Journey of the Bride (4 page)

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Authors: Mary Fox

Tags: #Romance, #Historical, #Victorian, #Western, #Two Hours or More (65-100 Pages), #Historical Romance, #Westerns

BOOK: Journey of the Bride
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Courtney stared at him.


t you grow up here?


Paul had the sense to look abashed.

Yes, but I never took interest in the ranch like Brandon did. I couldn

t wait to get out of here fast enough. While I was busy taking as many classes as I could, Brandon dropped out of school to help Pa around the ranch.


Great. Just what she wanted, an unintelligent man for a husband. Of course, that meant he was a hard worker, but what if he was illiterate? Would he hate her for her books, which he couldn

t read? She frowned, worry eating away at her mind, but it was too late to turn back now. She was here, and here she would stay. She

d signed the papers the other day when she

d met with Paul, and she didn

t intend to turn her back now.


A deep breath spilled out of her mouth before Courtney steeled herself and started toward the porch and the door that would lead inside her new home. She was almost to the steps when the door flung open and a man walked out.


She took a step back as the presence of the man hit her like a physical slap in the face. He was here. There was no other way to explain it. The man before her demanded her attention without even looking at her. He took in the whole group, his eyes darting from figure to figure as if trying to find a face he knew. He passed over her without a second glance, but she couldn

t help but stare at him.


Fierce blue eyes burned from his weathered face. His skin was browned from being out in the sun for long years and a dark beard coated his face in hair. She

d never been one to like beards, but she found that on this man, she didn

t mind at all. She actually really liked it. He wasn

t bad looking at all, either. He was shirtless, as if they had disturbed him while he was getting dressed, and his broad chest drew her gaze, his muscles rippling beneath his flesh as he moved. Her eyes traveled down, noting the wear in his jeans, as if he hardly ever took them off. They were clean though. Boots finished off the look, worn but in good condition still.


Her eyes darted back up to his face, and she noticed he was still not looking at her. His eyes were on Paul. Worry for the older brother ate at her again, but there was no anger in his face. He merely waited.


Paul came to her side and, with a quick smile her way, slid past her to grasp his brother in a quick hug.

How are you doing, Brandon?

he asked.


The larger built man grunted in response, but there was a smile on his face.

I see you

ve brought my help.

For the first time, his eyes landed on Courtney and stayed there. She recognized the expression he held on his face. She

d seen it many times on Talbert

s face. However, seeing it on this man

s face made her weak in the knees, and she had to lick her lips to wet them again.

Is this my cook?

he asked, his gaze roving over her slowly.



Paul said, his voice holding caution as he spoke.


Courtney chose that moment to move toward the men. She smiled up at Brandon with as much sweetness as she could manage, and was glad that he seemed to appreciate what he could see.

My name is Courtney le Brush,

she told him.

I am your wife.



Chapter Four



The reaction to her statement was instantaneous.


Brandon snarled, his appreciation dying in a wave of anger. His nostrils flared and he looked at his brother. One moment he stood next to Courtney, and the next he had his hand wrapped around his brother

s throat and the man pinned up against the door of the ranch house.


What did she say?

he snarled. Paul choked on the air around him.



Courtney snapped. She hadn

t expected him to hear her, but she had to try. She was surprised when the large man turned his head, letting her know he was listening to her.

Put him down.

He growled and tightened his grip.


She put her hands on her hips and narrowed her eyes at him, unafraid of him.


He laughed at her, dropping Paul and turning around to look at her. She didn

t flinch as he stalked closer to her. She tipped her chin up in defiance, wondering if he

d hurt her. Somehow, she didn

t think he would. God, she wanted him to kiss her though

and more.


His eyes roamed over her once more.

Did you put him up to this, Miss le Brush?

he asked.


She stared at him, appalled at his accusation.

Excuse me?


A smirk crossed his face.

Did you put my brother up to this?



she cried.

I would never
He turned away from her before she could finish her statement.


Paul, what kind of a joke is this?


There was tightly-held anger in his voice, and Courtney noted how he kept clenching his fists as if he really wanted to hit something.
Or someone,
she thought wryly.


For all that he was smaller than his brother, Paul didn

t back down. Instead, he grinned at Brandon.

You needed a woman to help you out around the ranch, Brandon. You need a good woman who will warm your food

and your bed.

There was a smug grin on his face when Courtney glanced back between the brothers. Even Brandon eyed her from the corner of his eyes. Her knees felt weak again, but she refused to show it before the two men. She

d forgotten about that possibility. When she signed the paperwork and became Brandon

s wife, she

d installed her obligation to wifely duties like sex.


She held her breath, looking up at Brandon with wide eyes, refusing to back down. He turned away, facing Paul again.

