Jimmy's Game (Ruthless) (64 page)

BOOK: Jimmy's Game (Ruthless)
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The Swan was busy, as they looked for their men Maria spotted Jimmy walking towards her. Kissing her, he jokingly said, “Enjoy your shopping babe am I bankrupt?” Smiling she replied, “Not quite!”

They ordered lunch. While they waited for their food to arrive Mickey said, “So girls, did you have a good time shopping?” Monica replied, “Yes great, until we ran into delightful Della.” Jimmy looked straight at Maria who looked embarrassed that Monica had mentioned it. “Everything ok babe, you seem a bit quiet,” he said. Maria simply nodded. Monica interrupted and said, “No actually Jimmy she’s not alright, that old slag Della was nasty to her! However Maria done herself proud, I was well impressed.” Looking at Maria he said, “Tell me what happened babe.” “I don’t want to talk about it Jimmy.” Everyone could see she was close to tears. Hoping to avoid his questions she said, “I won’t be a minute I’m just popping to the ladies.”

The moment she was out of earshot he asked Monica what had happened, he looked angry as she told him what Della had said. Arrogantly he said, “I’ll be having a fucking chat with Della, if need be I’ll sack the bitch! After all her father’s dead now, so there’s no loyalty issue.” Mickey discreetly said, “Leave it Jimmy, Maria’s on her way back to the table.” Maria felt a bit uncomfortable as she sat down, she could sense that they had been discussing her.

A waiter arrived with their meals. Everyone tucked in except her, she barely touched hers. Jimmy said, “Your food alright babe?” “Yes its fine, I’m just not very hungry.” When they ordered dessert she declined; she just sipped her wine and said to Monica, “Are you coming back to the apartment this afternoon?” “I won’t if you don’t mind; I’ll go home as I’m spending the evening with you.”

Two hours later, they parted company in the car park. Inside the car, Jimmy could sense she was still hurt over what Della had said to her. Squeezing her knee as he drove he said, “Don’t let Della get to you babe.” She didn’t reply, she just nodded and forced a smile.

Back at the apartment he tried to lighten the mood by putting some music on and asking her what she’d bought. She replied, “Just some cosmetics.” Simply by the look on her face he could tell she was still thinking about Della, he knew whatever had been said was playing on her mind. Trying to reassure her, he said, “Della is nothing but an old dog, you shouldn’t take any notice of her babe.” With a sad expression on her face she replied, “That’s easy for you to say you weren’t there Jimmy. Just tell me the truth; have you invited her to our wedding?” “Fucking hell no, she’s the last fucking person I’d ask. I can’t even believe you’ve asked me that!” Wanting to believe him in a tearful voice she said, “Ok, so you tell me what she meant then, because she said she would see me on Saturday? I’ll tell you this Jimmy, if she’s going I won’t be.” “Let me assure you babe she has not been invited, but if by chance she turns up she’ll be told in no fucking uncertain terms to leave!” Tears welled up in her eyes, as he added, “Try not to think about it babe.” Innocently she replied, “Why is Della being so nasty to me? I don’t even know her and I certainly haven’t done anything to warrant it?” Trying to answer here as honestly as he could he said, “It’s simple babe, the relationship I had with her meant nothing to me. There was never any possibility of us being a real couple.” “God Jimmy why would you even want to go out with someone like her?” “Tell you the truth babe there were times when I was lonely, Della simply filled a void at those times and unfortunately she misread my intentions.” “She said you like anal sex, yet you’ve never mentioned that to me?” Knowing that Maria would consider anything he wanted to do with her, he needed to explain why he hadn’t. Looking lovingly at her he said, “Making love with you could never be bettered babe, it wasn’t like that with Della, she was the one who liked it. With you the issue has never come up because our sex life is so fantastic and so varied.” Then to save her any further embarrassment regarding the sex he had with Della, he added, “You are the sexiest, most beautiful woman I’ve ever dated.” “Thank you,” she replied in a quiet voice.

Hoping she was now less concerned about Della, he listened to music while she packed a few more things for the house. After two hours of watching her he said, “Come and sit with me babe, the rest of the packing can wait.” “I really want to get it done Jimmy.” Knowing that she just needed to keep busy to take her mind off Della, he let her carry on.
As the time passed she seemed to be a little more relaxed even saying, “I’d be quite happy to cook something, if you want to invite Monica and Mickey to come over earlier and have dinner with us.” “I reckon that’s a great idea babe, I’ll bell Mickey.” Knowing it would keep her busy was an added bonus. Two minutes later he called them with the dinner invitation which they were only too happy to except. Jimmy arrange for them to be there by seven.

