She couldn't breathe when he pressed his lips against her neck. Every word he'd said to her had been true and she was trying to find some thought to push him away, to give her an excuse to run again. She couldn't find one.
“Do you still want me to stop?” he asked.
Celina shook her head. “Don't stop. Please, don't stop.”
Darius scooped Celina into his arms and carried her into the bedroom. In the darkness, Celina's doubts whispered in her ear, telling her that she was setting herself up to be hurt, just like her mother.
Darius laid her on the bed, looking down into her dark eyes. She looked up at him, not knowing what to say or if she should say anything, but words failed her. If she had said something, it might have been the wrong thing. She desperately wanted to believe that she and Darius were building something real and that he wasn't like her father had been when he was married to her mother.
As he unbuttoned his shirt, revealing his sculpted chest, a surge of lust ripped through Celina's body. She wanted to feel his skin against hers, his manhood deep inside her. But what more could he offer her?
Darius kissed her lips gently. “I want you to love me,” he said. “Don't hold back. I'll protect you.”
“Are you sure you can do that?” she asked breathlessly.
“Yes,” he replied confidently, then gently kissed her neck. Celina exhaled and her stomach trembled as Darius's hand brushed across her smooth belly. Then he gently removed her satin and lace bikini panties, stroking her inner thighs with his thumbs as he slid the delicate material down her legs.
She moaned as Darius played her body like a classically trained pianist, slipping his finger into her valley of sexuality, making her thighs quiver. She responded to his every touch like a musical note. Darius slid in between her legs, positioning himself on top of her, pressing her breasts against his chest. Their hearts seemed to have one beat, their bodies one yearning.
Celina took his earlobe into her mouth, gently biting it as he wrapped her legs around his waist. She was so hot she felt as if flames had engulfed her body and it was going to take Darius to put them out.
As Darius entered her awaiting body, neither of them realized that they hadn't protected themselves. Celina pulled Darius closer to her, urging him to dive deeper into her body. She wanted him to lose himself inside her and she wanted to lose herself in his love. He answered her silent request and thrust his hips into hers, digging so deeply that she felt as if he'd touched her soul. She closed her eyes as she exploded from the inside out. Never had she experienced such passion and such intense pleasure. Darius wrapped his arms around her, not ready to pull back. Her warmth and wetness made it hard for him to control himself, but he held out until he knew that Celina had been satisfied. Then he allowed himself to climax.
“This feels so good,” Darius said as they lay in one another's arms. He kissed her on the forehead.
“I wish it could be like this forever,” she said. Her words surprised her.
“It can be.” Darius propped himself up on his elbows, peering at Celina. He knew that no other woman would ever again share his bed or his heart. “All you have to do is believe that we are meant to be. When you start overthinking things, that's when you run into trouble.”
“I want to believe that. I need to believe that,” she said, tightening her grip around Darius's waist. Celina glanced down at his naked body. “Oh my God.”
“What's wrong?” he asked.
“I can't believe this. Darius, you didn't have on a condom. How could you do this?” Celina bolted up in the bed, shattering the afterglow of their lovemaking.
“I'm sorry,” he said. “I wasn't thinking.”
“Do you know what this could mean?”
“Celina, I swear this isn't something I did on purpose. If you're worried about a disease or anything like that, I've had a physical and everything was negative.”
She wrapped the sheet around her naked frame and sat up in the bed. “That's good to know,” she said. “And the same is true for me. I had a battery of tests before I went to Paris. But that's not the only thing that we have to worry about.”
“Celina, you don't have to create trouble or something to worry about. Everything is going to be fine. Do you trust me?”
Celina nodded. She did trust Darius. She just hoped this trust wouldn't come back to bite her in the heart.
Darius looked into Celina's coal-black eyes and the look of fear that shone in them filled him with guilt. He should've protected them and used a condom. The last thing that he wanted was a child out of wedlock. Even though times had changed, in Elmore people still believed that it was marriage first, then children.
Celina swung her legs over the side of the bed. “I have to go,” she said.
Darius grabbed her shoulder. “Don't go. Stay with me tonight.”
Celina shook her head furiously. “I-I can't stay,” she said. “I have to go.”
Darius turned her around so that they were facing one another. “Have to or want to? I thought you were going to stop running or did you just say that to get me into bed?”
She looked at him and forced a smile. “You're not funny,” she said.
“I'm not trying to be. How are you going to leave when we haven't even had dinner yet?” Darius stroked her forearm. “You can sit here and I'll bring our plates in. We can have dinner in bed.”
