Just Her Luck (57 page)

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Authors: Jeanette Lynn

BOOK: Just Her Luck
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“You did it on purpose, didn’t you? To punish me for not liking me?” I poked him in the chest, finger stabbing at him to punctuate my point.

He didn’t say anything, his jaw hard, mouth a grim line.

“Didn’t you?” It was more rhetorical than anything, but I wanted to hear him say it.

“No,” he bit out finally, having had to repeat myself a few times until he answered.

“Liar!” I snapped.

He didn’t respond, just kept looking at me steadily.

I punched him in the shoulder. “Well?”

He didn’t answer, and I growled at him in frustration.

“Fuck trying to be civil with you, you big stubborn jackass!
It is soo on!
I’m going to get your ass back for every god damned piece of clothing I’ve had to hang up since I set foot in this fucking loony bin!”

I whirled around and marched out of the room, stomping down the hall.

Growling under my breath, I marched back in a moment later and grabbed up my screw driver, putty knife and socket wrench, the socket still attached.

“These!” I waved my tools around madly, getting a wide berth on my exit, “Are mine!”

I could hear them all talking in low hushed whispers as I veered towards the kitchen and then a, “Holy shit!” and a hysterical laugh from Thatcher, the sound of the dryer humming away making me smile.

“She fixed it,” Bowen said proudly, a hint of smugness in his voice.

That’s right, sexy, you be smug!

Be smug for me!

“She sure showed you!” Thatcher howled out in laughter.

There was a pause and then, “Ow, shit! What the hell did you hit me for, ya bastard?! That hurt!”

I walked with my head a bit higher after that, my mood lightening right up.

Ha ha!



Guess Who



“Well hello, pretty lady. Can I come in? I brought someone who’s been dyin’ to see ya.”

I turned at the sound of Ten’s voice, grinning when Cal came running up to me, a bouquet of wild flowers in his outstretched hand.

I wiped my hands on my apron, swiping away the flour to take his pretty offering.

“I knew you were around here somewhere. I saw your truck when I pulled up earlier.”

“They said they needed reinforcements!” Cal said excitedly, jumping up and down, “So Uncle Ten left and picked me up after school, and instead of goin’ home he brought me here!”

“He did?” I laughed, setting the flowers in a mason jar.

I can’t really do flowers, they set my allergies off something awful, and then my asthma too-
not so yay for me-
so I inconspicuously set them far away from me on the far off counter.

I’ll just get rid of them later, once he leaves.

Don’t want to hurt his feelings.

They’re very pretty though and thoughtful.

So sweet.

“Yeah,” Cal continued, “They said you were upset and that you weren’t to be triff… uh... triffle... triffened with, so Ten said I could come along. Is it because I make you happy?”

He seemed thrilled by the idea.

“Sure is.” I handed him a cookie, and he happily took it, shoving the whole thing into his mouth.

I handed Ten one too, and he smiled his thanks, both of us laughing at Cal’s cookie stuffed cheeks.

“You have a bit of flour on your face,” Ten said, taking a bite.

“I do?” I frowned, wiping at my face, “Where?”

Cal laughed, trying not to choke on his cookie as I kept wiping at my face, aiming for the elusive flour smudge.

“Here,” Ten reached over and wiped it off of my face, fingers brushing my cheek gently, laughing when I sighed in relief.

The guys all walked in then, Reeve in the lead as Ten pulled his hand back.

The simultaneous scowl they all sported at the same exact moment looked oddly planned.

Which didn’t surprise me, I could already guess what they were thinking.

surprise me, though, was who spoke up first.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing, Tennessee?” Reeve growled at his best friend, his lip curling up as he gave Ten a disturbed, pissed off look.

I huffed.

He probably thinks I’m going to add another to my collection.

As if!

I have enough men to contend with as it is!

“Don’t be mad at him for sullying himself with the enemy, Reeve, the kitchen is neutral territory and he can talk to me all he likes while he’s in here. Even eat my cookies.”

I rolled my eyes at the stubborn cuss, making Cal laugh.

Crap! I’d almost forgotten about Cal!

“And don’t cuss in front of Cal!”

The oven dinged and I turned around to pull another sheet of cookies out of the oven, warning Cal to stay back.

“I think you bring out the worst in her, buddy,” Ten chuckled, “She was fine until you came barkin’ in, all possessive and churlish. What’s gotten into you? I won’t scam on your woman.”

I set the pan down and grabbed a cookie off of the platter of already cooled ones.

“The day I’m Reeve Harrison’s woman,” I muttered, covering Cal’s ears, “Hell will surely freeze over.”

