Joshua's Folly (34 page)

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Authors: Taylor Dean

BOOK: Joshua's Folly
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Josh knelt down and kissed her stomach several times. He held his hand on her tummy and felt the baby moving and kicking. It was an active baby and the doctor said that was a good sign. They had no idea of the sex of their unborn child, opting to leave that to the thrill of the moment.

Josh gazed at his beautiful wife and she smiled down at him. There was a look in her eyes that thrilled him. She appeared utterly content and happy. She was so relaxed and took such joy in every aspect of pregnancy. She’d completely immersed herself in her new life. There was a satisfied air to her and she was flourishing before his eyes. Any and all thoughts of abandonment had left him. One look at her radiant features and he knew it was completely ludicrous to even think such a thing. She inspired him to be a better man. Her faith in him made him feel somewhat thunderstruck. He wouldn’t let her down. He was completely enamored with her.

“I love you,” he whispered. He never tired of saying it. Without fail, her eyes flashed each and every time. He loved it.

“I love you,” she said as she ran her hands through his hair.

Briefly, he wondered what his life would be like right now if he hadn’t taken a leap of faith and married her. He would be miserable, he couldn’t even fathom it. Marrying Marisa had been the best thing he’d ever done. She brought him so much happiness. She wanted to fill this house with children and he loved her for it. His thoughts wandered to holding her early this morning in the pre-dawn light. He’d held her stomach, her hand over his, and together they felt their baby moving in the womb. He let out his breath and smiled.

“What’s for breakfast?” Josh asked.

“I told Constance I was in the mood for an omelet with pickles, sardines, and pimentos. Doesn’t that sound good?”

“Please tell me you’re kidding. I beg of you.”

Marisa’s musical laugh rang out happily. “I’m kidding with you. Sorry, I couldn’t resist. Constance is making blueberry muffins and fruit salad.”

Relief washed over him. The things Marisa liked to eat turned his stomach. Pregnancy had only amplified her outrageous appetite. Life with Marisa was anything but boring.

“Nothing for me though. I’m not supposed to eat anything,” she said mournfully. Josh hoped that was the toughest thing she faced today.

“Are you ready for today?”

“Yes. I can’t wait to meet our baby.”

“Me too.” Marisa was scheduled to be induced today. Her due date was two days away and the doctor felt it was safer to induce labor, rather than face a tense two hour drive into town with Marisa in the throes of labor. Mary and Jerome were visiting, eager to meet the new arrival. They were planning to retire to the ranch in just a few short months and Marisa was excited to have Mary close again. Josh was too. This is where she belonged.

“I’ll miss this belly, I have to admit,” Josh told her mischievously. She slept with about five pillows tucked under and around various places. Josh solicitously helped her to find the perfect position and they laughed out loud when she announced she needed to get up and use the bathroom. The process repeated itself at least five times a night. “You’re a trooper, Marisa. For the record, I think you look absolutely adorable.” He hugged her, her huge belly between them. He loved every minute of watching her stomach grow, it was the most fascinating and beautiful thing he’d ever seen. “I’d better shower. We need to leave soon.” At the door, he turned and watched Marisa for a moment before leaving. She waddled and still limped slightly, but her leg was basically healed. The doctor felt it best to keep up with rehabilitation exercises since the pregnancy was progressing normally with no complications. She was doing great. He was proud of her determination to survive through a life-threatening ordeal.

And she’d done it for him—to be able to experience making love with him. He still felt overwhelmed by her love and devotion.

Over the past several months she’d kept up a strict homeschooling regimen with Bethany. She was blossoming under Marisa’s attentive mothering. His future had taken an unexpected turn when Marisa came into his life—and it was all for the better. No doubt about it.

It was only a few hours later that the smile he loved so dearly was completely missing from Marisa’s face as she panted through a contraction. It was several more hours of grueling labor—it wasn’t called labor for nothing—until their baby was ready to enter the world.

Josh cradled Marisa’s head in his arms. She could hardly catch her breath as the contractions seemed to come with only seconds between them. The doctor entered the room to check on her. He only had to look at Josh and he knew.

The baby was coming now.

“Mrs. Kensington, I can see the baby’s head. I need you to take a deep breath and give me one good, hard push.”

Tears poured down her face, but she nodded and did as he said. Josh talked her through it, speaking softly in her ear. He was completely awed by the miraculous event about to take place as he coached and cajoled Marisa through it.

It only took three pushes and their baby entered the world.

“It’s a boy!” the doctor announced as he placed their son on Marisa’s chest. Their eyes met as they heard the first cry from their baby. Marisa wrapped her arms around their son and Josh placed his hand on his little head, feeling awestruck. He was tiny, but he was perfect. His crying stopped as he felt the comforting hands of his parents on him. Slowly, after several attempts, he opened his eyes for the first time. Bright blue eyes stared back at them innocently, trustingly. Between his blue eyes and head of black hair, he was the image of himself. And as Marisa tore her eyes away from their creation, he didn’t hide the tears that rolled down his cheeks. He was completely overcome with emotion. Marisa knew what it meant to him to know with absolute surety that it was his child and he loved her for it.

