JARHARIS (5 page)

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Authors: Fawn Lowery

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He shrugged one shoulder in uncertainty.
What else could it be?

Aston moved suddenly and
attention was pulled back to him.

“I’m headed down to the Wharf. Want to come along?”

knew immediately that the Wharf was a nightclub where the young singles hung out. And he knew that Aston considered it his territory.

He shook his head and took a step out of the alley. He had no intention of accompanying the young vampire to the nightclub, though he thought he should remain on a friendly basis with him. He turned and offered his hand.

“See you around,” Aston said, briefly shaking

had little doubt that he wouldn’t be seeing Aston on more than one occasion in the future. He was, no doubt, one of the vampires the hunters was looking for—since he seemed to know a bit about them. He combed one hand through his hair, tracing the mass to the nape of his neck. For all his newness, he still had his long hair, though it was apparently coiffed in a modern style. He smiled and looked down the avenue. A streetlight on the corner illuminated the area. He breathed in the moist night air. The street was wet. It must have rained sometime before dark.

He was aware when Aston took his leave. An intense coldness seemed to go with him.
turned and looked in the direction he had taken, sensing he was off to feed. Suspicion rose up inside him. He would be wise to keep an eye out for that one. And, he wondered, rubbing his chin with one finger, were there others around like Aston?










stood before the building and gazed up at the window. A yellow glow lit the interior of Selena’s apartment. He fought the urge to go to her. He shoved his hands inside his pockets and warned himself about pursuing her. Only trouble could come out of the association. He sighed and turned from the temptation.

He would do well to investigate the city and leave the female population for dining privileges only, since he had little chance of ever becoming involved with one beyond sex now and then. He pushed the feelings of remorse aside. He should have taken Aston up on his offer to accompany him to the nightclub. He needed to get a first hand account of the nightlife and what better way to do that than to accompany a vampire familiar with the scene. He didn’t allow himself further time to debate the issue. He
into a bird and took to the sky, winging his way toward the nightclub.

The array of brightly colored lights pulsed with the loud beats of music filtering outside the club. A cluster of skimpy dressed females gathered at the entrance then linked arms and pushed through the doorway.
lit across the street and changed into his male form. He straightened his clothes and headed across the street, a plan forming in his head. He couldn’t let Aston believe he was infiltrating his territory. On the contrary, he would show no signs of looking for a victim should he run into Aston.

strode through the doorway, past the burly bouncer standing
the opening and gazed around. His keen eyesight allowed him to take in every person and item in the large room with one assessing sweep. He spotted Aston seated in a booth along the back wall, a buxom redhead nestled in the crook of his arm. He nodded his head when Aston’s watchful gaze locked with his.

Aston returned his nod of greeting and returned his attention to the woman nestled against his side. “Buy me a drink, honey?”

A slim hand with red lacquered nails slid across
right shoulder and paused atop his forearm. He turned his head and came face-to-face with a dark haired woman.

She pressed her breasts into his side and smiled up at him. “Want some company?”

smiled at her. It was too early in the night to think she was the welcoming committee. His smile broadened with the thought. She was looking for someone to buy her drinks for the evening then fuck until daybreak. His gaze followed the line of her body. Her breasts were large, pushing over the neck of her dress. A small waist tapered into rounded hips.

I could fuck her.
He wound his arm around her waist and crossed the room to an empty booth. She slid onto the leather seat and waited for him to join her. He surveyed the room again, looking for a waitress. Spotting one near the bar, he waved one hand, summoning her.

“A very dry martini.”

didn’t order anything to drink. He could have, but the questioning look on the woman’s face sitting in the booth, brought amusement to his insides. He slid into the booth beside her.

“Are you on the wagon?”

“I just had a drink.” He hid his smile, turning his head toward the waitress as she brought the martini to his new friend. He withdrew a twenty from his pocket and tossed it atop the waitress’s tray. “Keep the change.”

The dark haired woman gave a surprised gasp and picked up her drink. “Do you always tip so generously?” She sipped the martini and eyed him.

shrugged a shoulder. Until that moment he had no knowledge of present day money or that he possessed any.

“I’m Lily. What’s your name?”


“That’s a strange name. You’re not from around here.” She scooted closer to his side, pressing her thigh against his. She lowered one hand and slid it along his leg until she reached his crotch. She grasped his cock and squeezed it gently. “But then I don’t care where you’re from. I want to fuck you.”

made no move to lift her hand from his lap. He sensed her arousal the moment he sat down beside her and, since he made no show of stopping her from fondling his prick, she became even more turned on.

“Let’s get out of here, baby. My place is just around the corner.” She was breathing heavily, her mouth nipping hotly along his neck. She rubbed his cock and scratched at his fly trying to release his zipper.

caught her hands and pulled them from his crotch. For all her heated attention, she failed to arouse him enough to entice him to leave with her. He was much too engrossed with studying the crowd to pay much attention to a female that was harboring thoughts of robbing him.

“What’s wrong, baby? Don’t I turn you on?” Her breath was hot against his cheek. She pressed seductively against his side, her hands battling his strength to return to his crotch and her rhythmic stroking of his cock.

He considered what to say to her. She’d find the truth offensive. He hid a smile. If he hadn’t already fed for the night, he might be tempted. But under the circumstances, he had little interest, aside from the fact that her
attention made him appear
as mortal as the other males in the room.

Except for Aston.
He couldn’t sense other vampires—aside from Aston in the room. But he supposed there were others roaming the streets, choosing victims to feed upon. He turned his head toward Lily. She was staring at him, sipping her drink. He sensed her curiosity.

