John Aubrey: My Own Life (68 page)

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MS Wood 49 Letters from Aubrey to Anthony Wood

MS Wood 51 Letters from Aubrey to Anthony Wood

The British Library

MS Lansdowne 231 Remaines of Gentilisme and Judaisme

MS Sloane 1039

Add MS 82700–4 Anthony Powell Manuscripts.
John Aubrey and His Friends
; 1937–89. First published in 1948. 5 vols.

Add MS 1388

The Royal Society

Classified Paper VII (I) 28

Classified Paper VII (I) 30

Classified Paper VIII (I) 24

Classified Paper XII (I) 17

MS 92, copy of Natural History of Wiltshire, commissioned in 1691

Register Book Copy 3


Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London

Philosophical Transactions
of the Royal Society, first issue 6 March, 1665,

Oxford Dictionary of National Biography

Printed sources

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