John Aubrey: My Own Life (69 page)

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The page references in this index correspond to the printed edition from which this ebook was created. To find a specific word or phrase from the index, please use the search feature of your ebook reader.

Abbot, George, Archbishop of

Canterbury, 222, 223

Abercunvrig, 303

Aberdeen, 5

Abingdon, 45, 49, 61, 64, 275, 415

Abingdon, James Bertie, Lord Norris of Rycote, 1st Earl of, xvii–xviii, 326, 346, 366, 380–1, 392, 405, 406, 410, 413, 414, 419

Act of Free and General Pardon, Indemnity and Oblivion, 128

Act of Uniformity, 274

Africa, 283, 327

Agmundesham, 375

Albemarle, General George Monck, 1st Duke of
Monck, General George, 1st Duke of Albemarle

Albury, 221

Albury Downs, 220, 233

Albury Park, 221

Aldgate, 341

Alençon, 118

Alhurst, Mr, 271

Allan, Mr, 338

Allen, Thomas, 41–2, 374

Allington, 74, 180

Allmon, Mr, 380

All Saints’ Church, Kingston-upon-Thames, 219

All Souls College, Oxford, 303

Ambrosinus, 276

America, 2, 3, 240, 249, 327, 330

Amsterdam, 367

Anchor, the, New Exchange, 154

Anderson, Alexander: Tracts LXXIV, 241

Andrewes, Bishop, 321

Angel Gabriel
(ship), 32–3

Anne, Queen (wife of James I), 192

Anne, Queen (as a child; daughter of James II), 211

Ansted, Mr, 225

Antilles, 276

Antonio Itinerario
), 344

Burton’s work on, 114, 260

Antwerp, 131

Apollonius Pergoeus:
Concicorum libri IV
Conicorum libri V–VII
, 241

Appianus, 363

Aristotle, 52, 92

Arthur, King, 30, 239

Arthur’s Chairs, 112

Arundel, Countess of, 131, 233

Arundel House, 161

Ashbury Park, 411

Ashmole, Elias

catalogues Bodleian Library’s collection of Roman coins, 160

and Dr Dee, 208, 210, 250, 305

and Tradescant collection, xi, 218, 282, 283

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