Jimmy (8 page)

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Authors: William Malmborg

BOOK: Jimmy
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*  *  *

     Jimmy had expected there to be a huge uproar over the fact that Samantha King had never returned home the night before, but aside from a few speculative comments, no one was really saying that much, and apparently the police weren’t even involved yet, which was amazing.  He had thought for sure every single police officer would have been at the school asking questions, similar to the scene in the movie
after the two kids were murdered in the beginning, and that the FBI and news media would have all descended upon the town.  Instead the only one who even seemed remotely concerned was Megan Reed, the daughter of the town sheriff, and a good friend Samantha’s.  It was amazing and a huge relief. 

     At the same time he knew that things still had the potential to turn hectic and that his visions of the town being swamped with reporters and FBI agents and other law enforcement agencies could still happen, especially if Samantha wasn’t heard from.  Once she was missing for a week or so people would start to panic.  Until then he felt like he could relax his fears a bit, though of course he still had to stay alert.       

*  *  *

     Brett Murphy saw Jimmy Hawthorn and that new girl Tina talking in the hallway before school ended and knew he had to interfere somehow.  He had to inform this Tina girl that she was much too pretty to be hanging out with the likes of Jimmy.

     A look of fear spread across Jimmy’s face as Brett approached (at least this is what Brett saw).

     “Hey Jimmy, how’s it going?” Brett asked. 

     Jimmy and Tina swiveled around to look at him.  “What do you want shitface?” Jimmy asked.

     Without warning Brett had Jimmy in a headlock.  Tina gasped.

     “Who’s the shitface now you stupid cock sucking bastard?  Who is it?”  Brett looked over at Tina while holding Jimmy and said, “Why do you hang out with this loser?  Don’t you know he’s the punching bag of the entire - ” all the air rushed out of him as Jimmy’s elbow connected with his stomach just below the ribcage.

     His arm loosened. 

     “Let’s go,” Jimmy said to Tina after pulling free.

     Brett, gasping for air, straightened himself and looked around.  The bitch who had once reported him for using a hall pass to go get a Coke from the vending machine during class hours was looking at him.  God, he hated all hall monitors, especially that one.

     Before she could get close he walked away, his mind thinking about one thing:
.  The bastard was going to pay for this. 

*  *  *

     “I don’t know why, but he’s picked on me ever since the first grade,” Jimmy said.  “It all began with the game Four Square if you can believe that,” he added with a smile.

     “Four Square?” Tina asked.  “Really?”

     “Seriously.  When I was little, that game was all the rage during recess.  The school had like five Four Square patterns laid out, yet huge lines still developed all the time at each one.  I wasn’t very good at the game but liked it and always got knocked out, but then one day I started to do really good and got to the King Square and was allowed to make the rules.  It was really cool but everyone ganged up on me to knock me out, which obviously is how the game works, but being that young and being ganged up on and then being knocked out right away really got to me and I started crying and ran behind a tree.  After that, Brett never left me alone.”

     “What a jerk,” Tina said.

     “Yeah, but now it doesn’t really bother me.  He thinks it does, which is why he keeps at it, probably because it used to make me cry in junior high school and he once pinned me on the ground and pushed my face in goose shit.  I started working out my freshman year though since they had a weight room and now every time he tries to hurt me I just push back.  He doesn’t seem to realize that I could kick his ass if I wanted to.”

     “Plus you sit alone everyday so people probably think it still gets to you.”

     “Well, it doesn’t, I just prefer to sit by people whose company I enjoy.”

     Tina smiled which caused Jimmy to blush. 

     After that neither one knew what to say, but thankfully their silence didn’t last long since Alan came and joined them for the walk home, the words, “so I hear you two are going to prom together,” leaving his lips. 

     “Yeah,” Tina said, again smiling.

     “Aw, that is so cute,” Alan taunted.

     “Watch it,” Jimmy said though it didn’t really bother him all that much because the more he had thought about it, the more he enjoyed the idea of going to the prom with Tina.  In fact, he couldn’t believe he had previously gone so long without even thinking about asking her, his mind fine with the idea of missing what would be such a wonderful moment for the two of them.  It was going to be great.   

*  *  *

He really likes her,
Alan said to himself as he watched the two hug before parting at Tina’s place, their conversation having carried them there without interruption, which seemed unreal since their talks on the way home usually consisted of several moments of silence and then a hesitant
See you tomorrow
before separating. 

     Jimmy watched as Tina walked up to her house and then gave a quick wave when she turned to look back before stepping inside, a huge smile on her face.

     Jimmy had a smile too; one which didn’t fade away as he rejoined Alan on the sidewalk.

     “What?” Jimmy asked.

     Alan smiled.  “You’re glowing.”

     “Shut up.”

     “And now you’re blushing too.  My God man, you’ve completely fallen for her.”

     “I . . .” Jimmy stopped.  “Okay, maybe I like her a little, so what, I’m allowed.” 

     “Yes, you are allowed,” Alan said as the two started walking.  “But only just a little, and you can only like her, not love her.  Those are the rules for Mr. I Never Will Be Infatuated By A Girl like all those losers at school.”

     “Oh, you are so asking for a beat-down,” Jimmy said.

     “You couldn’t hurt a fly,” Alan said.

     “Wanna bet?  I elbowed Brett is the stomach right before leaving and was going to punch him too if a hall monitor hadn’t been coming around the corner.”

     “Epic!  No wonder you’re glowing.  You’ve kicked ass and have a hot girl going to prom with you.  Jesus.”