Celina swatted his hand away. “Umm, I think we should get out of this bed,” she said as she reached down and picked up her discarded panties. Darius pounced on her playfully, gently kissing her on the lips. Celina responded to his kiss, just as he knew she would, then she placed her hand against his chest and pushed him away.
“You still aren't playing fair, Darius McRae,” she said breathlessly.
“And you love it,” he joked.
Celina playfully slapped him across the chest. “I thought you were going to feed me?”
Darius stood up and smiled. “I will, but you have to put your dress on before I feast on you again,” he said.
Celina slowly and seductively stood up. “Maybe that can be arranged,” she said as she slid her dress over her hips.
Darius walked up behind her and tied her dress. Then he kissed her on the neck. Celina shivered underneath his touch.
“We'd better get to that dinner,” she said as she turned to walk away.
Darius watched her as she sauntered down the hall, his eyes focused on her hips as they swayed from left to right.
It should be a crime to look that damned good,
he thought. Darius knew he had to keep his hormones in check, at least until they got through dinner.
Darius and Celina sat across from each other, eating in silence, stealing glances at each other as if they were in high school, sitting across from each other in the cafeteria. Celina caught his stare and she seemed to blush. “Why are you looking at me like that?” she asked, placing her fork on the side of her plate. “Do I have food all over my face or something?”
He shook his head. “It's like asking why do people stare at the
Mona Lisa
. Celina, do you realize how beautiful you are?”
“You don't have to blow smoke,” she said. “You've already gotten me into bed tonight.”
Darius walked over to her and stood over her chair. “Why do you say that? I don't say things that I don't mean and you are the most beautiful and intriguing woman I've met in a long time.”
“This is so new to me,” she said.
He raised his eyebrow. “This?”
“The heat between us.” Her voice was barely a whisper. “For so many years, I never let anyone get too close, even when I was engaged to be married. I'm sure Terrick would've been a good husband, but the passion was never there.”
“It's called falling in love.”
Celina nodded, “That's what I was going to tell you earlier today when you were with Tiffany. When I saw that, I just wanted to retreat into the house and never speak to you again. My first thought was,
he's just like every other man who claims to love someone, but can't keep it in his pants.”
“I would never do anything to hurt you,” he said, cupping her chin in his hands. “Your love means more than anything to me.”
Tears threatened to fall from her almond shaped eyes as Darius brought his lips to hers and softly kissed her. When Celina wrapped her arms around him, he felt her opening up to him and he couldn't be happier. Dinner was completely forgotten as Darius lifted Celina from her chair and carried her back to the bedroom where they made slow, gentle love all night.
She arched her back like a lazy cat, stretching her hand out and touching Darius's face. Everything seemed a little unreal to her. Here she was, lying in bed with this man, opening her heart to him and feeling more satisfied that she'd ever felt. All she could do was pray that this feeling would last.
Being with Darius calmed her, made her happier than she had been in years, and she couldn't help wondering if she'd cheated herself all this time in an effort not to be hurt.
Mother was right,
she thought, looking at Darius's sleeping frame.
I have to take a risk and live my life.
Now Celina was going to have to face another demonâforgiving her father. She sat up in bed, realizing that she hadn't checked on Thomas. What if someone had called the house looking for her? The red numbers on the digital alarm clock read 7:30. Normally, she would be on her way to Columbia. She rose quietly, trying not to wake Darius, but she did anyway. He sat up and looked over at Celina, who was dressing at the foot of the bed.
“Good morning, sunshine,” he said, then climbed out of bed, walking up behind her, circling her waist with his strong arms. “I know you weren't going to leave without saying good morning or good-bye?”
“I didn't want to wake you, but I have to get moving. My father may be released from the hospital today.”
Darius dropped his arms from around her waist. “You're driving up there this morning?” Celina nodded as she slipped into her dress.
Darius clasped his hands together and looked at her. “You know,” he said. “I don't like you driving all that way alone. And you come back so late sometimes. Why don't I go with you?”
She shook her head. “That's not necessary. I'm a big girl, Darius. And you have your own responsibilities here.”
He cocked his head to the side and looked at her. “I know that. But these trips have to be hard for you. Celina, you don't have to go through this alone because I'm here for you.”
She didn't want to grow dependant on Darius and though she would have loved to have someone to talk to about what was going on with her father, she didn't think he would be able to tear himself away from his business long enough. “Darius, I really don't need you to go with me,” she said.
