Just Breathe Trilogy Box Set (112 page)

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With trust, my lips press to Maggie’s and we began to slowly enjoy each other’s bodies. Taking our time, our mouths and hands explore as we undress. Once I’ve got her down to her underwear, I lift Maggie off my lap and reposition her. My groin thrusts against hers as I taste her neck and chest again, releasing her breasts from their cloth cage. Suddenly, Maggie rises to a sitting position and guides my body backward. She removes my bra before my back reaches the couch. Her soft lips touch my skin as she moves south to my panties. Maggie’s fingers hook into the edges of the fabric, gliding them off of me. My right hand grips the arm of the couch above my head while the other fondles my breast. Her warm mouth tickles my skin as her tongue licks my sex.

“Fuck,” I whimper as Maggie continues.

“Make her cum, honey,” Henry instructs, closing the door to the room.

I watch Henry pour himself and Joe another glass of scotch and take a seat. My gaze locks with Joe’s and a smile smears across my face at his devilish expression. His eyes stay glued to my body as Maggie brings me closer to climax. The need to touch him, feel him, burns within me, causing a lustful desire for Joe to fill me as my orgasm arrives.

While Maggie sucks my cum off her fingers, I shift her and remove her underwear. My teeth and tongue play with her breasts and trail down her body until my mouth consumes her sex. Maggie’s arousal is heightened more than usual — it’s either the pregnancy, the fact that we haven't interacted in some time, that we have an audience or any combination of those reasons. My fingers enter Maggie, teasing her mounds while my tongue flicks across her nub until she orgasms.

Maggie dives her tongue into my mouth, wanting to taste her release as she forces my body backward. She straddles me and begins rubbing herself against my sex with desperation for another high of ecstasy. As Maggie grunts frustration at not being able to make herself cum, I take her waist and rotate her so she’s underneath of me as I grind my sex against her leg and her’s mine. Her nails dig into my ass, assisting me with the rocking motion. I’m able to bring on her orgasm pretty quickly while mine only surfaces lightly.

As Maggie catches her breath, I slip off of the couch and slowly move towards Joe. I remove the glass from his hand and take a small sip before giving it back. Kneeling before Joe, my hands eagerly work to undo his belt and pants. Joe cups my face, kissing me without stopping my movements. When I get his cock free, my mouth surrounds it, wanting to taste his release. A few seconds later, Maggie is between my legs, using her mouth and fingers to stimulate my sex. My legs shake as the orgasm builds inside me, increasing slightly when Maggie starts moaning. I don’t see Henry in his chair out of the corner of my eye, so he must be pleasuring her.

“Make her cum, honey,” Henry’s voice instructs from behind me.

“Mmm hmm,” Maggie agrees without faltering.

Joe grips my hair, holding it to the side as he watches intently. Five seconds after Joe sprays his release in my mouth, my body convulses from its own pleasure. Before my heavy breathing subsides, Maggie dives her tongue into my mouth, mixing the remnants of Joe’s and my cum together. Using the chair, I stand up and crawl over Joe’s lap, offering my mouth to him as we both proceed to remove the rest of his clothing.

I slide Joe inside me and we both shudder from the rush of being connected. His hands squeeze my ass as he assists my body up and down his shaft. At some point, I feel Maggie pressing her chest against my back with one of her hands reaching around to play with my clitoris. Her soft lips tease my neck and shoulders and I feel her left leg steady itself on the edge of the chair while her other hand holds onto Joe’s forearm. Henry’s large hand takes my waist, probably supporting himself as he does Maggie from behind.

“Help her cum, honey,” Henry instructs. “Once she does, then you can too.”

Joe and I exchange a smirking expression after hearing Henry talk dirty to Maggie.

The four of us sway together in a rhythm that causes me to cum first, followed by Joe immediately after and then Maggie not long after him — I’m not sure if Henry reaches satisfaction.