“You aren’t gay—are you? Cause if you are, you’re in the wrong bar. The gay joint is over on
Fourth Street
.” Anger laced her voice. She suddenly finished her drink and scooted against his side, pushing at his shoulder with both hands.
I want out.”

stood and allowed her to exit the booth.

“Thanks for the drink.”

He watched her walk away, her steps wobbly, her hips swaying provocatively in the direction of the front entrance and a group of young men just entering the door.
scanned the room, glancing in Aston’s direction.

Surprise filtered through his insides where he saw the booth where the vampire sat, was empty. He quickly looked about, spying Aston milling about the crowd gathered at the bar.

He’s looking for a victim.
He lowered himself back to the booth and watched the vampire. Though his ears couldn’t discern what he was saying, he appeared very friendly, shaking hands with the males and kissing the women on the cheeks as though he knew them all.
watched and mentally noted his mannerisms, aware that he too might be forced to act in kind if he chose to remain in the city.

He combed a hand through his hair. He had never been a social person. Indeed, he rather preferred his own company as opposed to a multitude of followers. But then, that had been in another time. He sighed. He couldn’t seem to adjust—even with the force of the amulet at his disposal. He raised one hand and clutched the gem pressed beneath his shirt. His fingertips played across the faceted surface, pressing against each raised line and sleek contour of the amber jewel.

The hair on the back of his neck suddenly stood up in alarm. He jerked his head to the side, spying Aston in his midst. He rose just as the vampire closed the distance between them.

“I see you changed your mind about coming to the club.”

He had recently fed. His face was no longer pale. His cheeks were flushed with the warmth of fresh blood.
cocked an eyebrow in speculation. Had he been cunning enough to feed on the redhead he sat with while the whole of the nightclub looked on oblivious to his evil deed?

smiled and nodded his head. “I thought I’d check out the scene.”

“I saw you with Lily.” Aston smiled.

Your fangs are showing.

“Lily belongs to me.”

“She offered herself, but I wasn’t interested.”
couldn’t resist the goad.

Aston bristled. His eyes narrowed. He stepped closer to
. “You’re in my territory.”

“I’m aware of that. But keep in mind, you invited me.”

“I was being nice.”

“Vampires aren’t known for their manners.”

Aston chuckled and looked out over the crowd.

sensed his rage. Were it not for the fact that perhaps two hundred people were crowded into the nightclub, Aston would have challenged him. Suddenly he felt as though he could best the younger vampire. After all, before his change, he had been a soldier who fought in the Crusades. He was no stranger to battle.

Aston strode off suddenly without another word.
watched his back, sensing he was intent on someone or something. Suddenly he saw the object of Aston’s interest.


Selena came through the door of the club, her slim body encased in a bright red dress, her long blonde hair spilling over her bare shoulders. A shiver of lust raced through his insides. She paused, looking into the sea of people as though searching for someone. Suddenly Aston was at her side, sliding one arm around her trim waist and drawing her against his side.

pushed into the crowd, elbowing his way across the room to where the pair stood.

Get away from my woman!
His thought shocked his senses. Had he laid claim to Selena already? His brows knitted. He couldn’t ever recall a woman giving him such torment. And he had only just met her.

He pressed on, pushing the people out of his way, determined to reach Selena and send Aston on his way. But when he reached the place where he had seen the pair, they were gone. He wrenched his neck, trying to see over the mass. The urge to use force almost overcame him. He stifled the urge to clear the room with a sweep of his hand. For all his strengths, he had to use common sense. He couldn’t risk disclosing his identity.

He paused and considered the situation. He was reasonably certain that Aston hadn’t taken Selena out the door. He turned his eyes toward the back of the room. Anger rose like a tidal wave inside him. Aston had returned to the booth and Selena sat beside him. He headed toward them, a mental warning going out to Aston as he covered the distance between them.

Aston glanced up as
reached the table. The questioning look on his face soon dissolved as he slid a glance toward Selena.

reached for Selena, grasping her upper arm with his hand. “Come.”

“What?” Selena jerked her head around. Spying
, a surprised look jelled across her pretty face. “You—”

“Let’s go.”
lifted her by one arm and pulled her from the booth. One heated glance at Aston, and the younger vampire made no move to stop him.

“I say, my friend. I saw no marks of ownership on the woman.” Aston chuckled and pinned his black eyes on

“You didn’t look in the right place.”
didn’t give Selena time to voice further objection. Once she had left the table, he pushed her in front of his body and propelled her toward the door of the club, intent on getting her away from the hungry appetite of Aston.

“What are you doing?” Selena twisted out of his grasp once they were on the sidewalk in front of the bar. She slapped at his hands as he tried to hold her arm and lead her across the street.

Obey me!

She acted as though he hadn’t sent her a mental order, jerking her arms free of his hands and trying to walk in the opposite direction.

Obey me,

“Stop issuing orders to me!”

halted and looked down on her. “You heard me then.”

“Hell yes! I heard you! But you are not my boss!”

“Come with me and don’t argue.” He stopped short of telling her that she may be in danger.

“I was hunting and you just let that vampire get away.”

sighed audibly and shook his head. “You have no idea what you were getting yourself into, Selena.”

“Oh, I think I know.”

He stared at her, wondering how much knowledge he should reveal about Aston.

Selena brushed her hair over her shoulder and propped her hands on her hips. “Listen, I appreciate you trying to help me, but I don’t need your help. Nor want it.” She leaned closer to him. “I know all about Aston. I’ve hunted him for months.”

“He’s been out of the city.”

She looked surprised. “How do you know?”

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