“I’ll be sure to buy a winter coat,” Ten teased, taking a huge bite of his cookie, chewing happily.

I flipped him off over Cal’s head, making sure my little friend couldn’t see.

Ten grinned, greys eyes laughing, but didn’t say anything else.

A minute later, Reeve stomped out of the house, mumbling incoherent expletives, keeping them really low so Cal couldn’t overhear.

I thought, sinking my teeth into a persimmon cookie.
At least he remembered not to swear in front of the little one.






“So, how come we’re playing cards in
, but they get to play out
?” Cal frowned as he watched the guys playing poker out on the back patio, their cousin Eustice and a few other guys over to play now as well.

The slider door was shut tight so the gag of cigars didn’t come wafting in.

They’d all protested at first, only acquiescing when I promised it was perfectly fine if they kept that shit outside and far away from me, and tossed a brand new box of cigars at Bowen.

The table was set up so far across the backyard that I highly doubt I’d catch more than a whiff.

Far, far away from me.

They’d all already decided to shower afterwards as well, just in case.

I smiled at their protectiveness towards me.

I didn’t, however, want to be the fly in their ointment when they have their poker night, so I’d thought about it and this was my solution.

I can be accommodating… when it suits me.

“You don’t like playing in here?” I asked my little buddy, situating my cards.

… I just…”

The doorbell rang and I got up, ruffling his hair on my way.

“That’s probably your mom, short and sweet. Are you ready?”

I laughed at the look his face, his little nose scrunched up in annoyance.

My little buddy wasn’t ready to leave just yet.

I reached the door and turned the knob as he sighed dramatically, “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

The put out tone in his voice was too adorable to ignore.

I chuckled, grinning at his antics as I opened the door.

“Well. Well. If it isn’t the fat ass from the party.”

My head shot towards the sneering voice, the redheaded ass wipe from Ephraim’s birthday party standing right here in front of me, just as belligerent and brawny as last time.

And drunk again, obviously, his eyes frosted over and glassy, blood shot through and through as he glared at me hatefully.


I tried to close the door, slam it shut on him, but the drunken man shoved his booted foot in the way, blocking me.

“Move your foot, sir,” I stated as calmly as possible, not wanting to scare or alarm Cal.

“Fuck no! This is perfect! You and I have things to discuss, bitch,” he hissed, his hand wrapping around the door.

I braced my body against it and looked over at a wide eyed Cal.

“Go get the guys, Cal, and hurry, sweetie.”

He ran for the back door, dropping his things in his haste.

Cal gone, I smashed the man’s hands, loosening them from the door.

“Get out, mother fucker!” I grumbled under my breath, grunting and kicking at his foot to get him to move.

“You fucking fat bitch, open this god damned door so I can teach you how to treat a man!”

“Learn how to treat a lady and maybe I will,” I hissed.

He let go of the door, surprising me, and I wobbled, thrown off balance.

“If you were a lady, maybe I would!” He gave a sharp shove all of the sudden, and I went flying forward, tumbling from the quick turnaround.

I was lucky and only flopped back hard, skidding across the entryway, narrowly missing falling down the steps.

The red haired man stalked towards me, his hand reaching out to slap me.

I punched him in the nuts before he could make contact, diving for his legs when he bent over.

He tripped and fell down the steps, tugging me along with him.

We tumbled, landing hard on the bottom of the tiled entryway with a resounding thud.

I screamed when he pinned me down and started yelling crazy accusations at me, in my face, waving at me, making me flinch every time he got close enough. Making me think he was going to hit me.

“It’s all because of you, isn’t it? You fucked one of them and tattled like a little rat! You fucking cunt! I know this is all your fault somehow and you’re going to pay for it!”

“What the fuck?!” Sawyer roared, coming in through the front door.

He’d been out earlier, making a quick beer run, and must have just gotten back.

With one firm yank, the man was off of me and flying across the room, screaming like a little girl as he went airborne.

Everyone else had just rushed in, Cal staying back with Ten outside, and Thatcher made it to me first, pulling me to him, checking me over quickly.

“What happened, love? Are you alright.”

I trembled in his arms, shaken up badly by the whole thing, but managed a small nod.

He soothed me quietly, turning so we weren’t facing the drama unfolding in the living room.

“Are you alright, baby?” Ephraim asked gently, standing over me protectively.

His eyes were spitting fire, but his voice was soft.

Thatcher’s expression matched his.

There was a lot of grunting and cursing coming from the living room, but Ephraim was blocking my view.

“I have rights!” The redhead screeched indignantly, slurring his words, stumbling along as Eustice dragged him outside, a black eye to match his fat lip on his stupid smarmy face as he came tumbling into view.