“I don't care, I'm going with you. So you might as well get yourself together and meet me at the car,” he said. “I'm not taking âno' for an answer.”
“Whatever,” she said, flinging her hair back.
“I'll be ready in fifteen minutes,” he said as he walked Celina to the door.
She turned around and looked at Darius. This man was determined and all she could do was roll with it. The look in his eyes told her that he wouldn't easily be deterred.
“Fine, I'll see you in a little bit,” she said as she walked out the door. As Celina strode across to her father's house, she couldn't help but smile. Darius had entered her life and made one of the hardest times in her life much easier to handle and, he'd opened her heart to something she never thought she would feelâlove. Celina had thought she loved Terrick. That's why she'd accepted his engagement ring, but he didn't fill her with the excitement that Darius did. He didn't make her feel secure, safe, and alive. Terrick couldn't make her body come alive with sensual sensations the way Darius did. He was a great friend and nice guy, but he didn't set her soul on fire. Darius McRae did that with just the sound of his voice. Celina wondered if this feeling would last and she silently prayed that it would as she ran into the bathroom and took a quick shower. As she stepped out of the shower and wrapped herself in a towel, there was a knock at the door.
“Darius, is that you?” she called out as she dashed to the front door and pulled the curtain back. Celina turned and looked at the clock on the wall. It had been fifteen minutes since she left him. Celina opened the front door. “Sorry, I'm running a little behind.”
Darius smiled approvingly at the towel she covered herself with. “That's okay, I'll wait. Want some coffee or something to eat before we go?”
Celina shook her head. “I can pick up something at the hospital, but if you want some coffee, help yourself,” she said as she led him into the kitchen. Celina pointed to the antiquated coffeemaker on the edge of the breakfast bar. “Dad has some Sanka in the cabinet. I have to get dressed,” she said, then disappeared down the hall. Celina listened as the cabinets slammed, indicating that Darius was about to brew some coffee. She quickly dressed in a pair of black and white yoga pants and a matching tank top. She tied the black jacket around her waist, then slipped on a pair of black thong sandals. When she walked into the kitchen, Darius was fumbling with the coffeemaker.
“How long has your father had this thing?” Darius asked.
“It's been here since I was a child,” she said with a laugh. Celina walked over to him. “Let me help you with that.” She removed the ceramic coffee carafe from the bottom of the coffeemaker and filled it with water from the faucet, opened the back of the machine, and poured the water in. Then she removed the filter basket and poured coffee grinds in the filter.
“We have a sale on coffeemakers at the store,” Darius said. “I'll even give you one. It shouldn't take all of this to make a cup of coffee.”
“It's not so bad,” she said as the coffee began to percolate. Celina reached into the cabinet above her head and pulled out two ivory mugs. “Sometimes old things are just fine. This coffeemaker reminds me of Sunday mornings, rushing off to church, and my parents being together.”
Darius walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. “But it never hurts to try something new,” he whispered against her ear. “Look at us. You were so adamant about not even giving me the time of day unless it was on your terms. Now we're making new memories with your old coffeemaker.”
Celina sighed. “Darius,” she said as his lips brushed against her neck, “don't start something that we can't finish. We have to go.”
“I know,” he said. “But I want to hear you say it again.”
Celina whirled around and locked eyes with him. “Hear what?” she asked. Darius stroked her hair and smiled. She grabbed his hand. “What is it that you want to hear?”
“You saying that you're falling in love with me,” he said.
She exhaled loudly. Did he not understand that she needed to get to the hospital? Why was it so important for him to hear her say again that she was falling for him?
“Come on, Darius, we have to go,” she said.
“All right,” he said, “but don't go changing your mind on me between here and Columbia.”
“I'm falling for you, Darius McRae, faster and harder than I've ever fell for anyone,” she said unabashedly. Celina stood on her tiptoes and kissed Darius firmly on the lips. “Can we go now?”
Satisfied, Darius nodded and the couple headed out the door. Darius walked over to the driver's side and stopped Celina from opening the door. “Why don't you let me drive?” he suggested as he slid the keys from her hand.
“And I thought chivalry was dead,” she said as she gave up the keys and walked over to the passenger side of the car. Darius smiled as he released the electric locks and watched Celina get into the car and cross her legs at the ankles.
When he eased into the car, it was her turn to stare, taking note of how Darius moved like fluid, smooth and cool. Even the way he switched the car on was slick, like a TV detectiveâor maybe it was the rose-colored tint through which she saw him. Darius had come into her life and carved a space in her heartâsomething that she'd never expected to happen.
