Jinx's Mate (9 page)

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Authors: Marissa Dobson

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frowned at her. “That’s not my place to say, it would be Ty’s decision.”

she was your guard?”

things would change. I wouldn’t risk a possibly pregnant female. If fertile,
she’d be able to bring more generations to us. Too many shifters have problems
conceiving, and of those cubs who are born over half of them don’t make it past
their second birthday. I won’t stand by and see our numbers shrink and end our
species if I can help it.”

reasons were logical, and the future of the clan and their species depended on
new life being brought into the clan. In the human world, women were being
allowed in the front lines of military operations where it had been forbidden
in the past. They’d come a long way.

in the shifter world, women were in the dark ages, after centuries of being
taught woman should be protected, cherished, and that they were the key to the
future. They couldn’t protect their clan; instead they were expected to stay
behind where it was safe.

an Elder isn’t easy,” Jinx said. “There are hard decisions to make, ones that
are going to upset people, but each decision has to be made in the best
interest of the clan. Keeping women out of the front lines is in the best
interest of the clan. We have come so far, and there’s a brighter future ahead
for all of us once we get through this.”

are always dead in war,” Summer countered. “If a woman is skilled and strong
enough to defend the clan in battle, I believe she should.”

is why I would go into battle with Shadow. Don’t think that she just came into
her position. It has taken her years to prove herself. There are others who are
trying, one actually I want you to meet.” He adjusted Claire in his arms. “I’m
willing to give them a chance if I think they can do it. I hold the men to the
same condition. There are some guards I feel should remain ground guards, and
others I would trust your safety to because of their skills. Women should be
held to those standards too.”



she listened to him, Summer realized Jinx would be open to the right woman
guard. He wasn’t one to risk someone that wasn’t ready. He needed to have
complete confidence in her, and the men working with her needed to be prepared
to let her do what she needed to do.

woman you want me to meet?”

has aspirations of being a guard. Like Shadow she has been working her way up.
Currently she is a grounds guard, closest to the homes. She has the skills, and
desire to do it, she just needs to be given a chance in order to develop the
instincts that come along with it.” He took a step forward, once again moving
them toward the door.

She grabbed his arm, stopping him. “What do you expect me to do when I meet

what you think of her.” He glanced at Jackson. “We’ve considered the
possibility of having her as one of your guards. Jackson has done some of her
training and believes she’s up for the challenge. Jackson and Carson can give
her more of the training she needs without risking you or anyone else. She just
needs to start trusting her instincts. Jackson can help hone those skills. Right
now I want you to see what you think of her before we consider it further.”

going to have
make the decision? To be the woman’s only chance…and if
I say no, is that it for her?” She was worried she would think the guard had
possibilities but wasn’t ready yet, and then the woman would lose her chance.
After all, Summer didn’t mind a fresh guard when it came to her, but for
Claire’s safety she wasn’t willing to risk it.

not her only chance,” Jinx clarified. “Jackson and I believe she would be a
good fit, but I want to make sure you’re comfortable. Any guards that are
assigned to your protection are also in charge of protecting Claire, so you
need to consider that was well. She has taken to Jackson, puts up with Carson,
but she doesn’t like Larry.”

thoughts traveled back to Larry. He seemed to be a good guy, and an excellent
guard, but he reminded her too much of Avery. Not in personality but in looks,
and that could be what scared Claire. Their little lass must have seen some of
the horrible things that were done to her mother. Did Avery make Claire watch
while her mother was tortured? She hated the thought, but wouldn’t put it past
Avery; it was just like him to do something like that in an attempt to
emotionally scar Claire.

are we going to do about Larry?”

a good guard, one that I’d trust your safety to if I was called away. I want
him a part of the team. Claire does okay as long as he isn’t too close and
they’re not alone together. I think with time she’ll warm up to him once she
sees he has a soft side.”

her head back, she laughed at the idea. “Where? He’s all muscles, orders, and
duty. Hell, I don’t think I’ve seen him smile once.”

