Judgement Day (25 page)

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Authors: Michael Spears

Tags: #apocalypse, #messiah, #armageddon, #last days, #judgment day, #judgement day

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I do have one more theory, about the
global economic crisis, I call it “the trickle up effect.” The
global economy is like a tower, or pyramid, with the rich people at
the top and the poor people at the bottom. What we’ve witnessed
over recent decades is the emergence of the Chinese and Indian
economies. Essentially we have one third of the world’s population
climbing the global economic tower, and the tower is collapsing
under the strain. The Chinese and Indians are perfectly entitled to
climb the global economic tower, telling them that they aren’t
allowed to make money isn’t reasonable. The West thinks that the
best way to stop a tower from collapsing is by patching up the
roof, but what needs to happen is a strengthening of the
foundations. Money needs to be invested in developing the third
world as primary producers of food and natural resources, and not
by exploitation, exploitation does not strengthen the foundations
of the global economy. Not only would this improve the lives of
those people in the third world, but cheaper resources mean that
the cost of manufacturing goods in the second world would drop, and
cheaper food means that people would have more money to spend on
these goods. The markets for the second world would then increase,
not only their domestic markets but also their markets in the third
world. This means that people in the second world will have more
money to spend on the higher quality goods or products that the
first world produces and thus the first world increases its markets
by selling their products to more people in the second world. The
increase in markets for second world goods will also mean that the
price of first world goods and products will decrease in comparison
to goods produced by the second world, thus making first world
goods and products more affordable and therefore more appealing to
the consumer. A larger market share for first world goods and
products would also lower their prices relative to second world
goods and products. You can’t stop a tower from collapsing by
patching up the roof, the foundations must be


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The Failure Of Science


Regarding my theory of SpaceFluidity, a
friend once told me it’s like I walk into a dark room shining a
bright light. This is quite a good analogy. The ground-moles have
been fumbling around in a dark room trying to work out what the
room contains. They’ve noticed things like dark matter, MOND
theory, dark energy, string theory, x-rays and black holes, the big
bang, the extremely hot early universe, the inflationary early
universe, dark flow, the previous lives of the universe. I’ve found
the light switch, now they can see what it is they were

Honestly though, you’
d think God could have sent someone who’s
a bit tech-savvy, I’m such a dinosaur, but who’s got time for that
shit anyway? That’s why the kids aren’t out there discovering shit,
they spend all their time fucking around on the internet. Back in
my day we didn't have the internet at home, we had to go to the
library, so if you wanted to know where the universe came from, or
how gravity works, you had to figure that shit out for

The funny thing is that
m not even that smart,
the greatest downfall of the human computers is that they come up
with overly complicated ideas that simply have no basis in reality.
It’s Okham’s Razor, “that which can be explained by fewer
assumptions is explained in vain by more,” or “the simplest answer
is the most correct.” Physics isn’t that hard, it’s just that
Einstein was so smart that he managed to pull the wool over
people’s eyes.

They said there were no more eureka
moments, they said the lone genius was a myth, they never met
Michael Spears. Don’t be fooled by the ground-moles, it was a
hundred years between Einstein and myself, it was two hundred and
fifty years between Newton and Einstein. Revolutions don’t happen
very often, but they do happen. There are many unanswered questions
that remain. For example, “what is an electric charge?” “What is a
magnetic field?” “How do subatomic particles know when they are
being watched?” Quantum physics is something that I don’t
understand, so don’t ask me to try. Sometimes I wonder if there
really is a script for The Stage, or if God controls us on a
quantum level, and this is why subatomic particles hide from our
prying eyes? Of course, that’s not very scientific, and it’s always
best to leave science to the scientists. My point is that there are
plenty of eureka moments left, but by saying that there are none,
the ground-moles seek to establish themselves as the ultimate
authority and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Unfortunately
for science, majority rules, and the overwhelming majority of
scientists are mediocre. Even the Nobel prizes are the world's
greatest celebration of mediocrity. They hand out Nobel prizes for
physics every year, but there are only a few physicists a century
who are anything but mediocre. The same could be said for any of
the Nobel prizes, is there really a different person every year who
has made a major contribution towards peace, or chemistry, or
literature? Although perhaps medicine is the exception, the fields
of medical research are many. Unfortunately for the lone genius, it
is mediocrity that rules, the ground-moles are the overwhelming
majority, and any attempt at genius and originality is beaten down
by them.


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Some Brief Notes On Karma


m a real life Bond villain, by the way. My ex Emma, her
boyfriend is actually called James Bond, can you fucking believe
it? It’s not even legal to call your child James Bond in Australia,
but I think the story goes that his mum was remarried. I used to
fantasise about meeting him, “we meet at last, Mr Bond,” “I don't
expect you to talk, Mr Bond, I expect you to die!” When was the
last time an evil genius attempted to take over the world? The guy
probably hates me too, that’s hilarious. I’m a real life Bond
villain, brilliant! Just more proof of the awesomeness of my best
mate, God.

Emma called me while I was still in
Tasmania and said it was time for me to go home. I knew she was
right, no one was coming for me. She called me one day when I got
to the beach for my bath, I was sitting on the sand talking on the
phone and I saw a shark swim past right where I would have been
washing. It wasn’t a huge shark, probably one and a half metres,
but big enough to take a bite out me. It’s good to have little
reminders sometimes that God has my back. God could have just not
sent a shark at all, but He did so to show me that He’s watching.
That’s nice. It goes to show you, you don’t need to cull sharks, if
God doesn’t want you to be eaten by a shark, you won’t be eaten by
a shark. All you need is karma.

