Jimmy's Game (Ruthless) (67 page)

BOOK: Jimmy's Game (Ruthless)
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By the time they arrived at the church even Monica was showing a few more nerves. Father Thomas was standing outside with the bridesmaids. As they approached him he said, “You both look absolutely lovely.” Then he jokingly added, “I’m so glad you’re here the grooms are getting nervous, especially Jimmy. So are you both ready?” They both nodded. Leading them into the church he
signalled to the organ player. Maria didn’t think her legs would carry her up the aisle. Shaun could feel her shaking, placing his hand on her hand that was through his arm, he winked at her. Maria always felt safe with him and today was no exception. Walking up the aisle she could hear people whispering at how beautiful they looked.

It was only after Father Thomas took his position at the front that the two grooms had a full view of their brides. Mickey smiled and winked at Monica, but Jimmy just stared at Maria, she felt unsettled, that he didn’t smile
at her. Thomas asked the grooms to join them at the front before he began the service.

First he said, “Who is giving away the brides?” Stepping forward with Monica, William said, “I am.” Then he took her arm from his and gave her hand to Mickey, before making his way to sit down. Mickey quickly whispered to her, “You look beautiful.” Smiling she squeezed his hand. Thomas asked Shaun to step forward and then repeated the process. Shaun passed Maria’s hand to Jimmy but still he just stared at her. She was shaking from head to toe, as was Jimmy.

The best men looked on as the wedding service began. Maria could barely talk by the time she had to say her vows, yet Monica in true detective fashion sailed through hers. Maria was wondering why Jimmy hadn’t smiled or tried to say anything, her fear being he didn’t approve of the dress, or her hair and makeup.

Thomas asked the best men for the rings. Richard and Tony passed them to the two couples. Thomas then went through the normal service requirements. Maria was nervous as he asked if anyone knew of any reason why they couldn’t marry. A deathly silence followed, she had an overbearing fear that Della would be there and say something, but the moment passed without incident. Just after that they exchanged rings. Thomas then said to the congregation, “As many of you know, normally at this time the happy couples would be pronounced man and wife. However, today will be slightly different because Jimmy has asked if he can say a few words.” Maria was terrified; this was not something she would have ever expected from Jimmy. Turning to face her he said, “Babe I just want you to know while we’re here and God is my witness, I love you with all my heart. I will love you for eternity you are the love of my life. Lastly, I want to say thank you for marrying me.” A tear ran down her cheek, it was the same for some of the guests. Gladys and Ann were both clutching their hankies. Feeling totally overwhelmed she held his hands tightly and in a shaky nervous voice replied, “Jimmy you are the love of my life. I would die without you and thank you for asking me to marry you.” The entire congregation clapped.

Thomas waved his hands for them to stop and then laughing said, “I now pronounce you, men and wives.” The newlyweds kissed and then a cello player sitting at the front of the church next to the organist played Amazing Grace while the couples entered the vestry to sign the marriage certificates.

Outside people threw confetti when they came out a few minutes later and Shaun was the first to kiss Maria.
After the photographs they made their way to the hotel where their guests were waiting in another room. A master of ceremonies announced their arrival, before leading them into the banqueting hall. It was breathtaking. The entire room was a sea of pink and white, stunning flower arrangements were placed around the room. Garlands of pink and white rose buds draped the tables; while a beautiful flower ring was housed in the centre of every table, a candle sat proudly in the middle encased in a glass tube. Each table had place names and a seating plan was displayed on entering.

Every guest had a gift on the table. The women had a small pink and white satin bag filled with sugared almonds, also a small box wrapped in pink paper, tied with pink satin ribbon. Each one contained a silver brooch to comm
emorate the occasion. The men also had a small gift wrapped box, wrapped in white paper and tied with a white satin ribbon; each one contained a pair of silver cuff links.

With the guests seated, the waiters and waitresses served champagne before a toast was given to the brides and grooms. A prepared speech was read by the master of ceremonies, followed by Tony and Richard; who spoke about the couples.

When Tony spoke he said, “As you all know, under normal circumstances the grooms would have been each other’s best man, so I feel it would only be fitting for both of them to say a few words about the other.” Everyone clapped and cheered. Mickey was the first to stand as the master of ceremonies called order.