     Jimmy didn’t reply and Alan wondered if he was pushing it too far.  The trouble was that Jimmy’s relationship was exciting for him and he couldn’t help it.  His older brother had been alone for so long due to his self imposed prison, and now it looked like Tina might help him break free. 

     “So, what happened?” Alan asked.

     “Nothing really, he just put me in a headlock and I elbowed him right under the ribcage.”  Jimmy shrugged.  “I may have knocked the wind out of him, but I don’t know for sure.”


     “It was nothing.”

     “Yeah, but you know how everyone is.  By tomorrow people will be saying you beat him up.”


     Physical contact always turned into more than it really was in school.  Simply being pushed against a locker could turn into a person having the shit kicked out of him by the end of the day.  Jimmy had experienced this quite a bit.  Someone would trip him in the hall or knock him off balance so he hit the divider between two doors, and he wouldn’t retaliate even though he could beat the crap out of them, and within a day word about the ‘fight’ would have spread, especially on Facebook.  Jimmy never seemed to care though, probably because he knew if the kids really wanted to fight with him they would be in for a world of hurt, not to mention the threat of being expelled once the school board got involved.

     “It’s too bad Brett wasn’t in the weight room that day when you showed everyone up,” Alan said. 

     “He’s had to have heard about it.”

     “Yeah, but if he had seen it he probably wouldn’t be such a jerk.”

     “The guy’s a dumbass and is always going to be a jerk.  Being able to out bench someone with free weights isn’t going to change that.”

     “Most seemed to shut up after that though.”

     “They did, didn’t they,” Jimmy said, the sagging smile getting a booster shot of ego enhancers.

     “Of course your strength is no match against my mad Kung Fu skills.”  Alan did a pretend hand chop with his statement.  Laughter followed. 

*  *  *

     Samantha heard the latch of the door click open and looked toward it.  Despite being forced to do it, she was embarrassed by what was sitting in the bucket.  She had no idea why this embarrassment filled her - it wasn’t like she was trying to impress Jimmy with her lady like qualities, yet her actions and the resulting smell caused her face to go red. 

     Jimmy’s face and the small gasp that escaped his lips as he walked in only added to her embarrassment.  Several hours had drifted by since her use of the bucket, but during that time the smell had not weakened.  Actually, it had probably gotten worse. 

     Samantha wanted to say something, but no words came. 

     Jimmy didn’t say anything either.  Instead he just took the bucket from between her legs and went back outside for a few minutes.  When he came in again the bucket had been emptied and washed out.  He set it aside.

     Samantha’s body ached from standing and she wanted down.  Boredom had gotten to her as well.  During the peak of it she had actually wished for Jimmy’s return just so she’d have some company.  Now, however, she wanted to be alone again, her mind cursing her earlier wishes.

     “Please let me down?” she begged.

     Jimmy nodded and walked over to the tied-off rope end and undid it.  Samantha collapsed to her knees and then down to her butt.  Pain erupted everywhere.  The sudden freedom to move around had its costs.

     Jimmy stepped over and undid the ropes from around her wrists.  This added to the pain as the blood raced back.  The pins and needles attacked.

     Once again Samantha found herself grinding her teeth together as a way of distorting the pain.  It wasn’t really a conscious action.

     Jimmy walked over to the shelf and took a new bottle of water down and handed it to her.  He then grabbed a bag of pretzels, opened it, and tasted one.  Satisfaction ran through his face as the pretzel went down.  He brought the bag over. 

     Hunger twisted her insides at the sight and she stuffed several in her mouth.  A large gulp of water helped down the mouthful.

     Jimmy just stared at her.

     Samantha realized something as she took another handful of pretzels.  She was naked from the waist down.  Jimmy could see everything, and he was looking.

     Where were her pants?

     Her eyes caught sight of them over by the blankets on the opposite side of the wall.  In order to get to them, she would have to crawl, which would expose herself even more.  It was not an action she wanted to take part in. 

     “Can you bring me my pants?” she asked, hesitation staining her words.

     “If you do something for me first,” Jimmy said.  He then stood up and unbelted his pants.

she thought while backing away.

     “Don’t make me force you,” Jimmy said.  “All I want is another handjob.”

A handjob?
She questioned.  Why was that all he ever wanted?  Here he could have her body at any time, yet he never took it.  What was wrong with him?

Are you complaining?
a voice asked.


     Knowing everything would get worse if she denied him; Samantha crawled over and sat before him.  She then reached up a hand and took hold of his erection.

     Jimmy shivered beneath her.

     “Don’t close your eyes this time,” he said.  “And look up at me.”

     Samantha obeyed him, her hand slowly moving back and forth against him.

     Jimmy groaned and his body started to hunch forward.  His hands were restless and couldn’t figure out what to do.  His knees shook. 

     It took about thirty seconds and then he came, his seed splattering her hand and shirt.  It was warm and sticky and sickening. 

     “Keep going,” Jimmy gasped.

     Fighting the urge to be sick, Samantha continued to move her hand back and forth, the thick liquid oozing between her fingers and him.

     More dripped out and eased itself to the floor.

     Jimmy pulled away with a gasp, his hand grabbing himself and squeezing the last of his seed out.

     Samantha held her hand out before her, semen clinging to it.  The hand felt contaminated.  She wanted to clean it off.

     Jimmy saw this and suddenly said, “Lick it all off.”

     “What?” she asked. 

     “Lick it off your hand.  I want to see you put it in your mouth and swallow it.”

     “No, I can’t.”  Her stomach turned over just thinking about it, nausea building.

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