The man sneered at me, but Ephraim stepped protectively in front of me, growling angrily at the man.

“Rights!” Sawyer thundered. “Rights? You lay a finger on her again and no one will be able to save you. Do you hear me?
No one!”

I looked past Ephraim to see Bowen holding Sawyer back, Sawyer’s face red with rage, Bo’s just as angry.

“She’s just a stupid, fat bitch!” the man argued, waving an arm at me, encompassing my whole body. “A quick fuck! You can’t fire me for trying to fuck a fat whore! It’s not my fault she’s a god damned tease!”

The man obviously didn’t have a smart bone in his body.

I shot up at that, pissed.

“I never led you on, you stupid son of a…”

The man gave me a nasty smile and blew me a kiss, clearly beyond intoxicated.

That or he’s just plum crazy.

Either way…

Ephraim went to rush towards him, intending to do some
bodily harm, but I quickly gripped his leg, keeping him back.

“Don’t! Ephraim! Wait!”

“He’s callin’ you a whore, baby,” Ephraim snarled, “I won’t stand for Reeve doing it, so why should I let this asshole?”

“Ephraim! Please! He’s not right in the head! I don’t want anyone going to jail for me!”

Ephraim tried to pry me off of his leg, and Bowen let go of Sawyer, letting my angry lion man loose.

They both stalked towards their target, eyes blazing with unmasked fury.

Eustice hauled his fist back and punched the man in the face before any of my guys could reach him, letting the ass wipe slump to the floor, knocking his ass out cold.

I stared at the slack jawed, slumped form of my attacker.

He looks so sad now
, I thought a little detachedly at the moment, slowly releasing Ephraim’s leg.

Yup, getting cold cocked by a man gorilla nurse will do that to you.

“Asshole,” Eustice grumbled, dragging the man out by his jacket.

I wilted, letting out a deep even breath and slumped heavily into Thatcher’s arms, closing my eyes while he held me tight.

“Why the fuck is he here?” Reeve snarled, setting his grocery bags by the door, stepping over the downed man, taking in everything in front of him.

“Get him outta here, Tice, or I’m liable to shoot him,” Sawyer swore, crossing the room with several quick strides, kneeling down in front of me.

“Did he hit you, honey? I saw him raising his fist at you.”

I shook my head and let him pull me close, burying my face in his neck.

“If he’d have hurt you, I can’t say I wouldn’t have killed him.” He pulled back, and I cleared my throat, kissing him quickly, wrapping my arms around his neck as I hugged him to me.

He inhaled deeply at my neck, taking in my scent, his body settling back down.

“What did he say to you, sweetheart? Do you know him?” Bowen asked, popping up from his kneel beside me, next to Sawyer, releasing his grip on my thigh to greet the cop car that just pulled up right along with Cal’s mother.

Reeve dropped his bags by the door and eyed me from head to toe, then the man.

“Did he hurt you, gremlin?” he asked gruffly, his face a careful blank.

“Uhm… no. Other than scaring the crap out of me and yelling at me, no.” My voice shook as badly as my hands.

He nodded and started for the redhead as he came to, hands reaching out like he wanted to choke him.

He stopped when a thin, mustached man in a sheriff’s uniform came in, surveying the scene.

“That him?” the man asked.

He glanced behind him, waiting for Bowen to answer.

“Yeah, Dickie, that’s him.” Bowen came up behind him, arms crossed tightly over his massive chest.

“Dickie?” I whispered, wide eyed.

Good lord! Sheriff Dickie?

That’s his name?

Dickie walked up, his partner just coming in, a fair skinned behemoth with no hair on his face or head, or anywhere.

A large, hairless giant.

“Harry,” Dickie nudged the downed redhead, “Bo says this is him.”

Dickie and Harry?

Harry and Dickie?

I faked a coughing fit, covering up my watery eyes and laughing jag at the utter absurdity of it all by burying my face into Sawyer’s chest.

The redheaded culprit groaned and rolled to his side, throwing up all over the tiles.

I gagged and covered my mouth and nose with my hand.

Oh, eeeewwww!

“Wake up, son,” Harry’s big booming voice demanded, “We want ta have a little talk wit ya.”

I openly gaped at the hairless Harry, watching him switch the giant wad of chew he had in his mouth from cheek to cheek, scowling down mightily at the red haired ass wipe.

“I didn’t do nothin’,” the redhead mumbled, swiping his hands in the puke on his shirt.

“Here, keep it.” Reeve tossed Dickie a towel, and he used it to escort the man out of the house.

“Wait!” The man protested, digging his heels in. “You can’t arrest me! I didn’t do nothin’ wrong.”

