JUMP (The Senses) (41 page)

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Authors: Cindy Paterson

BOOK: JUMP (The Senses)
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Kilter ignored the agony in his legs as he used his good arm to get himself to solid ground. He reached out and hauled Delara up and next to him.

Delara paused and he noticed her
staring at him. “What?” Kilter growled with frustration as he watched the truck disappear from view.

She shrugged. “Nothing.”

“Then let’s get to the fuckin’ car and find the others,” Kilter said.

When Delara went to put her arm around his waist to help
him, he shot her a back-the-fuck-off look. He needed to feel every single goddamn pain shoot through his body. He craved it. Wanted it. Because sure as hell the guilt he was feeling was a new emotion and it was eating away at him like acid.

Her scream echoed in his head. The vision of her head being forced back by the
bastard’s hand. Those eyes warning him.

This isn’t over



Chapter 16


Delara brought the SUV to a skidding stop at the rendezvous.

Danielle still felt like her neck was hanging on by a thread, and every breath she took was a reminder of how close she had come to being dead. Balen clutched her hand as if it was glued to his skin the entire run to meet up with Kilter and Delara. Twice she had to ask him to loosen up or every bone was going to break under his grip. He apologized, of course, but refused to let her go.

She got in the car and slid over, while Balen jumped in beside her and Jedrik on the other side. Keir hopped in beside Kilter and immediately asked for
the lowdown on what happened.

“How the hell did we not know about these CWOs?” Keir asked. “How’d we miss it?
” He slammed his fist into the dashboard. “Kilter? You should’ve noticed this. Warned us what we were walking into.”

Danielle saw the back of Kilter’s spine straighten. “The men
who attacked the house the first time were not GQs. The men who attacked the second time and killed Hannah, Sandor and Derek were covered in balaclavas. GQs have no scent. I didn’t have a clue as to who they were until I was inside the compound. Ryker is safe, that’s what we went in for. Now get off my case.”

Danielle was spinning with information overload. And nothing was going to stop her from getting the answers she needed. “Crater face buzzard guy didn’t die with an arrow shot through his head. How is that possible?” She looked at Jedrik
, who gave a wince, and then at Balen. “Well, are you going to give me a clue here as to what thing had his slimy fingers around my neck?”

“Center World Others,” Kilter said. “Species from inner earth. The garbage smellers
, we call Long Necks. Lucky he didn’t snap you in half. Looks like he tried though.”

ter!” Delara snapped. “Shut up.”

Balen squeezed her hand. “They’re dangerous. That’s all you need to know for now. I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

“Yeah, well, today was pretty damn close, so—”

Keir interrupted. “You must learn your new abilities first. Then
, when the time is right, we will explain them all and how they can be killed.”

“Like chopping off their heads?” Danielle shot back.

“Decapitation is necessary,” Keir replied.

She pictured the head rolling away from the body and the blood that was smeared in the snow. God, she had just made herself into
a Senses who had to chop off heads of some underground species. Would she have to do that? Did they want her to be a warrior like them? Because yeah, killing was far from what her stomach would allow without throwing up.

“You will learn what you’re capable of, but you will never have to fight as you did this day,” Balen said. He
stroked the purple and blue bruises along her neck.

“But you will,” Danielle whispered. The knowledge that he put himself in danger left a hard knot in her abdomen. He didn’t reply and she knew why. There was nothing to argue.

Keir contacted Galen by phone and she heard a few grunts and then he told Delara to head to the airport. Ryker was already on the plane.

Danielle envisioned what the Amulet had done. Ryker falling from the top of the building, Hannah’s image appearing and wrapping her majestic form around him. She
’d looked so angelic and magnificent in a soft blue haze that made her skin appear like a scintillating pearl.

She looked down at her hands. The amule
t had severely burned her skin when she held it between her palms. No wonder Kilter had warned her to never let it go no matter what happened. She nearly had when the heat became so painful, but then as quickly as it came, the heat was gone, and when she looked to the skies, so were Hannah and Ryker.

But scorched skin was worth it. Ryker was safe and as far as she was concerned
, she was never going back to Newfoundland for the rest of her life.




Everyone except Kilter slept on the plane back to Toronto. Delara had wrapped his leg and shoulder with the first-aid kit and given him a full bottle of scotch. Balen applied a soothing lotion to her burnt palms and kissed each finger with his succulent mouth.

Before she fell asleep in Balen’s
arms, she saw Delara whispering to Kilter about something. Danielle tried to read their thoughts, but they were blocking her and the others. She closed her eyes and settled into the warmth and comfort of the body that lay next to her. She curled her fingers into his shirt on his chest and rested her head on his shoulder. He placed a gentle kiss on the top of her head and continued to stroke her back with soft caresses.

I love you,
she thought before she drifted off to sleep.




Kilter mumbled and complained in a drunken stupor as Jedrik assisted him into the house where Anstice was waiting. She gave Keir a quick hug and kiss, and then was all business as she directed Jedrik to the Tomb where she had a place ready for Kilter. Before following after them, she came over to Danielle and pulled her into a fierce hug. Balen watched his sister’s face, so filled with concern and love for her friend. It was hard to stand and watch what he so badly wanted from his sister. The love that he didn’t deserve.

Ryker came in last. He had woken when disembarking the plane and he looked like a bomb ready to detonate. The rage sitting inside him could erupt any
second, or it could sit and simmer for years. It was anyone’s guess what he’d do with Hannah gone.

Ryker pushed past Keir and walked straight to the kitchen. They heard his footsteps descend down into the Tomb.

