Read Jared Online

Authors: Teresa Gabelman

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban

Jared (38 page)

BOOK: Jared
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“What show is that?” Jared growled trying to keep the panic out of his voice. Never in all his years did he feel the
panic he felt now.

ing you suffer before you die and I’m going to enjoy every damn minute of it.
” Kenny stepped back so Jared could have a clear view of Tessa. “Chad you hold on…
we need to do this in an orderly fashion

“Please don’t do this.” Tessa tried to shimmy up the table, but
the rope
into her skin keeping her immobile.

His one golden eye swirled black edged with red.
“This may hurt a little bit.” He pulled out a syringe with a large needle. “
I hate to hurt you
….love. I really do.

“You’re crazy.” Tessa whispered
trying to
pull out of the ropes
, but knew it was
useless, she wasn’t going anywhere
. The needle jammed in her arm all the way to the base.
Jared’s roar of rage blended with her scream of pain.

frowned tossing the syringe on the floor before leaning close to her. “Did that hurt?
I’m sorry, but w
e have to make you fertile. I know we’re going to make beautiful
s together.

“Screw you!”
She screamed her frustration. “Rape is the only way you’ll ever have me you bastard.” She spit at him, blood from the cut on her lip splattered his face.

Wiping the blood and spit off with his hand he shook his head before he backhanded her again. “Going to have to teach you some manners.” He turned to glare at Jared who roared
in outrage. “Somebody is going to gag you if you can’t be quiet

“I’m going to enjoy killing you
.” Jared
said through clinched teeth, his
whole body
strung tight leaning
his chair.

Fear flashed in Travis’s eyes, but disappeared quickly
replaced with a crazed light
. He pulled Tessa’s underwear
just enough to peek,
“Looks like we got a true red head boys.”

squeezed her eyes shut turning her face away
she felt the ropes on her lower half loosening. With one last attempt to protect herself she kicked out connecting with Travis’s chest.
eavy gasps of air escap
her throat as she continued to kick with all the strength she had left.

“You need help Travis?” Kenny rolled his eyes, close to losing
his patience. “I’m sure Brad
could take control.”

“No!” Travis yelled
grabbing both of her legs slamming them down against the table. With one yank he jerked her toward him wrenching her arms that were still tied, her scream of pain tearing through the room. His large hand covered her mouth and nose. “Shut up

Not being able to breath intensified her panic. Without thought she opened her mouth enough to bite down on flesh. She was not going down without a fight, but when the hand she bit grabbed her face lifting her head off the pool table and slamming the back of her head down hard the fight went out of her.

“Son of a bitch, she bit me.” He slammed her head once more, ignoring Kenny’s laugh.

“She’s a fighter. I like fighters, maybe when you’re
done I’ll take a turn.” Kenny
smirked at Jared

Tessa’s blurry vision
found Jared
. “Please don’t watch.” Her plea carried to him. “

Jared’s eyes closed in total heartbreak. The need to get to her so strong he struggled and fought the chains holding him from her
ignoring the
agonizing pain
. The sound of a gunshot going off
jerked his eyes open


Chapter 3

“You shot me you bitch!” Travis tried to look at the back of his shoulder. Pam stood holding
a shotgun looking very comfortable and in control

“Don’t take your guns off them!” Kenny ordered the
s who were holding Adam and the rest a
bay. His focus went back to
Pam. “
What are you doing Pam? Give me the gun.”

Pam pumped the shotgun again and aimed it right at his heart. “
I’ll give you the gun you bastard, right between the eyes. Now u
ntie them.” She demanded, her voice strong. “Now or I swear to God I will put a hole in that thing you call a heart with a smile on my face.”

“No! You can’t do this.” Kenny

Pam ignored him
Otis. “Whose side are you on asshole?”

Otis hesitated briefly before looking at Tessa. “Hers.”

“Then start letting the
free.” Pam looked to where Levi had been hiding the whole night. “Why don’t you come out Levi. I’m sure the
arriors would like to see
been betraying them
, you worthless piece of shit

Levi stepped out of the shadows to the sound of growls. “You have no idea what you’re doing.” Levi warned her.

“Oh, but I do

.” Pam kept her eye on Kenny. “You are all
going down. I have everything…and I do mean
everything you have been doing
written out nice and pretty. I’ve
already sent
Vampire C
express mail
. I
sent a text to the
before dumb and dumber found me in the parking lot
, which as my plan
so I would say in the next five
minutes this place is going to be swarming with

“You fucking bitch!” Kenny rushed her.
Pam tried to get a shot off, but he was too quick.
grabbed the shotgun, his other hand twisting
around the throat throwing her against the wall.

worked frantically trying to get Jared loose, finally tossing the rest of the chains off the
arrior Otis stood to make his way to Sid when he was hit point blank in the stomach. Looking down at the huge hole in his stomach Otis dropped
dying before he hit the floor.