Their friends arrived a little early; bringing wine and flowers with them. Monica helped in the kitchen while the two men talked in the lounge. Jimmy said, “I want to go to Sweet Cheeks later to have a word with Della.” Remembering what Monica had said about Sweet Cheeks Mickey replied, “Can’t you leave it Jimmy until after the wedding?” “No I can’t because the bitch implied to Maria that she was going to the wedding, and I’m going to tell her in no uncertain terms she’s not!” Before Mickey could reply, Maria called out, “Dinner’s on the table.”

They chatted for a while after the meal, then Jimmy suggested them going. They kissed the girls and told them they would be back by one.

They called in briefly at Lazer, just to confirm that everything was sorted before the wedding. Simon said, “Everything will be fine. So where are you going on honeymoon?” Mickey replied, “Actually we’re not going until Monday, it’s a surprise, the girls don’t know about it, so keep it quiet Simon. We’re going to St Lucia in the Caribbean; I’ve lied to the girls about a big case that will tie me up for at least another three weeks.” Simon laughed and said, “How unusual, a solicitor that tells porkies!” They all laughed. Then Jimmy grinned at Simon and said, “By the way, thanks for trying to calm the situation at Sweet Cheeks with Della.” “No problem,” but you need to watch her Jimmy, she’s bad news a nasty little tart. Your Maria seems a really good sort, well above Della’s league.” “She is and if Della thinks for one minute she’s going to give me grief, she’s fucking kidding herself!” Be careful Jimmy, jealousy is a fucking dangerous animal and your Maria is worth a thousand Della’s, just a shame she decided to marry you before she gave me a chance.” They all laughed, even Jimmy knew that Simon meant no harm and what he had said about Maria was true.

From Lazer they went on to Sweet Cheeks where they were greeted by Shane who said, “”This is a surprise, didn’t expect to see you two tonight.” Jimmy was the one to reply, “Just checking everything’s sorted before the wedding.”  “Fuck me will you two stop worrying about the clubs! I’m telling you everything will be fine while you’re away.” Neither of them was surprised when he added, “Did I tell you I’m taking Max and her son Harry to the wedding?” They shook their heads, but it was obvious to both of them that Shane was growing very fond of Max. Jimmy said, “Is Della dancing tonight Shane?” Nodding he replied, “Yeah, I heard about the incident with Maria.” “Fuck me talk about bush fucking telegraph!” “Simon only told me ten minutes ago when I rang him about work; he mentioned you’d been in and that you were on your way here. Then he said about Della, he’s right Jimmy she’s bad news.” Jimmy didn’t reply he simply nodded and turned to go into the club.

Inside the club Jimmy asked one of the dancers where Della was, she told him she was in the dressing room.
As Jimmy started to walk off in the direction of the dressing room, Mickey said, “Do you want me to go with you?” Jimmy shook his head. Mickey then added, “You can fire her with my blessing.”

Jimmy acknowledged the other bouncers with a nod, as he made his way to find Della. On entering the dressing room he saw two other dancers who were talking to Della. Walking up to them he said, “Can you give us a minute girls.” Without asking why, they both left.  Della was only wearing a pair of lacy knickers as she looked at him and said, “What’s up lover? Got cold feet about marrying her already, need some arse?” Grabbing her by the throat he arrogantly replied, “No I don’t and if you ever speak to Maria again I will fucking kill you! As far as I’m concerned you were never anything other than a quick fuck! So if you want to carry on working here you’d better keep your fucking mouth shut!” With him still holding her by the throat, she squeezed him between the legs, she could feel he had a hard on.

On releasing her, she kissed him on the lips and for a split second he began to respond, then he pushed her against the wall and said, “Fuck off!” Smirking at him she replied, “What’s the matter Jimmy, scared because you know you want it? Doesn’t lady muck take it up the arse, or aren’t you rough with her? We both know what get your rocks off, you’ll be back and I’ll be waiting!” “I’m fucking warning you, never to speak to Maria again! Unlike you slag, she is a lady and don’t flatter yourself, I won’t be back!” Walking away he turned and looking at her sarcastically said, “As for what I like Della, she’s everything I like and if you think for one minute I’m going to fuck it up for an old dog like you; you’ve got another thing coming! Oh, one last thing slag, if I so much as glimpse you at my wedding you’ll be fucking sorry!” Walking out he slammed the door behind him.

Returning to the bar, Mickey asked him if he was ok. The look on his face was enough to tell his friend that he’d been aggressive before he replied, “Yeah, I warned her to keep away from Maria and the wedding.” “Maybe you should have
fired her.” “I will if she pisses me off!”