so it’s hidden.” Jinx’s grinned. “Now come on, it’s cold. Let’s get this night
train rolling so I can get you to myself.” He nodded to Carson who pulled the
door open.

stepped into the room first, with them following, Carson and Lukas taking up
the rear. Everyone was already in their seats at the small tables around the
room. They glanced at them as the pair made their way down the aisle with the
guards. She felt as if she was about to be on trial.

took a deep breath, trying to push away her fears as they turned to face the audience.
Jinx gave her comfort with his arm around her waist, as did Jackson’s presence beside
her. She wished she was holding Claire. It would give her something to do with
her hands. Something to focus on.

is my honor and privilege to introduce my mate, Summer, and our daughter
Claire. As the parents in the room will understand, sometimes children fall
asleep at the worst times.” Jinx chuckled. “Claire has been through a lot
recently and hasn’t been sleeping very well. Now before we mingle so you can
meet the new Alpha Female, there are a few announcements that need to be made.”

you want me to take her?” She whispered when Jinx nodded for Lukas to come

on your life. She’s sleeping, and after last night I won’t have her woken.”

sent chills through her. Last night had been the worst one yet for little
Claire. She had woken from a nightmare, screaming. Jackson who was asleep
across the hall came running half naked with his gun in hand. He stood in the
doorway, looking for something he could kill, anything he could do to stop her
from shrieking, but there was nothing. Clearly pained that he could do nothing
to help Claire, Jackson left them alone. Whatever Avery did to her or her
mother was haunting her dreams. Because she wouldn’t talk, there was little
they could do, so Summer and Jinx had taken her to bed with them and cuddled
her close.

blinked the memory away and returned to the present despite her exhaustion.

here knows my brother Lukas,” Jinx continued. “You also know he has been
spending time in Alaska, helping the clan their with their computer needs.
Being that most of it has been confidential, that is all any of us can tell
you.” He paused, waiting for Lukas to step up next to him. “However, while I
was away, things have changed. Lukas will now take over the newly created
position as the clan’s Lieutenant.”

round of applaud and hollers of
way to go
followed until Lukas raised his hand, silencing the room. “Thank you everyone,
it is an honor to step into his position. I hope I will make everyone proud.”

is going to do a fine job, and having him here will make me confortable when I
need to travel,” Jinx said. “One more announcement before we let the evening’s
activities begin. Because I have a family now, it is time to assign Elder
guards to our protection. Jackson has agreed to come on as Summer’s Captain of
the Guards, with Carson as his second. Claire is young and won’t be leaving
Summer’s side, at least not until we’ve worked through her fears. So I’m not
permanently assigning guards to her yet. Summer’s guards will protect her as

long are you home for?” a man at the first table asked.

Tony, I’ll be home as long as I can. We need to take Claire to see someone in
Alaska who believes she might be able to help Claire overcome her past.”

doesn’t need a therapist, all she needs is family,” a woman called from
somewhere in the room.

won’t go into details about it, but I will tell you this. Claire spent her
whole life locked in a room below ground. Until two days ago she had never been
around people, felt the sun on her face, the grass under her feet. She has been
doing well as long as Summer is there, and she has taken a liking to Jackson
and me, but we will still need to take things slow with her. If tonight becomes
too much then we’ll have to leave.”

cleared her throat, and gained everyone’s attention. “Claire has seen more than
some of us have seen our whole lives. She’s frightened and we have to do what’s
right for her. I’ve seen Robin, and the therapist get others to open up to her.
If there’s a slight chance she can help my daughter, I’ll do whatever I can to
make sure she’s seen.”

children of her own age would be good for her,” the woman suggested.

leaned close to Summer and whispered, “Angie.”

it is possible and like Jinx said, we will do whatever we can for Claire, and
explore each option,” Summer told her. “I do want Claire to begin to meet some
of the clan members and children her own age. Having a playmate would be good
for her, as long as there’s an understanding that right now Claire needs it in
small doses. She hasn’t spoken since she was freed. That might be hard on
another child. I’m asking you give us a few days, let us get Claire settled in,
and we’ll slowly begin introducing her to everyone.”

