Jimmy's Game (Ruthless) (4 page)

BOOK: Jimmy's Game (Ruthless)
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The hours passed until she gradually woke again. “Feeling better?” said Jimmy. Looking at him she slowly nodded her head, but despite his earlier reassurance, he could tell from her eyes she was afraid of him. “Can I get you anything,” he said with a smile. Without taking her eyes from him she shook her head and just lying there she remained silent for the next three hours. He noticed that every time he moved or stood up she flinched and looked afraid.

The day had passed. As the evening drew in he said, “Is there anything I can get you, anything you want?” To his relief along with surprise she nodded her head. Waiting for her to say what it was, it was as though she was too afraid to ask, so smiling he said, “Ok babe what happens now, do I have to guess, or are you going to tell me?” Never taking her eyes off him she replied, “Am I allowed to use the bathroom?” Surprised at the way in which she asked and wondering why she didn’t just say, ‘I need to use the bathroom.’ Disturbingly he knew she would simply have sat there unless he gave her his permission. “Of course,” said Jimmy, “would you like me to run you a warm bath?”  Instantly a look of absolute dread appeared on her face as she quickly shook her head. Jimmy had seen that look before on his mother’s face, having a vague memory from his childhood that he had witnessed his father holding his mother’s head under the bathwater. Scanning his memory he tried to recall exactly what had happened to his mother, but it was futile. Perhaps as a child he had tried to erase such a dreadful memory, or perhaps it was never a real memory at all; maybe he had seen something on television as a child and confused it with reality. Whichever it was, one thing was certain, Maria was terrified, she was still trembling several minutes later. Trying to reassure her, he said, “I only
said about the bath because I thought it might help you feel better. How about I run it then you can decide if you want to use it? If you do, you can lock the door.” Her eyes filled with tears as she nodded her head in acceptance. “I’m not sure what you can wear;” said Jimmy, “only Shaun didn’t actually bring anything of yours, but I’m pretty sure I have some pyjamas somewhere and a dressing gown, they’ll probably swim on you but at least you’ll be comfortable.” Trying not to cry, she quietly said, “Thank you.”

Leaving the bath water running he went to find her the robe and pyjamas. Several minutes later he returned to the bathroom, the huge Jacuzzi bath was ready.
After placing the clothes over a beautiful peacock chair in the corner of the room he returned to the lounge and said, “It’s ready.”

Slowly she tried to get to her feet, but the full effect of Nick’s beating was now taking its toll, every bone in her body was hurting and large dark bruises had developed on her face,
her left eye was swollen shut. Wanting to help her, he walked towards her, but she immediately backed away. Reassuring her he said, “I’m not going to hurt you, I just want to help.” Having no choice but to trust him, she took his arm and walked slowly towards the bathroom. “Are you sure you can do this?” he asked. “Yes thank you,” she replied in a soft voice. Although he was concerned about leaving her, he didn’t want to push the issue. Hearing her lock the bathroom door, he returned to the lounge and loaded a classical CD into the player. Jimmy wasn’t someone you’d expect to like classical music, but as a child he had often listened to it with his mother and he had grown to like it. Turning the volume down low, he pressed a button so the music piped through to the bathroom, the entire apartment was wired with state of the art technology.

With the music playing he listened outside the bathroom door, he could hear her in the bath and believing she was ok, his first thought was to phone Mickey and bring him up to speed over the day’s events.
The phone seemed to ring forever before his friend answered and sounding breathless said, “Alright Jimmy, I’m glad you’ve phoned, I was going to bell you earlier but I thought you’d be preoccupied.” Jimmy knew he was referring to Maria being at the apartment with him. “Oh mate,” sighed Jimmy, “you’ve no fucking idea!” Something in his voice told Mickey that not everything had gone to plan; although he had warned him the previous night that he didn’t think Nick would take it lying down. “Christ Jimmy what’s happened?” Jimmy was just about to reply when he heard someone else in the background, it sounded like a woman. “Are you with someone Mick?” “Yeah Monica’s here.” “Oh in that case I’m sorry I’ve disturbed you, it’s not like you to have her over at the weekend because of Charlie staying.” “I’m not having Charlie this weekend; she’s gone to a show with my mum and dad, she’s staying over with them.” “I’ll leave you to it then mate; I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” Mickey heard panic in his voice, the type of panic he remembered hearing when they were kids, when Jimmy would run to his house after his father had attacked him and his mother. Knowing his friend needed to talk, without hesitation Mickey said, “Tomorrow! I’ll be there in five minutes.” “Cheers Mickey, can you do me a favour on your way here?” “Course, what is it?” “Can you stop off at one of our restaurants and pick us up something to eat, better get some chicken soup as well.” “Ok mate.” Mickey didn’t question his request for the soup.

