JUMP (The Senses) (44 page)

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Authors: Cindy Paterson

BOOK: JUMP (The Senses)
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“Delara, you have no righ
t to be in the realm or council,” Urtzi thundered, his fist slamming down on the marble table and his face red like a ripe tomato. “Who is responsible for this?”

“I’m here on behalf of Anstice the Healer, brother to Balen. As it was impossible for her to enter the realm without a Wraith, I am here to speak as her voice and my own. We, the Talde of Toronto, defend Balen, our fellow warrior. A man who risked his life by drinking tainted blood in order to save a woman from certain slavery or death to a vampire.”

Edan’s chair scraped across the floor as he stood. “Delara,” he shouted.

She gave him a brief nod of acknowledgement and continued. “It is our law to protect one another. But what if we’re given no option but to decide who to protect? An ultimatum. One or the other. Who decides who is more worthy? Is a warrior more worthy than a human? And if so
, why?” Delara hesitated, her eyes roaming to each who sat at council. “Balen took the risk. He saved a woman who was being tortured and was soon to be Ryszard’s slave. He sacrificed himself. Drank Ryszard’s blood in order to save her life. If he hadn’t, she would have become a slave. A fate worse than death. The Goddess Enid made us to protect humankind, and Balen did just that.”

“And he led an enemy to the Healer’s location,” Edan refuted.

“Yes. A risk. But it paid off. It wasn’t betrayal. He took a gamble, but there was no malice in what he did. It was a sacrifice. And you are all making him pay for that sacrifice by punishing him.”

“Delara,” Edan warned. “Return to my corridor. Now.”

Balen noticed Waleron flinch, but he remained seated. The guy looked ready to ignite into a fireball. And he was made of ice.

“Who brought this warrior to the realm?” Urtzi repeated.

“Oh, I think that is fairly obvious,” Mariana said with a smile and then licked her tongue across her lower lip.

“Can’t hack the truth?” Delara shot at them, hands on her hips.

“Ah shit.” Balen immediately went on alert for a fight. They’d have no chance against the Wraiths, but after that speech, he’d fight to protect her ass.

’s hands clenched at his sides. “Delara, leave.”

Balen felt her tremble beside him. He widened his stance, ready to defend her.

“Just because I sleep with you doesn’t mean you can order me around,” Delara said in a calm, cool voice.

A low murmur of voices and tension erupted
amongst the council. Edan went beet-red and came out from behind the table.

Waleron stood.

“Let her finish,” Tor said. “Edan, sit.”

Mariana spoke
, looking at Edan. “I hope she was worth it. Cause you just got played.”

up, Mariana.” Edan returned to his seat, his eyes like flames of fire ready to burst the room into an inferno.

Waleron sat.

The friction in the room was thick. Powers heightening, the fountain bubbling and the ground shifting beneath their feet. All it would take was one power to surface and a war would erupt.

Delara avoided looking at Edan as she continued. “This matter should’ve never been brought to council. I believe the council is here to decide matters when a warrior has broken a law or has killed or harmed an in
nocent. Balen killed no one nor did harm befall a warrior. Anstice is alive and well. Danielle is as well. Who are you trying this warrior for?”

“He broke his oa
th as a warrior. He assisted a vampire,” Urtzi said.

“No,” Delara said. “He gave Ryszard information as to where Anstice was hiding. A simple plan to lure him into a trap. It led to Ryszard’s demise. If he hadn’t taken the
chance, then we would be still chasing that bastard.” She shrugged. “Balen managed to do the impossible. He saved Danielle, Anstice, and trapped Ryszard so the other Senses could kill the bastard. In actuality, he saved the day. Oh and Anstice also says that if her brother doesn’t return ASAP, she is starting a rebellion.”

Silence. Balen had never had someone stand up for him as Delara had just done
, or rather his sister—both, actually. He had no clue why she risked severe reprimand for entering the council room and by sleeping with a Wraith of all things, but she did. She had nothing to gain from this. Why?