He loved her for everything.

Several hours later Mary, Jerome, and Bethany joined them, eager to meet the new addition to their family.

“What’s his name?” Bethany asked with excitement.

“Jaden Michael Kensington,” Josh announced proudly.

They oohed and aahed over him and Bethany was thrilled to have a baby brother. Josh helped her to hold Jaden for the first time as she beamed from ear to ear. Bethany was going to be a wonderful big sister.

“Hi Jaden,” she whispered. “I love you.”

Josh turned away quickly and Marisa knew he was trying to keep his emotions in check. His emotional reaction to Jaden had taken her a little by surprise, yet she felt touched by it all the same. Her love for him grew stronger and deeper by the day.

“He has cerulean eyes,” Bethany commented and they all laughed, lightening the mood.

Josh gave in. “What exactly does that mean, Bethany?”

She smiled sheepishly. “Deep blue, like the sky on a clear day.”

When it was Mary’s turn to hold Jaden, she didn’t hide her tears. “He’s so beautiful, Marisa,” she said thickly, discernibly fighting regret over the uncontrollable circumstances of her life. Reluctantly, Mary placed the sleeping infant back into his mother’s arms, softly caressing Marisa’s cheek and kissing her forehead.

“Congratulations, my darling,” Mary whispered. Then even softer, so that only Marisa could hear she added, “Your prince is still watching over you. We always knew he would, didn’t we?”

“Yes,” Marisa began, but then simply nodded, feeling too choked up to speak. It would appear Josh’s emotional condition was contagious. When she gained control of herself, she added, “Congratulations, Grandma.” Marisa had blessed Mary with a baby in her life, hopefully healing a pain within Mary that Marisa was positive her presence had never truly conquered.

Marisa knew Jaden was destined to be pampered and spoiled by his grandmother for the rest of his existence.

Lucky baby.

“Wait a minute, am I his aunt or his grandma?” Mary asked with a smirk.

“Guess you’re both,” Josh replied. “We’ll let you explain it all to him one day.”

“Me? I think it should be you…”

Jerome ignored Josh and Mary’s banter and stole his turn with Jaden, winking at Marisa as he did so.

Marisa recovered quickly and Jaden was perfectly healthy, hence, by the next evening they were back home at the ranch. Josh and Marisa were getting ready for bed together in their shared master bathroom. They brushed their teeth, flossed, and rinsed with mouthwash.

“Don’t swallow it,” he reminded her with a smile, remembering her recurring nightmare.

“I won’t,” Marisa laughed.

Late that night, around two a.m., their favorite time, Josh sleepily retrieved Jaden from the bassinet at the edge of their bed, as he was letting them know he was hungry.

“Two a.m….” Josh told him, “…is a great time for a snack. Like parents, like son.”

While Marisa nursed Jaden, Josh ran downstairs and quickly made them each a steaming mug of hot chocolate, topped with a ridiculous amount of whip cream, just for old time’s sake.

When Jaden was satisfied, Marisa and Josh slowly sipped from their mugs, smiling at each other in between each gulp.

“To two a.m.,” Josh toasted her with his mug.

“To two a.m.,” Marisa toasted him and they gently clanked their mugs together. “Especially since it looks like we’ll be up at this hour for the next several years.”

“Amen,” Josh returned. “Good thing we’re used to it.”

They settled back into bed with Jaden lying on his stomach, sound asleep on the bed in between them. He yawned and stretched his little arms. Marisa held out her finger and he clasped it tightly in his little fist. Josh did the same with his other hand. Josh and Marisa clasped their other hands over him and rested lightly on his back. Their family circle was now united, hand in hand, except Bethany, who was fast asleep in her own room. They couldn’t stop gazing upon Jaden, he was so beautiful. Then they smiled at each other, huge, happy smiles.

“This is what life is all about, right here, right now. All over the world people search to ‘find themselves.’ They long for happiness and peace—it’s the common thread of humanity—the one thing that is common to all cultures. Only most people look for it in the strangest places. They go on long soul searching adventures, the faster and the higher, the better. Except most find emptiness and loneliness in the end. It’s nothing but momentary thrills brilliantly disguised as fulfillment of your dreams. But I know the answer to life’s great mystery. If you’re searching for happiness, simply return home to find it. This, right here, you, my wife, and my son, and Bethany—this is where you find happiness in this life. This is it, Marisa.” His eyes glittered softly.

“And if that’s my folly, then so be it.”

other books by taylor dean
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