Juilliard or Else (14 page)

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Authors: Nichele Reese

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Juilliard or Else
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"Let go of me!" I shrieked as he grabbed both of my wrists in his one hand.

"Gabs, stop!" Tucker yelled.

"Stay away from me!" All the thoughts of what he could do to me were making me more uneasy. I had to get away.

"Let her go, Tuck!" Jett yelled from behind me and Tucker immediately let go. Jade wrapped an arm around my lower back and tugged me out a side door where smoking was allowed. I was trembling from Tucker and from the other guy who caused it all.

Quickly, Jade lit up a cigarette and handed it to me. "It'll help calm your nerves."

I puffed on it. It did help the shakes go away. When I finally felt calm enough to talk, I faced Jade who was smoking her own cigarette. "Who was that guy, Jade?"

"Jett just said he's Brad's second boss, whatever that means. Jett is talking to Tucker about it, I guess."

"So what does that mean?"

"How the hell should I know?"

Jade and I finished our cigarettes in silence and I was stubbing mine out when Jett walked outside. His black hair hung in front of his eyes and he chewed on his lip ring.

"I'm sorry about that, Gabs. That's Brad's second boss; his name is Jeremiah and Brad owed him some money, so he was looking for him," Jett explained to me while rubbing the back of his neck. His brown eyes almost felt like they were pleading with me to believe him. Jett wasn't the type to lie; he was more Jade's style and tells you how it is. But then again, I only just met this group of guys earlier yesterday.

"What does Brad do?" I asked.

Jett let out a breath and stepped next to Jade. "I can't say. It's not right, though. You can trust Tucker; he's a good guy. Tuck helps Brad out when he can. You could be something to him, ya know? He likes you."

The squeak of the door opened as Tucker stepped outside. My eyes locked with his and whatever that Jeremiah guy warned me about went good-bye. But I had some answers to find out. There was something about Tucker that I wanted; I couldn't quite tell what it was, but whatever it was, it was strong. I wanted him. Tucker walked towards me and held his hand out in front of my face. Not even thinking, I put my hand in his and he pulled me to him. The strong attraction was back between us. I felt if he would just hold me, it would all go away as if he was my shield. I wanted that. Who cares if I just met him? When you know, you know, and you should never let go.

"I won't hurt you, Gabs. I promise," he reassured me, and all I could do was nod at him.

We walked back inside the noisy club; the music was louder than before. We made it to the dance floor when a song came on that was familiar to me. I heard it in one of the stores with Rachel today. I couldn't remember any of the words; I just remembered the whistle part. I turned in Tucker's arms as he placed both of his hands on my hips to sway to the rap music. My arms went up around his neck as we started to move together while the beat played.

Every time the whistle came, Tucker would whistle in my ear, sending rapid shivers down my spine and chills up my bare legs. I pressed closer to him as his hands roamed around my back, not going any further than my lower back. I felt his lips pressed against the crook of my neck and shoulder, and I was lost in him. I couldn't believe something this strong was happening so fast.

We were so close, I couldn't tell where he ended and I began. Having him this close to me made me forget everything that Jeremiah guy warned me about him. Sooner or later, I would find out what he meant about Tucker, but not right now. I just wanted him as close to me as possible. My hands never left Tucker's long hair; it was soft to the touch. My fingernails scraped his scalp as he bit into my shoulder. My legs went to jelly and he pretty much had to hold me up. This was amazing; I had no idea dancing could feel this way. His hands got a little daring as he moved them down to my butt to press me closer.

We continued to dance for at least five more songs, just grinding on each other. His hands were all over my body, from my butt up to my shoulders and every time he passed the sides of my breast, I would get chills that would spike down my back, leaving goose bumps on my hot skin. The club was getting hot because of all the bodies crowded on the dance floor. I really wanted some air and a drink; at this point, I didn't care if it had alcohol or not.

I motioned with my hand up to my mouth, indicating to Tucker that I needed a drink; he nodded and led me off the dance floor. I scanned the club, looking for Rachel and Jade, but couldn't spot them. Tucker placed his hand on my lower back to have me follow him to the bar. A couple of guys were fighting and they got heaved out of the club at us. I stumbled and Tucker protected me as best as he could. I stumbled again and he pushed the group of wild men off me.

Tucker waved his hand up to get the bartender's attention, ordered his drink, and then looked at me. I nodded and he held up two fingers. The bartender was fast at making our drinks; each had a slice of lime. Once we had them, we headed to the back door to go outside, and the empty space confirmed we were going to be alone with each other.

Tucker hopped up on the ledge and took a sip of his clear liquid drink; I also took a sip and winced at the strong alcohol.

"What is this?" I pointed to my glass.

He chuckled. "It's a Gin and Tonic. Don't you like it?" he asked, taking another sip of his.

Other than the lining of my stomach burning off, I guess it was something to get used to. I took another sip because I really needed something to drink.

"Come sit with me, baby girl." He patted the cement next to him. I hopped up as gracefully as I could in my mini skirt and high heeled shoes, then took another drink. I could feel Tucker's eyes on the side of my face as I turned to look at him and he smiled, which made me grin like an idiot.

"So, what's your deal?" he asked.

"My deal? What do you mean?"

He shrugged. "Give me the basics."

Thinking about what to tell him, finally I said, "I just moved out of my parents' house and into an apartment with Rachel and Jade. Umm..." I bit my bottom lip, trying to think faster. "I'm starting Juilliard on Monday."

"What's Juilliard?"

My head snapped sideways at him. "You're kidding right?" He shook his head at me, "Juilliard is one of the most prestigious schools for music, ballet, some acting, and artistic skills." His brows shot up at my statement.

"Wow." He really did seem shocked at my best explanation of Juilliard.