Celina didn't know that love could feel good like this; she didn't realize the splendor of it all. All she'd seen and imagined was the pain that her father had caused her mother all those years ago.
Darius and Celina rode to the hospital in silence because she fell asleep. He glanced at her as she dozed off while he headed down the interstate, knowing that he was right and she needed him to travel with her. He reached out and gently stroked her thigh, careful not to wake her up because she needed her rest. Darius wanted to protect Celina at all costs, not wanting her ever to be hurt by anything. If he could have found a cure for her father's cancer, he would have. He wondered if Thomas was getting any better and how Celina was really dealing with all of this. From the short time that he'd known her, he knew that she was good at bottling things inside. Darius admired Celina's strength and the fact that she could do for herself, but allowed him to reach out to help her as well. She was the perfect blend of independence and sass tempered with a little bit of southern belle innocence.
In short, she was perfect. Everything that Darius had ever wanted or hoped to find in a woman. He smiled as thoughts of the wedding march and Celina dressed in a white gown danced in his mind. The last woman who made him think about marriage was Renita. But it was her thirst for other men that killed his dream of making her his wife. Celina wasn't like that. Darius knew she just needed one man to love her and he was going to be the one to do it.
He thought about Celina's life in New York. As beautiful as she was, was she really single in the Big Apple? Women like her didn't come around often and some man was a fool to let her roam the city alone.
But what if she wasn't alone? What if she had a boyfriend in New York waiting for her to return from Paris?
Celina sat up and looked over at Darius. “Are we there yet?”
Darius smiled as he turned off at the exit marked for the medical center. “I can imagine how you were as a kid in the car,” he said.
Celina rolled her eyes. “You drive like an old man,” she said, running her tongue over her lips. “I would have been there by now.”
“Woman, you wound me. Just because I don't drive like a bat out of hell doesn't mean I drive like an old man,” Darius replied as he turned onto the street from the exit ramp.
Celina chuckled. “Yes, it does,” she said as she slid her petite feet into her thong sandals. She wiggled her golden toes, causing Darius to nearly run a stop sign as he fantasized about taking each toe into his mouth, sucking them as if they were imported chocolate. The car jerked forward as Darius slammed on the brakes. Celina placed her hand on the dashboard, bracing herself.
“All right, I apologize,” Celina said. “You don't drive like an old man.”
“Sorry,” Darius said. “I got a little distracted.”
Celina raised her eyebrow at him. Darius shrugged his shoulders, not wanting to let her know what distracted him. Celina gave Darius directions to the medical center. He muttered under his breath as cars haphazardly entered traffic, cutting him off.
“Road rage?” Celina ribbed.
“Everybody in Columbia can't be in this much of a hurry,” he said, as he moved into the left lane so that he could turn into the medical center's entrance.
Celina shrugged her shoulders. “Everyone doesn't drive like they're in Elmore,” she said with a smile.
Darius looked at her as he pulled the car into a parking spot. “I bet you drive like a maniac in New York.”
“Actually, I prefer the subway,” she said as she opened the door and stepped out of the car. “It's safer and cheaper.”
Darius watched Celina as she got out of the car. She stretched her arms above her head, exposing a small sliver of flesh, sending sparks of arousal though Darius's body. He looked away quickly. He hadn't come to the hospital to lust after Celina; he was there to support her as she checked in on her father. After all, the man was sick, near death. But he couldn't help thinking about the time they had spent in his bed and watching her wrap a sheet around her lean body, hiding the breasts that he loved and the thighs that he wanted to be between.
Darius walked over to Celina and linked his arm with hers, wanting everyone to know that she was his woman and his heart was hers.
Celina felt so comfortable with Darius that it frightened her, because she could see herself growing to depend on him more and more. But love wasn't about dependence and she knew that he was merely offering his support to her because he cared. Still, the prickly voices in the back of her head questioned whether this feeling would last.
Don't get too comfortable, because your home is in New York.
She leaned against him as they rode the elevator up to the fifth floor where her father's room was, doing her best to ignore the negative thoughts as the doors to the elevator opened and they stepped off, heading down the hall for room 537.
Boisterous laughter poured from the roomâa sound that Celina had never heard before. Her father, she surmised, had probably charmed a few nurses. She slowly pushed the door open. “Mom?” she exclaimed when she saw Rena sitting at the foot of Thomas's bed.
Rena stood up, hugged her daughter, and then smiled approvingly at Darius. Celina knew her mother had recalled their conversation from a few days ago and put two and two together.