Just One Drink (123 page)

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Authors: Charlotte Sloan

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Short Stories, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Multicultural, #Romantic Comedy, #Contemporary Fiction, #Single Authors, #Lgbt, #Bisexual Romance, #Multicultural & Interracial

BOOK: Just One Drink
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Stephen stood up and Katelyn reached towards them both taking a dick in each hand. She began to stroke them and waited until they both came. Stephen came first, shooting over her tits and neck, she stroked his dick a few more times and licked the remaining bit of semen from the tip of his dick. Then, with her free hand she scooped some of it off her tits and licked it off her fingers.


John didn’t last much longer and shot his load into her mouth. Before swallowing she blew him for a few moments, making sure that he was empty. She then swallowed and stood up, facing the two men. With a big smile on her face she jumped into bed and motioned for them to join her. Stephen crawled into bed first and began to lick and play with her nipples as John got into bed and began to kiss and massage her thighs.


Katelyn fell asleep with goosebumps covering her body.




Katelyn opened her eyes after having taken a small nap, the vodka and tequila were beginning to wear off after the workout she just had. She looked around the room over the sweaty, muscular bodies of the two men that littered across her bed. She didn’t see any water bottles that were in the room, so she very slowly and gently stood up, making sure to not wake the two men. However, as she took a step away from the bed, Steven opened his eyes and turned his head to watch her.


“Hey, I love the view, but where are you going?” Katelyn felt herself blush as she attempted to cover her naked body. They both laughed quietly and Katelyn grabbed the silk nightgown that was folded up on the dresser. She pulled it over her head and the silk fell loosely over her body, stimulating her nipples slightly. Steven raised up out of bed and walked across the room to her. Their lips met and Katelyn felt her body beginning to melt in his arms as his hands began to massage her neck. “Whatever it is, I can get it for you.”


“Oh, it’s just water, I’m sure that I can-” Steven raised his hand to her lips and cut her off.


“I’ll just be a second, John is waking up.” Katelyn turned around and saw that John was shifting in bed so that he was sitting up slightly against the pillows. Steven left the room and John threw off the covers revealing his naked body to her. She slithered into bed with him and they started to kiss, her hands delicately outlining his muscles as they made their way towards his cock once again.


Just then Katelyn heard a car pull into the driveway. Thinking nothing of it, assuming that it would Meredith to check in on her, she continued to play with John, her hand gently beginning to roll his balls, his own hand working its way inside her shirt. However, as the door opened she heard something she wasn’t expecting.


“Steven, what the hell are you doing here?” Katelyn bolted upright as did John when they heard the voice. They both listened intently as Steven questioned why Sarah was there as well. The two of them argued for a few moments and immediately cut off. The arguing was replaced by the sound of feet on the stairs. In an instant Steven, Sarah, and Dale all barged into the room demanding an explanation.


“Katelyn, how could you do this to me,” shouted Dale, obviously still completely unaware that she knew all about his own affair.


“Katelyn, I’m sorry, I tried to stop them,” pleaded Steven, still the gentleman even through all of this.


“My brothers? Both of them? That’s a low blow.” As Sarah said this Katelyn audibly laughed, causing everyone to stop talking. She continued to laugh as she got out of bed, tossing off the blanket to reveal that in fact, John was naked. Dale and Sarah began to shout again, but both Steven and John simply shrugged it off. Katelyn turned towards Dale.


“Weren’t you wondering why your little hookup didn’t respond today, Dale?” Dale frantically searched for his phone and pulled it out, scrolling through the messages. He swore under his breath when he realized what he had done. “Yes, that’s the reaction you should be having.” Dale looked back up at her, the anger gone from his face.


“Honey, we can work through this,” he said. Katelyn laughed and shook her head.


“There is no ‘we,’ Dale. There is only ‘me’ now.” She looked over at Steven and John who were now standing together against the wall, collecting their clothes off the floor. “I take what I want, when I want it. And I want them.” Both of them look up and smile, fist bumping each other.


“You can’t possibly be serious?” Sarah said exasperated. Katelyn walked over to her and gently caressed her face in an almost motherly way.


“How long has it been since you started fucking my husband?” Sarah staggered over her words, clearly flustered. “So, don’t ask me if I’m serious, because I most assuredly am.” Katelyn then turned towards Dale again. “I hope Sarah has a nice apartment because you won’t be staying here tonight. The three of us are going to be using the whole house.”


Dale awkwardly started to back out of the room and took Sarah’s hand as he did so. They turned and quietly walked out of the house as Katelyn watched them out. She closed the door to the room and turned around to face Steven and John who were nearly dressed. Katelyn laughed and started to walk towards them.


“Who told you to get dressed? We still have some things to do.”


