Read Juilliard or Else Online

Authors: Nichele Reese

Tags: #General Fiction

Juilliard or Else (25 page)

BOOK: Juilliard or Else
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"I want you naked, quivering so badly you won't be able to find your toes. I want my tongue all over your body, your boobs, sucking so hard on your nipples, you'll cry out in pleasure. Even between your legs, Gabs. I want you every way I can, you'll be begging me to stop. And after I'm done, you'll be so exhausted that you'll sleep for days." Right after he said that, his hand moved up my stomach and slipped under my bra to cup my bare breast.

"Tucker." My head dropped back onto his shoulder.

"And this Gabs…" His other hand moved down on the outside of my jeans and rubbed me so hard where I wanted him. I moaned out loud, but that didn't stop his wicked words. "I will have this any way I can and it will be so good, babe." His hand tightened on my breast. "It will be so good, my body moving in and out of yours, you'll be lost. You'll want more and more, you'll be begging me, but not yet. I care for you way too much. You deserve it to be special, but all in good time, babe." He kissed my neck, stepped around me, and left my room to go join our friends.

Holy hell that was hot.

Eventually, I came out of my bedroom a huge hot mess. Rachel raised her brows at me while Jade and Jett smirked at me. I glanced out the windows to see Brad talking to Tucker while he smoked. Tucker didn't look very happy with whatever Brad was telling him, but when he caught me staring, he winked at me and smiled that wonderful Tucker smile. I felt my face heat back up again.

"Damn Gabs, why are you so flushed?" Jade tossed at me.

"Good news!" Rachel screamed out before I could even say something to Jade.

"What's that?" I walked around to the couch to sit next to Rachel.

"Remember that concert with
Avenged Sevenfold, Black Falcon?"
she said, snapping her fingers at Jade, not remembering the name of it.

Jade grabbed her snappy hand to stop. "Stop it

"Pfft…whatever. Jade got us three tickets and when I told Brad, he went and got three tickets, too. We're leaving in an hour, so let's go get ready." Rachel stood up from the couch, clapping her hands.

"Wait, a rock concert? Tonight?" I blinked up at Rachel then looked over at Jade who nodded.

"Yep, we got to get rock and roll ready. Come on, Gabs." And off we went.

Once again, I found myself sitting on the toilet and being all dolled up by Rachel. She teased the crap out of my hair, then brushed it down and pulled it up. She made me open and shut my eyes so many times, they started to feel dry. Once she was done and I looked in the mirror, the ordinary Abigail wasn't there, but a rocker chick was. My eyes were heavily blackened with eyeliner; my hair was pulled up on the top of my head in a very messy bun.

"All right, clothes. I know the perfect outfit just for you." Rachel went into her bedroom.

"I don't know if that's a good thing coming from you," I stated to her as I followed her into her bedroom. Ignoring my words, she started flinging clothes out of her closet like crazy. It was seriously raining clothes .

"Aww. I totally forgot I had this dress." Rachel pulled out a white short summer dress. It was really cute, very summery. I could see myself wearing something like that.

"Can't I just wear that?" I asked, nodding in the direction of the dress.

"Ha! No. This is special to me." Rachel carefully put the dress back in her closet and continued on searching.

"Here!" she called and threw a pair of black leather pants at me. "Here!" She did it again but this time it was a deep red tube top.

"I really want something that has straps, Rach. What if someone pulls it down and my boobs fall out?" I wave the clothes in her face. She tossed her red hair over her shoulder and just blinked at me.

"Wear a black bra and let the straps show. That would be hot."

"Ugh, whatever," I said and went into my room to change.

Rachel and I walked down the hallway to everyone in the living room in record time. Rachel wore a short black dress with her makeup and hair the same as mine. Brad whistled and pinned Rachel up against the wall to kiss her like there was no tomorrow. Rachel was hooking one of her heels around his calf.

Nothing in common, my butt.

Tucker came up to me and held my arms out to get a good look at me.

