JUMP (The Senses) (12 page)

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Authors: Cindy Paterson

BOOK: JUMP (The Senses)
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His loins ached as he waited for her to decide. Her thoughts were a whirlwind of
conflict, desire, fear, and uncertainty pulling at her in every direction. Which would win, he hadn’t a clue. What he did know was that he was fucked because tasting this and then having to leave was going to destroy him.

She raised her hand to wrap around the back of his neck. “I want what only you can give me. Salvation.”
She pulled him towards her and tilted her head so her lips took his in a sweet gentle urging.

Balen groaned, all his strength dissolving in one second as her scent wafted across him and her lush mouth stole his breath from his lungs. She was tentative with her desire, mouth moving slowly over his own with a velvet touch.

“Ah, my sweet,” he murmured as he took control, prying her mouth open and seeking the warmth he craved inside. Hands delving into her hair, he lowered his weight on top of her and let go of any resolve, needing what she was offering more than anything in his life.

She felt his weight trap her beneath him and tensed, the panic urging her to fight him, to release her from the entrapment that only pain could come from. She remained frozen as his mouth dove over hers, strong and demanding, making her insides coil with

She knew it was Balen
, the man from her paintings. Knew this was what she wanted, she desired him, she asked for this, yet the panic of being captive sought to take hold.
Please let me do this
. If Balen couldn’t stop the fear, then she was doomed for life. No other did she desire as she did him.

He raised his head, eyes searching hers when he felt her tension, her lips no longer moving over his own. Her hands had slipped to her sides
, and he peered down and saw them curled into fists within the duvet.

“Hell,” Balen swore and pounded his fist above her head into the pillow. “I told you. I warned you. Bloody hell, Danielle.” He fell to the side of her on his back and put his hand over his eyes. He heard her intake of breath and then
a sob catch in her throat. He turned and saw the single tear running down her cheek. He closed his eyes, afraid of seeing the pain in her expression. “Don’t cry. Please, my sweet. I beg of you.”

He wiped the tear with his finger and shifted his
weight so he was lying on his side. He pulled her into his arms and placed a gentle kiss on her temple as he caressed her hair back from her face. He knew he should walk away. This was about something more than just sex, and they both knew it. This was about conquering their demons, and neither of them had the power to defeat the memories.


Why was she crying? She never cried, except now the sobs were worse since he was being so gentle. His silence was comforting as he cradled her in his embrace, letting her release the fear from her body, no pressure only warmth exuding from him. Several minutes passed before she felt the panic subside and her sobs ceased. She heard his sigh of relief and wanted to smile. Balen hated tears, she had no idea how she knew this, but she did.

“Let me lead,” Danielle suggested.

At that Balen jerked from around her and sat up. “Hell, you still want to do this?”

She nodded with determination. “I want you, Balen. I feel so much desire for you that it hurts, but when you trap me beneath you . . . I . . . I panic. Give me control.”

“Impossible,” Balen muttered, swinging his legs over the far side of the bed. His head lowered and he ran his hand through his disheveled hair.

She crawled over on her knees and came up behind him, wrapping her arms around his abdomen. Then her breath
fanned across his neck before her lips met skin and she placed gentle kisses across his ear and then down the side of his neck. Could he let her be dominant? Could he hide his nature away for this one time? What if he lost control? What if he hurt her?

“Release me, Balen. Let me find my own way,” she whispered in his ear.

“And if I can’t? What if I can’t succumb? I cannot bear to hurt you. Never. We risk much for this.”

“We risk more if we don’t.” Her fingers pulled his shirt from his pants and she raised the material up and over his chest. “Raise your arms,” she demanded and then nipped his earlobe when he hesitated.

He felt the growl leap inside and clenched his teeth to keep it at bay, but he raised his arms and she took off his shirt, throwing it across the room. And then he felt her hands swirl over his naked flesh, pins of heat bursting through him at every touch, tempting the urge to throw her onto her back and take her like a wild animal. But something stopped him, her voice, her words that were gentle and soothing to the predator inside.

“Feel me. I’m trembling with need to taste every inch of you. My body will follow my
mind. It has no choice when I am with you.”

Having this power over him was what kept her from running and listening to the panic that hovered in the back of her mind. She was determined to end this tonight. He said he had to leave her
, but not before they experienced what both desired. If she had to be without him then it would at least be with one memory, one night together.

She crawled off the bed and stood in front of him
, pulling her turtleneck over her head and letting it fall at her feet. She heard his sharp intake of breath and his eyes smoldered with an intense heat. She licked her lips and followed with her black lace bra. He reached for her, but she backed out of his grasp, shaking her head.

She stepped out of her clothes and met his gaze. For one
instant, she thought he’d lose control and take her, but his deep inhale seemed to placate him.

“Lie down,” Danielle said.

He watched her magnificent body, her words like a mist running across his mind. Every impulse was to flip her onto her back and pump madly into her until his release, but the sane side refused to hurt this woman with his wild nature.

approached, legs on either side of his thighs, and then she placed her hands on his chest and gently pushed him back. Never had he had a woman undress him, and the sensation of her fingertips stroking his skin as she pulled his jeans from him was tormenting.

She was precise and slow, taking care to remain gentle in order to keep him from exploding. She had tasted his fier
ce possessiveness before and knew how dangerous the emotion could be to her own pain.

“Okay, how on earth did you manage to get thighs like these?” Danielle asked, running her hand over the muscles.

His eyes flashed and the intensity dwindled at her odd remark.