When Maggie moves away from me, Joe prompts me to stand and ends up sucking the liquids dripping from my sex. Then, he lifts me, spinning me around and has me pressed against the back of the chair as he slips his penis back inside. My shoulders and head dangle slightly over the top of the chair. As Joe continues to thrust inside me, Maggie and Henry are in the same position in the other chair that is now right up against the one Joe and I are on. At some point, Maggie and Henry shift to where Maggie’s upper body is over the arm of the chair while Henry pumps into her from behind. Maggie’s lips and tongue dance along my shoulder and neck on occasion.

“Fuck me,” I request.

Joe obliges, pushing harder and deeper into to me.

“Yes,” I moan, eager for release.

Maggie takes my face with her hands, guiding me to kiss her. Joe’s mouth nestles in my neck, moving south and capturing my right nipple on occasion with his teeth. Hearing Maggie moan, indicating that she’s getting closer to release, excites my body, tingling it all over. Two seconds after she begins to orgasm, my body follows in kind. Joe reaches his second climax right after me and it sounds like Henry achieves one as well.

Joe and I get lost in each other as our bodies cool down from the stimulation.

“Here,” Maggie offers sweetly, handing me a damp cloth.

“Thanks,” Joe accepts, taking it.

Joe cleans me off and then himself before we start dressing.

“You guys can stay the night if you want,” Maggie mentions kindly.

“I’m good,” I object politely. “I’ve got some things I need to take care of tomorrow.”

“Me too,” Joe agrees. “Thank you. Maybe next time.”

I grab Joe’s glass, compulsively downing the last gulp of his scotch from the weirdness inside me. I don’t mind what just happened, and it doesn’t seem like Joe minds either, but that was a first for us — a big first.

About twenty minutes later, the four of us say goodnight with only a little awkwardness between Joe and Henry. Maggie and I giggle to ourselves, knowing we have the same thought — if it’s weird for them now, what would they think if there was more touching between all of us.

The ride back to Pasadena is quiet for the majority of the ride.

“Another first for us,” I announce timidly, not sure how Joe will respond.

Joe offers a sincere smile. “You were so beautiful tonight, Emma,” he praises.

“You finally got to see us in action this time,” I tease. “The last time you only got to hear it from the front seat.”

“Seeing you girls go at it is definitely more entertaining than just hearing you,” Joe comments.

“So, you don’t mind when Maggie needs it?” I check.

“Don’t you need it too?” he asks, confused by my statement.

“No,” I confess. “Maggie and I started off wanting to get comfortable with our bodies for when we started having sex. She’s the one who craves both male and female interaction. I would join her when we both needed stimulation, but my body doesn’t crave a woman’s body like hers.”

“I don’t mind if you need it, Emma,” Joe says as if he wants me to feel confident about the topic.

“The experience of having someone else in the room is exhilarating. It’s like watching a porn video, but instead, it’s right in the room with you,” I admit. An urge of desire surfaces and I rotate to take action.

“What are you doing?” Joe questions with concern. “Emma, please put on your seat belt.”

“It’ll get in the way,” I comment, shifting more in my seat.

“In the way of what?”

“Shh,” I reply, unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants.

“Emma, that’s not safe,” Joe contends.

“Then, you better keep your eyes on the road,” I mention, placing the tip of his cock in my mouth.

Joe lets out a guttural groan. “Fuuuuuuuuuck!”

After three full strokes of my mouth up and down on his shaft, I ask, “Do you want me to stop?”

Joe doesn’t say anything.

“Is this another first?” I peruse, excited at the idea that it is.

“Yes,” he grunts as my mouth slides back down.

“Good,” I muse. “Two firsts in one night.”

“Fuck . . . I love you,” Joe grunts as I continue to suck him off. He mumbles under his breath a few times, clearly distracted and has trouble with hitting the breaks abruptly once or twice. Thankfully, his arousal is stronger than his nervousness, causing him to ejaculate into my throat a few minutes from home.

One Hundred Twenty Three

“Come with me,” Joe coaxes.

It’s the beginning of April and he’s scheduled to have the quarterly board meetings with his father for their companies. I’m so proud of both of them an how their businesses are becoming more eco-conscious while still maintaining their profits thanks to all of the tax incentives Joe and his team found.

“Why?” I ask, not really surprised by him requesting that I come along.

“Because, I want you to be there with me,” he states. “It’ll be more bearable knowing you’re there.”