know parents with children Claire’s age. We’ll set up play dates as soon as we
feel she’s ready,” Jinx added. “We don’t want to keep her isolated, it’s not
good for her or us. We just want to take things slow. I’ll appreciate if
everyone respects that.”

only want to do what’s right by Claire.” Summer smiled at the crowd, hoping
they could understand where she was coming from.

that the announcements are done. How about we get this party started?” Excitement
laced Jinx’s voice. “Summer and I will be making our way around, trying to
spend a few minutes with each of you. Remember tonight is about having a little
fun, meeting the new Alpha Female, and tomorrow we’ll worry about work and
everything else.”

he addressed the clan, she was awed by the change in him. There was always
authority seeping from him, but among his clan there was also a relaxed sense
to him. He loved being home, back in charge of his clan. He might have be
comfortable in Texas, but not like this.

you ready to meet the clan, lass?” He held out his arm to her.

ready as I’ll ever be.” She smirked and laced her arm through his. “I just wish
Claire could be awake for this.”

it’s for the best. All these people in one place might be too much for her.
With her sleeping, you’ll be able to meet people without her clinging to you in

you have to carry her around.”

what fathers are for.” He teased. “Just wait until boys start coming around.”

shifters, they don’t come around like humans.”

like humans, no, but we sniff around you girls once we start wondering where
are mate is. She’ll have boys coming out of the woodwork to see if she’s their
mate. All the while I’ll be cleaning my shotgun.” Summer raised an eyebrow at
him and he continued to smirk at her. “Fine, not a shotgun, but my pistol will
do the job.”

will not kill our daughter’s mate,” she warned.

take your wishes into consideration when the time comes.” He led her over to
the first table where his Uncle Tony sat. “Come on, Uncle Tony will get upset
if I don’t introduce him first.”

about time my nephew finds his mate.” He stood up, quickly wrapping his arms
around her in a hug. “Welcome to the family. Maybe you can get this wandering
Alpha to settle down and stay home for a change.”

did Jinx deal with people questioning why he was away when they couldn’t tell
anyone the true reason? She just smiled. “I’ll see what I can do, after we take
Claire to Alaska.”

right, we can help her.”

we’ll give the clan a chance as well,” Jinx interjected. “I know you’re not
fond of doctors, but like when I brought on the clan’s doctor, I believe it can
be of help to Claire. You don’t have to agree but it’s our decision to give it
a try.”

a waste.” Tony gave Summer a meaningful glance. “Go mingle.  I’ll be seeing you

Chapter Seventeen


evening had been a fun filled and somewhat overwhelming experience. Now all
Summer wanted to do was curl up next to Jinx. Claire had woken up halfway
through the evening and though she’d been scared with all the new people
gathered around, she did fine once Summer held her. Everything had fallen into
place. Even the clan’s emotions had categorized themselves just as he had
predicted, and were no longer overwhelming, leaving her free to focus on Jinx’s
wants and needs.

stepped up next to him, slipping her hand into his. “Can we go now?”

lass. Jackson, can you stop Meshell before she leaves? I want Summer to meet
her before we leave.”

Even as she asked it, Jackson stepped away from them, going back to the table
where Lukas was sitting with a couple guys and two women.

better time? First impressions can be a world of good. In the morning, Carson
will put her through her paces for you. Then if you are still interested, we
can meet with her again.”

didn’t bother to argue, only sat down and adjusted Claire so she was sitting on
her legs. “My sweet little girl, I’m going to get muscles as big as Jinx’s if I
have to keep carrying you around.”

of that. Robin suggested that since the paperwork was drawn up before we left
Texas, we can make the adoption official.” He sat down next to them, putting
his hand over theirs. “Maybe we should refer to ourselves as proper parents,
that way when she starts talking she’ll know what to call us.”

mean like Mom and Dad?”

It might be easier for her, especially once we have kids of our own. We don’t
want her to feel like she isn’t as much a part of our life and love as they

ran her thumb over Jinx’s hand and looked down at Claire. “Would you like that,
Claire? Do you want us to be your Mommy and Daddy?”

