Just Breathe Trilogy Box Set (75 page)

BOOK: Just Breathe Trilogy Box Set
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Seventy Five

A wet nose sniffing in my ear wakes me and I roll over in protest. The smell of the sheets is unfamiliar, forcing my eyes to open in panic. Scanning the room, I remember where I am and the events that took place last night.

When I make it to the kitchen, Anna sweetly greets me, letting me know that Sadie’s already been fed and walked. My head hurts from the whirlwind of yesterday’s events and being up until almost four in the morning. I drink my morning clay and then play with Sadie in Joe’s living room, trying to decide if I want to workout today or not. Sadie suddenly perks up and darts around the couch, greeting Joe who is oddly up at this early hour as well. We exchange pleasantries awkwardly, aware that there are other guests in the penthouse and there’s potential for being seen or heard if we partake in our usual private setting behaviors and commentary.

Anna nervously shuts off the television on the wall in the kitchen when Joe, Sadie and I enter. I don’t question her, but I do inconspicuously observe her carefully, not sure what to suspect.

Joe and I head down to the building’s gym to spar after having a smoothie. It’s not the best choice of activities, forcing our bodies into closer proximities, but it’s far better than swimming practically naked with the sexual tension on high between us. Sadie lays off to the side of the mats as Joe and I test each other’s limits. We’re still learning what the other knows, deliberately holding back to keep each match interesting.

When one of his neighbors enters the facility, the fifty-something woman turns on the television, increasing the volume loud enough for her to more than hear what’s being said as she rides a stationary bike. The voices of the news anchors catch my attention, causing me to lose focus and allowing Joe to flip me on my back, almost knocking the wind out of me.

“You okay?” Joe questions fully of concern. “What happened?”

“I got distracted,” I choke, fixing my gaze on the television.

“By what?”

I don’t have to say anything as the television reveals the answer.

A photo of Chris and me pops up on the screen.

“The biggest question everyone is asking is who is that mystery woman Chris brought with him for the premier. Aside from the fact that she and Chris have made the top of everyone’s list of best dressed, look at her, she gorgeous,” the black-haired woman states.

“She’s more than gorgeous, Terry,” says the blonde. “She’s a goddess. Look at how she’s dressed. Her designer made the perfect outfit for a superhero’s girlfriend. Those curves and muscles on her almost make her a superhero too.”

“She’s definitely gorgeous, so gorgeous that I would even date her, and I’m straight. Do you think they’re together, Shayna?” she inquires.

“It sure looks like it. Look at these photos of them throughout the night,” the blonde comments.

My skin crawls and my body winces as several pictures are shown on the television.

“If they are together, she’s one lucky lady to be with Chris,” Terry states.

“Or, is he one lucky man?” Shana questions.

“I think they’re both lucky,” says Terry, giggling.

“I would agree with you on that, but many of Chris’ twitter fans are not happy to see him suddenly unavailable,” Shayna remarks.

“I’m curious to see his response to all of the chatter on social media. I can’t believe there hasn’t been a statement to confirm or deny the relationship,” Terry adds.

“I’m sure we’ll hear something soon,” Shayna returns.

“Well, Shayna,” Terry says. “The other top story of the night is the unknown designer who dressed both Chris and his sexy date. His phone must be buzzing from everyone wanting his chart-topping fashion.”

A photo of Nathan and Jared is shown.

“Sources say that there was a total of nine pieces of Nathaniel Young’s on the red carpet, including the two he and his partner were wearing,” Shayna continues.

“Nine?” Terry shouts. “That’s a lot for an unknown designer.”

“You’re telling me,” Shayna adds. “And, he’s got a shop right in West Hollywood.”

Live video footage of the front of Nathaniel’s streams across the screen.

“Look at the line down the street at just ten in the morning for the store and they don’t open for another hour,” Shayna explains as the camera spans down a long stretch of Santa Monica Boulevard.

“There’s no way the fashion world can ignore Nathaniel and his style now,” Terry states.

“I would have to agree with you on that,” comments Shayna. “I think we need to end our show a littler early because I want him dressing me if he can make Chris’ date look as good as he did!”

“You’re too funny Shayna,” Terry answers. “I’m definitely in the spending mood, though. Let’s go!”

