Just Sex (10 page)

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Authors: Heidi Lynn Anderson

BOOK: Just Sex
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Kat moaned, slid her hand to her pussy and started to rub at the swollen flesh. Her inside muscles clamped down on him hard.

“Fuck yes.” Cold sweat dampened his skin. “Yes, baby.”

She rocketed into oblivion. Kat’s muscles contracted viciously and sent him over the edge.

He flopped on her, his still-hard dick wanting more. Kat wiggled and desire shot right through him. J.J. moved inside her warmth.

A soft moan came from Kat and filled his hazy brain. He pushed up onto his elbows and stared down at her. “You’re amazing. Come for me again.”

“I don’t think I can take any more.”

Her helpless gaze had J.J. growling in triumph. He moved inside her. “Yes, you can.” He positioned himself so he’d hit that special bundle of nerves inside and began to rock.

“I can’t. God, please. Oh J.J.” Fluid streamed out of Kat’s pussy. “Oh my God! What just happened?”

Satisfaction filled his soul. “You came.”

“That has never happened to me before. Are you sure I didn’t pee?” she said and sobbed into his neck.

He ran his hand down to her sex and rubbed his finger over her pussy. J.J. brought his hand up to her. “Smell this.”

Kat’s face scrunched in disgust. “No.”

“Come on.” He kissed her.

She sniffed. “It smells like cloves.”

“That’s not pee. That’s girl cum.”

Kat’s muscles contracted and pushed his soft cock out of her pussy.

He rolled off the bed and bent to pick up his jockeys. “Are you hungry or thirsty?”


“I’ll get the food and some wine.” He gave her a quick kiss. “Stay there, don’t move a muscle.” He hurried into the adjoining bathroom to dispose of the condom.

“I don’t think I could move even if I wanted to. I have never felt this good,” she called after him.

He walked out of the bathroom. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For experiencing,” he said, motioning to the wet spot on the rumpled bed, “that with me.”

She yawned. “I’m sure you’ve made other women have cum.”

“Yes, but it was never more important than my pleasure. For the first time in my life, your pleasure was my pleasure.”

“I want to do it all over again.” Kat leaned on her elbow. “But first I need to eat.”

J.J. left in search of the food and wine. He strolled back into the bedroom with a bottle of red and the bag of Chinese food. “I hope you can use chopsticks and you don’t mind drinking from the bottle. I didn’t have an extra hand to carry glasses, but I could go back if you like.”

“We’ll make do.” She shifted and tugged the sheet over herself.

Fire shot through him. He wanted to kill the person who stole this wonderful woman’s confidence. He would make it his mission in life to convince Kat of her sexiness. J.J. set the food and wine on the antique dresser and yanked the sheets off her. “I want to see your hot body.”

Chapter Ten


Warm male heat seeped into Kat’s back and a strong, heavy leg wrapped around hers. The kind of heat that makes a girl feel safe and loved. Was she dreaming? Her eyes fluttered open against the morning light. The smell of Chinese food and passion lingered in the air.

Memories of the night before flowed into her mind. She didn’t think she ever made love five times in one night before. J.J. was like that bunny on those commercials. He kept going and going and going. Kat attempted to unwrap herself from his embrace, and realized she burned in places she hadn’t known existed.

J.J. stirred, his dick stiffening against her back. She smiled and tried to wiggle out from under his arms. He pulled her to him. “Where are you going?”

“To use the bathroom.” Kat cleared the embarrassment from her voice. She hadn’t had to deal with the morning after in over a decade. “I need to take a shower.” She also had to pee, but he didn’t need to know that.

“I love the way you smell right now.” He nuzzled her neck and sniffed. “You smell like hot woman and me.”

“I have to go to the bathroom.”

He snaked his arm around her waist. “Do you need any help?”

Kat pushed his arm off her bladder and sat up. She searched the floor for her robe. “I’ve been doing it by myself for a long time.”

“You’ve been doing a lot of things by yourself for a long time. Now I want to help.”

She shrugged into her robe and sashayed into the bathroom. Kat turned on the shower and stepped into the hot spray. Water eased her sore muscles. She leaned against the marble wall and sighed. The sound of someone using the toilet shot Kat from her haze. She poked her head out of the shower. “What are you doing?”

“I had to go to the bathroom.” J.J. shrugged and leaned against the vanity.

Kat ducked her head back into the steam. “I can’t believe you just did that.”

He pushed the fog-covered glass door open. She jumped and almost slipped. His hand shot out, steadied her and then he stepped in.

“What are you doing in here?” She tried to cover herself to no avail.

“I need to take a shower too and I figured we could save some water.” He took the loofah and started to wash her back.

“Oh.” She arched like a cat into his touch. “That feels so good.”