“I swear, no woman
, no matter how much she works out, could ever get these thigh muscles.” She molded her hand around his right leg, then looked down at her own and scrunched her nose.

“Don’t you dare,” Balen said and grabbed her hand, pulling her on top of him. Her knees
and hands came on either side of him on the bed. He tweaked her nose. “You have perfect thighs, supple, warm and delicious.”

“Delicious? Like an apple?” Danielle teased
, biting her lip to keep from laughing.

laughed, his chest rumbling beneath her. She smacked him on the shoulder and he laughed harder.

“I’ll have you know that my thighs are nothing like apples, they are like . . . well
, like bananas.”

He raised his brows with amusement.

“Well, did you notice how my knees kind of bow out slightly?” Danielle said with all seriousness.

“Hmm,” Balen mumbled. “And your arms are like what . . . green beans?”

Danielle’s mouth dropped open from his teasing and then she started laughing too, her insides bubbling up with sheer pleasure. His hands raised and cupped her breasts in his palms. “And these lovely creations are glorious ripe honeydew melons.” He raised his head and took one nipple into his mouth and moaned. “Succulent and sweet. I could eat melons all day.”

Danielle giggled and then hissed with pleasure as he nipped her and rubbed her other nipple between his thumb and finger. She gripped his head in her hands and threw her head back, closing her eyes.
Goose bumps rose on her flesh, and her stomach swirled with anticipation, wetness clinging between her thighs.

She thought she was taking
control, but he was driving her crazy with his tongue, flames of torture grazing her skin. Heat coruscated, sweat building on her skin. His scent wafted in and out of her mind, driving her to moan with need.

Balen heard her cry, felt her body succumb to the pleasure he drove it to. His own body was pulsating with undeniable ache, desperate to make this woman his own. He lifted his head and saw her open her eyes, eyes that were filled with ecstasy
from what he was doing to her. He lifted the corners of his lips. “Lie down, little one.”

She hesitated and he knew what he was asking was a lot, but he had to show her pleasure
, and the only way he was certain she’d find it was if he had her lie down and let him explore every inch of her succulent body.

He ran his finger down the side of her face
, then rolled her over so she was beside him on her back, but instead of getting on top, he slid from the bed to kneel on the floor. He grabbed her ankles and pulled her forward so what he searched for was at eye level. He heard her gasp as he placed his hands on her thighs and opened them.

“Don’t move,” Balen said in a gruff voice. “And don’t come until I say.”

“What?” Danielle tried to sit up, but he pushed her back down and grinned.

“Trust me. It will be the most sensational pleasure if you do as I say,” Balen said and then without another word his fingers delved between her thighs
, seeking the wetness and finding it.

Danielle arched her back and gave a gasp as his fingers penetrated
her, and then the velvet of his tongue drifted across her sensitive nub with gentle warmth.
Oh, God,
she thought as his assault took control and her body arched. He kept her from moving with a hand on her stomach, pushing her back in place whenever she shot forward with pleasure singing across every inch of her body.

“Please,” she begged, although she didn’t know whether it was for release or for him to be inside her.

Circling. Slow. Gentle. Then he opened her thighs wider, and the heat of his breath sent spasms across her body. Her head rolled back and forth as his fingers delved deep inside her, wetness. His tongue danced circles across the most sensitive place and her body shot forward as she cried out.

Balen halted abruptly and his head rose. “Not yet,” he growled.

“Please, I can’t wait. You’re driving me nuts.”

He reiterated
forcefully, “Not yet.”

Danielle took several deep breaths
, her body ready to take flight and soar with just the slightest touch of his tongue, but he waited until she calmed and then drove his fingers up inside again. In and out with quick rhythm, gentle and then harder and harder. Her knees fell open wider and her entire body wanted to give way to the heightening emotions that were ready to explode.

“No,” Balen said again, but this
time, he kept his fingers in motion, never once taking his eyes from her, and her body thrummed under his hand. Harder, faster, again and again, and the sweet sensations were rising to a point of no return.

Balen lowered his head, his fingers deep inside
. He circled his tongue around her most sensitive nub and she thought she’d fly through the ceiling at the sensitivity.

“Now,” Balen ordered.

Her body spasmed like she’d never experienced or known existed before. Waves of pleasure jolted through her insides like an orchestra of the most incredible sensations.

His fingers still inside
, he felt her clench around him and pleasure soared through his own body at what she was feeling. Her head writhed back and forth, fists pounding the mattress as she exploded with intensity. For one moment, the pain in his heart eased, for he’d given Danielle pleasure and seen the joy in her eyes.

“Balen?” Danielle whispered.

“Hmmm.” He withdrew and came to his feet.

“I want you inside me right now
.” Danielle at up to grab his hand and pull him back to bed.

He hesitated. Everything was so perfect, did he dare push for more, wish for more. His release wasn’t
important; this was about her, what she had to get through to heal herself.

She pulled on his hand. “Don’t ruin this for me, Balen. For us. Please, I want you inside me, let me feel you. All of you.”

“I don’t know if I can . . . without hurting you,” Balen admitted. Never had he taken a woman gently. They all knew before he took them that he was rough and they loved it, but Danielle, his sweet, sweet Danielle. How could he ravage her body like that?

“It’s better this way,” Balen said backing away. “Seeing your pleasure is enough.”

“No,” Danielle said. “We finish what we start.” She opened the nightstand and pulled out a condom, then crawled off the bed. She gave him the package, grabbed the back of his head and jerked him towards her for a kiss.

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