"I like this, but I prefer my ballerina Gabs." Then he kissed my lips that were caked in bright red lipstick, which got on his lips. I wiped them off as best as I could while he laughed.

"I can wear my ballet outfit." I giggled.

"That would be pretty sexy, but I don't think Rachel would agree." We both turned to see Brad shoving his tongue into Rachel's mouth and both of us laughed.

"Whatever, can we just go already?" Jade asked pulling Jett to the front door.

We took two cabs to Madison Square Garden for the concert. People were lined up and down the sidewalks, waiting to get in the doors. A lot of the girls were dressed like me, and they all looked at me with a glare in their eyes. Tucker received tons of
and that silly shake thing that guys do as we walked past them to stand in line. We didn't wait long. I enjoyed standing in front of Tucker with his arms wrapped around my waist, his chin resting on my shoulder, saying how hot I looked in my red top with my bra straps showing.

"I can see straight down your top."

I gasped and turned, but he silenced me with a kiss.

"I'm just letting you know how badly I really do want you." Then he would kiss and suck on my neck. The music got louder the closer we got to the doors. I suddenly was very nervous. I've never been to a rock concert before; I didn't listen to that type of music either. We gave the guard our tickets and walked inside. A bunch of tables were lined up with different shirts of the bands.

"Do you want a shirt?"

I shook my head, "No."

"Just think how hot you'd look wearing only a shirt from a rock concert we went to together. Of course you would be naked underneath." He winked.

Oh, now he's just teasing me.

We walked into the main auditorium, and I gripped Tucker's hand so tightly he had to tell me to loosen my grip or he was going to lose fingers. He laughed and I glared at him. Our seats were on the floor and about the tenth row from the stage next to the big giant sound speakers.

"These seats are awesome, Jade!" Rachel yelled at her and Jade gave her thumbs up. Then the lights went dark and the music started right up with Black Falcon. Tucker's hands tapped my hips with the beat of the drums.

When their set was up, Brad and Rachel went to get us all beers. I didn't really care that I was underage at that moment, I was having fun. Tucker left my side and went to a group of mean looking guys in the corner. The lights were dim so I couldn't really see what he was doing. It looked like some sort of hand shake, but Tucker looked in his open palm, then gave the guy something back. He did the same thing, but stuffed whatever Tucker gave him in the back pocket of his jeans and left rather quickly.

A plastic cup appeared right in my line of sight. "You shouldn't let your eyes wander sometimes," Brad told me in my ear. I narrowed my eyes at him and took a sip of the warm brown liquid. I actually enjoyed the bland taste. Tucker came back to me and slipped an arm around my waist and kissed my temple.

"Who were you talking to over there?" I smiled up at him and then the lights went back down to start another small band from Brooklyn.

"Just some buddies of mine," Tucker said, then kissed my head. The little band wasn't awful, but they weren't good. We sat in the chairs and watched the group go from okay to worse. People actually started throwing their plastic cups at them. I continued to sip on my beer.

"Don't set that drink down whatever you do, Gabs!" Tucker yelled.

"Why?" I asked, taking another big gulp of the relaxing, rich taste of beer.

"Someone could put something in it. Try and finish it; if not just give it to me and I will!"

I nodded at him, but surprisingly, I finished it on my own. The lights went black again and Black Falcon took the stage for a second time. They were awesome and played a total of seven more songs. One of the band members with a Mohawk kept coming up center stage with the singer. He shaped a V with his fingers and stuck out his tongue, wiggling it. The crowd went wild while Rachel screamed for him. I secretly think she wanted to get his attention.

They all were a sweaty mess when their set was over. Brad gave me another beer and I gulped it down faster than the first. I was having a blast with the loud music, dancing with Tucker who held onto my hips and would grind into my backside. I would push back on him and he would suck and kiss on my neck again. My arms went up to his hair to keep him in place behind me.