He ran his hands and the loofah around her middle and started to massage. She leaned into him and his cock pressed against her backside.

J.J. ran his hand down to her soft core and began to rub. He found her clit and squeezed it, just a little. She jumped and rotated her hips into his throbbing cock. Kat lost herself to the sensation.

Water from the shower sprayed over their hot bodies. “J.J., I’m sore in places I didn’t know I had.”

His lips brushed against her ear. “I’ll be gentle.”

All the soreness evaporated from her. He continued to massage her clitoris, her inner muscles contracting. “I’m close.”

His hand stilled. He nipped at her ear. “Hold that thought.” J.J. jumped out of the shower, grabbed a condom from the vanity and ripped it open with his teeth. He rolled it on his stiff erection, stepped back into the shower and tugged Kat into a fast kiss.

He turned her to face the open shower door. He put her hands in front of her thighs. “Can you see us in the mirror?”

Kat’s heart pounded in her ears. “Yes.”

“Put your hands on your knees.” He ran his hand over her body, sending shivers through her, then he moved her hips back. She bent in the middle.

J.J. found her sensitive nipples. She arched into his touch and he entered her from behind. Kat’s body stretched from his intrusion and filled with ecstasy. “Oh J.J., I love the way you feel inside me.” When they were joined like this, Kat felt as if all was right in her world.

“I want you to watch us in the mirror,” J.J. grunted.

Her eyes locked onto his reflection and love filled her. He looked so consumed by pleasure, her body couldn’t help but respond to him. She rocked her hips with him. Tension built and coiled inside her. Rapture hit fast and furious. She shuddered and sent J.J. over the edge.

“Wow.” He leaned against the tile.

A satisfied breath wheezed past her lips. “I think you’re trying to kill me.”

He helped her straighten and filled his palms with soap. “I’ll wash your back.”

“The water is getting cold.” She poured soap in her hand. “Your turn.”

He removed the hand-held showerhead and rinsed them both. Then he turned off the water and stepped out to grab her robe. “This fuzzy thing turns me on,” he said.

“Thank you.” She grasped his outstretched hand and let him help her out of the shower.

A predatory smile crossed his face. “Any time.” J.J. slid the robe up her arms and his hand palmed her breast.

She held in a moan of delight and cupped his hand. “Back off. I’m even more sore in places I didn’t know I had,” she teased.

He spun her so fast Kat thought she might be sick. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed a soft kiss on his lips. “Thank you for giving me a part of myself back. I will never forget it.”

His arms held her in a tight hug. She sighed and pulled away. “We need to talk about some things.”

The smile on his lips didn’t quite reach his eyes “I’m hungry, let’s see what you have to eat.” He grabbed her hand and led her to the kitchen.


J.J. sat at the breakfast bar and watched as Kat busied herself at the stove. Unease clawed at his gut. The time had come for her to tell him he wasn’t her type. He waited for the ax to come down.

He watched Kat take a deep breath before she spoke. “My father wants me to take over the mill.” She couldn’t meet his eyes. “After school lets out, Sam and I are going to move to Maine.”

His heart fell to his toes. “Why?”

“For a few reasons.” Sadness filled her voice. “If the mill is to be Sam’s legacy, I need to make it be the best I can for him. The mill has not been doing well for some time and I want to pump new life into it. Last, but certainly not least, I am moving for you.”

He wanted to grab her and shake her. “Kat, what are you talking about?”

She set down her spatula and grabbed J.J.’s hand. Kat stared into his eyes. Her moist palm trembled. “I see how you look at me when I’m with Sam.” Tears filled her eyes. “I want you to have a family of your own.”

His heart tore in two. He’d already told her what he wanted. Maybe if he said it again, she would understand. “I want you.”

“I know, but like I told you before, I don’t want you to wake up in five or ten years and regret anything we had.”

In J.J.’s heart, he knew she was right at some level. “I love you, Kat.”

“I love you too,” she said.

He sat back in his stool and forced a smile. “I’ve never felt like this before. You turn me on like no one else.”

She intertwined her fingers in his. “I love that you are so turned-on by me. Thank you for giving me that.” Tears springing to her eyes, she stood and walked to the stove.

“You need to stop thanking me.”

Kat scooped the pancakes onto his plate and sat with her tea.

J.J. took a bite. The fluffy cakes landed like lead in his stomach. “These are good.” He speared some for her and put the fork to her mouth. “You need to keep up your strength. I have plans for you.”

He bent in for a kiss, wrapped his arms around Kat’s waist and lifted her off the stool.

She let out a delightful screech. “What are you doing? Put me down.”

J.J. carried her to the kitchen table. He had to prove to her that she needed to stay. He laid her down on the glass. Kat’s cell phone rang.