They kept out of Della’s way, even when she danced Jimmy turned his back to the
. They were just about to leave when she walked over to them. She had finished dancing for the night, which at least meant she had clothes on. Standing in front of him she said, “Jimmy can I speak to you?” “I’ve got nothing to say to you Della, I told you to fuck off!” “Please Jimmy just give me two minutes, I’m only asking you to listen to me.” Mickey interrupted and said, “What do you want?” Looking humble she replied, “I want to tell Jimmy how sorry I am about Maria, truth is I was jealous,” then glancing back at Jimmy she said, “Please Jimmy can we still be friends?” Glaring at her he said, “What the fuck do you want Della?” “I really am sorry Jimmy; truth is I need this job, I owe some bad people money. Please just give me another chance, I promise I won’t let you down.” Reluctantly he replied, “You can keep your job, but just keep out of my way. Another thing, never speak too or about Maria again, do I make myself clear?” “I won’t, thanks Jimmy.” She walked away.

Driving to Dixie’s they talked about her, both men had reservations about her sincerity, but with the wedding so close they saw it as a good compromise. Della knew if she stepped out of line she would be gone.

Jacky Boy and Kevin were on the door at Dixie’s, they spoke to them as they went in. The atmosphere was always good at Dixie’s, both Mickey and Jimmy felt very comfortable there. Standing at the bar they talked to the bar staff.

When Tony arrived just after them, they went into the office to talk about business while they would be away. Tony would be their first in command should there be any problems that couldn’t wait until they came home. They stayed at Dixie’s until about half twelve then Mickey said, “We should think about getting back to the girls Jimmy.” Smiling he replied, “Yeah, just give me five minutes, I need a piss.”

It was almost ten minutes later when Jimmy returned. “Sorry about that I got talking. So are we ready to go then Mickey?” “Ready when you are.” “Goodnight lads, if not before, I’ll see you both on Saturday,” said Tony. “Yeah see you Tony,” replied Mickey, who was quickly echoed by Jimmy.

Back at the apartment while the men were out, the brides to be had gone over all the arrangements at least twice. They also spoke about when Maria had run away to Brighton. Having complete trust in her friend, she even mentioned to Monica how often Jimmy wanted sex. Monica said, “That does sound a bit excessive, but I know some people have a very high sex drive; maybe Jimmy’s just one of those people?” “Yes, I suppose he could be.”

Monica was shocked; when she spoke about her time at Nicks, she knew things that Mickey had told her, although he had never really gone into detail. Sipping her tea Maria said, “When Jimmy won me it was the best night of my life, even though Nick almost beat me to death, I knew I’d been saved.” Monica felt sad as Maria added, “I never imagined a man truly loving me the way Jimmy does, or that I’d have such nice things and a beautiful house. One of the best things for me is having such wonderful friends like you and Mickey, Shaun and Father Thomas.” “For what it’s worth, we feel the same about your friendship. Although I must say, I think you deserve a medal for putting up with Jimmy and his temper, not to mention his jealousy.” Maria smiled and replied, “I love him unconditionally he’s the love of my life.” Suddenly a familiar voice echoed behind them, “I hope your referring to me babe?” They hadn’t heard the men come in. Monica looked at him and jokingly said, “No Maria was actually referring to the man who drives the ice cream van.”

Leaning over the back of the chair that Maria was sitting on, he put his arms around her chest. She tilted her head to kiss him. It was a long lingering kiss.
Monica coughed and said, “Would you love birds prefer to be left alone?” They carried on kissing, oblivious to her question.

Mickey sat down next to Monica and pulling her to him said, “Well you know what they say babe, if you can’t beat them, join them!” Then he kissed her passionately. When Mickey finished his kiss, he glanced over at the others, they were still kissing. It was then he noticed that Maria was trying to pull away, but Jimmy had a firm grip on her head. Calling over to Jimmy he said, “Let the poor girl up for some air.” It had the desired effect. When Jimmy let go of her they both noticed she looked very embarrassed. Mickey tried to make a joke of it and said, “Fuck me Jimmy, for a minute there I thought I saw Maria turning blue.” Jimmy laughed and said, “Naugh, she can’t get enough of me.” “Whatever you say Jim and on that note we’ll be off home now.” Maria instantly said, “How rude of me, I haven’t even offered you a drink or something to eat.” Laughing Mickey replied, “Well you were a little preoccupied with that future husband of yours. Anyway we’re fine babe; I only came in to pick Monica up.” Pulling Mickey by the hand Monica said, “Come on sexy let’s get you home then, I’ll drive!” Mickey grinned and said, “Sexy? That sounds like you’re hoping to take advantage of me whilst I’m under the influence of alcohol!” They all laughed as they made their way to the door to see their friends out.

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