Forty minutes later, the two of them were sitting in Jimmy’s lounge. “What’s going on Jimmy, where is she?” asked Mickey. “She’s taking a bath; she’s been in there since I called you.” “Fuck me, is she ok?” “Yeah I heard her moving about a minute ago. Wait till you see her, Nick’s beaten her to a pulp. Shaun reckoned he’d have killed her if he hadn’t turned up when he did, she’s fucking terrified Mick; he’s not getting away with it. I’ll fucking kill him! I’m going to make him pay for what he’s done!” Mickey felt concerned at the display of anger Jimmy was exhibiting, he tried to calm him down, only succeeding when he said, “If she’s as afraid as you say, she’ll be too scared to come out of the bathroom if you keep shouting and swearing.
” The moment Mickey stopped talking they heard the bathroom door unlock. Moments later she was standing in the lounge doorway. “Jesus Christ!” said Mickey as he looked at her, “Fuck me babe you look bad, Nick really did a number on you.” Maria just stood there visibly shaking. Jimmy stood up and helped her to the sofa as he said, “I was beginning to wonder if you’d drowned.  Do you feel better for having a soak?” She nodded. “Fuck me Jimmy,” “she needs to see a doctor; she may have internal damage for all we know? Shaun was right, he’s tried to kill her,” said Mickey. The two friends debated whether to take her to hospital or to call a doctor; their thinking was hospitals would ask too many questions, which could be costly. Their debate was interrupted when she said, “I’m fine I just feel a bit sick that’s all.” “Are you hungry,” said Jimmy. Without replying she simply nodded her head. “Well you’re in for a treat, Mickey stopped by one of our restaurants on his way over here; they do the best chicken soup in London.” “You stay with her,” said Mickey, “I’ll sort out the nosh.” After placing the food on the table, Mickey smiled at her and said, “Would you prefer your soup on a tray on your lap?” When she shook her head at his offer, he helped her to her feet and led her to the table. What Jimmy had told him was right, he’d noticed how frightened she looked when he’d approached her. Mickey could feel her trembling as he held her arm and pulled the chair out for her to sit down.

While the two men tucked into grilled chicken and fries, she slowly sipped her soup, every mouthful was painful, but she was hungry; she hadn’t eaten anything since before the poker game, a full twenty four hours earlier.
Both men were aware that she kept watching them as she sipped each spoonful. Sitting in the oversized clothes that Jimmy had given her, she struggled to keep the shoulders up, stopping every few minutes to adjust them. Mickey watched her, it made him think back to when his sister Fay used to play dress in their mums clothes when she was about ten. She would always be pulling them up because they were far too big for her. They had been close; he missed Fay since she married a doctor and moved to America, although they kept in touch regularly and Fay and her family would try and visit every couple of years, it was still hard. Watching Maria struggling with the over- sized clothes, he noticed that she had a large bite mark on her shoulder. Looking concerned he said, “You should get that looked at, human bites can be dangerous.” “Let me see,” said Jimmy reaching over to pull the robe down. Instantly leaning away from him she looked terrified as she quickly pulled it up tight to her neck. Gently touching her hand he said, “I’m not going to hurt you babe, I just need to look.” Slowly she pulled the robe down just enough to expose the bite. Both men could see her neck and shoulder was covered in bites and bruises. “Mickey’s right Maria, you should see a Doctor; I’ll give Doc Daniels a call.”

An hour later the doctor arrived; he was the doctor that the criminal underworld used if anyone got hurt and didn’t want it on record. Jimmy had first met him when he was fourteen; after he’d run to Mickey’s house one evening after taking a bad beating from his father. Den had sent for Doc Daniels to check him over. Obviously at the time Jimmy had no idea who he was, but since that first meeting he had seen him several times over the years; usually for stitches after a knife attack or similar.
Back then the Doc had been a relatively young man, now in his sixties, balding and wearing glasses, a mere shadow of his former self. Years of heavy drinking had taken its toll; nevertheless, he was still a good doctor.