Sawyer stiffened and went to set me next to him, but I held tight.

“Oh, no you don’t, lion man. No one else is going to the slammer tonight. Especially not for me,” I whispered fiercely, my grip tightening even more.

Sawyer took in the look on my face and stopped immediately.

He grumbled and bitched for a full minute under his breath.

“Alright, brat, but I don’t like it,” he finally conceded.

I pulled his arms back around me and leaned my head on his chest.

The drunken buffoon saw the action and laughed, pointing at me.

“See! She’s nothin’ but a whore! I got fired because of her! Arrest
! She’s the fuckin’ lyin’ whore that…”

He didn’t get to finish the rest of it, Reeve’s fist slamming into his face shutting him right up.

Harry caught the downed drunkard as he fell, grimacing as his hands slipped in vomit from the man’s shirt.

Reeve shook out his wrist and glared.

Satisfied the drunkard was out, he glanced over at Dickie.

“You gonna take me in too, Dick? I’m tellin’ you right now, I could give two shits if you did. That fucker deserved it.”

I wonder if Reeve realizes he’s scorched me with similar barbs, thrown unerringly at my person.

Dickie rubbed at his black mustachio for a minute and looked over at his partner, peeking at him from the corner of his eye.

“Did you see anything, Harry? I didn’t see nothin’.”

Harry, who was just outside the door now with the redhead in tow, spit over the porch railing and grinned.

“I didn’t see nothin’, Dick. This here fella done tripped and knocked his self out. He sure did.”

Harry winked at me, but I didn’t react.

I couldn’t, my face frozen with unbelieving dismay, still gaping at everything with saucer eyes, slack jawed at it all.

I am in the damned twilight zone,
I thought, dazed and a bit confused.

Crazy redhead’s all hopped up on silly sauce, Reeve defending me… sheriff Dickie and his partner Harry… They didn’t see nothin’…

What’s next?

“You all wantin’ to press charges?” Dickie asked, coming back into the house a few minutes later with a clipboard.

“Yes,” all of five of them said in unison, not an ounce of hesitation.






“I can’t just go back to the game
,” Ephraim barked incredulously from his perch on the arm of the couch, massaging my shoulder while Sawyer held me tight in his lap.

I think poor Sawyer is a little keyed up about everything, long after I thought I’d managed to calm down.

He’s still tense and stiff, tied up in knots, he’s so upset.

Pissed is more like it, but upset sounds so much nicer.

I’m going for nice.

He’s irritated that I held him back when he’d wanted to go for broke with the drunken, crazy redhead.

Vern, Dickie had said his name was.

And even more mad because just about everyone else got to have a shot at the foul mouthed, drunken ass wipe.

“Are you still mad at me, Mr. Harrison? Or is Dr. Sawyer back in?” I cleared my throat a little and licked my lips, waiting for his response.

Sawyer gave me a funny look, and I gave him a raised- browed stare.

“Mr. Harrison and Dr. Sawyer? I’m only one person, brat, and I was never mad at you. I’m more mad at myself than anything,” he murmured quietly, kissing my temple.

“You’re Dr. Sawyer when you’re the sweet mediator we all know and love, and Mr. Harrison when you get all growling, lion man, ‘hear me roar’ when you’re mad. Why be mad at yourself, goldie locks? You didn’t do it.” I tugged at his chin hair. “If anything, you came in like a raging bull and would have pounded him into a bloody pulp if Bo hadn’t manhandled you and held you back.”

That got a faint smile from Sawyer and a squeeze on my hips.

Bowen grinned, overhearing us, handing me a soda, sitting down next to us.

His hand gripped my thigh and I covered my free hand with his, twining our fingers together.

The other guys from poker were sitting on the extra couch, watching us interestedly between talking with Thatcher and Reeve, and trying to eye us covertly.

They were saying something about how they all knew sheriff Dickie.

I guess Reeve went to high school with him or something and they used to do the rodeo circuit together, back in the day.

I dunno.


I wonder if that’s how Reeve got his facial scars and why he can’t have kids.

I wanted to cross my legs and cringe at the very idea.



Trying to hold my own against a big assed bull, holding on for dear life, possibly being gored somehow by said bull, specifically in the Johnson or kibbly bits…

Double ouch.

That is not how I, if I was a dude, would want to spend by nights, but, you know, to each their own.

I shuddered for real this time at the thought.


“You cold, my sweet?” Thatcher asked, noticing the slight tremble in my frame, drawing everyone’s attention to me.

He wiggled his brows, leaning over the back of the other couch their poker buddies occupied, opposite us.

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