"What do you do?" I dipped my finger in my drink and poked at the sliced lime, then put my finger in my mouth to get rid of the stickiness. When I looked back at Tucker, he was staring at my lips.

I sucked in my bottom lip. "What?"

"Ah…nothing." He downed the rest of his drink in one big gulp. "I tattoo a little bit at Jett's tattoo shop, just apprenticing for now."

"You tattoo?

He nodded.

"That's awesome," I said, ecstatic. "I wish I could draw, but I wasn't so blessed in that department."

"It takes a lot of practice. Anyway, what are you going to Juilliard for?"


"Really?" This time I nodded at him and smirked. "Now, it takes talent to do that… toe thing I've seen those chicks do."

I tipped my head up and let out a laugh. Boys… they would never understand ballet, not even my dad.

"I'm serious – that's awesome you can do that."

Tucker hopped down and tried to balance on the point of his Converse shoes like a ballerina. His knees were bent with his arms straight out as he tried everything to keep his balance up, but couldn't. I laughed some more at his effort. I had to give the man some credit here for trying, and I knew he was trying to impress me, which was so cute.

I smiled as I watched him until he finally gave up. He looked back over at me with his piercing blue eyes that made my knees quiver and the pit of my stomach get a wave of butterflies. Tucker walked back over to me to rest his hands on the tops of my knees. As a reflex, I sat up higher at his touch, straightening my spine as he stared at me. The electric pull was happening as my heart raced and my hands shook. I didn't even know what to do with my hands, so I just held them together, hoping he wouldn't notice how nervous he was making me.

He breathed out heavily, "You know how beautiful you are?" as his hands traveled a little more up my bare legs. My breathing picked up as I took in the sensation of this feeling that started to travel throughout my body. My eyes moved down to his lips and then back up. Tucker slowly moved his hand from my leg and tenderly brushed his knuckles across my cheekbone. My eyes drifted shut as I took in the feel of his soft fingers. When I started to open my eyes again, his face was a lot closer to mine and I started to lean in for a kiss. I felt all sorts of giddiness as I readied myself for my first kiss. Tucker leaned in more and I could feel his breath on my lips. Our lips were a fraction apart when the door to the inside of the club opened and Rachel stumbled out laughing with her arm draped around Brad, with Jade and Jett on their heels.

"Tucker!" Brad exclaimed and came stumbling over to Tucker to pat him on the back.

I sat up in a rush, almost falling backwards; Tucker grabbed my arms to steady me. "I'm just gonna get down," I smiled as his hands went under my arms while I slid down the front of his hard body. Just from that, I could tell he had a great firm frame, which I wanted to explore with my hands. Just the thought made me blush, I looked down at my toes and his finger tipped my chin back up to his face.

"Don't look down," he whispered and gently pecked my lips. I barely had any time to react when Rachel started speaking.

"Gabs, we're heading back to the apartment. Jett and Brad are coming. Are you, Tucker?"

I barely heard Rachel's words as I continued to feel Tucker's soft lips against mine. My fingertips came up to my lips to touch them – to remember the feel and the zing shock that was left there.

"Earth to Gabs?" Rachel whined and waved her hand in front of my face. Jade pulled it down back to her side.

"Leave her alone," Jade snipped.

Now feeling like a complete idiot, I came out of the funk that I was in. Everyone was staring at me like I was a crazy insane person touching my mouth. I looked at Tucker, who had a smirk on his face. It was stupid I was feeling this way. I bet that didn't even count as a real kiss.

"Yeah, that's fine," Tucker answered while grabbing my hand to lead us back through the club. We made it out front while Brad held a taxi. Rachel, Jade and Jett climbed in the back.

"Dude, you're gonna have to get another taxi," Brad told us, obviously seeing there wasn't any more room.

I piped up before Tucker could say anything, "It's okay, we're gonna walk."

We watched as Brad climbed in and the taxi took off. We started our walk not saying anything and we didn't hold hands; I kept my hands together and in front of me. I felt silly right now, walking with him when I was just happy that he pecked my lips. I had to say something to break the dreadful silence.

"Are you from around here?" I questioned, looking up at him.



I'd heard of Bushwick…all I knew that it was the worst part of Brooklyn. It was infested with drug dealers and gangs, people were always getting robbed, and there were frequent shootouts. That was why I always loved the main city of Manhattan; I felt safe living in it. Just thinking about going to Brooklyn gave me the chills.

"What about you?"

"My parents have a house over on Fifth Avenue."

"What do your parents do?"

"My dad is a Criminal Justice lawyer for the city and my mom…I mean Carol, doesn't do anything besides shop," I snorted. That was the best way I could describe Carol in a way that wasn't mean. I looked over at Tucker who was staring at me as we continued on walking.


"You called her Mom, then Carol. Spill, baby girl," Tucker said as he reached for my hand and interlaced our fingers together.

Staring down at our hands, I started talking. "Carol is my stepmom."

"That's not so bad, having a stepparent. I would rather have a step than none at all."

I glanced up from our hands to the side of Tucker's face. He stared straight out in front of us, his blue eyes lost in his own thoughts.

"Do you like it there?" I wondered.



He let out a huff and laughed, "No, I don't, but it's the best I can do for right now."

We walked in silence some more, just holding each other's hands. I know I sighed a lot during our walk, reveling in the comfort the little gesture of handholding brought to me. I snuck glances up at Tucker, knowing he knew, but he only gave me a side smile; his deep dimple in his cheek was so cute when I caught a glance of it. I really wanted to keep talking to him; I didn't get how we were so close to each other dancing and getting along just fine while outside the club, but now we had nothing to say to each other as we walked home. Our shoes were now the only noise lingering in the air.

"Wanna play a game?" he asked, breaking our silence.

I looked at him with a slight smile. "A game?"

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