Jowendrhan (3 page)

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Authors: Poppet

BOOK: Jowendrhan
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Knowing she's about to scream I smother her mouth with my own, stroking her throat, relishing the pulse tripping in her neck. Fisting her honey blond hair, I hold her tight until I know her legs are firmly back on solid ground.

Carefully disengaging, I speak into her ear to be heard over the pumping music, “Angels don't need cars. We couldn't ruin your night, so we've brought you to Pravus.”

Seithe yanks her from me, spinning her so she collides with his chest, laughing at her squeal, corralling her into his arms and dancing her away from me.

Taking the gap, I vanish, moving to the bar to get that girl something strong enough to dull her panic.

Darise grins at me, “Well look what the storm dragged in.”

Three Pravus Potions, stat,” I smirk, snapping fingers at my older brother.

Got company?” he arches both eyebrows, pushing three goblets my way brimming with the H bomb.

Yessiree. Seithe and Sherry.”

Who's Sherry?”

A damsel in distress, soon to be a damsel in undress.”

As long as it's not under duress,” he winks at me.

As if,” I smile, lifting the goblets and reappearing back on the dance floor just as Seithe circles her back to my point of exit.

Reaching over her shoulder he grabs his drink, twisting her round so fast she slaps a packing rack into my torso. Stooping, I catch her mouth with mine, tonguing her fast to keep her silent, then snapping back and placing the drink against her lips, tilting pewter to chase the potion into her mouth.

My gosh!” she gasps, holding to me and the goblet, drinking obediently.

I wink conspiratorially at Seithe; his eyes are glowing with anticipation. He loves them high on P-squared. He grips under her arms, dropping her like an ironing board, holding her with a hand under her neck and one on the base of her back, forcing her to down the Pravus Potion, flicking the emptied chalice into the air where it vanishes, and then sticking his tongue down to her tonsils to check she's consumed it all.

He's so strong and wild! My gawd!
reaches me from Sherry's head.

Gulping mine down, I turn and aim the goblets at Darise when a tall god blocks my trajectory.

Evening Jowendrhan.”


Hiya Erra. How's things?”

Dramatic, as always.”

He spins a babe across the floor and I watch when his right hand man Sven catches her. These guys are nothing but testosterone on god juice. They have rocket fuel in their veins and shuttles for muscles.

Noticing they're up to as much good as I am, wiling away an eternity playing with their food, I give Sven a nod of acknowledgement, turning back in time to catch Sherry, gripping her tight, lifting her up to my level to kiss her again.

How do you feel about getting to know trouble, intimately?” I drawl in her ear.

Oh, I dunno. My heart is bursting and my head is spinnin'.”

Don't struggle baby, it's your turn to have some fun.”

What?” she squeaks.

Cradling her thighs hard up against me, a hand covering an ample tush caught tight, I roll her hiney in my palm, “I wanna feel all of you, sugar.”

Her thoughts are clear to hear now that we've kissed her,
Oh my gosh! Hell baby, you can ride me to Tennessee if it'll make ya happy.

Seithe blocks the view I have of the club, pressing hard up against her spine, slipping hands between her chest and mine, openly fondling her nipples in the privacy of our hold, “Say yes. Let us take you home so we can show you heaven.”

Lust smacks me, her hips automatically sinking into my hands when she writhes against my hard-on, “Yeeees,” she gasps, drunkenly sagging her head back against his collar bone.

I can't help but notice how incredible her nipples are. They're looking mighty fine between Seithe's fingers. And that neck is soft and supple and just begging for a deep bite.

That's not all that's begging for a deep bite,
Seithe says back.

The lights flash between black and red and I just catch a glimpse in the red strobe of Erra and Sven with a babe sandwiched between them. A woman who can only be her sister is pressed between two more Sibitti bodies right next to them.

I see the storm's brought out the best in all of us,
I think to Seithe.

Who are you kidding? Those boys probably called this storm in the first place.

, I nod.
Let's lose this place, those guys just make us look like teenage beanpoles


Boxing around Sherry, I pull her legs up, closing them around my hips, uncaring of how ladylike this pose is or isn't when a woman chooses to wear a dress around us.

In an instant we're back in her home and Seithe glares at the stereo, forcing it into playing the same music that was throbbing across the dance floor in Pravus.

Bedroom?” I ask him, quirking an eyebrow.

He nods and we move immediately, upstairs fast as a wink, finding her bedroom.

It's pink
, he snarls.

She'll match it the second her clothes are off and her legs are spread,
I laugh, finding this infinitely amusing.

While I drape her onto the divan, Seithe waves his hand and we're all immediately naked.

My eyes are glowing, I can feel it, and inhaling her scent I know my vipers are showing.


Chapter 3





The world is spinning round and round like a rodeo calf, heaving and buckin'.

I can't tell them apart again and I don't rightly care a dayam.

I have one of them rolling my nipple around with his tongue, fingers stroking through my hair, his thumb pressing tight up under my chin keeping my head locked back, and the other one is rolling my lurve button around with
tongue, stroking a soft touch up and down the inside of my thighs.


It's so dark I can hardly see a thang, but it doesn't rightly matter either. What I
know is they both have glowing eyes and long teeth like them boys in the progrim on HBO.

Instantly the room spins in another wild gyration, leaving me lying heavy over a man, his strong hands supporting my face when he thrusts his tongue across mine, kissing me something fierce, when I feel the one behind me slowly slide inside.

