Jilted in January (9 page)

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Authors: Kate Pearce

Tags: #historical romance

BOOK: Jilted in January
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“You’re still awake and being noble.”

Colin set his jaw. “Don’t worry about me. I’m—” He caught his breath. “God, don’t—”

She rocked against him, making his cock even harder. Before he could stop himself, he shifted her more completely over him.

“Mmm…” She now straddled him, and the parts that needed to be aligned were now in much closer proximity. “That’s rather nice.”

“Good.” He cupped her buttock and slid his fingers lower, seeking her core and the feminine secrets within. “How about this?”

She was already wet for him, which made him even more desperate.

In one swift motion, he rolled her onto her back and spread her thighs wide, kneeling in between them. Her nightgown was rucked up around her hips, and her skin was flushed. He didn’t think he’d seen anything so desirable before in his life. With a soft sound, he kissed her, waiting until she opened her mouth to him before cupping her mound and imitating the motion of his tongue with his finger.

“Oh…” She murmured against his lips and then again. “
, Colin.” He probed deeper, using his tongue both to drive her wild and to instruct her as to the delights that lay before them.

Her hips rocked against his, seeking what his body yearned to give her. She was soon slick with need and welcoming each thrust of his fingers. He thumbed the hard bud that guarded the entrance to her body until she was writhing on the sheets and begging him for more.

He eased himself lower, one hand wrapped around the base of his shaft, and rubbed the crown against her needy flesh.

“Do you want me?”

She glanced down, and her eyes went wide. Her hand spread out over his chest, holding him back. “All of that?”

He smoothed her hair from her brow. “Trust me, we’ll fit.”

With a shuddering sigh, she grabbed hold of his shoulders. “I suppose this is what Great-Aunt Maude meant about lying still and letting you have your way.”

He kissed her very slowly. “I do want to have my way, but I don’t expect you to lie still. I want your arms and legs wrapped around me, your tongue in my mouth, and your fingernails digging into my skin while you scream your pleasure.”

Even as he spoke and her eyes went hazy with desire, he was easing the head of his cock inward, pressing and retreating, distracting her with kisses and bites as she became accustomed to his possession. He wanted to take everything like a marauding conqueror, but he knew better. Showing her slowly and carefully how they fit together was his paramount task.

Except her heel settled on his arse, driving him onward like a wayward horse, making it almost impossible to keep up the steady pace he demanded of himself.

“More.” She bit his ear.

“I thought you said I wouldn’t fit?”

Her answer was a growl as he rolled his hips and gained another inch. His cock was totally encased in her now and throbbing so hard it was a struggle to concentrate. He took two deep slow breaths and pressed home, holding himself steady over her.

She opened her eyes, revealing a mixture of hope and shy arousal that almost unmanned him

“Are we done?”

“Not quite.” He took her hand and placed it where they were joined, shivered as her fingers stroked the tight curve of his balls. He wanted to come very badly, but not yet.

Lacing her fingers through his, he started to thrust in and out, watching her face, seeing the pleasure take her for the first time, and felt like the most incredibly lucky man in the world. Her feet climbed his thighs, opening her even wider to the roll of his hips, sinking him deeper. He groaned with every advance, his whole being focused on her as she strained to find her release along with him.

He slid his thumb over her bud, and she bucked against him—almost as if it was too much—but he kept touching her, and suddenly she screamed his name, and then he knew no more than the blessed relief of achieving his climax deep within her tightening channel. It was as if he and Rose were part of the same person, united against the world, and that for him was the most wonderful sensation of all.

Chapter Six

Rose woke up to the thumping of Colin’s heart under her cheek. She’d somehow managed to sprawl all over him again. One of his hands rested on her bottom, the other was tangled in her hair. She resisted wiggling against him, having seen what
might awaken, and carefully eased away, immediately missing his warmth. Her robe lay on the floor. She put it on, noticing odd aches in her body she had never experienced before. She glanced back at the sight of her sleeping husband and smiled foolishly.

Mayhap they had married in haste, but she couldn’t say she regretted it.

“Good morning, Mrs. Ford.”

He’d turned onto his side and was now smiling back at her.

“Good morning, sir. Shall I ring for my maid?”

He shoved a hand through his disordered curls. “You have a maid?”

“Indeed. She might even bring us breakfast if I ask her nicely.”

He slowly sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed to the floor. “That would be rather nice.” His smile faded. “Are you all right?”

“I’m… very happy. Why?”

“Because we are now married in truth.”

Some of her contentment dissipated at his grave expression. “I thought we agreed there was nothing we could do to prevent the marriage and would make the best of it. Are you doubting the legitimacy of that decision already?”

He sighed. “I wonder whether we should have waited to speak to the new duke and explored the legal implications of the matter. That’s the whole reason your brother was pushing for the marriage to happen immediately in the first place.”

Rose pleated the sash of her robe between her fingers. “He told
that he wanted to make sure I wasn’t left at the altar again.”

He went still. “Of course, that was probably his primary reason, I just—”

“Did he tell you something different?”

“I received the impression he worried Lieutenant Woodford would become involved in legal proceedings and wished to protect him.”

From his suddenly wooden expression and carefully chosen words, Rose gained the sense that her brother had said something far worse. She turned her back and walked over to the window, staring unseeingly down at the fountain. “That sounds just like him.”

“I’m sorry.”

“That my brother is more concerned with his friend’s feelings than his sister’s? There is no need. I’m quite used to it.”

“Perhaps I shouldn’t have reminded your brother that the duke might be interested in the matter.”

