Jimmy's Game (Ruthless) (5 page)

BOOK: Jimmy's Game (Ruthless)
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Mickey left two hours later. After watching the TV for a while Jimmy took a shower then checked in on Maria before retiring to the guest room. Whatever the doc had given her was working; she was fast asleep, not even stirring as he pulled the duvet up over her shoulders.

In the next room he lay awake; he could not erase the image of Shaun carrying her out of the lift, her limp bloodied body draped over the big Irishman’s arms. Trying to imagine what Nick had done to her because she’d looked so terrified, the anger surged though his body the more he thought about it and he knew Mickey was right, there could be no mistakes.



When Shaun returned to Nick’s apartment, he expected trouble, especially as he’d defied his boss and taken her to Jimmy’s. Knowing he’d done the right thing, he’d made up his mind that if Nick gave him a hard time he would be looking for a new bodyguard. Unexpectedly Nick could not have been nicer, even telling him that he had been right about taking her to Jimmy’s. Totally shocked by his bosses’ sudden change of attitude, he knew something was wrong and unable to simply accept this, he questioned Nick’s change of heart. Nick smugly replied, “I’ve been thinking about her Shaun, she knows I’ll get her back it’s just a matter of time and even Jimmy’s not stupid enough to take me on. I’ll just make him an offer he can’t refuse.” Shaun didn’t believe for one minute that Jimmy would give her up that easily, but his only concern was for Maria, at least she was safe for the time being. Nick continued, “I want you to accompany me to a meeting tonight, I’m meeting some Russian associates.” Shaun didn’t ask any details, he simply nodded.

An hour later they were parking the car. It was the first time Shaun had actually come face to face with Nick’s Russian associates, although he’d heard him talking with them on the phone on several occasions, but for reasons best known to Nick, he had preferred to keep his relationship with them quiet. Shaun’s theory on the matter was simple; it involved sex trafficking, which even Nick knew was something the others, with the exception of Maurice, would be reluctant to get involved in. Shaun was well aware that Maria had come to live with his boss under very strange circumstances, even he hardly saw her for the first year; he would have asked her outright if he thought for one minute she would tell him, but her fear of Nick was enough to guarantee her silence, even to him.

The meeting was held in a restaurant’s back room, Uri Karpov the Russian boss along with two big Russian bodyguards were waiting for them when they arrived. Uri ordered his two heavies to sit at another table with Shaun, while he discussed business with Nick.
Shaun couldn’t hear all that was being said, but he did catch the name Jimmy a few times, and it was obvious from the way the Russian spoke he was unhappy about Nick gambling Maria at the poker game. Several times the conversation became quite heated between the two men. When they finished talking about Maria, Shaun heard the Russian say, “I have business to attend to in the Ukraine and I want you to come with me Nikolai.” Nick replied, “I’m not sure that will be possible Uri, I have things to sort out here.” “There is nothing here that cannot wait. I will deal with this Jimmy myself if need be, our business in the Ukraine is more important.” “I’ll deal with Jimmy, there’s no hurry Maria will keep her mouth shut.” “If she doesn’t I will hold you responsible and I will expect you to deal with her and this Jimmy!” “Don’t worry Uri I will. Now when is this trip you want me to come on and who will be there?” “That is not important; all you need to know is they are looking at England to sell girls. We are looking for someone to run things from here, I suggested you. We could make a lot of money and if you’re lucky I’ll get you a new girl to fuck! We leave tomorrow night, probably be gone a week maybe ten days. I will send a car for you at eight tomorrow evening.”

The Russians were still drinking when Nick and Shaun
left around four that morning. Once they were in the car Nick said to Shaun, “You probably heard I’ll be going away for a few days. Keep your eye on things here Shaun, if you run into any of the others don’t tell them where I’ve gone, understood?” Shaun nodded. Nick continued, “I’ll deal with Jimmy when I get back. If she’s let him touch her I’ll kill her myself!” Shaun didn’t reply, but his thoughts were, he may work for Nick but he wouldn’t be party to taking out Jimmy and he definitely wouldn’t hurt Maria, whether his boss ordered it or not. Shaun hardly spoke on the drive back; he just listened to Nick bragging about how much money he was going to make from his business arrangement with the Russians.