Starting his speech he said, “As you probably all know, I’ve always felt as though Jimmy was more like my brother than my best friend. I can’t even begin to tell you about the laughs we’ve had together over the years and of course a few hair raising moments, but I promise I won’t rabbit on, Jimmy knows how I feel about him, so let’s talk about someone else who’s found a special place in all our hearts, Maria.” Everyone cheered and clapped. “Little did I know when they met two years ago that she would be the one and only woman who could tame Jimmy. I for one never imagined him being this happy. Now we all know Jimmy has a bit of a jealous side, not to mention a temper.” The guests all cheered and laughed. Mickey continued, “But I think today is probably the only day I can say I love her, kiss her and keep my teeth!” The room erupted into laughter. “Everyone who knows her well will know Maria has a unique quality; she brings out the best in everyone. On a final note I’d just like to say, I hope we will always remain best friends. It’s a good feeling knowing I’ve always got Jimmy watching my back.” When the speech finished they shook hands and he kissed Maria. Jimmy stood for his speech. The first thing he said was, “Thanks Mickey, you know I feel the same way about you. It’s no secret I think of your family as my own, so I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Mary and Den for treating me like a son.” Then smiling at Fay he added, “And if I didn’t think of you as my sister Fay I’d probably have married you!” Everyone laughed as Mickey piped up and said, “Believe me sis; you’ve had a lucky miss!” Jokingly he added, “No offence Maria!”
The speech ended with Jimmy saying, “Mickey is the best friend anyone could wish for and I feel honoured that he’s mine. Now on a more serious note as everyone here knows, I’m not the most romantic man in the world, but I’d like to say a few words about my lovely wife.” Everyone clapped and cheered. “I never imagined I would be standing here making a wedding speech, simply because I never thought I’d love anyone enough to want to marry them, but being with Maria has changed all that; she is without a doubt the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I was worried she’d come to her senses and stay at home today, I’m so glad she didn’t.” Lovingly he looked down at her and held out his hand, as she took it she could feel him trembling. Continuing, he looked at her and said, “You’ve changed my life babe; I hope I’ll be the type of husband you deserve. I love you with all my heart, so thanks for turning up!” Everyone clapped and laughed. Before he sat back down he leaned over and kissed her. Maria had tears in her eyes.

Last on the agenda was the giving of gifts to certain people, both wedding couples stood up. First to receive their gifts were the bridesmaids; they proudly walked up to receive them, followed by the best men both given cufflinks, thankfully Jimmy had remembered to order extra sets from Blackwell’s jewellers. Shaun and William were each given a gold watch. Monica’s mum was given a beautiful ladies watch, along with a bouquet of white roses as were Ann and Ellie. Father Thomas was surprised to be called. After kissing him affectionately on the cheek, Maria handed him a gift wrapped box, it was larger than the other men’s. Inside was a beautiful bible with Father Thomas’s name and church etched on the front in gold italic scribe. Inside the cover it read, ‘To dear Father Thomas, thank you for always being there for us,’ it was signed ‘with love always Maria and Jimmy.’

Everything ran perfectly, the food was superb, even up to Maria’s standards. Everyone had the most wonderful time. The newlyweds took the first dance; it was Unchained Melody by the Righteous Brothers.

They danced into the early hours of the morning. As Jimmy danced with his wife he said, “I want to tell you something babe. When you walked in the church I thought I was going to pass out.” “I know you were nervous, but when you didn’t say anything I was worried.” “I couldn’t say anything because I couldn’t come to terms with the reality that this absolutely stunning young woman would soon be my wife.” “I thought you didn’t like the way I looked.” “What’s not to like, to say you looked fucking stunning would be an understatement. Perhaps later when we get back to the house, you could leave the dress on? I’ve never made love to anyone in a wedding dress before!” Giggling she replied, “By the time we get home, I doubt you’ll be in any fit state to do anything!” Looking her right in the eye he grinned and said, “Do you want to bet on it?”

Finally the celebrations came to an end with the last guests leaving around half two that morning. The four friends kissed each other and shook hands as they left for their destinations. Mickey and Monica were booked in to the bridal suite for the night, but Jimmy and Maria had decided they were going to their house.