Impatience ran over him. “Let it ring.” He slid his hand up her inner thigh.

“I have to answer it.”

“No you don’t.” He slid his finger into her and pressed his palm against her, the way she liked it.

“Yes I do. What if it’s Sam?”

“Shit.” He gazed around the kitchen and said in defeat, “Where’s the phone?”

Kat turned her head to the chair. “In my purse.”

He reached for her purse, grabbed the phone and handed it to her.


“Hello,” she sighed into her cell. He held her hips while he played with her pussy.

“Hi.” Patty’s singsong happy voice resonated through the phone. “Did I interrupt something?”

He moved his finger in and out of her in a delightful way.

She bit her bottom lip to keep from moaning. “Yes.”

“You’ll have to tell me all about it.”

He licked her neck. She couldn’t keep from moving under him. “You should spend the day with your hunk of a husband.” Kat tried to wiggle away from his delightful attention.

“He has to go into the office and do some paperwork.”

J.J.’s cell phone rang in the bedroom. Relief poured over her. He nipped her neck and went to go answer it.

“I want to go out with you today and hear all about your night,” Patty said.

Kat’s hormones leveled off and her heart steadied to a normal pace. “Okay. I’ll meet you at two o’clock. I’ll come and pick you up.”

“I can’t wait, love you,” Patty said on a sigh.

“I love you too, Patty Cakes. I’ll see you later.”

She watched J.J. walk out of the bedroom with his phone to his ear. “I’ll be there.” His gaze moving over Kat, he made an obscene gesture that turned her insides into mush and hung up the phone. “Now where were we?” he asked.

She sent him her most sexy smile. “I think we were here.” Kat slid her hands down his boxer briefs and reveled at the sounds of need rumbling in his throat. “Who was that on the phone?”

J.J. pulled open her robe. “Ron.” She felt his gaze like a caress. “He wants to meet with me at two thirty,” he said as he ran a hand over her left breast.

“What about?” She inhaled and bit back a need-filled whimper.

“I don’t know.” He plucked her taut nipple with his lips.

All thought soared out of Kat’s brain. She removed his underwear and took his hard cock into her mouth. The taste of him made her whimper with lust.

He filled his hands with Kat’s hair and arched into her. She sucked and licked his throbbing penis the way she’d learned he liked it. Kat ran her tongue down the large vein on the underside of his pulsing cock.

“You’re going to kill me,” he moaned.

Joy filled her. “Payback,” she said around his cock.

He removed himself from her mouth. She grabbed for him. “No, I want to taste you.”

He leaned her back onto the table. “Later.” J.J. flung her legs onto his shoulders and delved his tongue into her. She arched into him. Every emotion she had felt in her life seemed to collide with each other in the place where his mouth feasted. His tongue soothed all the hurts and ignited all the joys. Kat came with such force she thought she would drown him.

He scooped Kat up as if she weighed nothing. She tried to wiggle out of his arms. “Put me down.”

“No.” J.J. made his way to the family room and laid her on the overstuffed leather sofa. He ambled to the bedroom and returned with a condom. J.J. rolled it on, thrusted into her throbbing pussy and relieved the ache in her soul. Renewed energy pulsed through her and her inner muscles milked his cock. She felt J.J.’s release and jumped over the edge with him.

“I need to get ready to meet Patty.” Kat slid from under him.

“And I need to go home and get ready for my meeting.”

The look of male satisfaction in his eyes had Kat’s self-esteem ratcheting up a few notches. “When you’re done, you can come back and we may be able to do this again.” She wrung her hands.

Kat decided to take a step out on a ledge and let him in her world a little more. “I don’t mind if you leave some of your things here.”

“I’ll do that.” J.J. smiled down at her. “I’ll make sure everything is out when Sam comes home.” J.J. slid on his boxer briefs and walked into the bedroom. “I want to take you to dinner tonight,” he called to her, and pulled on his pants and shirt.

She followed him down the hall. “If we go out, the whole town will be abuzz.”

“Does that bother you?” He sat on the bed and pulled on his shoes.

Kat sighed and settled next to him. “Well, not really, but it may make things difficult for you.”

“Let me deal with all the assholes. I want to take my very sexy girlfriend out on the town.”

Girlfriend, did he just call me his girlfriend?
She kissed him softly on the cheek. “I would be honored to go to dinner with you.”

* * * * *


Kat beeped her horn in front of Patty’s house at two o’clock. Patty ran out the front door. She whipped open the passenger side door. “Hi, Sexy, how are you?”

“Fine, and you?”

“I want fried chicken and mac and cheese,” Patty exclaimed.

“I don’t know how you stay so skinny.”

Patty buckled her seat belt. “Lots of sex.”

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