Until things settled in Newfoundland, Kilter and Ryker were staying in Toronto. Keir had decided it better to regroup and learn more about the compound before blowing it sky high. They didn’t know whether other Senses were being held there. Until they contacted the Taldeburu Xamien in Spain and figured out if any Taldes in Europe were missing warriors, the compound remained as it was.

“You’re not hurt anywhere?” Anstice asked, pulling back and looking at Danielle up and down.

“No.” When she had let go of the amulet the burns on her hands disappeared. “Thanks to everyone. God, it was . . . Anstice, if I don’t see another knife, gun or arrow, it will be too soon.” Balen pulled her against his side. “Do you know about Center World Others?”

frowned, her gaze going to Keir. “You never told me there were CWOs. You just said men from the compound.”

Keir actually appeared uneasy as he stepped back. “Think I’ll check on Ryker.”

“Galen’s doing that,” Anstice shot back, but Keir was already headed for the kitchen. “Coward,” she shouted after him.

Balen smelled
the Wraiths’ coming. He had Edan’s scent engraved in his mind and it was getting closer. He dropped his arm from around Danielle and rubbed the gold bands on his wrists.

“Balen?” Danielle questioned at his sudden withdrawal.

“They’re coming,” he said.

Anstice placed
her hand on top of his, which was still rubbing the gold. He froze, unable to move at the sudden show of affection from the one person he had prayed to know.

“I . . . I want to . . .” She stopped in mid-sentence and then threw her arms around him and buried her head in his shoulder. “We never get our chance. I want our chance to be brother and sister.”

Balen looked over at Danielle, who gave him a smile, and he slowly raised his arms and brought them around his sister for the first time. Tears pooled in his eyes as her warmth and kindness seeped into his body. He had waited so long to be close to his sister. Years he waited. Watching. Hoping. And then that hope had been vanquished two years ago. Did he have another chance with her?

He knew the answer; the proof was in
gold around his wrists. He finally had a chance at love with Danielle, a chance to get to know his sister, and both were being ripped from his grasp.

He pulled back and Anstice wiped the tears from her eyes while sniffling back the sobs. She leaned over and pressed her lips to his forehead
, then whispered into his ear. “We share blood. You will always be my brother and I will always love you. You made the right choice, Balen.”

There were no words he could express that would tell her how much that single sentence meant to him. Not that he had time to reply as the scent of the Wraiths
’ arrival slammed into him.

Edan appeared in a ball of fire
, and right behind him Tor in swirling red dust particles.

Danielle choked on her cry of dismay and Balen felt his insides melt into a mess of cottage cheese. He had no recourse. He couldn’t save her from the hurt that he saw in her eyes or the shattering of her heart that he smelled with his heightened ability.

“You don’t waste any time, do you?” Balen said.

Edan made a snort. “And you have wasted plenty of it.”

Tor must have said something privately to Edan because the Wraith backed down from the obvious retort he was going to throw at him.

“You have earned back the trust of the warriors for the rescue of Ryker.” Tor looked to Danielle. “Welcome to our world.” Tor gave a curt nod that lacked any sort of warmth. “Waleron has been released from the realm. You will accompany us to await judgment.”

Balen approached Tor. He couldn’t even look at Danielle. He felt her anguish and knew firsthand what this was doing to her—to them. He felt the doom hover over his head as if a big black cloud was about to dump a shitload of crap on him.

Walking those five steps were the hardest he’d ever had to do. Away from Danielle. Unable to taste those sweet luscious lips, feel her breath across his face, the stroke of her fingers on his chest. He
might never again.

Danielle grabbed his arm and tugged him to a hal
t. Then she yanked him to her and threw her arms around his neck, burying her face in his chest, sobs racking her body.

“Release him,” Edan said stepping forward.

“No,” Danielle cried, interlocking her fingers behind his neck. “He’s innocent. Can’t you bastards see that? Are you so stupid that you can’t even see that this man saved my life and Ryker’s? Why are you destroying his life when he is filled with goodness? No, I won’t let him go. You’ll have to take me with you.”

“Release him or we will be forced to harm you,” Edan said with a menacing tone.

“Do it then,” Danielle shouted. “Because that’s what you do best. Harm innocent people. So do whatever you want to me because if Balen is guilty then so am I.”

“Christ,” Keir s
aid, walking back from the kitchen. He went to stand in front of Anstice like a shield.

“Danielle,” Anstice warned.

She ignored them both.

Balen reached between them and cupped her chin with his hand. “My little one, my love. I am guilty.” When she went to object
, fire flashing in her eyes, Balen put his finger to her lips. “I beg of you. I don’t want any more harm to befall you than it already has because of me.” His thumb slowly grazed over the cleft in her chin. “You are a Senses, Danielle. The others will watch over you, teach you. They are your family now.”

“I need you,” Danielle said, tightening her hold around his neck. “I can’t do this. I thought . . . I thought I was strong enough, but I’m not. I don’t want you to leave me.” Tears streaked down her face and landed on his shirt.

“We knew this was coming.” He pried her fingers from around his neck. “Ah, my love. If we are fated to be apart, then I have faith in you, Danielle. Live life. Find love. Forget me.”

” Danielle shook her head. “Never. They can’t take you. I won’t let them.”

Balen raised his head
, breaking his gaze from the heart-wrenching pain he saw in Danielle’s eyes. He glanced at Keir and gave a slight nod. Keir approached silently and took Danielle by the shoulders, pulling her away. She struggled at first and then stopped, her eyes meeting his.

You are not your father. Remember that. You are strong and courageous. Be the woman I fell in love with. Be that survivor, little one.”

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