The limo driver opened the car door for them as he congratulated them. The groom was quite tipsy; especially once the night air hit him.

Pulling up outside the house, the driver asked Maria if she needed any help. Thanking him she said she could manage.

Once inside she looked at Jimmy and said, “I think I should try and get you to bed.” Looking slightly the worse for drink, he replied, “Not yet babe, make us a black coffee.” Noticing he stared at her as he drank it, nervously she said, “Jimmy why are you staring at me?” “I still can’t believe you’re my wife, Mrs Dixon.” Standing up he held out his hand, Maria took it, as he led her back through the house to the front door. Opening it she was surprised when he walked her back through it. Then scooping her up into his arms, he carried her over the threshold, closing the door with his foot. It was when he started to carry her up the stairs she said, “Put me down Jimmy.” “No, I’m determined to get you to our bed.” “Please be careful, you’ve been drinking and I don’t want to end up in casualty on our wedding night. Put me down, I’m frightened I’ll fall.” Clutching her tighter he replied, “I’ll always be there to catch
you babe.” After several stops to steady himself and kiss her they eventually made it to the bedroom. Laying her gently on the bed, he kissed her. When the kissing finished she said, “We can wait ‘til the morning if you want too?” “Wait, I don’t think so, we’ll be doing it all again in the morning!” Maria giggled. Jimmy pulled the zip slightly down on her dress; so that he could feel her breasts, before hurriedly taking his clothes off. The silk next to his bare skin felt good as he ran his hand up her leg. Scooping the dress up, as his hand reached the top of her thigh he felt the edge of her panties under her basque. Pushing his hand inside them, he could feel that she wanted him as he gently he pushed his fingers inside her. Her body’s responses were telling him that she was enjoying him touching her. Pulling her dress right up he moved between her legs and then tenderly and slowly he kissed her as he gently entered her.  They continued to kiss as he slowly moved inside her, their breathing getting heavier with every movement. She squeezed his buttocks pushing him deeper into her. Moving faster, holding her shoulders before moving his hands up to meet hers. Now her arms out stretched passed her head; their fingers entwined, their bodies arching in symmetry. Finally they were coming, slowly collapsing onto her before he rolled over. Maria gazed up at the ceiling, totally fulfilled with their love making. A few seconds passed as they laid there then she said, “Jimmy open your eyes and look up.” There above them on the ceiling was a huge mirror. He watched as he touched her breast and played with her nipple. His last words to her that night were, “Tomorrow we’ll be able to watch ourselves making love.” Finally the day had caught up with them within minutes they had both drifted off to sleep.

It was ten the following morning, before either of them stirred. No sooner had he woken when he rolled over and kissed her tenderly before saying, “Good morning Mrs Dixon.” “Good morning husband. Oh God I need to get out of my wedding dress, I slept in it last night.” Lustfully he watched her as she took it of
f. He couldn’t take his eyes off her as she stood there next to the bed, still wearing the white basque, panties, stockings and suspenders, although two of the suspenders had come open leaving a baggy top to the stocking. She could see him watching her; she knew he would want sex. Despite having slept in it; she carefully hung her dress over the back of a chair. “Come here babe,” said Jimmy. “In a minute, I need to take a shower first.” Undeterred he said, “Maria, I said come here.” She tried to joke and said, “Hang on just a minute; I need a shower I feel dirty,” as she walked towards the en suite. Sitting up he shouted at her, “Fucking get your arse over here now!” Instantly she turned, he could see that she was frightened. Realising how he was must have sounded he smiled and said, “Don’t be long; I don’t want my breakfast getting cold!”

As she stood in the shower, he came in to use the toilet. Then he pulled open the shower door. Moving towards her they embraced. To her surprise he said, “Fuck me I fancy you, but I’m saving it for the bedroom so I can watch us in the mirror.”

Her hair was still up; she tried not to get it wet. Jimmy kissed her passionately as she dried herself. Once dry she said, “Do you want a drink before we go back to bed?” Shaking his head he replied, “No, there’s water on the bedroom cabinet.”

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