A Viking’s Desire


Victor wished that he could live every day like he lived the day he became an adult in the eyes of the kingdom. There were parades and people chanted his name. He drank to his heart’s content and then drank some more. He ate honeyed hams and fruits that he had only seen on that day and since has been trying to find, but to no avail. His father smiled and his mother didn’t ask him to run his facts or do any kind of preparation. He got to finally become the man he wanted to become. And since then, he has learned the benefits and taken advantage of them.


While he may not be able to find the strange fruit that they called “pineapple,” even though it didn’t taste of pine or apple, and from what he could tell had nothing to do with either of those fruits, there were a few benefits that he still got to appreciate every day. Namely, the way that the townsfolk, and the women in the town, treated him. Because his father ruled with an iron fist and had the largest army to date, there was no threat of invasion from the neighboring kingdoms. What that meant for Victor was that he was under no expectation to marry the daughter of another king.


Every woman in his father’s kingdom knew this and thus did everything they could to win the favor of Victor so that they would be chosen as his bride and climb out of poverty into the heights of luxury. This manifest itself in a number of ways and every few days Victor would enter into town to see what kinds of treasures he was able to get from his last name. Usually when he would enter into the lower wards the women would flood to the street and offer him food or drink to come into their homes. He would walk between the houses and wait until something caught his fancy, whether it was the cooking, or the daughters, of the women.


He left nearly every time completely satisfied, with a full stomach and an empty sex drive. He remembers in particular the woman who threw open the windows and showered him with petals as he walked by. It caught him by surprise and upon looking up he saw the well-endowed breasts of twins, their mother actively jostling the two girls to show just how lively they were. Victor had chosen that house and might have chosen one of the girls to take as his wife, but their mother was overbearing and he knew that he must take into account the fact that she would have never made herself scarce.


Victor thought back on that moment frequently when his lessons in the neighboring kingdoms drag on for hours, or worst yet when he is forced to learn about history with the Master. He would think back on how their supple breasts felt in his hands and how their lips worked in tandem across his cock and his own mouth. Both women’s’ hands documenting every crease in his body for closer examination later. He could feel their soft, moist pussies on his tongue and felt them on his cock while he daydreamt. However, he had but a memory, because as he was taught, he could not show particular interest in a single family unless he was serious, as the townsfolk would then shun him if he went back on them for any reason. So, he had kept his distance.


However, as his caravan rode through town this time he was struck by the beauty of a girl who walked down the middle of the path. He could only see the back of her head, but her hair was bright red and caught the light, shining like crystal in the midday sun. She had a shapely figure and her dress tugged and pulled at all the right areas. Victor had noticed that in the High Court women had begun to wear much larger dresses, but found it to be unattractive and preferred when people wore clothes that fit their body. As they approached, Victor ordered his caravan to slow down and he called out to the girl.


“Miss, are you aware that you’re impeding the caravan of Prince Victor.” He said it with a smile and a few other of the passing townspeople stopped to watch as this played out. The woman stopped and tilted her head, but didn’t turn around. She merely responded by shouting back at him over her shoulder.


“I am aware of no such thing, sir. However, I am aware that your men need to bath more, they smell worse than the meat at market.” Victor looked at the two men who were standing guard in front of him. He leaned forward and sniffed them, shocked by just how awful they really did smell. He had never noticed because his caravan had been stocked with lavender and other plants to keep out the smell of the peasants. But it seemed like he should be saving them from his own men.


“I apologize for their lack of hygiene. That type of behavior is usually not acceptable.” The two men hung their heads and sniffed at their arms, shaking their heads to get rid of the smell. “Perhaps you would like the chance to ride in the caravan, so that you may be rid of their horrific smell.” The woman, without turning around, thought for a moment, but continued walking.


“No sir, I would much rather walk. However, thank you for the invitation.” She sped her pace up and ducked away into a side alley that was too small for Victor’s cart. She waved at him as she became smaller and smaller and shouted back at him, “better luck next time, Prince.” The two men turned and looked at him and asked if he wanted them to follow her.


“No, don’t scare her away. She is the most delicate bird I have ever met.” Victor bit his lip and every thought he had ever had about another woman escaped him. “I must have her.”




Victor’s mother came storming into his room, his two guards trailing after her pleading her to stop. As she entered the room she spun around facing the two men and held up her finger to get them to stop their squabbling. They immediately stopped talking and in the shrill voice that she only used when she was truly angry, a voice that Victor had only ever heard used on himself and his father, she began her assault.


“You two scroungy dogs would do well to remember who I am. I am the Queen and that comes with privileges. One of those such privileges is that I do not have to listen to anything that fattened pigs like yourself have to say. I go where I please, do you understand?” The two men stood with their mouths open and looked at Victor for some kind of direction. He merely smiled and shrugged his shoulders. Victor’s mother continued to look at them and followed their eyes to Victor.


“You do not need to ask for permission to understand. Get out of here.” The two men bowed and muttered their apologies under their breath as they made their way out of the room. Victor forced the smile off of his face because he could tell that his mother was incredibly frustrated, but he couldn’t understand why. He hadn’t done anything out of the ordinary for his usual actions. So he waited to see what she had to say.


