Just One Drink (127 page)

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Authors: Charlotte Sloan

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Short Stories, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Multicultural, #Romantic Comedy, #Contemporary Fiction, #Single Authors, #Lgbt, #Bisexual Romance, #Multicultural & Interracial

BOOK: Just One Drink
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He leaned down and kissed her. It caught her off guard for a moment, but in almost an instant she found herself fully engaged in the kiss as well. His hands had a firm grip of her waist and she felt him pulling her close, she didn’t resist the urge and before she knew it, he was planted against her. Her hands, which were at her side, slowly climbed, gripping his arms as they kissed. She knew that he was dirty, but wanted nothing more than to feel his entire body.


They broke the embrace and she felt the color return to her face as her hands rubbed and massaged at his arms. Throck looked around and once again, searched for words. However, these seemed to be words he never knew that he would need or had never heard another person say. She look into his eyes and knew exactly what he wanted to say. She took his hand and led him back towards her house.


“We can go here.”


Throck followed Mary towards her house, and upon realizing where they were headed he dashed forward and grabbed her, swinging her up into the air. Mary yelped in fear, not knowing what he was going to do, but she gracefully landed in his arms. She immediately relaxed and sat still as Throck carried her the remaining few yards to the house.


He reared back and kicked the door open. She was amazed by his strength because he didn’t even seem to lose stride, even carrying her weight as well as his own. His feet moved deftly through the mud, and she could feel the muscles in his arms tensing and relaxing, like cords of rope. His hands were groping a bit at her side and legs as he walked.


Once inside the home, he set her down gently. Her legs wobbled for a moment, but she knew that he was there to grab her if she needed it. She turned and looked at him. He didn’t have a smile on his face, but he had the same intense stare that she had first seen on him. His eyes seemed to pierce her to her very core. Mary took a step back, but his hand snapped forward. She barely even saw it, it was just a blur.


With his hand he pulled her close once again. The other hand expertly began to unfasten her dress. Mary could feel her breath becoming short and staggered, her chest became flush and she could feel her cheeks becoming beet red. Throck stopped for a moment, and stared at her.


“Are you okay, you look like you’re ill.” Mary blushed even harder and she stammered, trying to formulate words.


“Yes, of course, I’m fine. But this is my,” she paused, feeling new levels of embarrassment that she had never experienced. Throck still stared at her, his face now tense with concern. “First time?” Throck thought for a moment and threw his head back to laugh. Mary pulled away, humiliated. Throck rushed forward and grabbed her, trying to comfort her as he had done before.


“No, no. I did not laugh at you, I am laughing at your language and your culture.” Mary looked horrified.


“I do not think that is a much better thing to laugh at.” Throck continued to laugh, but stopped himself when he saw and read the emotion on her face. He coughed once to stop and took a deep breath before he continued.


“No, Mary the daughter of the town leader. I only mean that you are a beautiful woman. How has nobody taken you as their own yet?” Mary sat back, once again comforted by his touch now knowing that he was merely being sweet in his own way. She had noticed that she too had actually reached out towards him and was holding onto his biceps as they spoke.


“My father was very protective. No one was good enough for his little girl.” Throck nodded with understanding. He began to unfasten her clothing again as he spoke.


“I feel the same way about my own daughter,” he leaned forward and kissed her. Mary didn’t even have time to process the thought before Throck was already lifting her back up, and carrying her towards the bed that was tucked in the back of the house.


Mary was putty in Throck’s hands. His hands flew over her body, untying and unhooking things as they went. Her clothes were scattered throughout the house and by the time they had arrived in her bed chamber, she was naked and riding high on adrenaline. Throck tossed her gently down onto the bed, covered in cloth linens. He stood there, still dressed and admired her as she made her herself comfortable in bed.


She had a head of light red hair that swarmed around her head. Throck looked down and was pleased to see that the same hair was also down below. Small, tight orange curls, welcomed his advance.


He reached down and cupped her face in his hands and kissed her once passionately. Mary could feel the callouses brush against her face, but did not mind. Those callouses were permanent signs of experience, experience that she was looking forward to getting to know firsthand.


Throck stood back up and removed his clothes. The chainmail fell to the ground with a thud and the leather shirt fell along with it. His body was covered in mud and it was caked in sweat, but she also noticed the scars he must have received over years of battle.


He had placed his shield and sword near the door, almost as a sign to the other men that the house was occupied. His trousers fell next and Mary nearly gasped when she saw his cock for the first time.


Throck lowered himself onto the bed, his hands felt the bedding and he shook his head. He clearly didn’t approve of it, but he moved on and began to kiss Mary. Their lips locked and Mary felt his tongue probe and feel around for her own. Within a moment, they fell into a rhythm, their bodies, lips, and tongues in sync. Her back arched and she felt goosebumps crawl across her skin. The stayed like this for a while, just enjoying the embrace.


Next, his hands began their descent. His fingers gently slid down to her breasts. They were large and supple, but perky. What she lacked in experience, her body seemed to make up for. He pinched her nipples and she moaned, a first for her. She felt her head roll back, her eyes lost focus and another wave of goosebumps cascaded over her body.


Throck whispered something into her ear, a phrase not in her own language, but she knew what he was insinuating with his tone. She nodded and felt his hands continue to descend down her body. One hand spent time at her hips, pulling them towards himself and massaging them with his thumbs. But then for the first time, she felt like she heard the voice of the angels as he continued down.