Claire could answer, not that Summer really expected her to, Jackson had
returned with a woman. Her long black hair and deep chocolate brown eyes were
the first features Summer noticed about her.

this is Meshell.” Jackson introduced them.

please have a seat.” Jinx nodded to the seat across from them. “I was telling
Summer that you’re one of the ground guards here, and I wanted to introduce you
both since you seemed to have been missing part of the evening.”

was patrolling.” She pulled out the chair and sat down. “Most of the guards
covered for each other so we could be here. By the time I got here you were
already eating. I didn’t want to interrupt.” It was painfully clear that
Meshell was nervous, even slightly uncomfortable being singled out.

watched how the woman moved. She was extremely fit, but not overly that took
her to an unattractive level. Underneath, the womanhood was still clear. “How
do you enjoy working with the clan?” Summer asked.

love it. It’s been what I’ve worked for my whole life.”

begun squirming in Summer’s lap and rubbing her eyes. “We’re almost done, sweetie.”

is tired.” Meshell smiled at Claire.

been a long few days for all of us, especially Claire,” Jinx confirmed. “I
wanted to give Summer time to get to know you, but I’m afraid Claire has other

understand. There will be other times.” She nodded and stood. “Welcome to the

Meshell walked away, he turned to Summer. “Sorry, lass, but I believe we’ve
pushed Claire as far as we can tonight. Let’s get her home.”

agreement, she let him take Claire from her and stood. There would always be
tomorrow to see if Meshell could cut it as one of the Elder guards.

* * *

hour was early with darkness still surrounding the West Virginia land when the
alarms were going off. Jinx hurried out of bed, slipping into a pair of jeans
and grabbing the gun he had at the bedside table. The easy reach of the weapon
reminded him that he’d have to lock up his guns now that Claire was in the house.

going on?” Summer asked, fear creeping in her voice.

or something has crossed the perimeter. I’m sure Jackson and Carson are on
their way up. I’ll have to check it out.”

go check on Claire.” She grabbed the yoga pants and tank top she’d thrown at
the end of the bed. With Claire sleeping soundly in the next room, they’d been
able to enjoy each other’s company before falling asleep the night before.

don’t have to worry about her,” Jinx promised. “The building is safe and she’s
probably sleeping. Nothing can get in, not with everything locked down for the

she hears the alarm, she’ll be frightened.” Summer tugged the tank top over her

elevator ding let them know someone had arrived.

Carson and I are here,” Jackson called out as they stepped off the elevator.

be back.” Jinx crossed the room. “If anything happens, stay with them.”

safe,” she whispered as he dashed out.

his way, he glanced at the guards. “Summer’s going to check on Claire. If
anything happens you know what to do.” Knowing the men would keep her safe, he
didn’t wait for a reply, just stepped onto the elevator and left.

elevator stopped on the second floor and Lukas stepped in, still getting
dressed. “What the hell’s going on?”

don’t know, but I’ll tell you this. First thing tomorrow your first assignment
is to get us those ear transmitters Ty’s clan has. It would make this easier. At
the moment, we’re heading out blind.” He growled, not know what was happening
at the perimeter.

left the ATV just outside the front doors last night after my perimeter check.”
Lukas tossed the keys to him and shoved on his sweatshirt.

Jinx caught the keys midair. “While I’m giving you duties, I want two guards
outside the house at night, and I want you to find yourself Elder guards.”

I don’t have a mate. I don’t need them,” Lukas argued.

know what’s coming as much as I do. You’ll have guards on standby for when they
are needed. I won’t have you killed because of an oversight.” The elevator
doors opened and Jinx ran full speed through the entryway to the front door and
out to the ATV.

ATV roared to life. A split second later, Lukas jumped on board and they were
hurling down the path to where the alarm had sounded. Around the houses, and through
the trees before he could open it up completely. The cold night air and
snowflakes nipped at Jinx’s naked chest, but he barely realized it; all he
cared about was getting to wherever the threat was. No one would be screwing up
his mate’s first night with the clan, or putting the fear back into Claire.

a wave of his arm, a guard at the inner perimeter stopped them.