One night I was sitting in my car and I
was thinking about how I used to play the tuba. I was very good at
the tuba, I used to win a lot of competitions. My tuba teacher was
a great man, a world class tuba player. He had to quit playing the
tuba himself after he got heart disease in Vietnam. He hated not
being able to play the tuba, so he started a band at my primary
school. All he cared about was teaching kids music, and he changed
a lot of kids lives. The point is, if you’re going to be a heavy
smoker later in life, it’s probably a good idea to have tuba lungs,
and if you're going to play the tuba, you might as well learn to
play it right. There will only ever be one Lofty Gallagher, so I’m
sorry about the heart disease, he didn’t deserve that, that was my

I was reading
today (on the ever reliable Wikipedia) about the one who ushers in
the Golden Era in Hinduism, apparently he is an incarnation (or
“avatar”) of Vishnu.  Vishnu is the preserver of the cyclical
universe and along with his every incarnation comes the incarnation
of his wife Lakshmi also, who is the goddess of wealth and good
fortune and who resides within all women.  They call the next
and final incarnation of the present age Kalki, or “the white
horse,” I found that interesting, but I don’t know what they call
the next incarnation of his wife.  There don’t seem to be a
large number of descriptive prophecies about Kalki, but one thing I
found interesting was that it says his father is overwhelmed by his
birth. Sometimes I wonder if my father went nuts because he saw how
smart I was when I was little.  Of course my focus is on Bible
based religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, which are the
dominant world religions, but I am the leader of all religions,
including Hinduism (and including science).  I’m sorry I don’t
know more about Hinduism, but my birthmark is meant as a
representation of India, although Sri Lanka is on the wrong side of
the map, it’s not a perfect map, but it’s not bad.  I hope
that makes you guys happy, God has a special place in His heart for
your religion, He has branded me thus, I’m just sorry that I don’t
really know anything about it. Honestly, I don’t think Asia is the
real problem. The real reason I’m here, I wager it has something to
do with Jews, Christians, or Muslims, or probably all of the above.
So just chill out guys, keep doing what you’re doing, you don’t
need to get involved at this stage.  I had once planned to
read up on Hinduism, but I think there’s supposed to be hundreds of
holy books, it sounds like a lot. If there was just one or two
books that’s be cool, but hundreds? Yeah, that’s a lot.  I
don’t know much about Islam either to be honest, not to mention
Judaism, but they do all come from the same place. Apparently in
Islam when Jesus returns he gets married and lives another forty
years, I think there’s a burial place prepared for him next to
. I’
m not going
to die anyway, it’s the promise of Genesis, but it’s the thought
that counts


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The Book Of


If you want to
know what’s going to happen, it’s all in the Book of Revelations,
but Isaiah is also a very good prophetic source.  I don’t want
to explain the whole thing to you because I think if you know what
will happen it may change the future.  It’s best to let nature
run its course.  My advice, skip the first nine chapters of
Revelations, we find ourselves at the end of Chapter 10, maybe you
can figure it out for yourselves.  As far as Biblical
prophetic books go, the only one I’d really credit with true
eschatological prophecy would be Isaiah, maybe Daniel, maybe not
Daniel, but you should read Isaiah too.  There’s lots of
stuff in Isaiah that I haven’t mentioned, even stuff I shouldn't
mention.  I think that Revelations happens in order, while
Isaiah jumps around a lot, but most of what is in Revelations also
appears in Isaiah, and vice versa.

Things may be
bad now, but it’s not the end of the world, not yet.  I hope
it doesn’t come to that, we have a chance to change the future now,
but I fear that your fates are already sealed.  Is the purpose
of prophecy to predict the future, or to change the future?  I
guess we’ll find out soon enough.  War is bad in the Middle
East, but the world is not yet on the precipice.  I’ll tell
you now, if anyone drops the bomb, God will beat the fuck out of
them.  If anyone drops the bomb, God will drop a bomb of His
own, their country will be destroyed.  There are multiple
prophecies about it.  You can’t save a world that doesn’t need
saving, were you not on the brink of destruction I wouldn’t be
here, but I can’t make you do anything, all I can do is warn you.
 Don’t do it.  Good luck everyone, and wish me luck


Ok, I’m a
blabbermouth, and I was going to blab sooner or later.  The
big question is whether telling you everything I know is going to
change the future?  You’re never going to believe me, but I’ll
tell you anyway. So…


Then I saw
another mighty angel coming down from heaven. He was robed in a
cloud, with a rainbow above his head; his face was like the sun,
and his legs were like fiery pillars. He was holding a little
scroll, which lay open in his hand. He planted his right foot on
the sea and his left foot on the land,
and he gave a loud shout like the roar of a
lion. When he shouted, the voices of the seven thunders spoke. And
when the seven thunders spoke, I was about to write; but I heard a
voice from heaven say, “Seal up what the seven thunders have said
and do not write it down.”

Then the angel
I had seen standing on the sea and on the land raised his right
hand to heaven. And he swore by him who lives for ever and ever,
who created the heavens and all that is in them, the earth and all
that is in it, and the sea and all that is in it, and said, “There
will be no more delay! But in the days when the seventh angel is
about to sound his trumpet, the mystery of God will be
accomplished, just as he announced to his servants the

Then the voice
that I had heard from heaven spoke to me once more: “Go, take the
scroll that lies open in the hand of the angel who is standing on
the sea and on the land.”

So I went
to the angel and asked him to give me the little scroll. He said to
me, “Take it and eat it. It will turn your stomach sour, but ‘in
your mouth it will be as sweet as honey.’”
I took the little scroll from the angel’s hand
and ate it. It tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth, but when I had
eaten it, my stomach turned sour. Then I was told, “You must
prophesy again about many peoples, nations, languages and


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