“Good to see you Doc, thanks for coming so quickly.” “No problem Jimmy, so who’s the patient?” “She’s in the other room Doc, follow me.” When they entered the kitchen Jimmy pointed over at Maria who was still sitting at the table. With a smile the Doc said, “Hello there Maria.” “Do you two know each other Doc?” asked Jimmy curiously. “Oh yes we’ve met several times, I presume this is Nick’s handiwork
Maria?” She simply nodded. The Doc helped her to her feet and said, “Shall we go somewhere private so I can examine you?” Jimmy walked over and opened his bedroom door, “In here Doc, she can use my room until she’s well; I’ll use the guest room.”

Mickey poured them a drink while they waited for the Doc to return. Mickey tried to talk to him about Nick, but it was futile, Jimmy was too preoccupied with what was happening in the next room. “What’s taking so fucking long?” he said impatiently. “He’s probably just being thorough,” replied Mickey reassuringly.

Thirty minutes later they heard the bedroom door close. Walking into the lounge the Doc looked at the two friends and shaking his head said, “Nick’s gone too far this time, I’ve warned him so many times that one day he’ll end up killing her.” “Is she going to be okay Doc?” asked Jimmy. “I think so, but it’s going to take a long time, she’s got numerous burns and bites and a blood vessel in her eye has burst, it should heal, but it will be bloodshot for a few days. Multiple cuts, bruises and she’s sustained some vaginal tearing, hopefully that will heal on its own within a few days, but it must have been a very sadistic rape. I’ve given her a shot of antibiotics to stop any infection from the bites and a sedative to help her sleep; it’s the best healer of all. I would have preferred her to go to hospital for some x rays, but she’s too scared to leave here. I’ll call in on her in a couple of days, in the meantime, when she wakes up give her two of these every four hours, they’ll help with the pain.” Doc handed Jimmy a small bottle of tablets. “How often do you see her Doc?” he asked. “About every two months, it depends on Nick; if things go well for him it’s better for her. I’ve been her doctor for the past three years and every year the beatings get worse. I’ve tried to talk to her about leaving, but he’s always there, even when I give her the birth control injection, not that I think she would say anything if he wasn’t, she’s terrified of him. It’s none of my business Jimmy, but if she goes back he will end up killing her.” With a look of pure hatred on his face Jimmy replied, “Don’t worry Doc, she won’t be going back.” Then he handed him an envelope. Smiling the Doc said, “This one’s on me; there’s no charge.” The two men shook his hand and thanked him as he left. Shutting the door behind him, Jimmy looked at Mickey and said, “I swear I’m going to make Nick pay for this!” Mickey saw a rage in his eyes, a deadly rage he’d come to recognise over the years. Knowing his friend meant it and there would be little he could do to stop him, he replied, “You’ll have to be patient and bide your time, these things take a lot of planning Jimmy, so let’s take a breather here.”

The two friends talked about what to do about Nick. They both knew he would be okay for a while because he wanted her back without a war; especially a war within his own crew, it wasn’t good for business and regardless of how he felt about her, nothing was more important to Nick than business. Having built his empire, he wouldn’t jeopardise it for a woman, this would be Jimmy’s ace card, especially if Nick thought that she wasn’t sleeping with him, it would give them more time to work out a plan. Mickey continued, “I could talk to Nick and let it be known she’s in a bad way. We both know him well enough to know he’ll be less reluctant to push the point if he believes there’s definitely nothing happening between you and her. If I’m really clever I could even imply you’re even having second thoughts about her staying.” Jimmy laughed and said, “Sounds good Mickey, I must congratulate you on being such a devious bastard.” “Well I learnt from the best,” he replied with a grin. “Thanks Mickey, I really appreciate your help.” “Any time mate, you know I’ll always take your side, but as your friend I feel there’s something I should say.” “What’s that then?” “I know you feel sorry for her, so do I, and I’m totally in agreement that Nick is a first class bastard, but I wouldn’t feel right if I didn’t tell you to think carefully
about this, he’s a very dangerous bastard. What I’m trying to say is do you think she’s worth it? You know whatever happens I’ll stick with you; I’m just worried how all this will all turn out; people could get hurt Jimmy. I know you fancy her, but is she worth dying for? That’s all I’m saying.” “I appreciate your concern Mick and I can’t say whether she’ll be worth it or not; but sure as hell I’m not backing down now. Nick’s a bastard; I won that game fair and square, she needs my help, I got her into this mess and I’m not fucking sending her back so that fucker can beat her senseless! This is one fight Nick’s going to lose, I’ll take the fucker out myself if need be!” “Fair enough, I just needed to know how far you’re prepared to go. You know you can count on me and unless I’m mistaken a few others too, let’s face it Nicks not exactly Mr Popular is he?”

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