Jimmy woke the following morning to the sound of someone moving about in the apartment. Throwing on
a robe he went to investigate. Entering the kitchen he could see Maria getting a glass of water. Aware that she was still very nervous he smiled and said, “Good morning, let me get that for you,” taking the glass from her, he added, “You go and sit down; I’ll bring it over to you.” Frozen to the spot she just stood there looking terrified. Noticing this he said, “You ok babe?”  Several seconds passed then in a frightened voice she replied, “I’m sorry I woke you; please don’t be angry that I took the water. I promise I won’t do it again, but I was thirsty.” Immediately realising her dread, he reassuringly said, “Course I’m not angry. I’m glad to see you up and about. You can help yourself to anything and you didn’t wake me I didn’t sleep much anyway. How are you feeling this morning?” Again she hesitated before replying, “Better thank you.” “That’s good, your face doesn’t look quite so swollen today and you’re definitely talking better.” “Yes I’m a quick healer.” “Is there anything I can get you for breakfast? I do a mean scrambled egg.” Despite her talking she still looked terrified, so he tried to lighten the mood by adding, “Don’t look so excited, it’s only scrambled eggs!” For the first time since she arrived she actually replied without hesitating and said, “It’s not that I’m not grateful, it’s just I can’t remember the last time anyone offered to cook anything for me.” Then suddenly without warning she burst into tears. “Hey now, don’t get upset,” said Jimmy as he placed his arm around her shoulder. Instantly he could feel her trembling as she pulled away and said; “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” her voice was panicky. “Sorry for what?” he asked. “For everything, it’s all my fault.” “None of this is your fault, so stop worrying about it. You need to concentrate on getting well, so stop crying and leave the worrying to me, ok?” Reaching out to her he pulled her close to his chest; he could sense that she was apprehensive about him touching her. Taking his arms off of her, he said, “Why don’t you go and make yourself comfortable while I get on with the breakfast.” Nervously she nodded and moved away.

Just as he placed the breakfast on the table the intercom buzzed. “Who the fucking hell’s that this early on a Sunday morning,” he moaned. Immediately she sprang to her feet as a look of sheer terror came over her face and she said, “Oh God its Nick!” She was shaking uncontrollably; when he said “Calm down babe, it’s probably someone who’s hit the wrong button it happens all the time.”

Speaking into the intercom he said, “Who is it?” “It’s me Shaun, let me in.” Moments later the big Irishman was standing in front of them holding a small suitcase. Smiling at her he said, “I’ve brought you a few things Maria, how are you feeling darling?” Jimmy noticed that she seemed to trust him, especially when she smiled and replied, “I’m ok Shaun, thank you for helping me yesterday.” “You’re most welcome, I’m only sorry I didn’t get there sooner. You’ll be alright here though, Jimmy’s a good sort. Now you get on and eat your breakfast.” Jimmy waited until she was calmer before he looked at Shaun and said, “Have you seen Nick?” “Not since last night” Shaun never mentioned that he had gone to the meeting with the Russians. Grinning Jimmy said, “How was he? Is he gunning for me Shaun?” “Not at the moment, he’s confident he’ll get her back.” “No fucking chance, after what he did I’ll see the bastard in hell first!” “Don’t underestimate him Jimmy; he’s a very dangerous man, best to let sleeping dogs lie at the moment; let’s just wait and see, don’t be too hasty. Anyway you won’t have to worry about him for the next week; he’s going away on business.” “He never mentioned that at the game, do you know where?” “Europe I think, he’s keeping things close to his chest, but no doubt we’ll find out soon enough.” Jimmy knew that none of their crew had any drug deliveries connected with Europe that week. Tony Ramon handled most of the overseas deals and he hadn’t mentioned any coming up. Obviously Nick was working on his own, which straight away made him think it wasn’t something the others would be keen on, but he decided not to ask Shaun, he’d already helped them enough and it would be unfair to expect anymore from him. Changing the subject he said, “So what’s in the case then Shaun, not a bomb I hope?” Laughing he replied, “If Nick had his way it would be. I hoped to bring Maria some of her clothes, but I didn’t feel it was a good time to ask him. So I asked my daughter Bernadette to let me have a few things, she’s about the same size.” “That’s good of you mate, I owe you one.” “You don’t owe me nowt, I did it for Maria, and anyway Nick would grill me by the bollocks if he knew I was here!”