The television cuts to the next story.

“You okay?” Joe checks.

“Huh?” I reply, wrapping my head around what we just saw. “Yeah. I think so. You?”

Joe laughs. “It’ll blow over in a few days. Lets get something to eat.”

“Sure,” I agree quickly when I see the women in the room staring at me funny.

Joe and I snack on some fruit before hopping into separate showers to get ready for the day while our friends continue to sleep. Anna makes a small breakfast for Joe and me which is ready by the time we finish getting dressed.

Wanting to put the news about Chris and me out of my mind, I pick up my iPad and start working on things for Raven. I’m able to get some work done for about an hour until I turn on my email program. The inbox for Naturally Me endlessly chimes full of new emails, leaving a total count at four hundred and forty-four. Bing. Make that six hundred and twenty-five and still counting when I turn it back off.

By one-thirty, Joe and I are in his dining room eating lunch when Maggie and Henry join us. Conversations are inconsequential as they get their morning cup of coffee and tea to wake up. Joe and I both refrain from mentioning the news we saw earlier. We’re able to eat in peace until Jimmy and Allen stride into the room about fifteen minutes later.

“Sources tell us that Chris’ exceptionally hot date for the premier is, in fact, his
. Sorry ladies, this superhero
taken. We have yet to discover more about who she is other than her name, but that won’t stop us. Who is Emma?” Jimmy reads excitedly.

He continues to read more, but my brain tunes him out while I do my best to stay calm and rational.

“You are a heartbreaker, Emma,” Allen adds.

“How so?” I question.

“There are going to be a lot of women sad to know that Chris is off the market,” Jimmy explains.

“But, he’s not off the market,” I contend.

“Doesn’t matter,” Allen counters.

“Of course it does,” I rebut.

“The truth doesn’t matter to them,” Allen comments.

“You might want to look into bodyguards,” Jimmy adds.

“Why?” I say, worried by his statement.

“We’ve got them,” Allen shares.

“So do we,” Maggie adds.

“Our whole family has them,” Jimmy offers.

“Since when,” I question.

“Since always,” Jimmy answers.

“I’ve never seen them,” I argue.

“They’re that good,” Allen states.

“Leave her alone,” Joe interjects. “This will blow over in a few days. A few weeks at the latest.”

“I’m not so sure,” Jimmy debates. “There’s already been talk from the one reporter, David from Star Magazine, who’s been posting about him seeing and overhearing Jared, Nathan and Emma both signing autographs and taking pictures with some of the fans with and without Chris before they went inside the theater.”

“Shit!” my mouth explodes.

Everyone looks to me as I regretfully share what occurred. Maggie beams, excited for what all the hype can mean for Naturally Me on top of Nathaniel’s. Jimmy and Allen believe that there is no way this whole thing, especially with Chris in the mix, will be going away anytime soon. My mind starts to wander as my friends continue to chat, hoping for a not so public airing of my unreal relationship with Chris.

Jared calls a few minutes later, catching me up on all of the emails flooding Naturally Me. The majority of them are all positive from our supporters and followers. There are a few pieces of hate mail, as we predicted, we’ve gotten some unfriendly mail over the years specifically for our LGBT section, but they are mostly direct to Jared about him being gay and that he’s going to burn in hell for his blasphemes ways. I jump into instant defense mode and it takes Jared a minute to calm me. He’s able to brush off the comments much easier than I can when they target him, but then again, the roles reverse when there’s hate mail for me.

Jared reassures that there is no connection to me from last night and Naturally Me in the news, yet, but there’s a good chance that it will happen within the next day or two. He also mentions that he already has our social media team handling a lot of the press, letting them know what we feel most comfortable saying, which is pretty much nothing. He suggests I lay low by not going outside, and if I do, to wear a hat and sunglasses. Ironically, he encourages that I stay at Joe’s once he finds out that they have bodyguards from Jimmy. Joe, Jimmy and Allen agree, as do Maggie and Henry, when security comes up in conversation. I insist that he an Nathan lay low as well, considering some of the nasty emails received. He tries to assure me that Nathan and he will be fine, but agrees to have me arrange for some protection for them. When Jared updates me on the status of Nathaniel’s, I discover that the store is sold out. Nathan and Denise have been taking a lot of back orders while also mentioning to customers that several pieces are coming out this fall in department stores. Jared rushes off the phone when he hears that another A-list actor is calling for a consultation.