My heart's tryin' ta escape my chest it's pounding so crazy, and this feels so good I think I musta hit my head changin' that tire on the side of the road. Cos this just can't be happenin'!

Every time I try an' look, my vision is blurred with spots, still seeing red and black from Pravus, still hearin' the music, and the one behind me is slamming up, smacking his body up against my tush, and lord above he feels so good on the inside I wish Todd could have felt half this good when he did this shit with me.

The way he's sliding, he runs across the rigid lip, hard up against the top of my pubic bone, and it's like having a man tickling your O spot all the way in and all the way out, over and over and over.

I swear I'm losin' my Stetson twirling mind, cos now I'm underneath, laying on top of one and underneath the other, and my lordy freak I have this hot drooling tip on my mouth and he tastes like pineapple poison.

He's moving in such a way it's got none of that gag reflex happenin'. It's slow and deliberate, slipping side to side across the tip of my tongue, something wet is rubbing over my nipples, and I have someone's fingers circling my clit with such precision I'm screamin!

Someone laughs and I'm swung up, held tight, caught in big arms bunching with cords of wrestle-mania muscle, slid down the hard blocks of his stomach, my boobies caught on his collar bone, someone holding my thighs and keeping me up and wide, when he smiles.

Jaysus! Ya can't! What are ya'll?”

They're vipers baby, they won't hurt ya, I promise.”

So Jo's in front of me, it's Jo about to bite me. Oh sweet Mary he's gonna bite me!

And he does, right above my nipple, and I lose consciousness with the fire flooding into me with such suddenness. It tingles and fingers my insides with a lick of pure euphoria, lazy and hot and so sweetly sexy I'm weak with quivering.

Gasping, I no longer can tell left from right or up from down.

Another bite inside my leg and it's banging through me, hot circles of endless orgasms, electrocuting my neurons all the way from my eyeballs to my knees.

The bite in my breast stops and he's circling his tongue across it, sliding hot velvet heat so softly it sends a spark of lightning down ta my throbbing aching lady heart.

I'm shivering, shocked, the world still pulsating with light and dark.

Pulled away, laid back, Seithe with white hair and eyes of lightning prowls over me, softly caressing down my body with his incinerating fingers, a knee pressed up tight ta me, running silky skin across mine when he slides his knee ta widen my legs, forcing his palm under me and lifting my hips up, his other arm braced next to my head, sliding his thumb into my mouth, then sinking his heavy weight inta me, crushing me, and momma it feels so good.

Ripples flood up, washing my insides out through somewhere behind my head, and he's just pressing slowly, slipping and sliding, looping around and around like a dizzying lasso, sinking in and out of me while he does it, his chest rushing over my nipples and making them ache sumthin fierce.

Jo bends over my head, staring into me with quicksilver eyes and sin dark hair, smiling, showing me long reddened vipers, pulling my arms up over my head, holding them tight in one hand by my wrists, mounting my face, moistening my lips with the tip of his shiny hot penis.

Sherry,” purrs at me, vibrating my bones, making my skin crawl with bumps of excitement, all the while Seithe is taking me with a giddy pulse and focus, upside down ta that place where I can't think.

Oh gawd! Now he's not just sinking up inside me, he's also rubbing me, soft and sure, it's so hot and totally insane!

Gasping, I swear on my own grave I'm about to have a heart attack, I'm throbbing with such a vicious ache it hurts! Just when the room is exploding behind my eyelids with bottomless pleasure, I feel the softness sliding on my tongue.

It's so smooth, like sucking on a star it's so hot, and he tilts my head back, gruff roaring hitting the ceiling in stereo and bouncing back down ta veil my ability ta think. One's shivering below, the other quivering above, and my skin and heart are assaulted through and through with the sensations.

I can hear a lady suffering, whimpering, the earth is shaking, a hot taste of cherry bombs in my mouth, and a man's hot breath exhales harsh and heavy into my ear, tingles shooting into my neck from a strange needle heat stuck where his stubble chaffs into my skin.

Someone holds me from behind, bending my knees up, sliding something hot and pure into me, and instantly I'm with that woman simpering across the storm.

It's too much. Euphoria blankets my mind, from top to bottom, a soft strength lacing my fingers and running a thumb across my palm, sending me up and away to float with the celestial sinners.

A love your heart line, baby girl. Nothing is sexier than a line to your heart.”

My pulse detonates in my breast and I rest my head heavy on his chest, expecting a safe thud to comfort me, but it's so quiet I think I've done gone and passed out again.

Cuddling up close behind me, warm soft skin covers me, keeping me safe, stroking my hair, “What a delightful surprise you are, Sherry.”

Uhmm, I lurve the way he says mah name.

I'll probably nevah see em again.

Don't be so sure about that,” whispers huskily into my ear.

It's too hard ta think. Held safe in strong arms, I rest wearily, needing ta just lay here and catch mah breath.


Chapter 4





And now what do you plan to do?”

Jo gives me an irritable glare, “What the hell's that supposed ta mean?”

How often do you do this? Are you leaving a string of heartbreak across the mortal realm?”

No, Seithe! Jeez, chill the fuck out. She's a nice girl, I could definitely see myself enjoying her company.”

Yeah, I bet you could.” Three guesses what for.

Launching a punch in my shoulder, he scowls across the bar, “Just fuck off. I don't answer to you.”

Actually, yes you do.”

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