“Just because we’re dating doesn’t mean we need to be attached at the hip all the time,” I reply flatly.

I know that’s not how I really feel, but I’m trying to downplay this whole thing. Honestly, I don’t want him to go and part of me wants to go with him.

“What’s wrong with that?” Joe questions, presenting mock sadness. “I always have fun with you. Don’t you always have fun with me?”

“Yes,” I confirm. “But, that’s beside the point.”

your point, beautiful?” Joe presses.

I don’t reply.

“I know Charlotte, Isabella and Emily want to see you. Lily misses you and I know you want to see Alexis and Olivia,” Joe coaxes.

Joe and I took our second trip back to the East Coast in the first week of March when we heard that Charlotte was going into labor. We made it back with about five hours to spare before Alexis finally popped out. A few days later, right as we were about to leave to head back to the West Coast, Isabella was admitted into the hospital to give birth to Olivia.

“You know all that baby stuff freaks me out, even knowing that Maggie’s pregnant. Besides, you’ll be tied up most of the time,” I remind even though that’s not even a valid reason.

“True,” he admits. “But, you can do some of the tying up if you’d like.” Joe dusts his lips across my shoulder.

“As tempting as that sounds,” I begin. “You know I’d only be a distraction.”

“But, an awesome distraction,” Joe presents. “Plus, I know the Nelsons and the girls would want to see you.”

When we were back for the birth of Alexis and Olivia, I got to visit with the Nelson’s, Brittany and Leslie, but I avoided dealing with my parents’ house. I’m not sure why because it doesn’t really bother me like it did before my day at the speedway with Dr. Callahan — maybe I’m just not willing to say farewell to them just yet?

“I’ve got things I need to do here,” I state.

“Like what?” he questions playfully.

“Easy, Joseph,” I challenge.

“Ooo,” he muses. “I like when you call me that.”

“Since when?” I ask, with my head snapping back. “I only call you that when you’re in trouble or on the verge of it.”

“Since it’s sexy as hell, beautiful.” He leans in and kisses me. “I love when you call me that.” He shifts closer on the bed. “You get feisty . . . I like it when you’re feisty.”

“Really?” I laugh as his lips veer to my neck.

“Yes,” he confirms. “You get adventurous.”

“Adventurous?” I repeat.

“Mmm hmm,” he agrees, kissing me more. “And, dominant.” His lips move under my chin to the other side of my neck. “It’s sexy. You’re sexy.” Joe’s hands spring to my hips and slide my body under him so my back is on the bed.

“Sex will not get me to agree to go,” I remind.

“Maybe I just want you anyway,” Joe comments. “You’ve got me so turned on.” Joe pushes his groin to mine. His stiff erection sticks to my wet panties. “Looks like someone else is turned on too.”

My lips peel away from his as he rubs himself against my sex. “Joe,” I moan.


“I’m . . . not coming,” I reiterated.

“Not yet,” he chuckles. Joe’s hands slide under my tank top and fondle my breasts.

“You know what I . . . mean,” I pant as his tongue trails down my body to the edges of my underwear.

Joe kisses my sex several times over my bottoms before using his teeth to pull back the fabric. “Maybe I can make you cum to get you to come,” he presents sinfully.

“No,” I breathe out.

“No what, beautiful?”

“No about coming . . . as in going with you, but . . . .” my voice fades as he sucks my nub.


“But, yes about cumming, by the means of your mouth, fingers and cock,” I share.

“God, I love it when you talk dirty to me,” he says. His mouth continues to taste me.

I can’t help but giggle at his admission.

“You sure I can’t convince you?” he searches, sliding two fingers inside me.

“Yes,” I gasp when he hits a particular spot.

“Can we at least talk about it later?”

“Mmmm hmmm,” I mumble.

I swear Joe uses every inch of his body on mine to tease and tantalize me as we fuck into the night. He’s like a machine, getting just as hard as ever after each time he climaxes. I think he knows that as much as he tries to sway me with sex, that I won’t be going back with him, so he’s taking every opportunity to get his fill of me now. He should be able to handle three days — we did in the beginning after we first started having sex.