Zurina spoke in her usual calm
, soothing voice. “Delara has made valid points, all of which should be taken into consideration. Technically, Balen didn’t harm anyone. Therefore, his case should never have been brought to council.”

’s eyes were glowing golden, as she chewed her lower lip, obviously to keep from smiling.

Edan slammed his fist
onto the table. “Bullshit. He drank the blasted blood. That is enough to send him to Rest.”

Delara glared him. “You promised.”

Edan sneered. “Yeah, that went to pure shit the moment you walked in here, sweetheart.”

“Was this your
so-called plan?” Mariana asked Balen, raising her brows with a sultry look in her all-knowing eyes. “Were you setting a trap for Ryszard all along?”

Delara kicked him in the back of the calf when he hesitated.

He glanced at Waleron, who gave a diminutive nod. Zurina had a sparkle in her eyes and a slight smile.

“It benefited all,” Balen replied, not lying even though he knew the others wanted a little white lie.

Tor gave a curt nod of approval. He looked at Waleron. “Your warrior, despite her uninvited entrance, has made compelling points. Balen has proven his worthiness with the issue with Ryker and, since his case is rather unusual . . .” He hesitated, looking to each of the Wraiths before receiving a nod from each of them except Edan. He continued, “If you wish to take this matter into your own hands, I don’t believe you would have any objection from the rest of the council. Besides, a rebellion with Anstice at the helm is not something the Wraiths would find to the benefit of any of us.”

Waleron gave a curt nod. “Of course. And I request a change of law. Balen has proven that
vampire blood can be defeated once consumed. We must acknowledge this and make the appropriate amendment.”

Tor nodded. “Agreed. The matter will be rectified at a later date.” Tor looked
at Balen. “We discharge you to Waleron, Taldeburu of the Senses. Adjourn.” Tor rose.

Balen saw a hint of a smile on Tor’s face as he gazed at Delara and then
, to his surprise, the Wraith winked at her and then vanished into red particles of dust.

Mariana and Urtzi followed suit, disappearing in their own fashions. Genevieve came around the side of the long table and her eyes met Balen
’s. “Fate has spoken. Don’t fuck it up.”

Balen cleared his throat at the
out of place swear word coming from the shy and quiet Wraith. She smiled and then in a swirl of mist disappeared.

“Delara.” Edan strode towards her. “Let’s go.”

Waleron stood immobile, eyes narrowing, a coldness surrounding him. The click of his Pez sounded and then he placed a white tablet on his tongue. Something bad was going to go down.

“Delara,” Edan repeated.

“I’m not coming back, Edan,” she said. “I’m sorry. You were . . . kind to me.”

“What?” Edan’s entire body began to heat up, hands turning
beet-red, eyes orange. “You used me? You used me to get to the council to save . . . to save this asshole?”

Delara shifted back a step. “It didn’t start out that way. I care for you
, Edan, but I can’t do as you’ve asked of me. You gave me an ultimatum the other day—I’m choosing to walk away.”

“You’re a
damn whore,” Edan shouted.

’s face turned deadly; his hands clenched at his sides, eyes shimmering red. Zurina placed a hand on his shoulder and whispered something to him.

Balen was speechless. He felt sick to his stomach. It was obvious that Delara had intended to leave the Wraith much sooner than now. Edan had unwittingly given her the playing card to access the realm and the council.

Edan turned to Waleron. “That appeal you want for Tarek to remain in Rest. Consider it void. You will never get it for as long as I’m on council.” He burst into a fireball and disappeared.

Every muscle in Delara’s body relaxed, her shoulders slumping and her eyes closing. Balen reached forward and took her hand in his. He felt her pulse slowly returning to normal. “I . . . hell
, Delara, I don’t know what to say. Thank you just isn’t enough.” He waited until she finally raised her eyes to his. “Why?” he asked.