He continued to whisper in her ear, and with completely no understanding of what he was saying, she agreed. His fingers began to gently comb through her pubic hair playfully, and stopped at her clit, where the rough, calloused hands became soft and caring. With two fingertips Throck rubbed it, Mary moaning and grabbing at his back. Her fingernails scratched at his back as he rubbed.


He began to kiss her neck as her head and eyes rolled back in pleasure. His lips lapped at the beads of sweat that were forming on her skin. She was unable to control her body at this point, but it was just the beginning. After a moment, the fingers that once merely were rubbing, now slowly entered inside her.


Mary let out a loud moan and she could feel Throck smiling as he continued to passionately kiss and nibble at her neck. He moved from her neck and began to kiss her again, just as her breath became short and ragged again. The kissing only made it more difficult to focus, but Mary didn’t mind at all.


His fingers slid easily back and forth inside her, by this point her pussy was nearly dripping. With the two fingers he gently rubbed along her G Spot and she felt her body begin to shake uncontrollably. Her legs went from tense to numb so many times she couldn’t keep track. She wanted to scream, but didn’t want to pull away from his lips either.


Throck rose slightly so that he was now fully on top of her. He slowly removed his fingers, her body contorting as he did so, she didn’t want it to be over. He leaned down and began to suck on her breasts, his tongue flicked the erect nipples and she cried out his name. As she did this he lightly bit her. She looked down and saw a smile out of him for the first, but not last time.


With one hand he braced himself above her, with the other he took his now erect dick and slowly took the tip and rubbed it over her clit. Mary didn’t know what to expect next, but was very nearly sent into shock.


The tip stopped and Throck gently began to slide inside of her. She felt as the lips of her pussy spread wider than they ever had, and felt his manhood enter her. Her back arched and she let out a loud moan, shocked by the pleasure. Her hips rose up to meet his and she slowly felt herself losing control.


Throck sat back so he was firmly on his knees and took a hold of her hips and began to thrust further and further inside her. She screamed with each thrust and never wanted it to end. Her thighs gripped him tightly as he continued to thrust. He left one hand on her hip to help guide her where she needed to go, but with his other he reached up and grabbed her tit which formed perfectly in his hand.


With the breast cupped in his hand he used his thumb to playfully tease the nipple. Mary could hardly stand all of the stimulus at once. She felt a strange sensation come over her body that she didn’t know how to handle. Her body shook even harder than before and Throck looked down at her, a smile etched across his face.


Mary came the hardest she would ever cum. Her body convulsed and shook and she tried to pull away from Throck, but he held her even closer. As her body relaxed, he flipped her over onto her stomach and laid on top of her. He slowly inserted himself again, and Mary felt herself let out a moan, so interlaced with pleasure and so guttural she didn’t even believe it was her own voice.


Throck continued to thrust, his hands were now down, groping and grabbing at her small, firm ass. She felt his dick began to throb inside her and she heard his breaths becoming more and more short and airy with each thrust. Soon, the thrusts began to slow and she felt as his body shuddered on top of hers. She felt her body fill with his warmth and he rolled off of her, back into the bed sheets and rolled her over so that they were both staring at the ceiling together.


Mary couldn’t stop herself, but found her eyes slowly closing, her body tired and sweaty. She drifted off to sleep then, her hand reaching out for Throck’s.


Mary woke up not long after to the sound of dishes clinking together and meat tearing. She opened her eyes slowly and as her eyes came into focus, she saw Throck sitting across the room, staring intently at her.


He held a pewter mug in one hand and a plate of assorted foods sat in his naked lap. With his free hand he was picking the food up and eating it. She was transfixed and he washed down the salted meat with a mouthful of wine. He swirled it and swallowed, smiling at her.


She leaned over to get up and saw that he had prepared her a plate as well. Her own cup full of wine sat next to it on the floor beside the bed. He had clearly been busy while she was asleep. Throck stood up and made his way to the bed.


He placed his dishes on the floor beside her own and crawled in beside her. His hands wrapped around her and she sighed. She finally felt safe after everything that had been happening.


Just then, she seemingly remembered who Throck was. She had been so swept up in the emotions and the excitement and did not even think of who, and what, he was. She sprung out of bed and scampered to cover herself in the blanket as she stood up. Throck playfully tore the sheet away, leaving her exposed again. She looked at him in terror as he leaned back and stretched out in the bed, his naked body spreading out.


“You will prefer the skins that I have on my bed.” Mary walked around the room quickly and collected her clothing. It took her a moment to fully register what it was that he said and she remembered him saying something about a daughter as well before everything else. “The skins that we have are much warmer.” He rubbed the sheet on his face and grimaced. “Softer as well.”


“What are you saying?” Mary looked at him doubtful and confused. She frantically tried to get her clothes on, but found herself shaking again and was unable to get them on. Throck stood up, picked up the two cups of wine, and walked across the room towards her.


He held out a cup for her and waited until she tentatively grabbed it. He then held his up to his mouth, but didn’t drink. He waited for her to respond. She lifted her cup and they both drank for a moment without speaking. Throck waited for her shaking to subside.


“You’ll come and live with me.” He took a step back and stared at her body, still exposed. She had never like the attention she received and was normally uncomfortable when men had oogled over her in the past, but not with the way he stared for some reason.  “You’re strong willed and brave. I admire that.” He then pointed at her stomach. “And the gods have blessed me. I believe that you’ll bear me a son.” Mary shook her head still confused and overwhelmed by the whole thing.

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