Journey's End (Marlbrook) (4 page)

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Authors: Bernadette Carroll

BOOK: Journey's End (Marlbrook)
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The panel had not seized as she had expected, and the application of mild pressure produced the desired result, a wind
brisk and fresh
dispelling the stale odours of the room.

Laura removed her bonnet and freed
hair restricted by braids and pins.  Her hands moved in a circular motion, pushing hard at the temples that throbbed.  Next, she placed the dresser stool under the window.  Perched atop with her hairbrush in hand, she administered smooth strokes to the long strands.

While continuing her enjoyment of the night, Laura’s eyes followed a faint light moving away from the main house.  Recognition occurred and Laura nearly toppled from her platform, the erratic spasm snapping her wide-awake.

steadied herself.  Bearing her weight on tiptoes, she attempted to gain a better insight into the origin of the glow. 
As arranged, t
he caretaker would be bedding the horses down for the night.

“Yes!”  Horses require care, which meant the caretaker had left
the house
and she was now alone.  Elation swamped her.

Laura’s judgment betrayed her as she tied her hair in a loose braid before quietly closing the bedroom door behind her.  Her tour of his mysterious realm had begun.





- Sin


Excitement surged
lightening steps that theoretically should have been laden with fear.  The first chamber disappointed.  A replica of her own the room revealed no fresh secrets, the second apartment confirming what would prove to be a monotonous trend.  Laura’s enthusiasm dwindled.  Two conditions existed.  The rooms were either stripped bare or
as if the occupants had suddenly vanished.

One room differed from the rest,
sheer size an indication of the chamber’s superiority.  In the recesses, the former resident’s clothes still occupied the space.  Dust was a common factor, and gowns, both brightly coloured and dark, were decorated in the gritty substance
the quality of their fabric stubborn in its opposition to the years.  Laura had exposed someone’s personal sanctuary.

Slightly ajar, the access-way at the farthest reaches of the corridor nagged at the edges of Laura’s
.  Cobwebs stopped at the
and dirt did not cross the threshold. 
Laura knew that t
his was the caretaker's quarters. 
had no desire to disturb or pry in his domain.  Unlike the rest of the house, he was not the least bit tragic.

“What business have you in my apartment, madam?”

Shock liberated the candle from Laura’s grasp and night would have enveloped them had he been without his light.  Positioned in the doorway, the caretaker’s body blocked any hope of a retreat.

Laura’s g
reen eyes
awash with tears.

summoned speech.
“Did you find what you were looking for?”

“I did not seek anything, I was merely –”

“Prying?” Thomas added, relaxing his stance.

The importance of appearance had escaped Laura.  Her hair
had lost its
and was now
haphazardly, sprawling about her shoulders before arriving at its natural length, a hand-space short of her narrow waist.  Slight waves, a by-product of braiding, added a fullness that was not naturally present.

Thomas cursed his inadequacies. 
He had pushed the woman beyond her endurance with his appalling manners. 
was obviously distraught.  Emotions gathered and heightened his senses. 
In all honesty
e reached out to
comfort her
.  H
is hands
strands of her blonde-white hair before his lips, slow and deliberate, searched for the warmth of her mouth.  A kiss, gentle and loving, took place.

Thomas withdr
w a slight distance.  The woman who had enticed him, summoning his base cravings to the fore, had vanished - a girl with her hair in disarray and a mind in torment
established in her place.  He could see the emotional price Laura had paid, and the experience was humbling in effect. 
In only a matter of hours,
Laura, it seemed, had become his private purgatory.

removed himself from Laura’s presence. 
could neither interpret nor condone his response.

The warmth of the kitchen offered Thomas few comforts in a battle that had changed fronts.  Desire rejected any partitioning of blame
as he visualized Laura reduced to tears.  No.
Laura would not share his fight.  He doubted that she could even put a name to lust or the like.

Laura stared
without recognition, while she attempted to put some perspective on what had
taken place.  The scene re-enacted numerous times, her unruly mind directing her thoughts.  Sitting alone seemed to make everything worse. 
Laura clung to one truth. 
It was h
had brought about the unseemly event
, therefore a
tonement would save her; she would find the caretaker and apologize.

In the kitchen
, Laura
looked on as
stood facing the fire, his body position indicating his depth of thought.

Laura cleared her throat, a courtesy to inform the caretaker of her willingness to speak.

Thomas faced Laura, genuine surprise etched upon his
“Madam, I did not expect to see you again this night?”