Jinx barked, irritated.

a bear, animal not shifter, and they’ve dealt with it.”

it. Is no one marking the territory? We shouldn’t have animals traipsing
through the area if it was marked properly.”

can’t answer that, sir.” The guard shrugged. “It hasn’t been one of my assigned
duties. I believe the front line handles it.”

see to it in the morning, and make sure everything is marked,” Lukas told him.
“Let’s get back to the house. We’ll let the guards and Summer know everything
is safe.”

isn’t it?” Jinx wasn’t sure in the darkness.


no desire to make the trip to the perimeter and back, he sent Richard instead.
“Go tell them I’ve been alerted of the issue and they are to report to the
meeting room at nine o’clock.”

well, sir.” Richard hopped onto his own ATV and took off.

marking the territory to your list,” Jinx told Lukas. “I want you to make sure
it’s done by nightfall. I do not want a rehash of this again.” He turned the
ATV around and started heading back to the house. “See what I mean about the
hours you’ll put in for the clan?”

understand, and can still do everything. I’ve made arrangements for Eric to
accompany us when we go to Alaska. We’ll only be away two days, so don’t worry
about the clan. Eric and I will fly out with you. I’ll get Ty to approve Eric,
and then we’ll fly back the next day. Everything will be fine.”

your sake and sanity, I hope Ty will approve Eric. If not, you’re going to be
exhausted rather quickly.”

no need to worry, he will. Eric has the skills Ty needs and with me overseeing
everything there won’t be a problem. I can do this. Just have a little faith in

took his gaze off the path for a moment and glanced at Lukas. “I’ve always had
faith in you or I wouldn’t have asked you to be my Lieutenant.” The ATV came to
a halt in front of the house where lights gleamed from the third floor. Before
he went inside there was one thing he wanted Lukas’s opinion on. “You’ve had
some contact with Meshell in her guard duties.”

little, why?”

considering adding her to the team to protect Summer and Claire. She’d be the
additional guard for the time being, always the third on when guarding my
family. Jackson believes if we give her a chance she’ll live up to the task.”

you’re worried.”

have confidence in Meshell when it comes to ground duties, even considered moving
her to the outer perimeter, but this is my family we’re talking about. I won’t
risk them.”

turned slightly to look over at Jinx. “If you think Meshell is up for it, do it
on a trial run. Always keep her with guards you know will protect Summer and
Claire no matter what happens. Even use her only here on our land, where the
security is higher, at least at first. I have to agree with Jackson, she could
be a good guard with a little more training, and having another woman around might
be good for Claire.”

you think I should try Meshell?” He had a feeling Lukas would say that.

seen her in training and when on duty. She’s dedicated, the skills are there,
and she cares about the clan. All qualities in a good guard.” Lukas nodded.
“What does Summer think?”

shut off the ATV and glanced up to the third floor. “She met her at the end of
the night, but it wasn’t enough for much. Poor Claire was done, she had enough
of meeting everyone and we had to leave. Jackson is going to put Meshell through
her paces this morning, giving Summer a chance to observe. Then they can meet
again if Summer finds her acceptable.”

don’t believe Jackson is putting her through the paces just for Summer. It’s
for you too. You need that final push to convince you she’s ready.” Lukas
stepped off, stretching his legs as Jinx came around. “If you don’t want to
risk her with your family, I’ll take her as one of my guards. It will give her
the chance.”

I feel she’s not ready for Summer and Claire, I’m certainly not allowing her to
guard you. If she’s not ready, we can move her to the outer perimeter and go
from there. Maybe in a few months she’ll be ready for the next step.” He
climbed the couple steps to the deck, Lukas behind him. “Now get some sleep. You
have a lot to attend to in the morning.”

I’ll lock up, you go to Summer.”

didn’t argue. There was a bounce in his step and a lightness to his heart
knowing that in just a few minutes he’d have his arms around Summer. No longer
tired, he had another idea on how they could spend the rest of the night.

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