“You did no more than I.” She spun around. “Although you’re correct that your price for interfering in the matter was probably far higher than you anticipated or deserved.”

“Rose, that’s not what I meant…”

She stalked off toward her dressing room. “When Annie arrives, tell her to come through.”

Shutting the door behind her, she held back her tears. David didn’t deserve them, and poor honorable Colin had been used as a pawn to win her brother the game simply because he was the only man who had ever stood up for her…

He must surely resent what had happened to him. A gentleman of his standing and family, penniless or not, could’ve married into the aristocracy with ease. But he was stuck with her because her brother had trapped him.

Rose turned around and marched back into the bedroom.

“We don’t have to tell anyone, you know.”

He was out of bed and already half-dressed, having obviously availed himself of the cold water in the jug.

“Tell anyone what?”

She gestured toward the bed. “That we did that.”

He put down the drying cloth. “Consummated our marriage?”


“Why shouldn’t we?”

“Because then you could be free of me, and we could seek an annulment.”

He stared at her for a long moment. “Is that what you want?”

“It’s not about what I want, Colin. It’s about being fair to you. My brother forced—”

He cut across her. “I married you in good faith.”

“You were

“Do you really value yourself so poorly?”

She gaped at him, her hand pressed to her breast. “That’s not fair.”

“Neither is your assumption that I need a get-out clause!” His blue eyes sparked fire. “Do you truly think I lack a

“Not at all. I—”

He picked up his coat and cravat. “My father has made it his life’s work to make me feel as unnecessary and useless as possible. I will not stand for it from my wife.” He bowed. “I will take my breakfast downstairs and return to my office. Good day, Mrs. Ford.”

Rose sank down on the side of the bed. Oh dear Lord. She’d just made things worse. But how to convince him that she’d only spoken out from a need to protect him and not because she thought he lacked worth? She hadn’t liked the Earl of Schull and his sneering attitude to the wedding party and his son. The earl obviously had a lot to answer for.

Rose groaned. She’d been married less than a day, and she was already in trouble. She had to remember that Colin was her friend and attempt to make matters right with him as soon as possible.

If only he would let her.

It was so late that Colin begged breakfast from the cook in the kitchen, endured the well-meaning jokes and jests about his wedding night, and took his food to his office. After he’d eaten, he opened his daily ledger and stared determinedly at his scribblings. The letters danced around. He attempted to concentrate again. All he could see was the hurt in Rose’s eyes.

“Damnation!” He smacked his palm on the open page.

Had he possibly overreacted to Rose’s attempts to extricate him from their marriage? He’d woken up in the best of moods, eager to start married life, and ended up storming out of their bedchamber like a character from a bad play. The thing with being married was that, unlike being an actor, at some point he would need to speak to her again without a script.

He cradled his head in his hands and groaned. A knock at the door had him looking up as Rose sailed into the room and took the seat in front of his desk. She’d dressed in one of her old brown dresses and braided her hair. For a moment, he wished he had the money to buy her silks and satins and jewelry and…

He cleared his throat. “I suppose I should add infantile to the list my father holds of my character flaws.”

“I have noticed that one’s parents and siblings do tend to bring out the worst in a person.” She studied her joined hands, avoiding his gaze.

“Indeed.” Colin took a deep breath and came around the desk. He went down on his knees in front of Rose’s chair. “Will you forgive me?”

“For storming out? Certainly. You did have some cause.”

“Not with you.” He searched her face, saw the worry and hurt etched there, and reached for her hand. “I let my own sense of inadequacy overwhelm me.”

“No, I believe that was me.” She managed a watery smile. “I was… upset about what David did, not about you, so I am equally guilty and should be apologizing to you.”

“Perhaps we should start again.” Colin paused and placed his hand on her knee. “I do not wish to get out of this marriage, do you?”

“No. But—”

He held up a finger. “No buts. If we wish to be married to each other, then nothing else matters, does it?”

“I suppose not.”

“Then shall we agree to go forward?”

“I would like that.”

He kissed her hand. “Then it is settled. Your brother and my father can go hang themselves.”

She cupped his cheek, her hand warm, and it felt like a benediction. “You are a very worthy man, Mr. Ford.”

Rising slowly, he drew her to her feet and kissed her trembling mouth. “I’m sorry, my darling girl. I never meant to start an argument with you on the first full day of our marriage.”

“Neither did I. I suspect this marriage business will take some getting used to, don’t you?”

“Then we’ll learn together. Perhaps being friends first will give us an advantage.”

He kissed her again, wrapping one arm around her hips to keep her close. With a soft sound, she reciprocated, her fingers on the back of his neck, stroking his skin, making him shiver. He was hard in an instant and attempted to draw back, but she kept following him, filling the space between them with her lush curves and…



“Did you lock the door when you came in?”

“Why on earth would I do that?”

“Because if we keep this up, I’ll be inside you soon.”

“You will?” Her eyes widened, and he recognized the leap of excitement in their brown depths. “Here? In your

He kissed her again. “I must confess that I have had more than a few idle thoughts about sitting you on the edge of that big desk, pulling up your skirts, and having my way with you.”

“Even before we were married?”

“Naturally.” He backed her toward the desk and set her on the edge. “It is very sturdy. You will be quite safe.”


He hesitated. “Are you too sore? Did I—?”

“Hurry up.”

She grabbed two fistfuls of his hair and kissed him hard. With a happy sigh, he folded back her muslin skirts and petticoats, baring her stockings and garters. He paused to kiss the ribbons at her knees and then straightened, unbuttoning his straining breeches. He planted one hand on the edge of the desk and leaned in to kiss her, palming her between the legs as he did so.

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