“I am here to express my
regret for the trouble I have caused.”

ou have nothing
for which to
apologize. The responsibility is all mine.”

“That is kind of you, sir, but it was my meddlesome ways that created this predicament. I am also reminded that I am a guest in your home, and you have my solemn oath that I shall behave like one from now on.”

Her confession at an end, Laura moved towards the open door.


Thomas used
name and snatched the breath from
body.  Her throat tightened.  To hold her position, she had to disregard the physical malfunctions her body exhibited.

Miss Jennings
, you are a woman alone and I, as a gentleman, accepted you into my care. I took advantage of you in your fragile state, and my
hope is to reassure you that the unwanted “episode” shall not be repeated under this roof.”

Laura trusted Thomas.  Her steps were buoyant as she began her withdrawal, but before the door closed
she faced the caretaker once more.

“There is one last subject
on which
I would petition you.”

The prospect of a request snapped Thomas’ distracted mind to attention.  He waited to hear more.

“May I ask if you have hired help to complete the household chores?”

A smile threatened to erupt, as Laura confounded Thomas and wrenched him from his serious thoughts.  Conflict, derived from an intimate incident, would have most women swooning and crying for days.  Laura had placed her personal welfare aside, the mundane routine of living taking precedence.

Thomas replied, eager to press Laura further.  “Once a month, an elderly woman from the village replenishes the stores.”

Thomas could not help himself, adding his next comment in characteristic fashion.  “Of course, madam, if you are sincere in your plans to make amends
I would welcome your assistance.”

The answer was upon Thomas before he could congratu
late himself on his impudence.

“I am quite sure that it would not harm me to work
in fact
I find the prospect most welcoming

Her response at an end
Laura witnessed the caretaker’s look of surprise
and even though she had confessed to humbleness just moments ago
she withdrew
harbouring a feeling of triumph.

Thomas’ smile emerged warm and unconstrained.  He performed a sweeping bow to Laura in her absence.  The woman had proven herself to be a worthy opponent
and she had won that
.  Still, he wagered
there would be another confrontation.  Thomas’ interest
, although
had yet to reach its peak.





- Danger


The heavy drapes had not been drawn.  Shy beams of morning light crept silently into Laura’s chamber
rousing her from a deep sleep.  Laura leapt from her bed as though burnt by the sun’s rays.  She set upon the washbasin with great haste before returning to the familiar confines of the kitchen. 

On arrival
Laura restored the fire
bringing the lack-lustre flames back to their best.  Next, she completed a quick tour of the kitchen
taking mental note of the stores available to her.  The porridge was boiling in the hanging kettle
ready to serve
as Thomas entered the kitchen from the courtyard.  His ruddy complexion told of his dawn labours.

your sleep went untroubled?”

Laura blushed profusely.  The caretaker’s basic inquiry reconstructed unwanted memories, the previous night’s confusion reborn.  Laura was thankful for the cover the stove provided, the heat a valuable excuse for her usual red hue.

“Thank you. Sleep came naturally and suffered few disturbances.”

Without pause
Laura described the contents of the pot, along with the timing of their release, thus avoiding any additional queries
regard to her night
time activities.

Thomas ate
with gusto
the first hot meal presented to him since his return
and Laura had her worries alleviated.  Her labours were evidently appreciated.

Thomas ignored the temptation to examine Laura more closely
while she undertook the removal of the dishes.
“With a hard day’s labour ahead, food of this quality is indeed a fortunate find. Upon your driver’s return, remind me to thank him for his foresight in deserting you.”

The caretaker’s tribute cheered Laura, and when he took his leave to begin his chores
she set about waging her next battle
the eradication of

The duties of the farm would see Thomas absent for the majority of the day
the sun
about to depart the
sky before his return.

On completion of the evening meal, Thomas gave flattery a free hand.  “My compliments. It appears that you are a woman blessed with a variety of talents and all of them seem to my advantage.”

Thomas appreciated the cleanliness and order of the kitchen, and with each observation
Laura climbed higher in his esteem.

A natural curiosity occupied Thomas’ thoughts.  “Forgive me if I appear forward
, b
ut since we are resid
together, would you care to enlighten me about the woman who shares my home?”

The fire glowed and the tiredness taking hold was welcoming.  Neither the caretaker nor his request raised Laura’s concern.

“I have lived in
these past months, but have no
exciting tale
to keep you spellbound.  And you, sir?”

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