“No!” Tessa screamed watching Otis fall to the floor.

Jared didn’t have time to see what happened to the sheriff
, he had a feeling he was beyond help.
is main focus was on getting to Tessa, but to get to her he had to get through Kenny who had the shotgun pointed directly at his chest.
He knew the shot wouldn’t kill him, hell he was already dead, but it would stop him for a period of time and it would hurt like a bitch. H
eyes quickly went to the pool table. His an
xiety kicked up seeing Travis
frantically untying Tessa.

In all the chaos the half-breeds holding Adam and the rest were
looking around in a panic giving Adam enough time to make
move. Soon they were laying scattered on the floor, no threat to anyone. Jill headed for Sid as Matt and the rest went for Damon and Duncan.

“Stop or he’s a dead man!” Kenny tried to get control of the situation, but no one paid him any attention.

“I’m already dead you stupid son of a bitch.”
Jared’s laugh held no humor. “Did you really think you could pull this off?”

Not ready to admit defeat Kenny held the gun a little tighter. “I may not be able to kill you with this gun, but I can make you suffer and that’s all I’ve wanted to do since you fucked my life
and business

“You better make your shot count then, because I’m coming.” Jared took off praying he timed his move right, if not he wouldn’t get to Tessa in time. At the last second as the shotgun blast sounded Jared ducked low hitting Kenny at the knees taking him down, the shotgun sliding across the floor.

Jared continued to pound into Kenny until he glanced up to check on Tessa, but she was gone. Standing he spotted the bastard heading for the door with her over his shoulder. In three long strides Jared was on the bastard pulling Tessa away. As careful as he could he
dropped her to the floor putting his body between her and the bastard.

Unleashing his anger Jared went crazy holding nothing back as he inflicted ten times the pain that had been inflicted on Tessa. Knowing without
doubt in his mind this bastard couldn’t leave this bar alive he grabbed his knife that was always in his boot stabbing him in the heart with no remorse. The half-breed

s eyes glazed over as death claimed him for a ride to hell. Pushing himself up Jared turned to see Tessa had crawled to
corner, her knees pulled up to her chest and arms wrapped around her legs.

As fast as he could he was in front of her kneeling down and died all over again when she flinched from his touch. “Tessa.” Her eyes met his without really seeing him. “It’s me Tessa.”

Her chin crumpled as her eyes cleared. With no hesitation she threw herself into his arms, holding him tight silently crying into his chest.
“I thought he killed you.” Her choked sobs vibrated against him.

He gently pulled her away from him and wanted to kill the son of a bitch all over again seeing her battered face close up. “I’ve got you honey.” He wiped a trickle of blood from her lip
, his eyes welled up hating himself for not protecting her better. “I’m so sorry.”

Her shaking hands reached up clasping his face. “I love you Jared Kincaid.”

Jared’s throat closed up with emotion. He pulled her to him again and held her tight no
able to say a word without losing all control.

Please look at me.” She tilted her head to look at him. “Please.”

His eyes met hers, again seeing the beating her face had taken. God she was so strong, so brave. “Tessa I’m so…”

“I love you.” Tessa

His eyes snapped away from hers,
afraid of the emotions running through his body. He felt her fingers flow through his hair and felt her love. “Please forgive me.” He finally raised up to face her.

She smiled then winced at the pain it caused. “Please love me.” She countered a fleeting look of shame crossed her face as she
started to cover herself.

“I love you more than my own life.” Jared vowed, his hand tenderly touching her bruised cheek. “I’ve loved you since you held me hostage in my own interrogation room.”

Tessa wrapped her arms around his neck holding tight. “Take me home.”

“As you wish baby…as you wish.” He picked her up and carried her out of the bar, her head cradled in his neck.

True to Pam’s words
arriors bounded into the bar by the dozens. Soon everything was under control
of the Vampire
Council and
. Levi was being led out by Sloan Murphy himself.
Adam had Ryan tied up and was escorting him out with more force than necessary.

“Stop.” Damon shouted
to a
was leading Chad Evans.
Gently he handed Nicole off to Sid and walked to Chad.

Chad tried to step back, but the
arrior holding him kept a firm grip. “Damon…” Chad sputtered
his nervous eyes shifting back and forth. “I really wouldn’t have done anything to her. Come on man, you know I wouldn’t have.”

“Whether you would have or wouldn’t have has no bearing on why you have to die. Just the threat
to my mate
is enough for me to kill you.”
Damon’s face held no emotion.

And I never go back on my word

What the fuck
is that suppose
to mean?” Chad’s voice was high pitched in fear.

It means you will not leave this bar alive.” Damon walked toward him.

BOOK: Jared
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