She sighed and squeezed his hand. “I understood what she went through. You watched it. You heard her screams and you made the ultimate choice. You knew drinking Ryszard’s blood would turn you into something evil and that you’d be killed for it. You knew giving Anstice’s location was a risk to her life. To think of the pain you’ve lived with having to make that decision. When Anstice discovered I was living in the
realm, she approached me about speaking on her behalf. It became the perfect plan.” She straightened her shoulders. “This is why we are warriors. To protect the innocent. To sacrifice ourselves for one another. That is nature. That . . . is our salvation.” She looked at Zurina. “Will you take me back?”

“Of course, my dear.” Zurina had tears in her eyes and she sniffled once. She came out from behind the table, her elegance evident with every fluid movement. She held out her hand and Delara took it.

“Delara,” Waleron said. “I—”

Delara interrupted, “I did what you’ve done a million times over for our kind, only I actually liked sleeping with Edan.” She nodded to Zurina and they
Traced from sight.

Balen stood, still in shock at what had transpired. Emotio
ns were whirling like a tornado—gratitude, hope, and finally, he felt relief. This burden he carried had been lifted from his shoulders. He had known that he’d have made the same choice if given a chance to do it again, and he’d assumed that they all thought he’d betrayed them, especially Anstice. Delara believed in him, trusted he had made the right decision and stuck by him. Most of all, his sister had believed in him.

He realized that they had all believed in him. He just hadn’t believed in himself.


Chapter 18


Danielle ran across the snow
-covered lawn after Grim. The bugger had grabbed her leather gloves right out of her hand when she’d opened the front door. She had shopping to do and the big oaf damn well knew it.

“Get back here
, you big tub of lard. I swear, if you’ve drooled all over those, I’ll . . . I’ll . . .” Okay, nothing, but he didn’t need to know that. “I’ll stop slipping you leftovers under the table.”

Grim loped across the snow,
shaking the gloves as if they were fresh kill and then suddenly he stopped dead, muzzle in the air. He dropped the gloves and then lowered his neck and skulked back to the house. Danielle didn’t know what made the dog suddenly play the sympathy card, but she was glad when she no longer had to run through the mid-calf-deep snow after him.

She picked up the gloves and began walking to her car. The breeze floated across her face like a feather
, and she stood for a second soaking in the sweet scents that she was now able to pick up on. The pine trees, the hint of Grim, the wetness of the millions of crystals of snow and something else. The engaging, familiar scent of earth . . . of . . .

Gloves fell to the fresh snow forgotten.

Her breath stopped.

His scent slammed into her body like a rush of caffeine as
blood rushed wildly though her veins. Harder. Faster. Crying out with desperation. Was it her imagination? Could it be real?
Please, let it be real.

She stood in the middle of the yard, the moon dancing off the white snow
, leaving a blue glow. She closed her eyes, a sob escaping as the wondrous earth smell came closer. Stronger. And she knew.

From behind she felt his arms wrap around her body, pulling her back up against his chest, enveloping her in his arms like a pair of wings, his lips burying into the
crook of her neck.

She cried. Every shred of strength
evaporated as his magical touch sent her control over the edge.

“Little one,” he whispered. His lips caressed her ear, his breath wafting across her skin.

She collapsed to her knees and he went with her, his arms still encasing her trembling body. Suppressed emotions tumbled forth like a waterfall. His heart pressed against her back, pumping steady and solid—alive and real.

He had returned. He held her in his arms. He was here.

“My sweet, Danielle,” he whispered next to her ear, his breath sifting through her hair, causing shivers to course down her skin.

She was afraid to look. Afraid to lose this wonderment of bliss.

He slowly turned her so she faced him. He cupped her chin and tilted her head up, and she met his brilliant green eyes. It stole her breath away. His thumb wiped her tears with a tender caress, and then he leaned forward and placed a light kiss on her quivering lips.

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