I don

t need a wife, and I don

t want a wife, Paul, and you know why.

His words came out between clenched teeth, as if he was fighting the urge to bite off his own tongue.


Courtney crossed her arms over her chest.

Enlighten me then,

she snapped.

Because I was never informed.


Brandon spun around to face her once more, but then he glanced up, at the crowd of hired hands gawking at the spectacle they were creating and he cursed under his breath. Without another word, he took Courtney by the arm and led her into the house, shouting behind him for Paul to follow.


The door banged closed behind them, and Courtney yanked her arm out of Brandon

s grasp with a huff. She glared up at him, rubbing the spot where he

d grabbed her. He hadn

t hurt her.


On the contrary, his hold had been rather gentle despite his anger. It had scorched her though, and she knew it wouldn

t take much to entice her into his bed. Already, she wanted this argument said and done. She longed to stand on the tips of her toes and brush her lips against him. She wondered if his beard would tickle when she kissed him, wondered if he



I don

t want a wife,

he said, snapping her out of her fantasy and back into reality.


Why the hell not?


Both men stared at her, as if they

d never heard a woman curse before. Maybe they hadn

t. Even Paul

s wife hadn

t struck Courtney as the kind of woman who cursed when she was angry. Courtney wasn

t even that angry yet. She was frustrated, but not angry. She

d been warned that Brandon would act this way. In fact, she

d expected worse. This was going rather well compared to what she

d imagined. She was just ready for it to be over.


His last fianc
ditched him,

Paul answered after several moments of silence passed.


Courtney stared at Brandon in horror. He

d been engaged before? That was news to her.


Shut it, Paul,

Brandon snarled.


She deserves to know,

Paul snapped in return.

If you want to tell her, be my guest, but one of us needs to tell her.


Brandon turned away with another curse, running his hands through his dark hair. Paul waited, silent. Courtney waited for either to explain.



s right,

Brandon told her, turning back to them. His eyes held hers as he stalked closer. For a moment, she had the urge to flee, but she fought it and stood her ground, waiting until he came to her. He stood just before her.

I was engaged about three years ago. Her name was Emma Phillips. Pretty lass, although I

d mark that you

re prettier now. I was in love with her, but I wasn

t good enough for her in the end. She took off with another fellow without so much as a goodbye.


For several moments, silence filled the room. Brandon turned away from the two, hooking his thumbs in the loops of his jeans and looking down the hall.


You didn

t love her,

Courtney said in a low voice several minutes later.


Both men

s attention snapped back to her, but her eyes were only on Brandon. He looked at her as if she

d said that the sky was green.

What makes you say that?

His words were cautious, as if he expected a snake to pop out of the brush and bite him.


If you loved her, you would have gone after her,

Courtney said.

If you loved her, you would have fought for her. You may have lost. She may have turned you away, but at least you would have tried. At least you would have shown her you wanted to make it work.


He stared at her for several moments. She waited, wondering what he would say to her. After a while, he narrowed his eyes at her and then turned his attention to Paul.

I take it those papers I signed the other day were marriage papers, not hiring contracts?


Paul gave him a sheepish grin, but he didn

t seem to regret anything. He seemed proud of himself in fact.

You have to admit she

s not a bad catch, Brandon.



s gaze returned to Courtney for a moment, but then he looked at Paul.

Show the men where they

ll be bunking at night and then let them know I

ll be out in a few minutes,

he said.


Paul winked at him.

Sure thing boss.

He left without needing to be told again.


Alone, Brandon stalked toward Courtney and tipped her chin up. His mouth brushed hers in a chaste kiss.



t tell me that

s the best you

ve got,

Courtney said when he pulled away.


He frowned at her.


re going to be the death of me, aren

t you?

he asked.



ll try not to be. Now give me a real kiss.


A real kiss huh?

he asked. Then his mouth lowered on hers, drawing her to him. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her tight against him. Her hands slid up over his chest and up into his hair. Her fingers curled into his hair, refusing to let him go as his tongue tangled with hers. She clung to him, desperate for his touch, his taste. He filled her senses, drowning her in his masculinity.


A hearty moan escaped her throat before she could stop it. He groaned, his hands moving up to cup her face, turning it to gain better access to her mouth. They kissed over and over again, each time, tasting more and more of one another with each kiss.


When they finally pulled away from one another, Courtney smiled up at him.

That wasn

t so bad, was it?

she asked. They were both panting for breath, although he gained his faster than she did. She reached a hand up to touch her lips, which were bruised from their kisses. It was an exhilarating feeling. She

d never been kissed before

not like a man kisses a woman

and she loved it, she loved the way he kissed her, loved the way he left her breathless.


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