The blood trade was going well for me, but then you
arriors came into the picture and
you pretty much
fucked it all up. You had my second in command fired
from the Children’s Services so I had to come up with plan B. My plan B was to get rid of you.”

“You’re crazy.” Duncan shook his head looking at Kenny in disgust. “Even if you do get rid of us, there are thousands of
who will come for revenge and take our place.”

“Oh, but I’m not crazy.” Kenny tapped his temple. “I’m a fucking
. We found a way to make our own army. Soon, you son of a bitch,
s will outnumber the
arriors and we will take over.”

“You forgot one thing.” Adam said from the back of the room. “Not all
s are stupid enough to follow you.”

n we kill them.” Kenny
matter of fact speech was just another example of how deranged he had become
. “Just like we’re going to kill you.”

Sid sighed loud and long. “You know this is all fine and dandy, but I’m really sick of hearing you
fucking mouth.”

Kenny walked over and punched Sid in the face. Rubbing his hand he stepped back. “Well for once you’re not in charge.” Kenny smirked. His eyes then went to Duncan. “I have a little surprise for you.”

Duncan didn’t say a word, but his eyes narrowed
when Kenny pulled Pam out of the shadows.

“I know you’ve had a hard-
on for my girl.” He leaned down kissing her mouth while his eyes stayed on Duncan. “She has been
instrumental to me.”

Duncan kept tight control on his feelings, but his eyes held Pam’s until she
looked away. “You have a point?

“No…not really.
I just like pissing you off.
” Kenny’s grin didn’t leave his lips as he pushe
d Pam away. “Travis
you go ahead and get started. We need to get this show on the road.”

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