The next morning, Joe and I have a quiet breakfast that Anna prepares for us. We don’t say much; neither of us wanting to bring up the fact that the clock is ticking closer to the time when he has to leave. Joe sits closer to me than he usually does while we eat and makes sure we’re always touching in some way, even if it’s our feet or legs under the table.

When it comes time for him to leave, Sadie and I follow Joe downstairs to where his bodyguards are waiting at the car to take him to the private airport in Van Nuys.

“Are you sure I can’t convince you to come?” Joe checks one final time, cupping my face after he stands from petting Sadie.

“Yes,” I confirm regrettably.

Joe presses his forehead to mine and we stay connected for a moment.

“Besides,” I say. “It’s not like you haven’t traveled without me, and you could probably use some time away . . . from me.”

“Why would you say that?” he asks with pain in his voice.

I shrug my shoulders, hiding my own emotions that I still can’t figure out. “You know what they say about being apart.”

“Emma,” Joe scolds lightly.

“Go,” I direct, pulling away from him. “I’ll see you in three days.”

Joe’s grip tightens on my waist, preventing me from moving more than a step before I’m pulled firmly into him. “Don’t,” he begs.

“What?” I say, downplaying the topic.

“Please, Emma,” Joe begs. “Don’t joke like that.”

“Okay, fine,” I reply coldly.

“Hey,” he calls.

“Sorry,” I say, not liking how I’m feeling. “Go. Before you miss your first meeting.”

“You’re more important,” he comments. “We’re more important.”

“Joe,” I huff.

“I’ll miss you,” he starts. “And, I love you.”

“Stop it,” I return.

He gets me every time he says those three words. I should be used to it by now, but I’m not. It’s still weird for me to hear him express his feelings so freely. I’ve never told him that I’ve missed him and I’m nowhere near close to telling him that I love him. We both know I can say I’ll miss him — I’ve said that a bunch of times to Jared, Nathan and Maggie; even Jade. So, why can’t I admit how I feel to him?

“Well, I will and I do,” he confides.

“Go,” I choke.

“Why? Are you changing your mind about going?” he asks, perking up.

“Babe, don’t,” I snap.

The right corner of Joe’s mouth hooks to the side.

“Don’t look at me like that,” I challenge.

“Like what?” he muses.

“You know what I’m talking about,” I state.

The closest thing I’ve been able to do to give him any idea of my emotions, other than when we’re naked and I’m screaming his name, is when I use a pet name for him. It drives me crazy the way he looks at me — it’s like he can read my thoughts and feelings better than I can and it freaks me out.

“I’ll miss you too,” he chuckles, kissing me one last time. Joe’s tender lips linger, not wanting to loosen their grip on mine.

“Mr. Covelli,” Hunter calls from behind Joe’s back.

“I know,” Joe sighs. He reluctantly turns and hops into the car.

I start to walk away, moving toward Taylor who’s waiting for me at my Tesla.

“Emma,” Joe calls.

“Yeah?” I answer, turning around. My feet move me closer to the window that he has lowered.

“Make sure you see Kim while I’m gone,” Joe reminds.

“I’m fine,” I counter.

“Emma,” Joe says using his authoritative tone.

“It’s nothing, Joe,” I remark for probably the tenth time. “I’ve just been a little tired. It’s probably from all the hot sex. I’ll be fine.”

“Emma,” Joe says more sternly, concern written all over his face. “If you don’t see her before I return . . . .”

I cut him off, wanting to joke rather than be serious right before he leaves, “I know . . . you’ll spank me.”

Hunter coughs from the driver seat — finally, I got the man to crack.

“Emma,” Joe repeats, begging with his eyes.

“Fine,” I whine. “I’ll see Kim. Okay?”

Joe’s smile returns. “Thank you, beautiful.”

“Yeah, yeah,” I return, trying to shrug it off. I lean in, kissing him one last time to comfort him and head back to Taylor and Sadie who are waiting for me.

Once I get home, I drop off my stuff, take care of a few minor things and eventually change, deciding that I need a good hike to calm my nerves and rejuvenate my body from this mild fatigue I’ve been having the past week, and to help kill some time while Joe is away.