Standing up she walked over and hugged him, as she did he said, “Oh, almost forgot,” reaching into his pocket he pulled out a set of rosary beads. “There you are darling; I thought you might get some comfort from these.” “Thank you Shaun,” she said on the brink of tears. “You just get well Maria; I’ll have to be going now.”  Shaking Shaun’s hand as he left Jimmy said, “I’ll see you all right for this Shaun.” “You just look after her Jimmy, that’ll be enough.”

After he left, Jimmy said, “That was a nice surprise.” Nodding her head she smiled at him. Neither of them had touched their breakfast. “Shall I pop the scrambled egg back in the microwave for a minute and then perhaps we can eat?” he suggested. She simply nodded.

Jimmy watched her as they sat quietly eating and noticing she put the tiniest amount of food on her fork and just like before she never took her eyes off him. Breaking the silence he said “How old are you babe?” Swallowing the food she had in her mouth, before she replied, “Nearly nineteen.” “So you were only sixteen when you moved in with Nick then?” “No I was fifteen.” “How so, surely you were a minor?” With tears in her eyes she nodded. Wondering how she came to live there at such a young age and thinking it probably wasn’t legal, his curiosity got the better of him so he said, “Did you run away or something?” Unable to give him eye contact, she looked down at the table as she shook her head. Realising she was getting upset, he leaned over, gently touched her hand and said, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you.” “It’s not that, it’s just,” she hesitated for a moment before adding, “Oh nothing, it doesn’t matter?” “What were you going to say babe, tell me.” She burst into tears as she blurted out, “Please Jimmy, tell me why you’re doing this for me, if you intend using me then I would rather you just did it and stopped being so nice. I know this a set up for Nick to test me?” Stunned by her reaction he instantly replied, “Fuck me is that what you’ve been thinking?” Barely able to answer him because she was shaking quite violently, she muttered something as she nodded. Taking her hand he said, “Oh babe you couldn’t be more wrong. I hate the way he treated you, I would never treat you like that.” “I’m so sorry I should have known better, especially after what Shaun said.” “Yeah Shaun, he really seems to look out for you.” “Yes he’s my guardian angel; he’s helped me many times, I think it’s because of our faith.” “Maybe you’re right babe; I’ve certainly seen another side to him since you’ve been here. I’ve always seen him as a hired thug who wouldn’t think twice about breaking someone’s arm or worse. Still as the saying goes, it’s always the quiet ones that surprise you.”
Finishing his breakfast, he said, “I’ve got some business to take care of with Mickey later today, will you be okay by yourself? I can get someone to come round and keep you company if you like?” “No I’ll be fine; I’m used to being on my own.”

Before he left he showed her where he kept his DVD collection and how to operate all the different remote controls for the TV and DVD player. “Help yourself to anything while I’m gone, I should only be a couple of hours.” He wasn’t happy about her staying on her own, but he knew she’d be safe for the time being because of Nick’s business trip.

A short time later she watched from the window as he got into Mickey’s car; it was unmistakable, a red Ferrari Spider.

“No news on Mr Janders then?” asked Jimmy as he shut the car door. “No,” snapped Mickey, “and if that fat bastard thinks he’s getting away with it a third time, he’s making a fucking big mistake! I thought we could use Jacky Boy and Kevin for this, what do you reckon?” “Yeah sounds good to me Mickey, they’ll be up for it.” “I’m glad you said that because I’ve already asked them to meet us at the club.” Jimmy grinned. The club didn’t open on a Sunday so it was always a good place to talk business.

Ten minutes later Mickey pulled in to his parking space outside the club. They could see the two lads waiting. “Fuck me they’re keen, they remind me of us back in the days when we were young and on the up,” laughed Jimmy.” The two friends got out of the car and walked towards the club door where the two lads were standing.  “Alright lads, why didn’t you wait inside?” said Mickey, as he unlocked the club door. “We’ve only just got here.” replied Jacky Boy.

Kevin and Jacky Boy had worked for them for several years; they were what Jimmy would refer to as ‘good boys’. Both looked the part as doormen, hard men. Jacky boy was around thirty, six feet tall of muscular build but not huge like a lot of doormen; his shoulder length hair was well kept in a
ponytail. He was well liked amongst the club staff and punters, especially the females. Kevin was a couple of years older and slightly larger, with receding short fair hair. A real player with women, most weekends he would leave the club with a girl on each arm.

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