When it was time for Avenged Sevenfold to come out, the crowd went wild, including the boys and Jade. I covered my ears from the screaming girls that were behind me. They were screaming out something that sounded like mmm…Shadows. Out of all the music that was played here tonight, these guys were my favorite.

Tucker and I continued to dance, touch, and caress each other with the beat of the music. When the stage went dark and the fans started cheering like crazy, I thought that the show was over. Apparently not, because the band came back out and announced they would play one more song. It was my favorite so far, and a lot slower than the rest. Tucker sang along to the song called
Dear God
. His voice repeating the lyrics in my ear touched me deep down and awakened feelings inside me that I have never felt before.

When the concert was officially over, we all headed out of the building. Rachel announced she wanted to go to a bar to have more drinks just to relax. I immediately agreed with her. The high-heeled shoes were killing my feet; I really wanted to sit and needed another drink.

We walked to a bar that was across the street from the Garden, which was jam-packed full of people who were at the concert. We found an empty table in the back, but it only had three chairs. The guys sat and pulled us girls on their laps. I loved sitting on Tucker's lap; it made me feel protected. We shared a pitcher full of beer and two rounds of shots. I was feeling a lot more relaxed. Out of the blue, I turned in Tucker's arms and attacked his mouth in a hungry kiss. He wasn't expecting it at all and we almost fell over off the chair. When I pulled away from him, I noticed a body really close behind us and when I looked, it was none other than Jasmine.

"Hey Tucker," she called out to him; he did a quick glance over his shoulder and turned back rather too quickly.

"Shit," he murmured into my neck.

"Abigail, nice to see you." Jasmine smirked. A guy came up behind her and placed an arm on her hip. She looked up at him sweetly, turned and then left without another word. That guy wasn't Jon, but I didn't even know for sure if they were dating at all.

Tucker's body went stiff under mine. I tried to scoot off his lap, but he held my legs firmly, not letting go.

"We need more shots!" Jade yelled while raising her arm for a waitress.

We took our shots and I was getting buzzed. I checked the time on my phone, which also had four missed calls from Carol. It was one in the morning. I knew I had to get to bed; I had my
Swan Lake
audition at eight in the morning. No matter how hard I tried to get off Tucker's lap, he wouldn't let me. I finally was able to wiggle out of his hold and go to the bathroom with Rachel and Jade.

"Guys, I gotta get going," I told them in the quiet bathroom. Both Rachel and Jade were in the stalls while I washed my hands and fixed the smeared black eye liner around my eyes the best I could. Jade came out of the stall first and washed her hands.

"Why you gotta go?"

"I have that audition in the morning. I can't miss it." Jade stumbled over to dry her hands.

"Okay, we can just have the boys come over, too." Jade shrugged like it wasn't a big deal. But this was a huge deal to me; I couldn't miss it. I couldn't even be five seconds late for this audition. Madame Ava told us that if we weren't there by the time she played any music, she wouldn't only give us a written warning, but she would also shut and lock the doors so we couldn't get in the studio. Then I would be in deep trouble.

I opened the bathroom door and smacked right into Jasmine as she was coming in.

"Abigail. You seem like you've had a lot to drink tonight. Don't be late tomorrow." She walked around me and then the door shut.

I went back to Tucker's side without any other run-ins with Jasmine. That girl was everywhere; I couldn't stand it. We all had another round of shots, but I dreaded doing mine a little. We left the bar, all of us on wobbly legs; our group got two cabs to take us back to the apartment. I didn't remember much after that. I knew that Tucker and I had our hands all over each other, laughing, kissing, grinding, and all of the above things that couples do. Were we even a couple yet? We'd been out on one official date and now a rock concert. I wanted him to be my boyfriend, but I wouldn't even know how to bring it up. Our apartment was booming with loud music and we girls were dancing with each other. I looked at the clock on my phone to see that it was four in the morning.

"I gotta goda beds," I slurred, and fell off Tucker's lap. The room spun all around me with the laughter from everyone made me laugh. I think I may have snorted.

BOOK: Juilliard or Else
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