Just as Taylor hits the bottom of the road that leads up into the mountains, I take my phone out and text Joe, confident that his plane should have taken off by now.
Miss you
is what I write, keenly aware that I’m too chickenshit to send it sooner for him to reply back before my phone goes out of service. I’ve never said anything like that to him in writing, let alone verbally — here goes nothing.

The air is refreshing the moment I hop out of the car when Taylor opens the door for me. Sadie jumps around, excited by our destination. It’s been about a month since we’ve been up here last with Joe. I grab my bag that has the usual items I take each time Sadie and I come here. Once the car is locked up, Taylor takes the lead as Dale takes the rear to our group while Dylan and Caesar hang back a little.

“I seriously don’t know why
of you had to come with us,” I comment as we hit my regular trail.

“We like it here,” Dale shares.

I turn to look at him, catching a boyish grin on his face.

We take our time walking the path, stopping at the second waterfall for a small break. Sadie bounces between my bodyguards, happy for the affection they give her. A smile emerges on my face when I remember how she was with them by the fourth week they were working for me. She bore her belly to each one of them — I guess she sees them as part of the pack now.

Several families pass by us and the young children are eager to pet her. Sadie’s tail smacks my calf in eager anticipation for the children to come over as she lays on the ground, rotating for her belly to be toward them. One of the dads with a small boy walks up, unfazed by Sadie’s breed and pets her after we exchange some greetings. The little boy laughs when Sadie licks at his hands. Several onlookers from a nearby rock become curious and make their way over as well.

“O. M. G.,” a teenage girl squeals coming over. “Are you Emma? And, is that Sadie?”

With a sweet smile, I nod and confirm her suspicions.

“Holy crap!” she exclaims. “Can I get a picture with you?” As she approaches, Taylor steps forward more, causing her to stop in her tracks.

I look back over my shoulder at Taylor. “Relax,” I direct. “She’s fine.”

“Holy shit,” she blurts. “I’m sorry. God, I’m sorry.” Her hand covers her mouth when she realizes that she just cursed in front of the little boy.

“It’s okay,” the father chuckles. “It wouldn’t be the first time he’s heard it.” He takes his son and moves away, allowing the girl to come forward.

“He won’t bite,” I laugh after saying farewell to the little boy.

She looks down at Sadie. “I thought she was a girl?”

“She is,” I giggle. “But, I was talking about him.” I point to Taylor.

“Oh,” she laughs nervously. “So, is he your new boyfriend?”

“No,” I muse. “He’s just one of my bodyguards.”

Her mouth gapes in surprise.

“How about that picture,” I remind sweetly.

“Oh, yeah. Right,” she says, perking up.

I slide over on the rock so she can sit with me. Sadie repositions herself, excitedly enjoying the attention from her as Dale offers to take a picture with the girl’s phone. I’m not sure how many pictures Dale takes, but the girls seems really pleased when she gets her phone back from him. As people start to congregate further, Taylor becomes uneasy and suggests we start heading back before the crowd becomes too much and blocks the path. The man is not one for crowds — not that I am, but it’s just funny to watch him squirm. He radios to Dylan and Caesar on the walkie-talkies that we’re returning to the car.

When we get to the parking lot, Sadie whines and I signal her free. She darts off to Caesar and Dylan, happy to see them. They play with her affectionately until I reach the car, opening a door for us to get in. Dylan and Caesar get in the car I’m in, giving Taylor and Dale a break from duty as they get into the other Tesla. My hand rests on Sadie’s head as I enjoy the lovely afterglow of being out in nature.

When the car gets to the bottom of the mountain, about a minute after cell reception is back, my phone rings.

“Hey, you,” I greet. “Shouldn’t you be working on the plane? I know you haven’t landed yet.”

“I miss you too,” Joe says with a smile in his voice.

“What are you talking about?”

“I got your text,” he says with a chuckle.

“What text?” I return slyly.

“The one you sent me just before you went for your hike,” Joe shares.

Damn Taylor and is openness with Hunter. Do they seriously have to keep doing that — telling the other where I or Joe are all the time?

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