“Did you have the Spy Master track down a woman from the town, you silly naive boy?” Victor sat up in his bed and stared at her confused. He had done this countless times before trying to find out things about the various women, or their significant others, in the town. Why had this one gotten her so riled up?


“I did, but mother honestly, he hasn’t even told me what he has found out yet. Why are you so angry?” She began to pace the room and closed the door to his room. She then walked across the room and closed the shutters on the window just to be sure that absolutely no one could bother them while they had this discussion. Victor’s mother sat on the edge of the bed as he leaned in. She lowered her voice as she spoke.


“Victor, the Spy Master sent his men but they went missing. It’s why he hasn’t found anything out about her. Who did you send him to find information about?” She stared at him intently, reading his face for any sort of clue, but he honestly had no information. He had only given him the small amount of information he had known. Where he had seen her, the color of her hair and that was it.


“Mother, I don’t know. She was just a girl. She had beautiful hair and she didn’t seem to care much for me, but I needed to know who she was so I could-”


“So you could what, you fool,” his mother snapped at him. “You and your father never think through your actions. You just come up with a dumb decision and act upon it.” She stood up and began pacing the room again. “At least he has a kingdom to show for it, you just had two men killed.” Victor stood up and pulled on his clothes while his mother’s back was turned.


“I understand your frustration, but I can fix this.” She spun around and charged towards him, wagging her finger the whole way.


“You will do no such thing. Do you think that two trained professionals made a mistake? Think about what you would do if you went after them. What are you thinking?” Victor sat back down on the bed and swore under his breath as his mother continued to berate him. She was right, there was nothing he could do. But he could certainly still try.




Night fell early in the winter and he knew that he would need to plan for the cold weather. He usually wore furs, but he knew that there were never any peasants in the town wearing furs so he would need to wear layers rather than that. He searched through his various cabinets of clothing hoping to find something that would work well.


After layering up in dark clothes he reopened the shutters that his mother had closed earlier in the day and locked the door so that no one could get in while he was gone. He didn’t need to worry too much because he knew that no servants would bother him until he first made his way down into the central quarters. They had once wandered into his room while he was still sleeping and nearly caught the business end of a sword for that decision.


Victor made his way back to his window and gracefully made his way out on the ledge where he began his descent down the side of the castle. It was a slow trip because he wanted to make sure that he was silent as well as safe. There would be nothing worse than getting discovered sneaking out of his own room as an adult just to go looking for a woman. That’s something he could never live down.


He made his way into town after the slow descent and as he approached a large square, nearby where he initially saw the woman with the shining hair, he pulled up his hood and waited, doing his best to spot her. He noticed a lot of things while he stood there. For one thing, these people didn’t have much, which surprised him. For the amount of excess his family had, these people had so little. He watched as a few street vendors sold “rat on a stick,” and even the rats seemed underfed.


He watched as children ran together in small packs, as if there were no authority figures in their life. Their faces covered in caked on dirt and their clothes torn. He was shocked to see them split off into different groups and beg amongst the people that stood around and spoke in hushed tones. He even heard these people mocking his family name. In any other circumstance he would have spoken up and defended himself and his family, but he knew that he must stay secret.


About an hour had passed and he was planning his return back to the castle when he heard the children all cheer and run towards an alleyway. He turned and saw the woman he had been seeking. He stood and watched as she pulled out loaves of bread from under her cloak and quickly tore them apart, handing out the different pieces to the children who would scamper off to protect their piece of bread as they ate it.


She sat with a few of the smaller girls and did a few sleight of hand tricks for them as they ate and they laughed together. Victor noticed that every time the girls would look away the woman he pined after would look around sadly at the other people, almost trying to will them into helping in some way, but they all just walked past, unaffected by the sight of these small children who were clearly struggling in ways Victor had never experienced.


So, some time passed and the children all began to regroup and started making their way back to wherever they each called home and the red haired woman stood and began to walk away into a nearby alley. Victor snapped to attention and made his way into the alley after her, doing his best to catch all of the quick, sporadic turns that she was making. He thought he was doing a good job of trailing her until he turned a corner and found himself staring down an empty, dark lane. The last thing he heard was a laugh. Then the world went black.




Victor had woken up in a few interesting situations. There was the time he had woken up tied to a bed surrounded by women, their breasts offered a comfortable alternative to a pillow. It took him awhile but he was able to wriggle his way free that time. He had made sure that they hadn’t tied them too tight so that he would be able to break out if he needed to get out before they woke up.


However, this time whoever had tied him up didn’t use the velvet bands that he was used to, they had used an incredibly rough rope. They also hadn’t left him much room to move around. It was as if they wanted to keep him there and not let him get out. He took a moment and stopped struggling and tried to look around and get an understanding of his surroundings. He slowly turned his head and saw the two men shackled in the corner that he recognized as the two of the spies from the Spy Master.

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