Joe contacts one of his guards to make arrangements to have a team come within the next day or two to potentially be my bodyguards as well as another group to be assigned to Jared and Nathan. I’m grateful for his attentiveness to protecting Jared and Nathan and not just me.

For the rest of the day, I purposefully do my best to keep my eyes and ears away from any of the news from last night. Anna sweetly comments that she thought I looked pretty. I thank her appreciatively despite my apprehension for the topic. Maggie and Henry head home after dinner and once the sun is fully set, Joe, Anna and I take a trip to my place to grab a few of my things. Jimmy and Allen try to come along, but Joe stands firmly with it only being three of us, hoping to not draw any more attention.

Anna stays in the car as Joe and I head up to my apartment. The second the door opens, Joe has it closed behind us and my body pinned, devouring my mouth.

“Do we have enough time?” Joe search with desperation in his voice.

“I doubt it,” I regretfully admit, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to.

“Damn,” he states, fighting to expose his irritation. “What do you need to pack?”

“Stuff for Sadie, clothes and some other things,” I manage to explain.

“Other stuff?” Joe muses. “Like?”

“Just other stuff,” I say.

“Like B.O.B.?”

“Maybe,” I answer calmly. “I’m considering it now that you mention him, with Jimmy and Allen at your place.”

Joe growls a little with frustration and excitement.

“He might have to . . .” I begin.

Cutting me off, Joe commands, “Unless you want to be naked in the next five seconds, don’t finish that statement.”

I weigh my options carefully, opening my mouth several times as if I’m going to and then don’t, wanting to tease and play.

“Start packing, or else we aren’t leaving,” Joe explains.

“Sure,” I agree, smacking his ass when I walk away.

“You’re asking for it, beautiful,” Joe announce.

“Am I?” I play.

Joe takes a moment to compose himself. “What should I pack for Sadie,” he questions with a steady tone.

I lead him into the kitchen, seductively bending over in front of him to get two large, pliable coolers, baiting him on purpose. A yelp immediately followed by a giggle passes my lips when Joe spanks my right butt cheek. Joe gives me a look, almost a little surprised by my reaction, but then realizes what I’m doing. He’s trying so hard to stay focused.

I leave Joe alone in the kitchen while I hurry to pack my toiletry bag and two suitcases of clothes, shoes and other things.

“That’s a lot of clothes,” Joe comments, startling me. “Plan on staying a while.” Joe’s brow lifts as his smile widens.

“Not really, no,” I object. “That one has shoes, toiletries and B.O.B. and his friends.”

“You won’t need B.O.B.,” Joe rebuts.

“If Jimmy and Allen are around, yes . . . yes I do,” I goad, closing the bag.

Two seconds later, Joe has me pinned against my bed.

“It’s about time,” I say, giggling.

Joe doesn’t say anything, he doesn’t have to. He simply kneels up, flawlessly undoes his pants and puts on a condom, flips up the bottom of my dress and rips off my panties. In one solid lunge, Joe fills my sex completely, somehow knowing I’m slick enough for entry.

“Joe,” my voice trembles with elation.

“Is this what you want?” Joe huffs into my neck as he plows into me.

“Yes,” I verify.

“You want me to fuck you . . . make you cum?” he asks on another thrust.

“Yes,” I pant. “Fuck me.”

Joe gives me exactly what I’m begging for, pounding into my sex, thrust after thrust as his hands grip my ass to keep me steady.

My arms grab onto his body. “Harder,” I plea. My hips widen when Joe’s pace quickens. “Yes,” I moan. “Just . . . like . . . that.”

The orgasm explodes, making my sex as wet as it’s ever been.

“Fuck, Emma,” Joe groans his climax.

We lay panting for a few moments.

“I don’t know if that took the edge off or made it worse,” Joe admits, grunting when he pulls out of me.

I don’t say anything, but my body completely agrees with his statement.

“I hate to rush us, but we need to go,” Joe says begrudgingly.

“Mad you’re missing cuddle time?” I tease.

Joe gives me a bashful look. “You like it, too.”

BOOK: Just Breathe Trilogy Box Set
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